American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 310 Harley Quinn attacks Allen at night

"What is this?"

Barbara touched the edge of the metal box. It was so tight that it was impossible to find a mechanism to open it.

"It contains my Saint's equipment, but it is very dangerous and needs to be opened with my special technique."

Allen looked serious, with afterimages on his hands and fingers, he didn't look serious at all.


Barbara remembered that the other party had stolen a Batsuit from Master in Gotham and altered it beyond recognition. It was really hard to imagine what kind of equipment was contained in the metal box.

It's basically certain that it can't be like a normal weapon of a superhero.

"Would you like something to eat?"

Barbara took off her dress, flipped up her golden brown hair, and swayed in front of Alan wearing conservative underwear without any scruples.

"Are there any poached eggs with sugar centers that are not very juicy?"

"no problem."

Barbara turned and went into the kitchen to get busy.

But Allen didn't pay too much attention to her, and there was no unreasonable thought in his eyes.

After all, Barbara's father is Gordon, and he is also Aba's favorite disciple, so he can't do anything no matter what.

Instead, Allen was more interested in Batgirl's suit.

Touching the rubber suit, many questions came to mind.

"Barbara, your suit is not breathable. Will it smell sour?"

You can imagine that if you take out the raincoat that has not been dried and put it on again, there will be a strange smell that will not go away. The gelcoat that fits the body cannot evacuate sweat, so the smell will be even greater.

"I soak it every day. It is a quick-drying material that does not absorb water and is very convenient." Barbara did not forget to explain.

Allen opened the sleeves of the suit and saw the smooth glue layer inside, and asked: "Do you need to apply lubricant before wearing it? It will get stuck easily if it fits the skin."

"I use talcum powder."

The design is close to the skin, and friction causes it to get stuck. It is not easy to put on and even harder to take off, unless lubricant and talcum powder are used to reduce friction and resistance.

Why doesn't Allen like to wear funny suits now? It's just because it's troublesome to wear. Maybe Bruce Kun is not as good as others. It gets stuck in the crotch every time and needs to be washed when taken off, so he doesn't wear it unless necessary.

For the time being, the identity of Funny Bat will be sealed.

Allen came closer and asked, "Last question, will there be a bulge?"


Barbara showed a hint of embarrassment. She did indeed encounter such questions sometimes, but she still answered truthfully: "There is a zipper in the crotch, which is very convenient when relieving yourself."

"It's really very humane."

Allen nodded slightly and turned back to design the zipper for the funny suit.

Early in the morning.

Barbara has to go to work, and she has a combat uniform in her bag.

After telling him that there was food in the refrigerator, he went out to catch his commute.

Lying on the sofa, Allen enjoyed the time being taken care of.

"Sure enough, eating soft food is the most shameful thing."

The mouth is condemning, but the body is honest.

Just turn on the TV and watch the news.

In broad daylight, superheroes need to go to work, and at night they can eliminate evildoers.

Spider-Man has to go to class during the day, and Lawyer Ma puts on an egg suit and transforms into Daredevil at night.

Why is it an egg suit? It’s all because there are two DD letters on the chest.

In short, most heroes live like ordinary people during the day.

"The latest report from our station is that while the Avengers were stopping the Ten Commandments gang in Kernia yesterday, hundreds of innocent civilians were accidentally injured, and more than 30 of them died due to ineffective rescue efforts, arousing strong condemnation from people from all walks of life."

"Human rights organizations express their strong disapproval of Batman's violent methods of suppressing criminals and hope that gentle and reasonable procedures will be adopted to achieve justice."

"The speaker of Congress announced that Superhero Bill No. 132 will be put to a vote, hoping to restrict the abilities of superheroes through official real-name authentication, so as to bear the corresponding losses."


Each piece of news gave Allen a hint of conspiracy.

"The official is seeking death again."

Judging from the news surrounding superheroes and the public opinion offensive, it can be guessed that America still refuses to give up the idea of ​​controlling superheroes.

In particular, Zhenglian and Fulian are the first to bear the brunt.

The Avengers incident that resulted in hundreds of casualties was a good entry point for the attack.

Batman has always been criticized as a character who ruthlessly beats criminals, simply using the rhetoric of justice to vent his violent tendencies.

Many TV stations are keen to invite experts to analyze the topic of whether Batman is mentally ill to create topics and earn ratings.

I flipped through a lot of channels and it was either boring soap operas or superhero news.

"It's boring to eat soft food."

Turning off the TV, Allen stared at the ceiling in boredom, and suddenly felt that it was not as interesting as Arkham Asylum, at least it had a lot of talented people, and the words were nice.

As for the superhero bill, it is purely for fun.

If it can really be implemented, why bother with long-lasting reports?

On an ocean freighter.

There are boxes filled with soil in the warehouse.

The vampires collectively evacuated their nest and fled directly to America.

The sudden sneak attack by the Blood Church caused heavy losses to the blood clan. More than half of the pure-blood princes were killed in the battle, and more than 90% of the pure-blood nobles were reduced.

Currently, there are only a few hundred vampires left to follow and guard Lilith.

"Your Majesty, why do you have to go to America?"

The surviving pure-blood prince did not understand Lilith's intentions.

Nowadays, it is right to hide in the world, restore the number of vampires, secretly investigate the source of the Blood Church, and wait for opportunities to take revenge.

"You won't understand what a terrifying being is hidden in that land."

Lilith recalled the last time she was in New York and saw an angel descending to the world, which reawakened long-hidden memories.

So, she had a bold idea.

Using the vampires as bait, he guided the Blood Church to America. In the end, the two powers fought, and he reaped the benefits.

Of course, Lilith has another consideration, to regain the missing part of herself.

Due to the lack of a part of his body, his strength has been greatly reduced, and he has never been able to return to his peak state.

Night falls.

A figure sneaked into the apartment through the window.

"Why don't you turn on the lights at night?"

Harley Quinn looked around the dark room and quickly determined the location of the light switch.


Bright light fills the house.

"Where are the people?"

Harley looked for Allen suspiciously.

Suddenly I felt something hard pressing against my back, and a warning sounded in my ears: "Put your hands up."

"Ellen, I have something to ask you."

Before he finished speaking, Harley swung a baseball bat and attacked.

It's a pity that it hit the air.

She helplessly saw Allen holding the clothes drying pole against her from a distance, with a mean expression on his face, as if everything was expected.

Allen said proudly: "Crazy bitch, I knew you could play sneak attack. I have watched the men from Task Force


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