American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 207 Human Gods VS Dimension Council

"My family followed Sithorne's oracle and came to the world, waiting for the multi-dimensional army to gather to start a war of conquest of the human world..."

The Demon King took out an emerald crystal with a solemn expression and explained: "We came here by opening the dimensional channel through the crystal. As long as you are willing to let our people live, the crystal will be dedicated to you. Moreover, without the help of the crystal, our people will not be able to survive." Maybe he will come to earth again."

Allen transformed a hand through the magic lamp ring and took the emerald crystal. For a moment, he suddenly felt an evil will inside, and his face could not help but said gloomily: "You have done something in the crystal."

"It's impossible. This is a token gifted by His Majesty Sithorn. It can only open the dimensional channel and inspire before the war begins." The Demon King said with a bitter look on his face: "Besides, the Demon Lord is not good at magic."

Allen looked down at Incilius, who nodded in response that the other party was not lying.

If the Demon Lord had some magic power, the Demon Snake clan would have been dead long ago.

Alan tries to explore the emerald crystal.

In an instant, a curtain of emerald green light appeared.

Within the light curtain, there was a wild scene, an emerald realm that was not in the same dimension as the human world.

"Thank you for your kindness."

The Demon King bowed to Allen and led his people through the light curtain to return to the original world.

In the concept of law of the jungle, Allen is willing to let go of a way out. They are already grateful, so naturally they can't bear any resentment in their hearts.

As the Demon Lord clan left the world.

Allen removed the mana maintenance, and the light curtain closed.

"'s so cold."

Because Xilius rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Just because Allen thought the crystal was too big to fit in his armpit, he stuffed it into the waves.

"Mount, you don't mind if I put something away." Allen said with a wicked smile.

"Let it go, how can I still refuse you?" Insilius said angrily.

"Go home."

After that, Allen materialized a pair of bat wings, coupled with a pair of rocket thrusters, and quickly glided in the sky.

Wow wow wow...

Opening his mouth for a moment, a strong flow of air poured into his mouth. Allen enjoyed the feeling of air filling his mouth. He couldn't help but said excitedly: "It feels like I was blown by my mouth. It's full."

"Ah...slow down, your clothes will blow off."

Because Xileus covered his chest with both hands, the thin layer of cloth almost flew away.

"You can say I'm not tough enough, but you can't make me slow down. Beibei, I'm going to speed up. The macho charge."


It was the first time he experienced high-speed flight, and Cyrus's heart pounded.

The air blew so hard that I couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to scream, but my saliva couldn't stop spilling out. I quickly closed them the next moment.

Allen wasn't that wild when they were chasing him, but he became particularly active when it came to going home.

It’s almost the same as going to work.

I'm always fishing during work hours, and I'm very active when I'm eating and getting off work. I feel like I'm at a disadvantage if I stay for even one more minute.

In fact, when the Demon King mentioned Sithorn.

Allen already thought of the other party's details.

Sithorn, one of the sources of black magic and known as the God of Black Magic, is even more powerful than Cytorak.

In the multidimensional realm, Sithorn is also among the best.

When Allen uses the emerald crystal.

A certain dimension above the human world.

Sithorn, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly sensed a pure mana, so he closed his eyes and observed the source.

At that moment, his consciousness traveled through the multidimensional realm and descended directly to the human world.

A rare carrier may become a tool for one to briefly walk around the world.

After a while, a beautiful planet appeared in front of us.

Oceans, land, and white clouds are shrouded in the atmosphere. This rich and life-filled world can only be seen in the human universe.

Even, the human world has a special meaning. At the origin of life, the ancient gods were born, and Sithorn was one of them.

"The ancient gods are forbidden to travel in the human world ahead!"

A loud shout stopped Sithorn from prying further.

Following the direction of the sound source, I suddenly saw a void projection.

A trinity exists, guarding the dimension.

"Emperor Weishan, you finally showed up." Sithorne told the other party's origins lightly.

In the middle is a bald man, on the left is a mature and beautiful woman, and on the right is a tiger.

They respectively correspond to the three existences of Agamotto, Ohit, and Hogs who are no longer in the world.

Among them, Agamotto and Ohit have a mother-son relationship, with the former being born from a drop of tears from the latter.

The reason why Agamotto no longer walks in the human world is that he is one with the two ancient gods. The terrifying power is worried about destroying the human world, so he is willing to ascend to another dimension to continue to perform his guardian mission.

