American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 208 The war spreads among the gods

In the dimensional space above the human world, a war is taking place between the guardians of the human world and the dimensional lords.

However, human beings have no chance to spy on its scene.

Existing like this level, the aftermath of any collision can instantly wipe out the mundane world.

Even the weaker gods would not be able to see the battlefield.

The intertwining of various regular streams of light is enough to cause blindness.

And among the gods on earth, a subversive conspiracy is taking place.

A golden arrow flew across the sky from high above the human world, then fell straight down and hit a mountain range that reaches the sky.

Suddenly, magma erupted like a tidal wave.

Immediately after, giants who rose ten meters high one after another escaped from the hot magma.

"The minions of the Sky Titan have escaped from the furnace prison. They cannot be allowed to cause harm to the world."

The gods of Olympus immediately discovered the changes in the world.

It is a pity that most of the gods are incapable of avatars, and they are constantly projecting their divine power to Zeus to fight against foreign enemies.

"I'll suppress the giant."

A beautiful and tall woman took a step forward, and golden light gathered all over her for an instant, and then condensed into a golden divine armor.

A spear of war in one hand and a shield of victory in the other.

Astonishingly, she is Athena, the goddess of war, one of the twelve main gods.

Among the many powers she has control over is military affairs. Commanding divine soldiers and generals to fight must have the bonus of divine power.

With the strike of the artifact war spear, a sharp cry came out that penetrated people's hearts.

The army of gods from the Olympus pantheon gathered at the foot of the mountain, all looking towards the temple on the top of the mountain.

Hold the Shield of Victory before your chest.

The next moment, the goddess of war and tens of thousands of divine armies turned into golden streams of light and descended into the world.

Originally, the giants who had just gained their own were greedily breathing the fresh air.

Suddenly, the divine army came to the world in the form of phalanx units.

Athena led the army and charged towards the giant.

The same thing happens one by one in different pantheons.

In the Kingdom of Heaven.

The angels who were servants of the Father became divided and fought.

On both sides of Heavenly Father's throne, Gabriel and Lucifer, symbolizing Heavenly Father's right and left hands, each lead angels to fight in the kingdom of heaven.

"Heaven has rebelled against Lucifer and orders you to surrender immediately and repent to the all-knowing and all-powerful Heavenly Father." Gabriel roared angrily.

The angels headed by Gabriel resolutely support Heavenly Father’s decree and wholeheartedly complete the mission arranged by Heavenly Father.

"Your foolish and loyal look is really disgusting."

Lucifer said with undisguised contempt: "You are willing to protect dirty and weak mortals, but I want to overthrow the rule of Heavenly Father and create a heaven where angels enslave mortals."

Because of Heavenly Father's love for human beings, the angels headed by Lucifer were jealous, so they secretly contacted the Hermes Church to reach a conspiracy deal.

Now, the Father is not in heaven, and it is time to overthrow the rule.

"You who are rebellious will go to hell."

At a time when the fight is inextricable.

A voice full of anger resounded throughout the heaven.

All the rebellious angels were suddenly shocked.

That is the message from the Father.

One word determines everything.

The rebellious angels did not react, so they were collectively expelled from the kingdom of heaven and fell to the earth.

When it broke through the atmosphere, friction formed a flame that enveloped the angel, like countless meteors streaking across the sky.

During the fall, the pure divinity within the body dissipated, and the originally white wings faded into pitch black.

Thus, the Fallen Angels were born.

But when the fallen angel landed, there was no explosion or roar, as if it fell onto cotton and couldn't stop sinking.

The frightened fallen angel tried to grab hold of the earth, but it seemed as if he was encountering quicksand and couldn't find a place to put his weight on.

They already knew that they were going to hell.

At this moment, Asgard also encountered a rebellion.

Odin rules the nine kingdoms by force, and many countries must be resentful.

Waiting for the time to mature, the rebel army rose up and besieged the God's Domain from different directions.

The coalition led by the dark elves, frost giants, and fire giants quickly broke through Asgard's outer defenses.

In this battle, the young Thor took the lead and led the Asgardian gods to fight.

Among them, the most elite Valkyrie troops rode Pegasus to kill the Dark Elf fleet commanded by Malekith.

They once followed Hela in the north and south, and they have survived to this day. Without exception, they are the gods of death, making enemies who have heard of the name Valkyrie frightened.

"Your Majesty, if you don't retreat, the Valkyrie will come."

