In the illusion, Andrew smiled at Professor Charles and said, "Professor, we meet again."

"Demon King?"

Professor Charles was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Are you here to sign a soul contract with me?"

"Yes, as long as you are willing to give me your soul after death, I will help you survive the cosmic storm."

Andrew said that normal people will have superpowers when they are radiated by cosmic storms, but no one knows what will happen to mutants. Andrew is not a blank wolf.

Professor Charles hesitated, and after a moment, he said tiredly: "I can give you my soul, but I hope you can help me save the mutant family."

"I can save mutants, but to be honest, Professor, your soul is not worth that much."

Andrew shook his head and refused. Saving mutants requires a lot of thought and energy. Although the professor's soul is precious, it is not that precious.

There is only one possibility for Andrew to save mutants, and that is for all mutants to give their souls to him.

"Hey, wait, what if I build a mutant utopia?"

An idea suddenly came to Andrew's mind, and he said: "Professor, make a decision. As a distinguished guest, I can give you an extra piece of news as a gift, news that is crucial to the life and death of mutants."

"Life or death? Okay, I'll sign."

Professor Charles sighed and agreed. He was not afraid of death, but he couldn't die. The mutants needed him.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, and after Professor Charles finished signing the contract, he said, "Have you heard of Worthington Research Laboratory?"

Professor Charles nodded: "I heard that Worthington is a famous pharmaceutical company in the United States."

"They have a mutant called Leech on their hands..."

Andrew explained the antidote in detail: "Their goal is to develop an antidote for mutants and turn all mutants back into ordinary people."

Professor Charles angrily shouted: "Mutants have no antidote and do not need an antidote."

"That's what you think."

Andrew said: "There is government support behind the Worthington Research Laboratory. If you do nothing, they will develop an antidote. It will be non-permanent at first and permanent later. I believe you know what will happen then." .”

Professor Charles said firmly: "I will never allow this to happen."

"That's your business, Professor. Goodbye."

Andrew smiled and sent Professor Charles' consciousness back to his body. Then, with a wave of his hand, several rays of magic flew into everyone's bodies.

In addition to Professor Charles, Sloane, Mystique Raven, Toad, Big Steel Tooth, Weightless, the Fantastic Three, and Hawkeye Barton also chose to sign contracts and exchange their souls after death for their survival.

"The harvest is good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, the tungsten rod was about to hit Washington. Countless citizens chose to sign soul contracts in exchange for their own survival, including a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

The number of aircraft is limited, and many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have no way to escape and can only hide in underground bases.

"very good."

Demon King Andrew raised his left hand in hell, a space ripple flashed through, the burning tungsten rod suddenly disappeared, leaving only a line in English in the sky: I will be back!

The citizens of Washington looked at the sky in confusion. What's going on? never mind? Also, what does it mean to come back again? Will that tungsten rod appear again?

How about playing?

"It's just a joke, don't take it so seriously."

Andrew smiled and quietly sent the accelerated tungsten rod to Mephisto Hell. He was an old friend. There were benefits. Of course he couldn't be forgotten.

In Mephisto Hell, Mephisto is commanding a group of demons to beat his son Black Heart Demon, yes, beating his own son. He has been in a bad mood recently and needs to use the Black Heart Demon's screams to relieve his stress.

"Gu Yi's strength has not declined, and he is colluding with that kid, which is troublesome."

Mephisto frowned. The ancient one intercepted the lord of hell and the demon god outside, and the boy harvested souls inside and drove away other demon believers. The two of them cooperated, and soon there would be no place for them on the earth.

What's even more troublesome is that with the strength of Gu Yi and that kid, a small fight is of no use to them.

"It has to be a big one."

Mephisto thought secretly, and at this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the west, and the terrible vibration even reached here.

Mephisto was stunned, and then immediately teleported to the scene of the incident, and found that the entire city was shaking crazily, countless buildings collapsed, and countless demons died tragically.

At the same time, a large high-temperature pit appeared in the middle of the city. Hot magma bubbled out crazily from the pit, but the ground was penetrated.

Mephisto was furious, and with a wave of his left hand, all the demons that were not dead were transferred away. Then, he pressed down with his right hand, and the shaking of the city suddenly stopped.

After solving the disaster, Mephisto clasped his hands and reversed time to view the past.

The hell lords have great power in this hell, including controlling time. However, the degree varies. The weak ones can only see the images of the past, and the strong ones can play with the timeline at will, such as the senior otaku Crimson Demon God. .

Mephisto is at a medium level. Although he cannot change the past, he can speed up and slow down time. However, he generally does not do that because it consumes too much magic power.

What, where is Andrew at? Well, regardless of this matter, we are still friends.

Soon, the image of the past appeared in front of Mephisto - a burning tungsten rod fell from the sky and slammed into the Castlevania. The city turned over and collapsed like an earth dragon.

"This stick comes from another world, why didn't I sense the invasion?"

Mephisto was frightened and angry. He struggled to sense the breath on the tungsten rod. After a moment, he concluded that the stick came from the earth.

"there is only one truth."

Mephisto solved the case in an instant. It was the Ancient One who was taking revenge on him. Only the Ancient One could invade his hell without being sensed by him. Only the Ancient One could do this with such great skill - the space gem can also do the same.

As for why Gu Yi took revenge on him? This is completely normal, either because he called her an old woman, or because he instigated other demon kings to trouble her some time ago. Well, the former is more likely.

Mephisto was very angry. It didn't matter that the city was destroyed. He rebuilt several cities every minute, but he couldn't resurrect the dead demon and suffered heavy losses.

Mephisto roared angrily towards the sky: "Ancient One, I'm not done with you."

Kama Taj, the Ancient One is elegantly sunbathing and drinking tea, and it’s great to have someone to deal with all kinds of disasters on your behalf.

At this time, Gu Yi sensed something, he bent his finger and knocked forward, and a muffled hum sounded. Then, the little boy outside the timeline shouted dissatisfied: "Gu Yi, why do you keep stopping me?"

"Franklin, this is not the timeline you're supposed to be in."

Ancient One said: "Go back, Dr. Reed can't fight Andrew, it's useless for you to help him."

"It's because that idiot can't defeat the Demon King that I have to help him."

Franklin gritted his teeth and said, "I shouldn't have faith in that guy. When I was three years old, I was better at picking up girls than he was, and I admired his talent. I almost vomited after hearing this."

Gu Yi couldn't help but laugh, and she said: "The conflict between you and the Demon King is just about being born early or being born late. If you please him, he will let you be born early."

Franklin shouted: "I will never please him, Ancient One, let me in, I still have a chance."

"Go back. It's not a shame for a son to please his father."

Ancient Yi shook his head and blocked Franklin. The world was already chaotic enough, and there must be no more problems with the timeline.

Thinking of something, Gu Yi looked up and looked outside the timeline. A large group of people were trying to break through the blockade of the time stone. She couldn't help but shake her head. Why do so many people like to travel through the timeline? Don't they know that this will cause greater disasters?

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