American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 878 Lyme City

"Of course, Pokémon will be the new members of the Earth."

Andrew nodded first, and then he pretended to say: "James, think about your request carefully, and don't make it difficult for me anymore. Otherwise, Mr. Wang will be very angry and the consequences will be serious."

Although he knew that Andrew was joking, as a sociopath, James was still a little nervous. He thought about it carefully and said, "I hope to be able to summon Arnold at any time in reality."

"as you wish."

Andrew smiled, raised his hand, and a watch appeared out of thin air in his hand. Then, he sent the watch to James and said: "As long as you shout Gandalf, please give me power, you can become Anok." .

At the same time, your body will be received into the watch. Remember, you must shout very loudly, otherwise, you will not be able to change your body. "


James was confused, are you kidding? Let him shout "Gandalf, please give me strength" in public? Are you giving me a hard time, James?

The superheroes laughed, and they naturally knew that Andrew was playing a prank. Tony said: "James, you are a scientist and find a way to solve the shouting problem yourself.

Also, I don’t find it difficult to shout. "

James glanced at Iron Man helplessly. How could you, a current executive who lives in the spotlight every day, understand our socially fearful thoughts?

"I'll figure out a way to do it without shouting."

James caught the watch and said, Andrew nodded and said: "This is your business, James. Since you are here, go directly to join the job. The dream game has just begun, and there are still many things that need to be developed."

"No problem, I can start working right away."

James said excitedly that as a homebody, it is normal for him to stay up late and work all night long.

The development department is about to welcome a king of involution.

"Go ahead."

Andrew asked a robot to take James to the studio, and then he said to the superheroes: "There will be a few months of stability. Everyone goes back to rest and wait for the next wave of disasters."

"Why do you feel so sad?"

Tony complained, everyone shook their heads and returned to Earth.

Most superheroes would go to rest, but not Tony and Batman. These two guys with persecution paranoia immediately started studying Pokémon as soon as they returned.

In fact, officials, the Sky Eye Society, and various consortiums are also studying, on the one hand to eliminate dangers, and on the other hand, to see if they can enhance their strength.

There is no doubt that everyone from the government to the people wants to increase their strength in the face of successive disasters.

Because Andrew spoke, the Pokémon were not harmed, gathered in the wild, and gradually integrated into the ecological environment.

Some of those who couldn't integrate entered the city and looked for humans to adopt them. Because Andrew said that Pokémon are not aggressive, people are not afraid of Pokémon, and many people choose to adopt them.

There's no way around it, Pokémon is really cute, and with Mr. Wang's guarantee, what's there to be afraid of?

In short, Pokémon are gradually integrating into human society. However, there is not without bad news. Recently, there has been a trend of Pokémon battles. Many people have captured Pokémon, used them to fight against each other, and even started gambling games.

In this regard, Andrew promised that the Eye of Heaven would crack down severely, and at the same time, he used the media to criticize this behavior.

The public is very supportive of Andrew's approach. As time goes by, more and more people like Pokémon, and of course Pokémon are not allowed to be harmed.

The Animal Protection Association here in the United States is not ordinary, and Pokémon is more popular among the people than ordinary animals.

When things got on track, Andrew released the Poké Balls and sold them at low prices, which made the popularity of Pokémon rise again.

It is important to mention here that all Poké Balls are connected to the Internet and will automatically check the status of Pokémon. If any abuse or the like is discovered, the police will be called immediately.

It's not that no one has thought about cracking the Poké Ball, but with their technology, they simply can't do it.

A month later, Howard Clifford, a large consortium, announced the construction of a city in the United States where humans and Pokémon could coexist, named Lyme City.

Of course, it is not building from scratch, but transforming a bankrupt city into a new city - there are many such cities in the United States, such as Detroit.

In America, people with money can do whatever they want. Howard Clifford's plan was quickly approved, Lyme City was quickly built, and many people who loved Pokémon immigrated to this city.

At the same time, Howard Clifford used various means to attract a large number of Pokémon to come and live with the people.

They live together, not as pets, which is completely different from other cities. Of course, the official will not prevent humans from accepting Pokémon as partners. Everything is done voluntarily by the Pokémon.

This city has gradually become a sacred place for Pokémon, and various Pokémon can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Some Pokémon even join municipal work, such as the blue four-armed monster, which uses four arms to direct traffic on the street, Squirtle as a gardener, and so on.

At the same time, Lyme City respects the way of life of Pokémon and protects all kinds of Pokémon as much as possible. For example, Kirby likes to sleep. Once it falls asleep, everyone will automatically get out of the way.

In short, humans and Pokémon coexist and develop harmoniously.

Unfortunately, this beauty is only on the surface. Secretly, Howard Clifford obtained a large number of Pokémon genes through Lyme City, and then optimized and transformed these genes to create new Pokémon.

On this day, Howard Clifford successfully created a new Pokémon - a Pokémon that is somewhat similar to Slime.

The main reason why new Pokémon can be created is because Howard Clifford controls that fossil, which is no ordinary fossil.

"Isn't this Pokémon too ugly?"

Howard Clifford's son Roger Clifford complained, Howard Clifford smiled and ordered: "Transform."

Following Howard Clifford's command, the new Pokémon's body quickly twisted and deformed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into Roger's appearance, even its clothes were exactly the same.

However, his eyes were mung bean eyes, which looked very strange. At the very least, Roger had a creepy feeling.

"The eyes are its flaw, but it's not difficult to solve."

Howard Clifford thought for a while and asked someone to hand the new Pokémon a pair of sunglasses. After the new Pokémon put them on, he looked like Roger.

"Father, I don't like this Pokémon."

Roger couldn't help but shake his head, and Howard Clifford said: "As long as I like it, it will be my partner from now on. It can not only transform into humans, but also into other Pokémon.

