American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 108 Summon a Holy Angel to Fight

The secret base of the Weapon X program.

The two soldiers were smoking cigarettes and discussing where to relax and have fun during the holidays.

"There's a situation!"

The next moment, a soldier threw away his cigarette butt, raised his weapon and stared at the two approaching people.

"Don't shoot."

Allen put his katana on Wade's neck and shouted: "One of our own, I caught a mutant."


The bullets were loaded and the soldier warned: "Put down your weapons immediately and raise your hands to surrender."

boom! boom!

Wade took the lead to deal with the opponent and said disdainfully: "Your idea won't work."

Allen rubbed his chin seriously and concluded, "Maybe your acting skills are too poor."

"It's obviously a bad idea."

Wade took out two pistols and prepared to go into battle.

The mysterious guest sneaked into the base secretly, looking for opportunities to rescue the students.

The three of them acted separately.

In fact, it is easy to understand that Illyana has the ability to teleport and can take people to safety.

Allen and Wade can only attract attention and create opportunities for their teammates.

"Do you need weapons?"

Wade held a gun in both hands and two samurai swords on his back. He looked at Allen, who was empty-handed, and asked casually.


After saying that, Allen reached behind his butt, took out an ancient dagger, and showed off: "I have an ancient artifact, the Tetanus Blade."

Wade stared at his butt in shock and asked, "How did you manage to hide in your butt without getting hurt?"

"I kept holding it."


At this moment, in the base monitoring room.

Colonel Stryker looked at the screen as Allen and Wade strode into the base.

He looked at the Asian young man aside and said, "Number Zero, you go and fight quickly."

"no problem."

Agent Zero stood up with confidence. He was not only a sharpshooter who was always accurate, but also the first product of Weapon X. Due to the lack of samples in the early stage, his abilities were not outstanding, but he was still an ace agent that should not be underestimated.

Stryker didn't let ordinary soldiers die, obviously he was very aware of Deadpool's abilities.

Furthermore, during non-war periods, too many soldiers died and could not be reported to higher authorities.

Over the years, he has studied mutant genes and has already mastered a Weapon X team, all of whom are top killers.

Since he had not had enough time to capture the mutant students, he did not have time to make a detailed ability report, but he did not want to waste the test subjects casually.

At this time, the two people stepped into the base.

Not a single soldier was seen along the way, just wandering around like headless flies.

"Little bitch, why don't you find someone to ask?" Allen suggested.

"First we need to find someone." Wade replied seriously.

As soon as the enemy broke in, Colonel Stryker immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat to avoid casualties caused by head-on confrontation.

That's why they were able to enter the base so smoothly.

"Just ask him."

Allen pointed to the man in shirt overalls at the end of the passage.

When Agent Zero standing opposite raised his guns, Allen decisively used Wade as a shield.

bang bang…

Following two gunshots, Wade looked down at the gunshot wound on his chest and said angrily, "You are the only one who knows how to play with a gun."

For the first time, the two men fired at each other with guns.

Allen took the opportunity to duck and duck to the side.

What should I do if someone accidentally shoots me with a gun and joins in the fun?

"I'll check what skills the priest has first. I forgot to check last time."

[Character]: Allen (3/10)

[Occupation]: lv52 priest


Incarnation of Light: Affinity for light elements is 100%.

Healing Light lv0: Shoots out a beam of light to heal the target's injuries.

Guardian Embrace lv0: Bless yourself or the target with an invisible shield that can withstand a fatal damage.

Light of Cleansing lv0: Expels negative effects on yourself and the target, and becomes immune to any negative effects within five minutes.

Summon Angel lv0 (0/1): You can summon a light holy angel of the same level as yourself to fight.

[Time]: 1973, Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Looking at the four skills, except for summoning angels, the rest are auxiliary.

"Can I only be a wet nurse?" Allen held his chest with both hands and said awkwardly: "The amount of milk is too small, and it is difficult to treat a cold."

Suddenly, the fighting stopped.

Agent Zero and Wade find each other cover to change magazines.

The two of them were matched.

A perfect shot.

A person who never hits a target will not die.

The latter describes Wade being able to take a hundred bullets and being fine.

"No more pretending."

Allen walked out with his hands on his hips and said with dignity: "I am God, coming down to earth to save all sentient beings."

Wade popped out half of his head from the bunker and said piously: "Lord, I want to make a wish to you. Can you make me look handsome again? Wearing a hood every day makes me smell bad."

"Poor kid, can we change to someone more reliable, such as the Sea Cucumbers winning the World Cup?" Allen said with a difficult expression.

"I think the outbreak of World War III is more reliable." Wade said meaningfully.


A bullet bounced off Allen's heart.

Protective Embrace prevents a fatal damage.

Allen looked at Agent Zero who had finished loading the weapon with a sullen face, and said angrily: "Mortals, bear the wrath of God, come out, my angel beast."

Point to the sky with one hand.

A white light forms a portal and reflects the void, surrounded by white light like clouds.

In an instant, the portal opened.

Stepping out of it was a two-meter-tall holy angel with a pair of light wings on his back.

"Are you really an angel?" Wade asked with shocked eyes, "You are really a God."

"Why is it a man?"

Allen observed the appearance of the Holy Angel, which was completely male, and couldn't help but feel very disappointed.


A bullet hit the Holy Angel in the head.

In an instant, it turned into wisps of white light and disappeared.

"Ha...angel." Agent Zero smiled disdainfully.

At the same time, Colonel Stryker in the control room had a false alarm.

He really thought he was an angel coming, but he was solved with one shot, and he immediately understood that it was the ability of mutants.

There is never a shortage of fanatical believers in the world. Every year there are many cases about sightings of angels. Some of them are true and some are false. It is very troublesome to verify.

It's more of awe, the mutants can't handle it, and they still want to provoke heaven. Fortunately, they are not interested in the earthly world.

"Brother, I went out to buy groceries and got lost."

Allen turned around and hid behind the wall.

I originally wanted to pretend to be cool, but ended up pretending to be embarrassed.

Gunfire continued and bullets flew everywhere.

Agent Zero moved flexibly to avoid Wade, and Wade didn't even need to find a bunker.

Having an immortal body means being bold.

In the end, the bullets were exhausted and they still couldn't do anything to both sides.

Wade drew out his two swords and said proudly: "Now you have nothing to do."

Agent Zero drew out his dagger and said coldly: "I'm not bad at close combat."

The two immediately started a close fight.

The blade goes straight to the vital point, and the blow kills the person.

Taking advantage of the terrain's constantly changing positions, they played back and forth, and they were evenly matched.

"You're such a tough guy."

If Wade hadn't had healing powers, he would have died multiple times.

The first opponent you encounter is so powerful, and the next step is inevitably a tough fight.

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