American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 240 Allen made Lilith furious with shame

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

New York is also a city full of criminals at night.

However, the business that New York criminals are good at is breaking into cash machines. The cash stored in one machine is far more profitable than robbing random passers-by.

So we often see our good neighbor Spider-Man fighting criminals in roadside cash machines.

A figure flew across the night sky and quickly landed on a rooftop.

Deadpool had been waiting for a long time and stood motionless in place.

"I have to say, you are very stupid."

Lilith walked over step by step and said, "You should bargain from the beginning instead of raising the price."

After that, blood magic was activated invisibly.


Lilith was shocked to find that Deadpool in front of her remained unmoved, as if the magic had failed and the expected results did not occur.

Under normal circumstances, the blood from the opponent's body will be extracted little by little, and he will die in pain.

However, Deadpool has an immortal body, which at least makes him weak and tortures him a little to see if he can really ignore the pain.

"what happened?"

Sharp blade-like nails streaked through the air, and the bloody afterimage appeared in the night.

In an instant, Deadpool was broken into several sections, and the white cotton stuffing was clearly visible.


Unexpectedly, a dummy was placed to fool him.

Lilith suddenly woke up: "No, it's a trap."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

In the rooftop water tank, Allen stuck his head out and said proudly: "You fell into the trap."


Subconsciously, Lilith looked around, wondering if many heroes were ambushing her. When she said Allen's name, she actually used sound waves to test the surrounding environment.

"What's your name?" Allen asked, tilting his head.

It seems that we have never introduced each other.

Besides, Allen was not interested in asking who the boss of the vampire clan was.

"It sounds like the employer is a woman, let me see what she looks like."

At the mouth of the water tank, Wade squeezed his head out and looked at Lilith. He couldn't help but whistle and asked: "Beautiful lady, are you going to kill the guy next to me? As long as you agree to be my daughter-in-law, Friend, I’m willing to help you for free.”

"Does it look good? Does it look good with dolphins? Nanawi wants to see it too."

It was a small exit, but once Nanawi's head was squeezed out, it immediately became very crowded.

"Nanawi, don't squeeze. My throat is stuck on the edge."

"Ellen, turn your face to the side and feel like your lips are about to be kissed."

"Nanawi is stuck, Nanawi can't get down!"

"Who wants to come out and hide in the water tank?"

"Eren, you brought it up yourself."


Lilith watched the three people quarreling together, and her forehead could not help but be covered with black lines.

Three idiots got themselves stuck in the water tank, like the three gophers in Pokémon.

Thinking back on it, Lilith felt really ashamed to regard them as rivals.

You win the fight, but emotions bully fools.

If you can't win, you will be worse than a fool.

There is an inexplicable dilemma between a rock and a hard place.

Take advantage of this opportunity and kill them quickly.

Lilith's eyes flashed with determination.

The blood-colored magic flow lingered in his hands, and he was about to end Allen's life with one blow.


With a gasp, Lilith's expression changed dramatically and she held the left side of her heart.

That weird feeling came over again.

"Hand over my body parts," Lilith roared.

"Don't talk nonsense, since when did I tighten my waist?"


Alan didn't realize that the two red bats were Lilith's pair.

Of course, Lilith can't just say that she will come back to her European style.

"What part did you steal from someone? If you are so angry that you hire a murderer to kill someone, what parts can be removed from the person in question?" Wade asked curiously.

"Maybe it's feelings."

Allen lamented: "After all, it is a fact that is obvious to all that the arsonist in my heart was sentenced to prison without a wife."

"In that case, she is a lunatic who will destroy her if she doesn't get you. It's really scary." Wade said seriously: "You can play with people's bodies, but you can't play with their feelings."

Allen looked up at the stars, pretending to be melancholy and said: "If you ask what love is in the world, you can teach people how to use it to get through it."

"Shet, I didn't expect you to be so talented." Wade said jealously.

"The master is so handsome. Nanawi should study more and become a poet."

Nanawi couldn't understand the meaning of the words, he just thought it was very powerful.

"Talent is innate and is just one of my many small advantages."

Allen did not forget to show off and said: "Actually, I am a Pokémon trainer and have many pets, including Nanawi, Erha Supreme Mage Dog, Three-flowered Elemental Devourer, and two red bats."

"I can't tell, I really can't tell." Wade expressed doubts.


Be respectful!

I didn’t ask you to chat, you bastard!

Lilith's face was red and she said with anger in her eyes: "Give me back the two bats you caught. I don't have to kill you."

"don't want!"

Allen said righteously: "They are my bubble balls. I have used them well, otherwise there would be no soul in taking a bath."

Bubble balls?

Use it for bathing! ?

Hearing this, Lilith was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot.

That's my own...

He used it to lather his whole body.

Doesn't it mean that I give each other a Thai imperial bath every day?

"I'm going to kill you!"

In her rage, a curtain of blood formed behind Lilith. She no longer considered concealing her whereabouts and was only thinking about killing her to vent her anger.


A ray of silver light streaked across the blood curtain.

At some point, a middle-aged priest was already at the edge of the rooftop, holding a silver sword in each hand, crossed in a cross shape, and said majestically: "I am the War Priest of the Diocese of New York, a follower of the Lord, and a Centurion of the Silver Cross. Xerath, one of the twenty-six sacrificers, will never allow vampires to cause harm to the world."

"False, six sixty-six."

"Damn, he can really pretend."

"Nanawi was shocked by who he was."

The three people who were stuck at the mouth of the water tank were like a background wall. They looked at Xerath, who was full of faces, and suddenly felt that he had met a master of showmanship. He had four titles, and he had to tell them again, for fear that others would not know.

"Get out of here, don't get in my way."

Lilith didn't want to get entangled with the other party and only wanted to deal with Allen.

"Vampire, the War Priest swore to the Lord that you will not be allowed to slaughter mortals."

Xerath quickly recited: "My Lord's sword in the world, please listen to the prayers of his followers. May the will of the Silver Cross bless you and sacrifice yourself to expel the darkness, Amen!"

A flash of white light appeared over the city.

It was a door of light, from which came out an angel with six wings on his back, as if he had heard a prayer and responded to it.

"It's you!"

Lilith said in horror: "Five hundred years ago, the Supreme Mage who slaughtered the ancestors of many dark creatures..."

As soon as he finished speaking, bats scattered all over the sky and fled.

It was actually a battle of dimensional invasion. Lilith witnessed the tragedy of the battlefield in the New World with her own eyes. If she hadn't run away when the situation was bad, she might not have been able to escape death.

Xerath looked at the angel in mid-air with a blank look on his face, and said to himself excitedly: "My Lord is paying attention to me."

Obviously, Lilith mistakenly thought it was Allen from 500 years ago.

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