When the dark elves saw hundreds of Valkyries approaching on the bridge, a chill of fear swept through their bodies. They couldn't help but become afraid, fearing that the uprising would fail and Asgard would be liquidated.

Odin, the father of the gods, was not a kind man.

If the uprising fails, an inevitable bloody storm can be expected.

The key to their daring to revolt is that the goddess of death, once known as Odin's butcher knife, betrayed Asgard. Otherwise, given a hundred courages, they would not dare to have any extra thoughts.

"Fight to the death, and the Valkyrie without the command of the goddess of death is nothing to fear." Malekith said firmly.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired, and they reached the door of Asgard. If they betrayed again, not only Odin would not let the dark elves go, but by then, the frost giants and the fire giants would definitely come to them to settle the revenge for betrayal.

Thor, the God of Thunder, faced off against the Fire Giant alone.

Loki and the gods fight against the invasion of the Frost Giants.

Loki, the god of trickery, likes to use illusions and magic to trick his opponents as always, and he also waits for the opportunity to pull out a dagger to make a sneak attack.

To be honest, none of the gods in Asgard can understand his form and style. He is obviously a magic god, but he likes to engage in close combat and sneak attacks.

Unfortunately, this time Loki was playing tricks on the wrong person.

This frost giant is a head taller than his kin. His ice-blue skin and complex magic lines on his surface indicate that he has an extraordinary identity.

It is the Frost Giant King Laufey, Loki's real biological father.

Regarding Loki's little trick, Laufei easily saw through Loki's true form. He raised his hand to strangle his neck and pinned him to the ground. He slowly raised the giant ax in his hand, about to take his life.

Suddenly, Loki's skin gradually transformed into the color of a frost giant, and had the special texture of the king's blood.

Dust-laden memories flooded into his mind, and Laufei had already recalled the memory of abandoning his heir.

Frost giants, who are human-sized, are considered disabled by this tribe. They are scorned at birth and are often left to fend for themselves in temples.

Loki is a lucky man. When Odin conquered the Frost Giants, he happened to find him as a baby.

At that time, Odin just wanted to adopt him and give him as a playmate to his successor Thor.

An arrow struck.

Hitting Laufey's shoulder brought his thoughts back to reality.

He took a deep look at Loki, then turned to chase the sneak attacker.

Odin, who was far away in the dimension above the human world, saw Asgard being attacked and released the pressure weapons without hesitation.

In the treasury of the Immortal Palace, the Destroyer Armor is remotely awakened and is about to start massacring the invaders.


The scorching sun scorches the vast golden desert.

Suddenly, a dark, oily substance emerged from the yellow sand and quickly spread to cover the surrounding area.

Of course, this is not oil that easily breeds U.S. troops, but a substance full of evil and darkness.

The dark matter squirmed and swelled, forming many weird creatures that were half alive and half beast.

The patron saints of this continent sensed the coming darkness at the same moment and walked out of their temples one after another.

Due to the change of dynasties and the factors of the times, the gods in the Egyptian pantheon often changed with new ones and old ones.

As a result, they are divided into three categories: humanoid gods, beast-like gods, and abstract gods.

They cannot unite with each other, and there are old and new antagonisms.

Obviously, the source of the crisis comes from the gods who are unwilling to surrender to Amon-Ra.


A loud cry spread to the earth from Sun City.

Horus called upon the gods to aid in the battle.

Just because there is Seth, the enemy who killed his father, at the source of darkness.

The dimensional wars above the human world and the wars between gods have not yet affected the human world.

Last time, hunting down the Demon Lords brought me experience, which allowed me to successfully reach level 40, and I now have as many as nine self-created spells.


The snake girls looked timidly into the cave.

The bursts of Erha's screams made them frightened, and they didn't know what inhuman things the king was doing.

After a full hour, the wailing ended.

Erha, once again covered in bandages, limped out of the cave.

Even though he was already a veteran mage, Erha's fear of Allen was deeply rooted in his bones.

"Oh yeah…"

Allen jumped out of the cave, put his hands on his hips and showed off: "My magic book already has nine spells. I will print hundreds of thousands of them in the future to fulfill my ultimate long-cherished wish that everyone can practice magic and everyone is a magician. "

"My lord, it turns out you are so powerful."

Inxileus asked tentatively: "Can you help the tribe improve their poison magic?"

"Poison magic?"

