American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 100: People are in hell, lost in contact

Starting a business is imminent.

The four of them hit it off immediately and decided to use a chicken to lay eggs.

There is no school to borrow tools and ingredients, so I have to borrow everything from the school.

Wade and the other two took care of the equipment and ingredients, while Allen did the market research.

In the morning, students enjoyed breakfast and sat in their free seats to prepare for the day's classes.

Allen looked at Colossus walking in front of him and squinted his eyes to think about a question.

"Selling him as scrap could be worth a lot of money."

Colossus Piotr suddenly felt a chill on his back. When he looked back, he saw a guy wearing a hospital gown looking at him with a lewd look.

Touching his chin, squinting his eyes, smiling crassly, he really wanted to hit him hard with his pure steel fist.

Three girls were sitting together in the stands of the playground, and no one dared to approach them within twenty meters.

The first school bully, the young warhead Ellie, the second school bully Illyana, and the first school bully's girlfriend Yukio form a small group, which can be said to be the most powerful among the student group.

Cyclops, Phoenix Girl, Pyro, Iceman and others are first-year students and don't have much interaction with each other.

Of course, the school bully team did not break the habit of bullying boys and girls, but they only violently resolved situations where other people were bullying.

As the saying goes, the school bully bullies the school bully, and then eliminates the school bully to become the only school bully.

"Illyana, I heard that a madman bullied you."

As we all know, Colossus is Mysterio's brother and also serves as the school security captain. He will never allow anyone to bully his sister.

Although Mysterio does not need Colossus to take care of him, his own abilities are already very powerful.

"Yes, that madman is me."

Allen popped up from the side and greeted: "Hello, Anal Alchemist, have you ever watched Anal Alchemist?"


Piotr looked puzzled.

What alchemist?

He is a genuine mutant, the pure kind.

"I'm warning you, stay away from my sister." Piotr said solemnly.

"Then I'll stay closer to you." Allen said suddenly.

Piotr said impatiently: "Stay away from me too."

Suddenly, Allen turned around with a depressed expression, as if he was a lonely man with nothing.

Piotr's eyes flashed with a hint of unbearability, feeling that he had spoken too much.

Someone who is mentally ill and has shown no malice may want to find someone to talk to. If he scolds the other person like that, he suddenly feels that he is too harsh.

There is no need to restrain a mentally ill person with the requirements of a normal person.

After walking a few meters, Allen suddenly looked back and jumped back a few meters.

"I moved away and jumped back."

“I jumped away again, and I jumped back.”

Allen jumped back and forth several times and said proudly: "If you hit me, if you don't hit me, you agree to the marriage between me and Xiao Mi."

So mean!

Too cheap!

Colossus apologized to himself for his sympathy just now. A mentally ill person cannot be treated in a normal way.

Clench your fists and decide to take action without hesitation. Only by giving a certain lesson can the opponent stop.

"You're serious."

Allen turned around and ran away, walking cheerfully, pinching his orchid fingers, and occasionally turning around and provoking: "Agang, come after me, Jie Jie Jie..."

A girly look with a mean expression.

On the playground, all the students were stunned and gasping, thinking about finding a knife and giving him two blows to avenge his eyes.

"Don't run, let me beat you to death."

Piotr gritted his teeth and chased, feeling as if there were thousands of ants crawling all over his body.

"If you chase me, if you catch me, I will let you have fun..."

"Hey, you are tall."

One escaped and the other chased, the two figures gradually drifted away.

Yukio joked: "Colossus and him got along quite well, and they fell in love with each other as soon as they met."

However, both Illyana and Ellie are aloof people and don't like to joke around much. On the contrary, Yukio has a very lively and cheerful personality.

"Actually, I also want to take action." Iliana said seriously.

Indeed, Allen's character is more despicable than Deadpool, and he feels a little overwhelmed by the sultry Mysterio and the young Warhead.

"I think it's quite interesting."

Yukio and Wade got along well, so naturally they didn't reject Allen, and even found them quite happy.

"You're almost there."

As Lily, Ellie has a strong desire to control her partner and doesn't like excessive contact with other men. The main reason is that Yukio is a bisexual.

"I give you permission to pursue me."

Allen suddenly appeared behind them, frightening the three of them and almost unleashing their powers.

"When did you come back?" Yukio asked curiously.

They clearly saw Alan chasing him into the woods, but why did they appear here out of thin air when they turned around.

"I don't like men."

Allen said matter-of-factly: "So he can't catch me."


"Secretary, I am preparing to start a business. When the time comes, I will buy you many stockings and fishnet stockings." Allen said affectionately to Iliana: "Don't worry about not being able to wear them, you can put them on your head."

"Please keep your distance, I don't like you." Illyana responded carefully.

"I know you're running away, afraid that you'll be so addicted to me that you can't extricate yourself."

Allen flipped up his hair and said extremely narcissistically: "I can't control the charm that deserves death."

Iliana grabbed Allen's clothes and Wen said angrily: "Don't bother me."

"If you don't like it, why would you close the distance? Just let it slip."

Allen's words undoubtedly angered her further.

In an instant, the space shattered like a mirror, changing into a completely different scene.

At this moment, Illyana showed her abilities.

Summoning the Soul Blade with his right hand, his eyes glowed with blue light.

