American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 152 The nun’s first charity

Church of Pluto.

The weather today is pretty good.

I had just sent away an old believer who was perhaps older and had been holding his hand with nostalgia and looking at him with sentimental eyes.

Yorks subconsciously looked up at the cloudless blue sky, feeling a little bit in his heart.

"There are many different things in the world."

After taking a look at Robert who was still working outside, struggling to clean up fallen leaves, and greeting the departing old believers, Yorks turned and walked into the church.

Due to today's good weather, the church is brighter and warmer than before, and the atmosphere has become more comfortable. Combined with the traces of time, the church has a quiet feeling of time.

While walking, York's eyes moved to the right.

In his eyes, the little nun who had always been wearing white novitiate robes had now changed into black formal monastic clothes.

Although her face is childish, she can exude the aura of a clergyman and a gentle temperament.

After glancing at the old believer who was talking to her with a smile on her face, Yorks knew that the other party's question had been answered perfectly by the little nun.

"The integration process is quite fast. He really has the talent to be a clergyman."

Yorks recalled the dull look on the little nun's face because of him walking in from outside this morning. He couldn't help but smile and sneaked into the small room next to him.

While there was nothing to do, he chose to continue making a new batch of holy water and double-buffed holy bullets.

Stay on track to accumulate adequate supplies.

After all, his spirit and magic power will recover a little bit every minute, plus the vitality that his health brings to him.

Suitable for him to involute himself...

However, this can only last for a while.

As a priest, as long as he is in the church, he will always be approached by believers.

Even if Pluto Church has Sister Irene, a deacon, he, as a priest, still cannot escape the option of being a listener.

Believers come to church for nothing more than these purposes.

①Religious worship, participating in religious ceremonies, services or masses. They hope to establish contact with God and express piety and respect through praying, singing hymns, listening to sermons and participating in the Holy Communion.

② Looking for comfort and solace or looking for spiritual guidance, this is why he cannot escape the option of being a listener, because this is one of the priest's responsibilities, to listen to the believers' words and stabilize his faith in God.

Of course, in addition to the above two points, believers also come to church for other reasons.

After all, a church is a place where believers gather together to form a community, a community of several communities, and many of the close relationships between believers are established in the church.

They will share each other's joys and sorrows, pay attention to each other's lives and needs, contribute and serve the community together, study the Bible together, participate in other faith growth activities, share insights and encourage each other.

At the same time, some believers go to the church because they are concerned about social justice and charity. They hope to provide help and support to disadvantaged groups, poor people, refugees, etc. through church organizations and initiatives to practice Christian love and care.

This is why in this parallel world the church's sphere of influence can cover the whole world, and why many believers come to Pluto Church every day.

"May God be with you."


Yorks walked out of the study room with a Bible in hand, walked directly to his usual seat, and sat down.

That's why he didn't bother to do rituals like mass or clean up.

"There are too many things to do..."

Yorks groaned inwardly, put the Bible on his knees, and waited for Erin to arrive.

The real-time three-dimensional picture in his mind was always changing. At some point, he seemed to have a God's perspective, watching the entire Pluto Church and everything going on.

At this time, he didn't even need to look back to know what Eileen was talking to a few believers behind him. Then he glanced at him secretly. He seemed to be hesitant in his movements, but he still walked slowly and hesitantly. Come over.

There was a glint of praise in Yorks eyes.


Hearing the cry, Yorks pretended not to know, turned back to look at Erin standing on the aisle, and smiled gently.

"Well, Erin? What can I do with you?"

As he said that, looking at her red-white face and staring into her eyes, Yorks added another sentence.

"If you feel tired, you can go and rest first. After all, you have just arrived, so you have to adapt."

A warm current surged through Erin's heart, and she folded her hands and shook her head.

"Father, I'm not tired, I just want to..."

Yorks raised his eyebrows, waiting for the little nun's next words.

“Can I organize a charity event in the name of Pluto Church?

Many believers have accumulated a lot of clothes that they don’t wear, and we decided to collect them and give them to people in need..."

Speaking of this, Irene carefully looked at the priest's smile, but unexpectedly she only saw a smile of praise.

"This is a good thing, why can't you?" Yorkshire smiled.

"Irene, don't forget, you are the deacon nun of Pluto Church."

A look of recognition appeared on Eileen's face, and she bowed her head slightly.

"Thank you, Father!"

Yorks noticed this and looked back at the old believers who had gathered there with smiling faces.

This silly girl probably doesn’t know that the important thing here is not to get his approval, but to get the approval of the local believers. When we can organize an event together and participate in an event together, she has already achieved one of the more important points of the clergy. That is to accumulate social resources.

Thinking of this, Yorks looked at Eileen and smiled gently.

"Go, kid, they're waiting for you. It's good that I'm here in the church."

Of course, Yorks did not forget to remind him that those who send clothes must always be in poor areas, and in the United States of America, poverty means dirty and messy, and the public security will not be very good.

"You can ask Robert to come with you to help. Pay attention to safety."

A smile appeared on Erin's face, her tone was relaxed, and she began to show the vitality she should have at her age.

"Okay! Father!"

After saying that, she bowed her head to the priest again, then turned around and walked quickly towards the old believers who were welcoming her, her steps were unusually brisk.

"Haha, these people may secretly set up a chat group behind my back again..."

Yorks curled up the corner of his mouth, put his right hand on the Bible, and closed his eyes facing the statue of Jesus.

Not long after, when he opened his eyes, a rich old believer walked up to him and sat down next to him.

"Hello, Father York, I haven't seen you for a few days. Where have you been?"

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