American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 92 Superpower

An hour after the space-based disaster, a Quinjet burning with black fire flew to the space station. Immediately afterwards, Andrew walked out of the Quinjet with Natasha in a spacesuit.

Why is Andrew here? Of course, it was to save the people in the space station. As for Natasha, she strongly requested to come together, and Andrew took her with him.

In addition, the current version of the Quinjet uses a turbine engine and cannot go into space. It will be upgraded to a plasma engine later to have the ability to go into space. In the movie, Hulk took the Quinjet to outer space.

This is why Andrew demonized the Quinjet with Hellfire.

"What a miserable space station. Fortunately, it no longer belongs to me."

Andrew looked at the dilapidated space station and smiled. Natasha shook her head and said, "I hope Tony lives and feels sorry for this space station. Among superheroes, he should be the most unlucky one. He is kidnapped every now and then."

"You can change his name to Kidnapper in the future."

While talking, the two walked into the space station and found that everyone fell to the ground, including Tony Stark in the suit. Natasha hurriedly stepped forward to check everyone. After a while, she said happily: "They are all still alive. .”

"More than alive."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. Both the Fantastic Four and the mutants had extremely strong vitality. In other words, they had all been strengthened.

To be honest, Andrew is looking forward to what kind of changes Mystique and the others will have.

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Let's go back."

Andrew picked up Susan and said to Natasha: "Susan and Frank are my people. I will take them away. You can handle the rest by yourself."

Although Nick Fury said that he would take everyone back, Natasha did not dare to oppose Andrew at all. She nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you Mr. Wang for helping us."

Then, Andrew brought everyone back to Earth via Quinjet. Pepper received the news and cried with joy. She was determined to make Tony give up being a superhero.

Being a superhero is too dangerous. If Tony wants to be as powerful as Ghost Rider, Pepper will have no objection. The problem is, he is not good enough and is kidnapped every day.

Soon, the Hellfire Quinjet landed at the rocket base, and a group of agents came out to help. It is worth mentioning that John Garrett did not come out. It was not that he neglected Andrew, but that he did not dare to meet Andrew.

The reason is simple, Garrett is a Hydra, and Pierce has given an order that all Hydras should stay away from Andrew to prevent him from discovering the existence of Hydra.

Hydra is full of fear towards Andrew, not only because he is powerful, but also because he can see through sin.

Then, Andrew drove Susan and Frank back to the Rebirth Group. As for Firefox, he had no interest in it and left it to SHIELD for the time being.

It is worth mentioning that the X-Men were also at the rocket base. They wanted to take Professor Charles back to the Mutant Academy. SHIELD was reluctant and the two sides quarreled.

At this time, the red devil woke up by coincidence. He shook his head and teleported away.

"The harvest this time is really good, more than 100,000 souls, soul contracts from professors, Dr. Reed and others, cosmic storms, space gems, each one is better than the last, mutants, really good people."

Andrew secretly lamented that at this point, the space-based disaster incident has come to an end, but the storm it caused has just begun.

People are becoming more and more hateful towards mutants, and some people are even attacking mutants on the street. This has led to more and more mutants wanting to become ordinary people, and there is not enough space in Times Square.

In addition, various countries are very dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D., which failed to prevent the space-based disaster. Nick Fury's status is shaky. In order to keep him, Pierce visits those high-level officials every day, and his words are almost dry.

Nick Fury is very grateful to Pierce. Without him, it would have been impossible for him to become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., let alone hold this position for more than ten years.

What Nick Fury didn't know was that Pierce had secretly scolded him bloody. If Hydra hadn't needed Nick Fury to be its chief, he would never have worked desperately for Nick Fury.

Although Nick Fury is not Hydra, everything he does is more Hydra than Hydra.

As for why the tungsten rod over Washington suddenly disappeared? The common theory is that a mysterious mutant took action. Because of the words he left behind, many people in Washington chose to move. President Ellis even left the White House to work elsewhere.

God knows when that tungsten rod will come back.

In addition to the above, there is another big thing, that is, the share price of Stark Group has collapsed again.

On the one hand, the space station was destroyed and the Stark Group suffered heavy losses. On the other hand, during the transformation period, the Stark Group relied entirely on Iron Man to support its business. Now that Iron Man has been kidnapped one after another, investors have lost confidence in him, and the stock price has naturally plummeted.

Pepper was so busy with this that she had to say that it was a blessing that Tony Stark could find such a good woman in his previous life.

Internationally, there is a well-known arms group called the McCarran Group. At this moment, McCarran, the president of the McCarran Group, is watching the report on the space-based disaster incident.

"Threaten the whole world with space-based weapons? What a great idea."

McAllen touched his chin and decided to make one himself. With the technology of McAllen Group, he should be able to do it.

Half a month later, at a shooting range owned by the Rebirth Group, Frank held a gun with both hands and kept shooting at the target. When all the bullets were fired, he threw away the two guns, shook his hands, and two guns appeared out of thin air in his hands.

Susan exclaimed: "Wow, Frank, your superpower is really cool."

"If you use this power for smuggling, you will definitely become a billionaire."

Andrew said that Frank's special power is storage space. Although it is a bad ability in the novel, in reality, it is quite powerful.

Susan complained: "You are an angel, why do you have so many criminal thoughts in your mind?"

"It's just a suggestion."

Andrew shrugged, and Frank turned around and said, "Money means nothing to me. I like this power. I can carry an arsenal with me in the future."

"You don't care about money?"

Andrew said to Susan: "Fire Frank. He doesn't care about money, but he works for us. He is either greedy for your body or mine."


Susan hammered Andrew, and Frank couldn't help but roll his eyes. Why don't I care about money? Is it because I follow you, the devil?

Money is nothing to Frank anymore, what he cares about is life span, and he wants all his family to live a long life.

Andrew asked: "Susan, how are you mastering your powers?"

"I have two powers, one is invisibility and the other is energy barrier. Among them, I have mastered energy barrier."

Susan said: "But invisibility still works sometimes."

Andrew touched his chin and asked in a low voice: "Like the last time you were wandering around in front of me without any clothes on, and then suddenly lost your ability?"

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