Chapter 154 Liz Murray

Funeral rites in Western countries are basically religious funeral rites, which means that religion is really implemented in the believer's life.

In it, the priest not only performs rituals, but also provides spiritual support, comfort, encouragement and comfort. He also plays a very important role, praying, reciting scriptures, and conveying God's comfort and hope.

For families of faith, the presence of a priest can bring reassurance and confidence.


“This separation is a painful experience for us, but we must also remember that this is not the end, but the beginning of another journey for the deceased.

The death of the deceased is part of the cycle of life, and his/her soul will continue to exist and will always exist in our inspiration.”

In front of a large new cemetery, everyone was sad as Yorkist read the eulogy, especially as the experiencers and the last survivors, Bridget and her sister Kathy had already burst into tears.

In the middle of the two was their father Eugene. He and some relatives of the deceased, including Jeffrey, Baker and other police officers, looked at the priest and the new tomb in front of him with silent expressions.

The atmosphere of a funeral is always heartbreaking.

“Let us pray together that God will grant peace and comfort in the souls of the deceased, and that the family and friends of the deceased may find solace and strength in this difficult time.

Finally, let us remember the lives of the deceased together, cherish each other's care and companionship, and continue to move forward with hope and courage. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace forever in heaven."

Looking at the newly built tomb, Yorks crossed himself on his chest with a heavy expression.


Everyone closed their eyes behind him and lowered their heads for the final farewell.

after a while.

The funeral is over and those who should leave have already left.

"Thank you, Father, I know it was you who saved the two children Bridget." Only a middle-aged man with a tired face came over to express his sincere thanks.

"They are my last treasure."

Yorkshire didn't take it seriously and just looked at Bridget and Casey standing in the distance, "You're welcome. If possible, I just hope you can fulfill the duties of a father well."

Eugene also looked at his two daughters and said seriously.

"I will, Father."

Yorks nodded, "God will remember your words."

The middle-aged man also nodded and strode away. Under York's gaze, he pulled Bridget and Casey away slowly, taking three steps and looking back.


After watching the father and daughter who had begun to depend on each other disappear before his eyes, York turned around and looked at the newly built cemetery. He stood quietly against the blowing wind for a long time and finally sighed.

"Actually, that's not my purpose."

Just now, he got the final reward from the dead.

[Blessings from all the Reed Apartment Building]

[Blessing feedback: +2 attribute points]

This surprised him, and he also had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

Often in things like this, when he has no purpose and really wants the deceased to rest in peace, he will always be rewarded.

And when you have a purpose, you often get nothing.

Looking up at the virtual window in front of him, Yorks continued to add the two attribute points he had just obtained to his all-round physique.

[Add points successfully]

[All-round physical fitness increased from 75 to 77]

"There are still 24 points left to break the 100 mark..."

Yorkist felt the feeling that was instantly reflected back into his body after adding some points. He held the Bible and glanced around the new cemeteries one after another, then turned and left.

Before he could take a few steps, a very thin girl carrying a withered backpack, an ill-fitting hoodie and jeans walked towards him from the road with an expressionless face and her hands in her pockets. .

Yorks stopped and gave way, and the other party nodded politely across from him, and walked inside without waiting for his response, with a calm and silent expression.

But I don’t know why, even though they just passed each other, Yorks could feel the despair and struggle hidden deep in that cold and calm expression.

Recalling the information I discovered at first glance: the washed hoodie with no logo and dry wrinkles, coupled with the jeans that had turned gray at the knees and were full of traces of clay, and the dirty shoes under their feet,

Yorks looked back subconsciously.

In the field of vision, the child was standing in front of a grave pit that had not yet been filled with soil, staring blankly at a coffin in the pit.

York's brows furrowed as he watched her suddenly climb down into the grave pit, lie on her side on the coffin, and hug her legs.

In this empty cemetery with only the cold wind blowing, the child wandered like a helpless, pitiful and helpless stray kitten licking its own wounds.

It makes people feel compassionate.

Seeing this, Yorks suddenly remembered what Jeffrey had told him about the situation in this cemetery.

In his words, Nass Cemetery is a cemetery that does not charge admission, so this large cemetery has always been the best place for poor families to bury their relatives.

Because of poverty and lack of money, many of the deceased buried here did not have a more formal funeral. There was no priest and no eulogy. They were just casually dug a hole and buried on the spot.

And because of this, there were too many single tenants who died in the Reed Apartment Building and there were no family relationships or people to claim them. In the end, the official organization had no choice but to arrange their resting places here.

Yorks remained silent and looked over.

Combining the known information, I'm afraid the other party is in this pitiful situation again.

There is a high probability that the person in the coffin is her last relative.

Thinking of this, Yorks walked over slowly.

Now that he had encountered it, he still couldn't bear to see this kind of scene, and he couldn't ignore it.

Finally, they stopped in front of this new cemetery with nothing but a pit and a coffin. At this time, an excavator drove up in the distance and roared. Yorks held the Bible and glanced over there.

Maybe it was the sound of the excavator that attracted the child's attention, but she just raised her head and glanced at it. Even though there was a priest standing on top, she still continued to lie on the coffin without saying a word, just holding her feet with her hands. Slowly let go and lie face down on the coffin.

After taking a look at the excavator that was getting closer and closer, possibly coming to start burying the pit, Yorkshire said gently.

"Child, what is your name?"

The seemingly indifferent girl lay on the upper body of the coffin and raised her head forward. She stared at the burly priest for several seconds, and finally answered obediently.

"Lise Murray."

The sound was very quiet, but Yorkshire still heard it.


The excavator also came to the side at this time.

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