Its name is Variety Monster. "

Variety turned into Howard Clifford's female secretary, standing behind him and pushing his wheelchair. Howard Clifford was very satisfied. This new Pokémon was so successful.

Roger didn't know Howard Clifford's plan. He said, "Father, you spend too much time and energy on Pokémon."

"It's totally worth it. Pokémon are much better than humans and are the future of humanity."

With the help of Variety, Howard Clifford came to the window. He looked at the city below and said, "If all humans turned into Pokémon, the world would be much quieter."

Roger sneered and said, "Father, you really sound like a villain when you say this. Be careful of the Justice League coming."

"Justice League?"

Howard Clifford's eyes flashed slightly. He initially came into contact with Pokémon just to cure his terminal illness, but as he came into contact with Pokémon, he had other ideas.

However, the Justice League is a huge problem, and if that plan really goes ahead, they will definitely come to stop him.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Howard Clifford shook his head and said to Roger: "The media group CNM in Lyme City has just been established. Go and sit there. Remember, the purpose of this media group is to allow humans and Pokémon to coexist harmoniously."

"Okay, it's better than studying these Pokémon."

Roger didn't refuse. He didn't hate Pokémon, but he hated modified Pokémon. To be honest, it looked too much like a villain.

After Roger left, Howard Clifford returned to the laboratory. He ordered: "Do your best to restore that set of DNA. I want the most powerful Pokémon, named Mewtwo."

"Yes, Chairman."

The scientists nodded in unison and created new life. They liked this kind of thing so much.

Time flies, and it’s December 2018, with only more than one day left before Christmas.

Due to disasters, there has been no festive atmosphere in the United States in recent years, and this year is no exception. However, Lyme City is different from other places in that the festive atmosphere is particularly strong.

The reason for this is simple. This is the first Christmas that humans and Pokémon have spent together, so the citizens of Lyme City want to celebrate it grandly.

“I haven’t seen such a strong Christmas atmosphere in several years.”

Diana was walking on the streets of Lyme City wearing a down jacket and said to Andrew, who had Pikachu standing on her shoulder: "Shall we spend Christmas here this year?"

Andrew laughed: "You can like it, but it feels weird for the daughter of Zeus to celebrate Christmas with God."

"It's a bit weird indeed."

Diana was a little speechless, and she said: "I still can't accept the setting that you are God. We will talk about this when you really become God.

Now, you're just a pilot-magician crawling out of the grave. "

"To be precise, it's for you, the magician who crawled out of the grave."

Andrew took Diana's hand and smiled, and then the two of them visited Lyme City together.

The biggest difference between Lyme City and other cities is that there are Pokémon everywhere here. Some are human partners, but most of them are wild Pokémon, such as the warrior eagle flying in the sky and the naughty panda in the bamboo forest next to it. , Rogue Panda and more.

Even TV shows Squirtle and firefighters fighting fires together. There are giant clay dolls standing guard next to some buildings, which looks very interesting.

In the past few months, Lyme City has developed very well. A large number of people from other places come here to visit every day. At the same time, more and more Pokémon gather here, making the city more and more popular.

The popularity of the city has led many groups to open branches here and expand their business, and their arrival has made the city even more lively.

Howard Clifford made a lot of money as a result, but he didn't care. Money was just a number to him. He had a higher goal to achieve.

"If I hadn't come to this city, it would be unimaginable that humans and Pokémon would get along so harmoniously."

Diana smiled and said: "This city makes me believe that human beings still have the value of saving."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Mainly because Pokémon are cute. If they were all ugly, the situation would be completely different."

"Can't you say something positive?"

Diana rolled her eyes at Andrew angrily and said, "Let's go and take pictures for me."

"No problem, Pikachu, take pictures for us."

Andrew threw a small camera to Pikachu. Pikachu grabbed the camera and handed it to me. This yellow mouse likes to take pictures the most.

At the same time, a black young man came to Lyme City by train. He looked sad and confused. The reason was simple. The Lyme City Police Department informed him that his father had died in a car accident a few days ago.

Tim Goodman, a young black man, came to Lyme City to deal with his father's funeral.

Tim's relationship with his father, Harry Goodman, was not good, and could even be said to be very bad. They had not seen each other for many years. He did not expect to receive such news of his death.

What Tim didn't expect was that someone had been monitoring him since he first entered Lyme City. This person was none other than the owner of this city, Howard Clifford.

"Tim comes and guides him to investigate his father Harry's car accident."

Howard ordered in a cold voice: "He will definitely contact Chaomeng by then. Once Chaomeng appears, capture it immediately. This time, we must not let it escape again."

"Yes, Chairman."

The security director of Clifford Group nodded and led people to monitor Tim around the clock.

The Clifford Group successfully created the Super Pokémon Mewtwo two months ago and used its blood to develop R gas.

If all goes well, Howard can transfer his consciousness into Mewtwo's body and make himself the most powerful Pokémon.

Unexpectedly, a few days ago, Tim's father Harry sneaked into the laboratory with his Charmander and destroyed the switch, causing Mewtwo to escape from the laboratory.

Howard was furious and sent the Koga Ninja Frog to hunt down Harry and Mewtwo, causing Harry to overturn. However, Harry's body was not found and he seemed to have been taken away by Mewtwo.

Therefore, Howard asked Tim to find Mewtwo through him and complete the plan.

Mewtwo is the most important part of Howard's plan.

"I don't have much time left. This time, I must not fail."

Howard looked at the dense crowd below, with a flash of fanaticism in his eyes, and he said: "Pour R gas into the balloons for the Christmas parade. On Christmas Day, I want Lyme City to completely turn into a Pokémon city. "

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