American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 110 Wade versus the fake Deadpool

Of course, what Stryker pressed was not the base's self-destruct button, but the control to release the ultimate X weapon.

For now, it is his most proud masterpiece.

"Evacuate immediately and abandon the base." Stryker ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

The base can be rebuilt and you only have one life.

Having devoted his life to fighting mutants, Stryker cherishes his life very much.

With the ultimate X weapon to delay time, safe evacuation is not a problem.

The base is built into the mountain, as if the entire mountain has been hollowed out.

There are many built-in areas, including soldiers' leisure areas, living areas, weapons areas... dozens of areas, as big as a small town.

"The American emperor is really luxurious. He enjoys every class."

Allen passed by the fitness area and looked at the hundreds of various pieces of equipment, and couldn't help but envy the luxurious environment.

It's just an experimental base, but it has everything except porn.

"Building infrastructure can make money much faster than robbery." Wade said meaningfully.

"If we rob the capitalists, will we get money faster?"

Allen's eyes lit up and he made a bold proposal.

Wade immediately retorted: "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of being wanted endlessly around the world."

As long as the capitalists issue a reward, both black and white people all over the world will rush for the reward.

Wade himself is a mercenary and knows very well how terrifying the power brought by money is.

"Little lunatic, do you have a twin brother?"

Allen looked at the enemy blocking the way forward. He looked exactly like Wade, except that his mouth was sewn shut.

"Shet, I only have one relative in the world, my cousin Deathstroke."

Wade had already shown his two swords and said angrily: "This guy is a clone."

"No wonder they look exactly the same." Allen said suddenly.

Every time Wade goes out to fight, he is either missing an arm or a leg, or there is only one part left. It is too easy to obtain his genetic sample.

At the same time, Allen remembered that there was a reformed Deadpool in the movie.

It's just that the ultimate X weapon in the movie is a collection of many superpowers.

Teleportation, healing, adamantium, blades, and laser eyes all rolled into one.

But according to Allen's timeline, the clone cannot have the ability to have Cyclops, mainly because it has officially become an X-Men and is now on a mission.

"Fuck you faker, I'm the popular protagonist in the comics."

Wade unfolded his swords and ran towards the clone.

Whoever had been cloned inexplicably would be very unhappy.

The clone Deadpool on the opposite side teleported and came to Wade's back, and stabbed hard with the double blades derived from his hands.

"My waist, you are too cruel, you want me to never be happy in my life."

Wade thrust his swords into his abdomen with his backhand, trying to hurt the opponent through his body.

As a result, the clone Deadpool teleported away.

Wade was stabbed twice by the opponent, and then struck twice at himself. He suddenly looked confused and said: "You are fighting yourself, and you are the only one who gets hurt."

"I'm going out to call for help. Just hold on." Allen decisively escaped and became invisible.

I didn't look at the almanac when I went out, and all I encountered were Xiaoqiang who either had to use a gun or couldn't be beaten to death.

Allen is still a close combatant at the moment, so there is no need to die head-on.

I can't help but feel that the DC scene makes sense. Regardless of the heroes or criminals, their abilities are quite reasonable. It's like mutants have weird abilities. The strong are really strong, and the weak think they are strong, such as the Brotherhood of Mutants. A hedgehog man who is terribly weak but also likes to show off his presence.

"Little madman, come back."

Wade pulled out the two swords stuck in his abdomen and could only fight with all his strength.

If it weren't for his regeneration ability, he would have disappeared long ago.

In fact, the two swords had been soaked in Adamantium alloy solution in advance, otherwise they would have been broken into two pieces now.

The sword shadows collided and sparks flew everywhere.

Alan, hiding in the dark, is always ready for a sneak attack.

He wasn't sure if the Redemption Blade could kill the clone in one hit.

To be honest, he was hesitant to take the gamble.

If you can kill him, everything will be fine.

If you can't kill him, you'll be in big trouble.

By teleporting behind him and having a heart-warming moment, he could declare that the whole drama was over.

"I don't know why the stupid author's results are not ideal. What if his results are so bad that he wants to be a eunuch and just write me off to death? Or maybe he wants to write Wade as the protagonist..."

Thoughts popped up in Allen's mind one by one, sometimes worried, sometimes scared, sometimes anxious...

Suddenly, a flash of purple light disappeared.

Illyana rolled out of the space crack and slashed through the clone Deadpool's neck with a sneak attack.

It was as if time stood still.

The cloned Deadpool stood frozen on the spot, a bloodstain gradually turning from shallow to deep on his neck.


The heads fell to the ground, and the headless corpses collapsed limply.

"Fortunately, you arrived in time." Wade paused and said stubbornly: "Just give me a little more time and I can deal with him."

"I don't believe it, you've been beaten." Allen appeared and said.

From beginning to end, the clone was not injured. Wade was stabbed throughout the whole process. In short, having the ability to regenerate is awesome.