"Sithorn, don't even think about taking action against the human world."

Three overlapping voices sounded again.

The unique melody composed of the resolute adult man's voice, the solemn mature woman's voice, and the wild old man's voice seems to have magic movement in every byte.

If it were in the human world, it would definitely be the effect of following the law.

Sithorn responded disdainfully: "You are really hypocritical. You want to devour all the things contained in the world."


Emperor Weishan shouted angrily.

The human world can give birth to the ancient gods, and there are unknown secrets that many ancient gods have been coveting for a long time.

Of course, some ancient gods regard the human world as their hometown, and prevent the evil ancient gods from prying into it for a long time, and prevent the world from being destroyed.

"Who are you talking about being presumptuous?"

Suddenly, a passage opened in the void, and a huge head protruded, followed by a mountain-like body that squeezed out of the dimensional barrier.

An ancient god tens of thousands of meters tall suddenly appeared.

"Atlas, you have to come at the right time, let's kill Emperor Weishan together."

Seeing his allies arriving, Sithorn's tone became calmer.

"That's what I meant."

As Atlas spoke, ripples appeared in the void.

There is only a simple piece of cloth around his waist, and his muscular body has clear lines, like the ravines between hills.

The only giant god left in the world had no choice but to live in exile in the multidimensional realm.

Once upon a time, there were more than one giants holding the sky. Because they were so huge, they could cause earthquakes with a single step, and strong winds would blow when they spoke. They lived like natural disasters in human form, and enslaved many gods.

Therefore, Zeus led the oppressed gods to rebel, and Atlas was the only surviving giant.


A thunder rumbled across the sky.

Countless rolling thunders gathered from all directions, and finally transformed into a man wearing an olive branch crown and golden armor. Holding a thunderbolt in his hand, he glared at Atlas with great momentum and said loudly: "I, Zeus , the king of the gods, the head of the Olympus gods, does not allow the ancient gods to enter the human world."

At the same moment, the phantom of the Olympus Temple appeared behind Zeus, and the other eleven gods were waiting to look at the only giant.

At that moment, Atlas recalled the scene of his brutal expulsion, uncontrollable anger burning in his eyes, and he roared angrily and ferociously: "I will kill all of you despicable servant gods."

Once upon a time, the gods who crawled at the feet of the ancient gods dared to take away the rule of the Sky Titan clan through conspiracy and tricks, and they would definitely need their blood and fire to wash away their shame.

"Kill the evil god!!!"

In the Olympus Temple, the gods of the entire pantheon shouted together, and dazzling light burst out.

For a moment, Zeus's eyes flashed with dazzling thunder.

The gods of Olympus concentrated their divine power on Zeus, making him no less powerful than Atlas, and once climbed to the level of a dimension lord.

"The scene is quite lively, why can't I be absent?"

Suddenly, a human face made of flames squeezed out of the void, looking at both sides with malice.

"Three against two, are you ready to fight?"

Another ally arrived, and Sithorn looked arrogant.

The visitor is the arrival of Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension.

Although it does not rank high in the multi-dimensional field, it is like the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Perhaps just now, Emperor Weishan's side had a good chance of winning, but if there is one more enemy, then the chance of winning is completely gone.

"If you want to fight, we will fight!"

A rainbow bridge comes from the human world across dimensions.

Odin was wearing divine armor, holding the Eternal Spear in his hand, and riding an eight-legged horse on his crotch. He said with high spirits: "How can we miss Asgard in this battle?"

Suddenly, Dormammu lost his playful expression and looked at his opponent solemnly.

Odin, wrapped in the golden glow, carries the gods of Asgard and the power to ascend to the Hall of Valor after death in battle. He is not weaker than the dimension lords at all.

For a time, the three versus three situation was a deadlock.

Sithorne shouted into the deep interdimensional void: "The war has begun, stop hiding."

"You can't let me watch the show for a while. You know I'm not good at confrontation."

Mephisto, who was hiding in the dark, took off his disguise, his whole body was as red as blood, he had a pair of demon horns on his head, and his evil eyes were as if he was admiring his prey.

Mephisto, the lord of hell who came from, actually wandered outside the world.

It sounds normal. He has been wandering around the world incarnate, stealing other people's souls through transactions.

"It's the first time our Dimension Council has appeared. Are you scared?"

Mephisto smiled strangely: "As long as you give me the souls of ten thousand mages, I will agree to withdraw from their camp. If you give me the souls of ten thousand more gods, I can even turn to help you."

