American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 311 The rescue of the Birds of Prey team is in progress

"It is going to rain."

Allen looked up at the night sky, and a drop of rain fell on his cheek.

He and Harley Quinn are heading to the gang-infested neighborhood to rescue Barbara and others.

The thing is simple to say. Barbara and Poison Ivy had an accident, and the rest of the Birds of Prey team rushed to the rescue. As a result, all contact was lost without exception.

Harley saw that the situation was not good and thought that one person might not be able to save the others, so she remembered that Allen was the Funny Bat.

The Funny Bat is not very popular in the eyes of the public, but among superheroes and super villains, he is a character that cannot be easily provoked.

"What should we do?"

Harry said casually: "Why don't you take a taxi?"


Allen raised his hand to stop the extravagant behavior. He was mainly penniless and had sworn not to take a taxi again.

"What are you doing?"

Watching Allen put down the metal box, Harley couldn't help but stepped forward curiously.

Silently, Allen unlocked the box with his fingerprint, found two transparent raincoats, and said kindly: "Put them on so they don't get wet."


Harley took the raincoat and put it on.

During the whole process, Allen watched intently and was not in a hurry to put on his raincoat.


A cry of surprise.

Harry subconsciously covered the three-point pose and asked angrily, "Why is your raincoat see-through?"

"It was originally a see-through raincoat, but only one layer of the outer layer showed through."

After that, Allen put on his raincoat seriously, and then he saw from the outside that there was only one pair of pants left, and even his chest had a mosaic function to prevent exposure.

How could a qualified psychopath create serious equipment?



Harley looked at Allen sitting cross-legged on the metal box. It was difficult to understand how it had anything to do with the car. At least four wheels were turned on and he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"Sit back and hold me."

Allen couldn't wait to take a picture of the empty space behind him.


Take a deep breath.

Harley decided to believe it again. If he was really being tricked, he would not hesitate to rescue his teammates alone.

"Are you seated?"

"Sit down."

After receiving a positive response, Allen said solemnly: "Turn on the flying magic carpet mode."


High-temperature flames are sprayed out from four directions at the bottom of the metal box, and there are two thrusters at the back that control the direction.

Harley looked at the high-temperature flames in shock and asked in disbelief: "Can you really fly?"

"Flying is just one of many inconspicuous functions."

Allen did not forget to introduce: "The thruster was removed from the Mark mecha. The whole thing is made of the same alloy as the Mark mecha. Without showing off, there is an energy reactor inside."

Mark Mecha!

Iron Man's technology?

"You and Tony have such a good relationship?" Harley couldn't help but ask.

Iron Man is one of the few heroes whose identity has been made public, and he has a business empire worth hundreds of billions. He is a super capitalist who requires capital and a background. To actually be related to mental illness is really out of the ordinary.

"I call him my eldest nephew, what do you think it has to do with it?"

Uncle-nephew relationship.

Even more unscientific.

Harley felt that this man was simply sick, and he probably wanted to steal Iron Man's equipment.

Having said that, Harley's former mistress, the Joker, seemed to be his subordinate. Strictly speaking, the two parties should be considered enemies, but it was too uncomfortable to work together.

I think back then, clown Arthur resolutely betrayed himself and ended up in jail and joined the suicide squad. He went through many life and death missions and was released on bail. However, he had to be ready for recruitment at all times. He hated Arthur so much that he couldn't be interested in men anymore. , so he joined the Birds of Prey again.

"Beast Squad, attack!"

"It's Birds of Prey!"

As soon as the metal box accelerated, the air flow blew both of Harley's braids sideways and vertically.

In a special cell.

Batgirl Barbara, Poison Ivy Pamela, Black Canary Dinah, and Huntress Helena fell into the hands of the enemy.

Among them, Dinah has been unconscious, and was injected with a special potion that caused her to fall into a deep sleep. This should be to prevent Black Canary's sonic ability.

Their relationship is very delicate, Pamela likes Barbara, and Helena and Nightwing had a relationship.

In short, it was very awkward to be together.

"I hope Harry won't come alone." Helena said worriedly.

The four of them possess special skills, but they are still reduced to prisoners. It is difficult not to worry about Harley Quinn, who has always been brainless and violent.

"Maybe I can ask Allen for help." Barbara hoped.

Pamela said with a grudge: "Speaking of which, why are you mixed with mental illness?"

The first thing she did when she was discharged from the hospital was to leave, hoping to stay away from Gotham and never run into Allen again.

Unfortunately, fate really likes to make jokes.

"Batman gave me information about him. Seeing that he was alone, I took him in for a while." Barbara said bluntly.

Since the founding of the Bat-Family, Batman has sent member messages to his disciples scattered around the world to avoid unnecessary conflicts when they meet.

In particular, Allen's information is particularly marked with psychopathic characteristics.

"He is lonely..."

As if to untie her knot, Pamela cast a worried look: "I think you've been fooled."

"I don't think it's just pretending."

Perhaps it was a preconceived notion, but Barbara always believed she was right.

Good words can't persuade the devil to die.

Pamela glanced at Barbara's chest and felt that she was right to be big-breasted and brainless. Moreover, when maternal love was overflowing, no words could be heard.

Suddenly, the cell door opened.

Several strong men, fully armed and whose equipment was more luxurious than that of a special operations team, poured in.

The four women were then shackled and led out of the cell.

There are no markings on the enemy, and it is impossible to identify what force they belong to, but they can feel that these people are surprisingly powerful.

Not long after, he was brought to a bald old man.

His sparse hair was combed meticulously, and he wore a white coat, looking like a scientific research expert.

"Who are you?" Barbara asked angrily.

It was obvious that they were not arrested by the same group.

In the evening, Pamela approached Barbara and tried to restore the relationship. By chance, she met someone asking for help, so she took action without thinking.

However, in the enemy's trap, the victim is suddenly sprayed with hallucinogens.

However, Pamela is immune to neurotoxins, so she cannot leave Barbara alone, so she can only send positioning coordinates and request support from her teammates.

As a result, they were killed one by one.

First Black Canary, then Huntress, Harley Quinn, the only one who survived, was not present.

"No comment."

The balding old man crossed his arms and said confidently: "But you should have heard of my name, William Birkin."


The three sober women looked at each other and even blinked, waiting for each other to introduce themselves in detail.


After coughing twice to ease the embarrassment, Birkin justified himself and said, "It's normal for you guys who like violence not to recognize the authoritative existence in the biochemical field."

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