American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 111 The controversy over Allen’s expulsion

"Finally waiting for you."

A low and magnetic voice sounded.

When Charles saw the other party taking small steps, he turned his chair back.

After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, he suddenly couldn't help but feel troubled.

Allen holds a ham sausage in his mouth, while Wade wears a pink wig and sits in his arms in a voluptuous manner.


Allen said coquettishly: "Professor Cha must be scared."

"I can imagine the solemn expression on his face with suspicion." Wade agreed proudly.

Then, the two were kicked out of the office.

Charles is going to interrogate Stryker through his psychic abilities.

He cannot ignore this matter and must seek justice.

Without the rescue of the three Allens, thousands of students in the entire school would have died painfully in human experiments.

Thinking of this, Charles felt doubly guilty and almost made a big mistake.

The school for mutants he had built with so much effort turned out to be a sample collection site in the eyes of the military, and he suddenly changed his previous weak thoughts.

As for how the whole process will be handled, Allen doesn't know.

Early the next morning, the breakfast stall was open as usual.

This time they sell steamed buns with various fillings.

Due to yesterday's publicity, business was booming all day long.

"Buy a pure meat bun and a vegetable bun."

When Qin Gray heard the members of the Men's Police praising the pot stickers, she thought about letting go of her previous unpleasantness and decided to try the taste.


Allen put on two snow-white buns and inadvertently saw Illyana passing by the playground.

"Little secret!"

Allen decisively abandoned Qin Gray, picked up the bun in his hand, and happily caught up with the three women.

Anger surged into my heart again.

Again, it was met with disregard.

Qin Gray kept raising her eyebrows in anger.

"Senior, let me help you pretend." Pietro said something to resolve the embarrassment.

"No more."

Qin Gray felt that she was so angry that there was no way she could eat. She flicked her red hair and turned around to leave.

Pietro and Icott sighed helplessly and looked at Allen who was jumping up and down, not knowing what to say.

It's not good to mess with anyone, but if you mess with Phoenix Girl, a gangster will blow up the school.

"Hi, Alan."

Yukio greeted warmly.

"Good morning, Xiaoxue."

Allen responded with his lips, looking at Illyana from beginning to end, handed over the breakfast, and said shyly: "This is a breakfast of love that I carefully prepared, made according to D cup size."

"I saw you were pretending to be Jean Grey." Ellie said bluntly.

"Wow, you discovered this." Allen said suspiciously, "Are you spying on my daily life?"

Ellie couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was crazy, peeping into the daily life of a mentally ill person.

It has to be said that the three women's impression of Allen has changed a lot.

After rescuing his classmates, at least there was no more repulsion towards him.

"Thank you."

This time, Illyana took it smoothly instead of rejecting it, indicating that she was treated as a friend.

"Don't we have one?" Yukio asked gloomily.

"Not prepared."

Allen said seriously: "I am a dedicated man, and I will never do anything haphazard. Please put away your thoughts of coveting my body. Not only will you not get me, but you will also be covered in bruises."


He is such a narcissistic psychopath.

Yukio felt a little embarrassed.

"Don't you think you're bored?" Ellie mocked.

Allen said angrily: "Everyone's surname is Ai, so you can't help me a little."

Immediately, Ellie laughed angrily and explained: "My surname is Phimister, who has the same surname as yours."

"Sorry, didn't remember."

Allen shook his head proudly and turned around, strolling back to the breakfast stall.

They had small appetites, so the three women shared two buns equally, and couldn't help but praise the deliciousness from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hmm..., I smell the sour smell of dog licking."

While taking care of the breakfast stall, Allen looked at the shy Kurt and then at the girl walking away with the buns, with a clear expression: "Smurf, you like her."

"I don't."

Kurt lowered his head and retorted quietly, even buzzing like a mosquito.

"Now, even though you have blue skin, I can see that you are blushing."

Allen said proudly: "What's so difficult about chasing girls? I can win them all, little ones."

Are you sure you got it?

It's you who have been begging for nothing.

"Master of Emotions, help a bunch of Smurfs, I know you have the best idea." Wade said with false flattery.

"In that case, I will help you singles, watch carefully and study hard." Allen said with a high voice: "Specify a target at will, and I will take her down in minutes."

The three of them looked at each other.

No, here comes the fun.

"She's not bad. She's petite and quiet. She eats buns alone, so she might be easier to chase."

Wade pointed to the senior girl not far away who was hiding on the steps eating breakfast alone.

"Eight types of nonsense."

Allen made a no problem gesture and strode towards the girl.

"Wouldn't this be bad? Phantom Cat's friend Little Naughty is not easy to mess with." Pietro asked worriedly.

"I think the little lunatic can handle it."

Wade grabbed a bun and ate it with relish while watching the show.

Kurt reminded in a low voice: "Wade, you have already eaten six buns."

"Don't make any noise, let's watch the show."