"I would rather believe in the mercy of Death than the sincerity of the devil." Odin said scornfully.

Devil is synonymous with despicableness.

He is good at playing with people's hearts and weaving lies to confuse the world.

He really promised to hand over the souls of 10,000 mages and 10,000 gods, but Mephisto turned around and attacked in return.

Mephisto did not hesitate to press forward with force: "That's such a pity, I can only get it myself."

"You have been away from the world for too long, come and meet the rising star." Odin said without fear.

As soon as he finished speaking, white light lingered over the human world.

The dimension hidden above the human world suddenly has a heaven.

The door of heaven opened wide, and a figure made of white light walked out.

"Father of the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Mephisto's expression changed drastically, and he seemed to have seen something incredible.

"Yes, I am Heavenly Father."

At that moment, the void was filled with kind voices.

If they talk about the deeds of Zeus and Odin, they have heard about it.

But the Light Man Heavenly Father looked blank and had no information about the other party at all.

"Impossible, how can you be so powerful? You have only been preaching for hundreds of years, but you can actually grow into a dimension lord. Who are you?" Mephisto asked in disbelief.

As soon as these words came out, Sithorn, Dormammu, and Atela couldn't help but be moved.

In a few hundred years, you can become a dimension lord. If you give it another few hundred years, it is not the kind of rhythm that is about to take off and cannot be held down.

“I am who I am, I can be anyone, I don’t need to be anyone.”

Heavenly Father’s words are quite mystifying, like a missionary trying to trick the common people.

"Do you want to fight or not? I'm going home in a hurry." Zeus urged impatiently.

For a moment, both the enemy and our camps looked at him strangely.

This guy is famous not for how powerful he is, but for his sowing deeds of fraternity.

He appears saintly in front of others, but dirty behind others.

Not only did the family relationship be chaotic, but he also liked to miss his wife, and later developed into a species that was not limited to humanoids.

Sometimes, when Odin sees the god-king Zeus who is at the same level, he chooses to stay away, for fear that he will miss his wife. The most embarrassing thing is for the unfashionable god to call him by the wrong honorific title.

Odin, the father of the gods.

Zeus, King of the Gods.

Among the gods, one can't help but joke about why they don't change their honorific titles. After all, Zeus is the most diligent in sowing, and he definitely deserves the title of Father of the Gods.

A scorching sun pulled a warship approaching.

Another main god in the human world comes to help.

Sissos frowned, unable to recognize who it was at first glance.

However, the situation has turned against the Dimension Council, forming a five versus four situation.

"Excuse me, your Excellency?"

Emperor Weishan looked at the new helper in confusion.

Odin glanced at his own mount and then at the opponent's car, feeling a little lost in dignity.

People use the sun to pull the boat, and the pomp is so great. He must be an ancient god who is usually low-key and makes high-profile appearances.

"Everyone, I am Amon Ra."

Amon and Ra should not be the two sun gods.

Both belong to the ancient Egyptian pantheon, but the position of the sun god is not the same in different eras.

Amon-Ra explained: "I had a premonition that a crisis was coming, so the two became one and a new god was born."


The Dimension Council was speechless.

This is the first time I heard that two supreme gods can merge into one. The path taken by the Egyptian pantheon is a bit wild.

So Odin and Zeus also have the power of thunder, can they merge into one and become the new God of Thunder?

The two parties involved couldn't help but make eye contact.

Immediately, he quickly staggered away, and he couldn't help but feel sick in his heart.

Odin thought to himself: 'I won't be able to merge with this guy even if I die, I would rather be beaten to death by the other side. It's so disgusting. ’

Zeus thought to himself: 'Damn it, I can still consider it as his wife instead of the one-eyed dragon with an unshaven face. ’

"I forgot to mention that the Dimension Council consists of six people."

Sithorne formed a dimensional channel in a thought, and a red-skinned demon walked out. It looked like Mephisto, but it was the demon lord Trigon from DC.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me before launching an invasion?"

The Three Palace Demon impatiently glanced at the opposite side and asked, "Who do you want me to hit?"

His eyes naturally passed over Emperor Weishan and Amon-Ra, looking for targets in the other three, but he was always soft.

"Don't worry, wait for the Black Death Emperor." Sithorn reminded.

One member of the Dimension Council is absent, and as long as all members are present, an overwhelming advantage can be formed.

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