American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 99 Foursome in Dormitory 404

Dormitory 404.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw an afterimage moving back and forth in the room.

Play table tennis, video games, and read books together at the same time.

There is a blue figure hanging on the beam, with a blue tail tightly tied to the beam, and he is patiently looking at the book in his hand.

"Guys, there's an interesting guy new here."

Following Wade's greeting, the afterimage stopped, showing a boy with white hair, and the boy with dark blue skin turned over and landed on the ground.

"He is the new student Allen, who has healing powers."

Wade added: "The white hair is Quicksilver, and the blue skin is Nightcrawler. Their abilities are super cool."

"I know."

Allen reminded: "I'm not a local."


Wade remembered that Allen seemed to have similar abilities to himself.

"You know us?"

Quicksilver asked curiously: "Tell me my full name."

"Pietro Django Maximov, Wanda is your sister." Allen asked smoothly: "Is your sister at school?"

"She ran away from home a few years ago and her whereabouts are still unknown." Pietro said disappointedly.

"It's okay. Maybe I went out to learn magic and find a partner."

Scarlet Witch Wanda's chaos magic can modify reality. In the future, there will be no more mutants in the world. As a result, 99% of mutants are gone.

Those are all dispensable characters who are not worthy of the stage, but they are still very active.

At the same time, Allen is grateful that he is not a mutant.

"What about me?" Nightwalker asked expectantly.

"Kurt Wagner, are your parents the Red Devil and the Shapeshifter?"

Allen remembered that Nightcrawler's origin was supposed to be in the comics, but it was different in the movie.

"I don't know. I've seen Mystique and I'm sure she's not my mother." Kurt said slightly sadly.

He has been living in the circus as long as he can remember, and then sold it to an underground boxing gym after poor management.

When Professor X found him, he was still hiding in the sewers and eking out a living.

Night Walker's life experience is not without tragedy. Fortunately, he met his life mentor, the priest of a church, who not only helped him, but also guided him to do good.

Therefore, Kurt has never held grudges against those who hurt him, and is even willing to help those in trouble.

However, people with a naturally blue appearance are often treated as devils.

Even so, he just escaped through teleportation and did not do anything to harm others.

"Don't be sad, Smurf, you still have us." Alan comforted.

Wow, Kurt cried.

Why did I become a Smurf?

It's easy to understand why the three of them live together.

Who in their right mind wants to deal with Deadpool.

The Nightcrawler looks like a devil. He gets up in the middle of the night to urinate, and is probably too scared to sleep.

Quicksilver's father is Magneto, who leads the Brotherhood of Mutants that pursues extremism. To put it more harshly, no one wants to come into contact with the son of a terrorist.

Therefore, don’t dislike anyone and just make do with it.

"We are destined to meet each other. I propose to have a good time."

Eating and drinking is the easiest way to get closer. Once Allen proposed it, everyone looked at each other.

Wade asked a serious question: "Do you have money?"

"How can I, a mentally ill person, look like I'm rich?"

Allen looked at the hospital gown and couldn't find the pocket for the money.

Looking at Quicksilver and Nightcrawler, they both shook their heads like rattles.

You both have no money, yet you still expect these two students to have money.

"It is understandable that Marvel heroes are either so rich that their technology soars, or they are so poor that they mutate. Unlike the DC heroes next door, they at least have a serious job. Being a hero is a part-time job."

Allen summed it up very well, and Wade couldn't help but nod his head frequently.

Marvel heroes regard being a hero as a profession, and whoever is a truly rich hero does not rely on his ancestors.

Rich means technology, poor means mutation, the description is too apt.

"It doesn't matter, it's such a small thing, how can it be difficult to stop me?"

Allen said proudly: "I found a group of swans in the lake next to the school. They were quite fat. Quickyin caught two and we ate roast geese."

"Wade and Smurf, prepare some seasoning." Allen flipped up his hair and said with joy, "I don't plan to hide my identity as the heir to the eight major oriental cuisines."

"You are really versatile and can also cook." Wade said in a strange tone, obviously deeply doubtful.

Allen snorted: "My whole body smells of talent, and my farts carry the fragrance of wisdom."

Without further ado, let’s start taking action.

Kurt held everyone's hands, closed his eyes and teleported, and collectively moved to the forest behind the mountain.

The next moment, Pietro moved and returned to his original position within three seconds. There were already two more big gray geese in his hands.

Wade and Kurt teleport back to the school cafeteria to steal seasonings.

At the same time, Allen took out the Blade of Salvation from his butt and processed the ingredients, while Quicksilver collected firewood and ignited it.

It was a busy two hours.

Everyone finally eliminated their doubts about Allen.

The gray swan, which originally symbolized love, has become golden on the outside and tender on the inside, giving people a very alluring feeling.

Maybe it's a pair of swans, destined to die together.

Each person had a big duck leg and ate it with gusto.

Allen settled the matter in a few words, and said with a rattling bone: "I have a money-making project. If we combine the abilities of everyone here, we will definitely make a lot of money, reach the pinnacle of life, and marry Bai Fumei."

The three people looked at him with bright eyes.

Deadpool has never been rich. Even though he received many bounties, he still doesn’t know how the money disappeared.

Quicksilver, a child from a single-parent family, was too embarrassed to ask his mother for money. His father, Magneto, whom he had never met a few times, was busy with his career and had no time to talk to the poor baby.

Nightcrawler is basically an orphan, and he will get beaten several times just because he goes out to beg based on his appearance.

"Selling breakfast in school is a cunning idea."

Allen planned the division of labor: "I'll be in charge of cooking, Wade will hand out flyers, Kurt will deliver takeaways, and Pietro will cook. It's difficult even if the business isn't booming."

"No money." Pietro pointed out the key problem.

Four people couldn't raise a dollar together, and they still talked about starting a business. The capitalists called him a good guy.

"You can borrow some ingredients from the kitchen and pay them back after you make money."

Not all parents in the academy hate mutant children, but only a very small number. Most of them are sent here to study out of the desire to protect their children from being discovered to be mutants, and they must be given some living expenses.

"somebody is coming!"

Kurt's senses were extremely keen. He looked in the direction of the approaching person and said in shock: "It's the dean of students, Logan!"


Before Allen could ask clearly, Kurt activated teleportation to teleport the person back to the dormitory.

Not long after, a figure rushed through the forest.

Wolverine Logan Howlett looked at the sizzling roast goose, took it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, and said calmly: "No matter how fast you run away, you can't escape my nose."

I couldn't help but take a bite of the roast goose, and my pupils shrank instantly.

Within a few minutes, only the skeleton of the roast goose was left, and his eyes couldn't help but turn to the remaining roast goose.

"Should I take it back and give it to Charles to try?" Logan struggled: "I'll take another small bite, just a small bite..."

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