After returning from a mission for a few days, Kathleen, the phantom cat, enjoys a rare quiet time.

I heard that someone was selling breakfast in the school and it tasted pretty good, so I came early in the morning to try it.

I couldn't help complaining about how slow my good friend Anna, the little naughty boy, was. They met to have breakfast together, but ended up waiting for half an hour without seeing anyone.

ah! ! !

Suddenly, a scream sounded in my ears.

Katherine was so frightened that the buns in her hands fell to the ground. She looked at a man in a hospital gown shouting next to her in astonishment.

For a moment, the eyes of the entire playground were gathered.

"What's your name?" Kathleen Wen asked angrily.

"You asked me what my name was, so direct." Allen covered his face shyly.

The anger level suddenly increased.

Katherine realized that the guy in front of her was not in her right mind, so she softened slightly and said, "You scared away my breakfast."

"What! I am your little sweetheart."

Allen was flattered and covered his chest, and took a step back nervously.

"Are you a little deaf?" Kathleen said with a look of disgust.

"You have to cry for me!"

Allen bared his front teeth and held his cheeks in his hands, pretending to be shocked.

Kathleen sighed: "It's really tiring talking to you."

"I'm your big baby." Alan inserted his fingers into his mouth in surprise.

"I really have a fire in my heart."

"You have always had a crush on me!"

"What are your intentions?"

"You want to give me happiness,"

"You're really making me dizzy."

"You want to marry me!"

As you spoke to me, Kathleen's expression became more and more helpless, while Alan became even more exaggerated.

Originally there was one finger stuffed in his mouth, but now he has five fingers stuffed inside.

"Please don't disturb my friend."

A hand was placed on Allen's shoulder, and he subconsciously put his hand in his mouth and turned to look at the other person.

I saw that there was a strand of white hair in her black hair, and she looked like a nightclub girl.


Allen recognized who tapped him on the shoulder.

The little rascal, Anna Marie, can absorb and replicate mutant powers through physical contact.

Currently, at the young naughty age, his abilities have not yet reached their peak.

In the comics, it is possible to absorb and copy abilities other than mutants, and to copy and use several abilities together.

Anna didn't speak, but stared at Allen with wide eyes and a look of astonishment.

"If you look at it again, I'll be shy." Allen looked away embarrassed.

"You're not a mutant!" Anna said in surprise.

She was shocked that she was unable to copy the ability after coming into contact with him.

Under normal circumstances, as long as through contact, the new ability replaces the old stored ability. As a result, there is no change in the body.

"I didn't say yes."

Allen coaxed: "I am a time traveler with a time-traveling system, patient No. 9527 of Qingshan Rehabilitation Center."


Who cares who you are, the issue is whether you are a mutant or not.

The fact that he was not a mutant immediately attracted unanimous attention from the students in the school.

This is a school specially designed to accept mutants. It should not accept an ordinary person, let alone a mentally ill person.

"what happen?"

At this time, Storm Ororo passed by holding a textbook. Looking at Allen who had become the center of attention, he recalled the memory of him going crazy in his classroom.

"Teacher Monroe, he is not a mutant."

Anna looked like she liked to snitch on female students, pointing at Allen as if she was pointing out the criminal.

Allen made a backhand move, pointed at Kathleen and said, "Teacher, she has a crush on me."

"You..., I..., you..."

Katherine was so angry that she couldn't speak coherently. Thousands of horses were racing through her heart, and she didn't know how to express her true feelings.

In Ororo's opinion, quarrels among students are a trivial matter, but when it comes to mutants, it is a very serious problem.

Since the establishment of the school, Charles has made it clear that he will only accept mutants.

Now, if a student who is not a mutant pops up and breaks the rules, will he be able to break through the bottom line at will in the future?

"It's up to the principal to decide."

Watching Allen take him to the principal's office.

The three people at the breakfast stall felt something was wrong.

"Alan is going to be fired!" Wade said in a panic.

"Think of a way, he has saved everyone." Kurt said anxiously.

"He can't be fired. How can we start a business without him?" Pietro said solemnly.

They couldn't help but regret in their hearts, they shouldn't have allowed Allen to mess around, and as a result, everyone was wiped out.

"I'll ask Ellie and the others for help, and you can lobby everyone to keep Allen."

The three of them took action.

This matter spread throughout the school for a while.

Except for the X-Men, all other students have come to Allen's aid and have expressed their willingness to support him.

The delicious breakfast alone gave them reasons to let Allen stay.

Some people agree, and naturally some people object.

Many teachers and senior X-Men said that they must adhere to the rules and regulations and resolutely maintain the school's philosophy and purpose, and cannot destroy the teaching tradition because of one person.

Those who agreed accounted for the majority and organized themselves on the playground, holding up slogans and shouting slogans.

"Leave Alan, leave breakfast."

"Free the heroes and save breakfast."

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