"What did you say?"

Susan blushed and spat at Andrew. Andrew smiled, took out a uniform from the side and said, "The key to controlling invisibility is emotion. In addition, this suit has been modified by the cosmic storm and can become invisible with you."

This uniform was the one Susan wore on the space station. She took it over excitedly and said, "It's great. With this, you don't have to worry about losing your abilities anymore."

"I think it's nice to have it fail once in a while," Andrew said.

Susan rolled her eyes at Andrew. She thought of something and said, "Andrew, I want to go see Jonathan. I don't know how he is doing."

At this point, Susan glared at Andrew dissatisfied: "Why don't you bring Jonathan back? SHIELD can't believe it at all."

"I forgot, I haven't seen your brother before."

Andrew spread his hands with an innocent face. Human Torch Jonathan's ability was indeed good, but Andrew had no intention of subduing him, because that guy was a troublemaker, and Andrew had no interest in cleaning up the mess for his brother-in-law.

The Human Torch should be left to SHIELD, I believe SHIELD will be very grateful for his generosity.

Susan said: "You're not too busy. Let's go. I hope he's okay, and I hope he doesn't get any superpowers. Otherwise, with his character, he will definitely get into trouble."

Andrew smiled and said, "You are indeed my biological sister."

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s island prison is located off the coast of New York. In addition to imprisoning criminals, it is also responsible for conducting some shady experiments, such as vampire immortality experiments, abomination research experiments, X-gene experiments, etc.

Mystique and others are now all locked up in the laboratory of the island prison.

Yes, it's a laboratory, not an ordinary prison, and SHIELD wants to know the impact of the cosmic storm on them.

For their own safety, Mystique and the others were held in separate cells, with two heavily armed guards standing at the door.

John Garrett looked at Mystique, who was tightly tied up on the bed, and sighed: "God is really unfair. You committed such a big crime. Not only did you not die, your mutant abilities were also upgraded."

The reason John Garrett is here is because Coulson finally returned to New York and he was assigned to run the island prison.

"I fight for mutants, what crime do I have?"

Mystique sneered. Garrett bent down, as if he wanted to get closer to talk to Mystique. At this moment, Mystique's neck suddenly lengthened, and she opened her mouth and bit Garrett's neck.

This is one of Mystique's upgraded abilities, which allows her body to partially transform.

Garrett was well prepared and dodged in time. Then, he pressed Mystique's head with his big hands and sneered, "Do you think I'm that stupid? Mystique, I'm warning you, don't attack the experimenters again. Otherwise, don’t blame me for not giving Professor Charles face.”

Mystique gritted her teeth and shouted: "Kill me if you can, I will never be your human experiment."

"Want to die? I'm sorry, you are destined to be an experiment in your life. By the way, did I tell you that Trask Industries is applying to transfer you to their side? They miss you very much."

Garrett sneered and turned to leave the room. Mystique roared hysterically, but it was of no use.

Outside the room, Garrett asked the doctor waiting there: "Is Mystique's new ability confirmed?"

"It's almost there, the limbs are partially deformed."

The doctor nodded and said: "The other mutants are very uncooperative and have been hiding their abilities. We need to continue research."

"Then keep researching, and next, focus on other people."

Garrett snorted coldly and left with the doctor. In the room, Mystique, who had been yelling, flashed a cold look in her eyes. After acting for so long, that bastard Garrett finally let down his guard.

"Garrett, you're going to pay."

Mystique secretly gritted her teeth. Two days later, she was wearing handcuffs and anklets and being escorted by guards for experiments. On the road, she saw a short mutant wearing a lightbulb helmet.

This short mutant, nicknamed Scan, is a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. He has the abilities of mental scanning and mental communication. SHIELD is very interested in his abilities and has been studying him.

As for the helmet on the scanning head, it is a special device. Once the scanning uses mental power, the light bulb on the helmet will glow.

Seeing Mystique, Scan nodded to her. The guard behind him pushed him hard and cursed: "Get away, monster."

Although Scan was angry, he didn't dare to resist. Mystique saw this and hit Scan hard with her shoulder when he passed by her, and at the same time cursed: "Trash."

"be honest."

The guard electrocuted Mystique. Although Mystique screamed, she had no intention of surrendering. Then, she resisted the experiment as usual. No one knew that her goal had been achieved.

At night, Mystique, who was injured, wrapped herself in a sheet. Then, her body fluctuated and turned into a scanned image.

"Successful, mental scan."

Mystique activated her powers, and the situation in the entire island prison was reflected in her mind, including Magneto in the plastic glass room. She was overjoyed and used her mental power to contact Magneto: "Eric, I'm here."

Magneto, who was playing chess with himself, was stunned. He asked with his consciousness: "Riven, why can you communicate with me mentally?"

Mystique said proudly: "The cosmic storm has strengthened my abilities. Not only can I control the deformation of my limbs, but I can also copy other people's X genes.

However, I have to come into contact with the other party, and I can only record one type of X gene. If I change it to another type, the previously recorded X gene will disappear. "

While communicating with Magneto, Mystique also brought the spirits of Toad and Big Teeth into the 'group chat'.

After hearing what Mystique said, Toad was very excited: "Great, we can finally get revenge. Uh, Raven, why did you bring Big Steel Fang in? He has no brains."

"I'm used to it. In the past, there were always four of us in meetings."

Mystique smiled, and at this moment, Big Steel Tooth suddenly said: "Who do you think has no brain? I'm fine, Magneto, thank you for taking care of me all these years."

The voice of Big Steel Tooth, or Saber Tooth Tiger, is filled with deep resentment. Over the years, Magneto has used him frequently - Sabre Tooth Tiger is Wolverine's half-brother, and his brain was damaged due to some things.

Magneto said: "You're welcome, I should do it. Congratulations on your return to normal."

Sabertooth Tiger was furious. He was about to say something when Mystique said, "Don't argue. The most important thing for us now are two things, escaping from the island prison and letting me get in touch with Charles."

"Contact Charles?"

Magneto was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise: "Riven, what do you mean?"

"Yes, I want to finish what Charles should have done long ago."

Mystique said: "Eric, do you have any objection?"

"Of course not. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Magneto said excitedly: "Riven, tell me all the information you know, and I will make a plan."

"Okay, with the ability to scan, it won't be difficult for us to escape."

Mystique nodded and said, there are many mutants in the island prison, and more importantly, SHIELD has no way to limit the abilities of mutants.

"Very good."

Toad looked excited, not only for being able to escape from here, but also for Mystique's new plan.

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