At the same time, a small fire dragon fell from the sky and landed on his shoulder. It seemed to feel the anger of its owner and spit fire at Allen's mouth in protest.

"This is hell. If I kill you here, no one will know." Illyana threatened.

The sky was filled with burning clouds, and the ground was scorched brown.

In the distance, the grass and trees were tinged with flames.

It is exactly like the description of hell in mythology.

Allen covered his face with his hands and said shyly: "Well... I'm not ready yet. You're so direct. It's too much."


You are crazy.

I want to kill you, not have sex with you.

Shy Jill.

"Stay and feel what hell is like."

After that, Illyana let go of her hand, teleported herself back to reality, and left Allen alone in hell.

Looking around, I found that the environments were all similar, as if the concepts of time and direction did not exist.

"This is hell, it's not that scary."

Allen couldn't help but raise a question: "Am I dead, alive, or a superposition of life and death?"

"The question is too profound. I'll ask a local to ask it."

Looking left and right, Allen couldn't tell the direction, and there was no sun in the sky, so he could only raise his hands to let Xiao Zuo Xiaoyou decide.

"Ignore the scumbag, he's in love with a hot blonde girl now and won't let us show up for a long time."

Allen first imitated Xiao Zuo's tone, and then refuted himself: "Xiao Zuo, you are slandering me. I feel that my condition has improved a lot, and I rarely have schizophrenic fantasies."

"Ask the little secret, I don't believe in love anymore."

Allen immediately defended: "Xiaoyou, I will always love you, you are the only one in my heart."

To show his sincerity, Allen kissed his right hand wildly.

In the distance, a skeletal undead had just climbed up from the ground, looking at Allen with eyes flashing with soul fire, already messy in the wind.

This human-looking guy kept talking to himself and molesting his hands, which didn't look normal.

Ah da!

Just as the skeletal undead didn't come back to their senses, Allen flew up and attacked in a sneak attack.

The skeletons were scattered on the ground, and the skulls shouted in horror: "Brother, brother, don't kill me, me, me..."

"I, I, I..., give you all the guns, big, big... Brother, don't kill me..."


The skull stared speechlessly, and this guy started singing on the spot.

"Accept me as the boss and teach you how to comb your hair in the middle."

Allen picked up the skull and put it in the creaking nest. Looking at the bare skull, he said humbly: "Forget it, I'll buy you a wig."

"Okay, boss."

The situation was so pressing that the skeleton undead had to give in.

"Boss, I will take you to conquer the country." Allen put his hands on his hips and said domineeringly: "I want to conquer a big empire and give it as a betrothal gift to the little secretary."


Who is the little secret?

Boss, don't make trouble, hell is a mess and you can't control it.

The skull wanted to cry, but unfortunately it had no tear glands, its bones were all falling apart, and it couldn't run even if it wanted to.

Allen held the undead skeleton between his arms and kept muttering about the touching love story with Mysterio.

The figure has already moved into the distance.

Mysterio travels through the dimension space again and returns to school.

Seeing him returning alone, Ellie couldn't help but ask, "You've thrown someone into hell again."

Illyana has done similar things more than once, sending bullied classmates to hell to let them reflect on their mistakes.

"Throw it on the edge of hell, nothing will happen." Illyana said calmly.

She pays attention to propriety in doing things, so it is naturally impossible for her to teleport to a dangerous place and pick her back up in an hour or two.

It can be said that it has been tried and tested, and students who have tried it do not dare to cause trouble again.

Because of this, he is the eldest sister in school.

Ellie has singled out the senior mutants, so she is the eldest sister.

Besides, Illyana and Ellie have a good relationship, and they never worry about who is the biggest.

"I have a question."

Yukio asked seriously: "Do you think a mentally ill person would wait where he is as a normal person would think?"


Once reminded, Iliana suddenly realized: "I forgot, he is a psychopath."

The classmates who were sent to hell usually stayed where they were.

But it’s hard to say that a guy with an abnormal mind would be afraid of hell.

"Hi, Black Queen, have you seen a psychopath? His name is Alan."

Wade, wearing a pink afro wig, said angrily: "This guy proposed starting a business together, and he disappeared."

"Didn't see it."

The three women responded in unison, shaking their heads in unison.

But he didn't dare to tell the truth. Once the matter reached Professor X's ears, he would inevitably be criticized.

If a person dies in hell, things can be big or small.

"Xie Te, it's really annoying. I'll look elsewhere."

Wade turned and walked away, wondering where to start.

The three girls couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as they had managed to get through it.

"Something's wrong."

Wade turned back suddenly, the white eye mask on his mask shrank, as if he was examining them, and questioned: "You must have something to hide, it's not like this usually."

How are you usually?

The three women were filled with doubts as to whether there was something wrong. ,

At this time, Yukio was the first to react.

"Hi, Wade." Yukio asked, "Did I not say hello to you?"

"Yes, it feels right." Wade strode away with satisfaction.

Finally, they could breathe a sigh of relief.

Ellie suggested: "Get the person back now, I guess he hasn't gone far."


Illyana lowered her head in self-reproach and said, "I am not strong enough to teleport across latitudes. I need to wait half an hour to recover my magic power."

Her magic-related abilities consume basic magic power. If she is on a planet, it will not be a problem to teleport dozens of times in a row.

Across latitudes or distances between planets in the solar system, basically more than 70% of the magic power is achieved at one time.

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