American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 109 The way Death Girl deserves to die

Wade and Agent Zero fought all the way to the suspended walkway.

The sharp dagger left multiple wounds on Wade's body, and he said angrily: "Little lunatic, hurry up and help."

There were steel guardrails on both sides of the walkway, which made it impossible for Wade to use his swords, so he was at a disadvantage for a while.

He jumped in without hesitation and chose to fight again in an open field.

Agent Zero saw this and climbed over the guardrail to follow.



I saw a steel bar passing through Agent Zero's lower body, directly penetrating from front to back.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Allen appeared out of thin air, smiling mischievously.

"It turns out that you have been hiding and looking for opportunities to attack!"

Wade suddenly understood and chopped off Agent Zero's head with a sword.

Just now, watching them fighting passionately, Allen had a plan in mind. He went into invisibility to find a steel bar, waiting for the opportunity to let the other party take the initiative to sit on it.

At that moment, Agent Zero felt a burning pain in his back, as if he saw his own breasts waving.

"You are lucky to die in my hands." Allen boasted.

"He must be thinking about crawling back from hell to settle the score with you."

It's such a shame to die like this.

Allen has not been in a hurry to take action, all because he is conserving his strength to deal with subsequent troubles.

The two then explored deeper into the base.

In the control room, Colonel Stryker looked at the body of Agent Zero on the screen with a gloomy expression.

This is his first work, and with absolute loyalty, it is inevitable to feel a pity in his heart.

He looked at the expressionless Asian woman standing aside, wearing a black leather jacket and leather trousers. Her eyes were dull and motionless, as if she had no soul.

Stryker took out a potion, injected it into the back of her neck, and ordered: "Kill them."

Wandering around, I came to a laboratory.

Allen looked at the glass pool in the middle and the bubbling metal solution.


The solution that looks like cement is the famous Adamantium alloy, thus creating Wolverine.

"This is what's on Logan's body. It looks like vomit from too much alcohol." Wade said in disgust.

"How about injecting a little bit and transforming into King Kong Deadpool? I think it's very exciting." Allen suggested.

"For you to use, little crazy King Kong."

Wade is not willing to inject Adamantium alloy into his body, and feels that it is good to be himself.

Strictly speaking, Wolverine has the ability to heal, while Deadpool has the ability to regenerate. Once the Adamantium alloy replaces all the bones in the body, it will change its direction and weaken its ability.

"If I had healing powers, I would have put a needle in my penis a long time ago."

Allen had a pity expression on his face, then looked at Deadpool's weapon, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the weapon, and I'll help you enchant it."

"What do you want to do?"

Although he didn't understand it, Wade still handed over the two swords.

Allen carefully soaked the sword blade in the solution, then took it out and shook off the excess alloy.

The sword is covered with a layer of Adamantium alloy, which is beyond the scope of ordinary weapons.

Bullets made of Adamantium alloy can hurt Wolverine, and now dual swords can do the same.

"Cool beep."

Wade happily took back the weapon and swung it a few times to test the feel. He was very satisfied with the brand new swords.

"Shet, TX Terminator!"

Allen suddenly found that the enemy was already at the door.

"She's Death," Wade corrected.

Speaking of which, TX Terminator and Death Girl have the same hairstyle and the same outfit, but the colors are different, which caused Allen to admit his mistake and shout that he was wrong.

Before Allen could ask him how he knew Death Woman, the other party walked up to her like flying.

The ten fingers stretch out long spikes, which are very similar to Wolverine's ability.

"Leave it to you, I don't hit women."

Allen wisely hid aside, saying that it was very hurt to fight against an enemy with strong healing ability.

He suffered eight hundred losses to himself and zero damage to the enemy. He would not suffer this loss.

Both sides were trading injuries for injuries, with no intention of dodging.

Wade slashed with his sword, and the wounds on Death Woman healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the contrary, Death Woman's nails stabbed wildly into Wade's body.

"She's imitating me." Wade yelled angrily.

Allen was shocked and shocked when he hit the flesh with every stroke.

"Little lunatic, hold her down, I have a way to deal with her."

Allen had an idea and thought of Logan using Adamantium to kill the opponent in the movie, so he thought of doing the same thing.

"Let me try."

Wade observed the scene and thought about how to control Death Woman.

Death Girl was speechless throughout the whole process. She was already under the control of Colonel Stryker and had her own consciousness imprisoned, turning her into a killing machine.

Seizing the right moment, Wade kicked Death Woman away. Before she could turn around, the sword blade pierced her palm.

The blade of the sword penetrated straight to the hilt, and then he sat on his body, exerting a suppressive effect.

"I am coming."

Allen, who had been prepared for a long time, picked up the Adamantium alloy syringe and couldn't help showing a lewd expression on his face.



Death Girl suddenly looked back.

The three of them maintained an awkward posture.

Death Woman was hunched over, Wade on her back, and Allen right behind her.

At this moment, the needle of the syringe was deeply inserted.

Allen said coquettishly: "Don't look back, I am Dr. Allen and I am giving you an injection."

Not long after, solution flowed from the dead woman's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and she remained in a stiff posture.

Under normal circumstances, Adamantium alloy is injected into the bones through surgery and injected into the flesh and blood, turning the whole body into a lump of iron.

"Bad women are so difficult to deal with."

Wade kicked him angrily, and there was a crisp sound of bones breaking.

The Death Girl, whose flesh and blood had been replaced by Adamantium alloy, had become a steel sculpture. One of her legs was kicked off with too much force.

at the same time.

Illyana teleported through space and landed in the area where the students were detained.

Sleeping bins are arranged neatly like cargo.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers.

The magic shield blocks the bullets and quickly approaches to deal with the soldiers.

Immediately, he looked at the dormant cabin and found that the power supply device was maintaining a dormant state.

The functional lines were cut off casually, a batch of dormant pods stopped functioning, and the mutant students in them woke up leisurely.

Among those who woke up were Ellie and Pietro.

"Ellie, help block the enemy, Pietro will find Kurt immediately." Iliana commanded.

Immediately, energy flames burst out all over Ellie's body, blocking the entrance like a wall of flames.

Pietro instantly turned into an afterimage and searched for Kurt one by one.

Nightcrawler Kurt has the ability to teleport. He can teleport multiple people at a time, and can even teleport objects of a certain size.

They have many reserve police officers who are trained to deal with crises in normal times. They work together very well and perform their respective duties to carry out rescue operations.

At this time, in the monitoring room, Stryker looked angrily at the experimental subject on the screen preparing to escape.

"Reporting to the commander, Sabertooth Tiger has defected with the Master of Illusion."

Suddenly, a soldier's return made Stryker feel like he was struck by lightning.

His most capable man defected and took away his son, Master of Illusion, and he suddenly felt anger brewing in his chest.

"You all die."

As he spoke, his hand opened a cover and pressed a red eye-catching button.

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