"Everyone has been rescued. We should evacuate." Iliana urged.

Fortunately, Mysterio provided timely support. She had a soul blade in her hand that could damage the soul, so she restrained her healing and regeneration abilities to kill the clone in one blow.

Of course, it still has no effect on Wade, who has the favor of death and his soul is immortal.

"Got to catch Stryker."

Allen said solemnly: "If he doesn't solve it, there will always be trouble."

Colonel Stryker can mobilize military power and America's resources to target Xavier School, but he can't always be on guard.

If you guard against thieves for a thousand days, you will eventually lose sight of them.

Illyana nodded and said, "It does make sense."

This time, if they take action, the next time, they may not be so lucky.

Colonel Stryker rode the helicopter directly to the next military base.

Your hand is already on the self-destruct button.

Cloning experiments and human experiments are taboo against human ethics in the field of science.

Once it is made public, it will inevitably attract pressure from public opinion.

The mutants will definitely not miss the opportunity to win sympathy, and are naturally prepared to erase any traces.

Otherwise, the people of America will not let him go, and the military will make him look decent in advance and die without proof.

But, just when I was about to press it.

I felt a bit of coldness on my neck.

Suddenly, three more figures appeared in the cabin.

Before the soldiers could react, Wade and Iliana took control of the scene.

Anyone who dares to move will be sent to the west without mercy with the weapons in their hands.

Allen grabbed Stryker's collar, and the next moment, Illyana teleported again.

The soldiers watched helplessly as their superiors were kidnapped, and they could only look at each other helplessly.

It’s difficult to fight but not to fight, to die but not to want to die.

The golden sunset spread across the sky, reflecting in the sky above Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

At the end of the day, it was thrilling.

The students who returned to school looked at the messy teaching building and couldn't help but sigh that life is so colorful.

He was almost sliced ​​up as a test subject.

"Everyone assemble!"

Illyana shouted from the playground.

The students quickly rallied.

Mysterio is a reserve warrior, and he saved everyone through this matter, so he is naturally qualified to be a leader.

Mutants have various abilities and use their respective strengths to work together to repair the campus.

For a time, they worked together to restore the school.

Except for Allen and Wade.

They are busy with things.

One person carried one end and carried Stryker into the principal's office.

Stryker, who had Wade's smelly socks stuffed in his mouth, kept whining and tried to struggle, but only got two punches from Bang Bang and became obedient.

"Little madman, what should I do with him?"

Wade looked at Stryker, thinking about killing him with one sword.

Fanatics who have been targeting mutants have harmed many innocent people.

Not only the X-Men, but also Hellfire and the Brotherhood of Mutants hate it.

If it weren't for his official status and the X weapon in his hand, he might have been disposed of long ago without anyone noticing.

Charles, on the other hand, has a bit of a woman's heart and does not agree to stop violence in order to fight, because he feels that it will only intensify hatred.

"Tie him up and give him to Professor Cha."

In a sense, Stryker is a good bargaining chip, given to Charles as a favor, which may be able to exchange for some mutant rights.

Allen took out a bundle of ropes and said with a lewd and evil smile: "Hold him down, I'm going to use the Great Binding Technique."

"Great Binding Technique?"

Wade had a confused expression on his face and was curious about what the reason was.

"The binding technique I learned from Silent Hill."

Allen couldn't help but recall that the thorn wire binding method on the twisted monster was just used in practice.

Cough..., bah...

Stryker pushed the smelly socks open with his tongue and threatened: "I am a colonel, do you want to fight against the state machine?"

"shut your mouth."

Wade picked up the sock and stuffed it back into his mouth.

Allen began to tie the knot in various ways. After finishing the operation, he clapped his hands and admired his masterpiece. He did not forget to explain: "After my innovation, I named this binding method Wanliu Guiyi."

"What's the point?" Wade asked cooperatively.

"No matter how he moves, the tearing sensation is concentrated at one point, which is a great test for a rope artist." Allen said proudly.

"You are so versatile."

"If you want to learn, I'll teach you."

Stryker was in agony and kept a tricky posture. As long as he moved a little, he would feel tearing pain in his lower body. He could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Night falls.

The fighter's engines returned at maximum power.

The students escaped death and reported the incident to Charles and others immediately, so they rushed back to school.

The fighter plane landed on the playground, and the police officers suddenly felt very complicated when they saw the students repairing the school.

In particular, Charles had a gloomy face throughout.

How could he not guess that it was designed by others?

Fortunately, I learned from the students that there were no casualties and the enemy leader was captured.

After finding out that he was being held in the principal's office, a group of police officers immediately rushed to find out what happened.


Touching the door switch, the lights in the principal's office came on.

At this moment, Charles saw that the chair he usually sat on was facing away from the door, and there were two people sitting there cuddling together.

"who are you?"

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