Allen touched his chin and thought about it: "It seems to be very promising. Let's find some big snake mage to study it together later."

"Why the big one?"

Because Xileus puffed up his chest subconsciously, the majestic waves were particularly dazzling.


Allen adjusted his demeanor and said seriously: "For the rigor of magic."

"I see."

Insilius nodded without intending to refute.

The poisonous magic talent of the Demonic Snake Clan is innate and is completely cultivated through experience accumulation and has never been systematically cultivated.

How can a system be perfected for a race that doesn't even have major written texts?

Of course, Allen is a fool, and he can easily analyze poison magic.

Check the territory on a daily basis.

Seeing the training method of the Demonic Snake Guard, Allen became interested in coaching.

The training process of the Demon Snake Guard is extremely simple. In addition to the indispensable strength training, there is only a group charge, dance with guns and sticks, just like the scene of primitive people hunting large beasts.


Hearing a shout, more than three hundred demon snake guards looked at Allen who was riding on Incilius's neck.

"See you, Your Majesty!"

"All the beloved concubines are free."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Allen pointed at the captain of the Demon Snake Guard and shouted: "Who is that, come here."

"Your Majesty, I am Cuiliu."

The Demonic Snake Guard Chief had a rough face and was covered in scars. He looked like a warrior who had experienced many battles.

"I think your training methods are very unscientific." Allen said solemnly.

"What is science?" Cuiliu asked.

"That's not the point."

Allen rolled over and landed on the ground, giving a new training plan.

In fact, the Demonic Snake clan has very old-fashioned ideas and has not developed bows and arrows to improve long-range lethality. It is probably because of the Demonic Snake Mage that they can make up for the long-range gap.

Some ranged archers, the rest with spears and knives.

With good physical fitness, he can be combined into a variety of tactics.

"My King, you said you want to train your jumping ability, but the problem is we don't have legs."

After listening to Allen's instructions in detail, Cuiliu asked the fatal question.

If you want to jump, you must at least have two legs, otherwise you will be bullying.

"It's not very simple."

Allen waved to Incilius and said, "Come here and demonstrate, I guarantee you will jump as high as you can."

"What should I do?" Insilius asked doubtfully, and at the same time he was very curious about how to do it.

"Pull your tail up, coil it around, ai..., by the way, coil it up into a flying shape, don't move, hold it, I'll let you take off right away..."

The demon snake guards watched the former respected queen play with the new snake king's hands, and the circles were like the excrement of some monsters.

"Are you ready?"


Allen walked to the end of Insilius's tail, jumped up high, and shouted: "You're done!"


Allen stepped heavily on the base of his tail.

Severe pain spreads along the base of the tail and quickly to the entire tail.

Under Xileus' heart-rending scream, with a whoosh, his whole body jumped straight up, like a spring released by pressure, turning into an arrow and flying into the sky.

"Wow, at least thirty meters." Allen looked up and said in surprise.



Because Cyrus fell down, he fell into a soft heap.

She finally experienced the feeling of reaching heaven, but she didn't expect it to be in this form.

"Your Majesty, do you want us to step on our tails to practice jumping?" Cuiliu asked worriedly.

According to such training, their tails will probably be shorter.

"Big mistake."

Allen explained: "I want you to train your tail to use force."

Because Xi Liusi wanted to cry because of the grievance, he trained to exert strength. Why should he step on his tail, hold the base of his tail and blow hard with his mouth to relieve the pain.

As soon as night falls.

Ten snake mages were selected to cooperate with Allen in studying poison magic.

Under envious eyes, the Demonic Snake Mage followed Allen into the cave.

"What a shame, why doesn't your Majesty pay me any favors?"

Cuiliu bit into the barbecue fiercely, as if venting her resentment.

"Am I not beautiful enough? My snake hair is obviously pink."

"God, I'm not majestic enough. I will never be favored by the king in my life."

"I'm so jealous that I won't be able to sleep at night."


More snake girls gathered around the entrance of the cave, listening to what was going on inside.

He couldn't help but whisper out of curiosity.

"Why is there no movement? It shouldn't be the first time it hurts."

"Maybe the king is choosing who will take priority."

"Her Majesty, I presume."



A scream came from inside the cave.

The faces of the snake girls couldn't help but look excited.

As the screams came one after another, their faces gradually became confused.

"Why does it sound a little wrong to me? It doesn't seem to be the case."

"Is it like the scream before killing prey?"

"It seems quite similar..."

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