American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 879 Investigation

Behind Howard stood two identical women, one was a female secretary, and the other was a strange creature who turned into a female secretary. She was wearing sunglasses and looked cool.

The female secretary was actually very dissatisfied with the Variety Monster, but she didn't show it. She said: "Chairman, as long as Chaomeng is captured, everything will be no problem. However, once we launch, the Justice League will definitely come to us and cause trouble. Stop us."

The image of the fossil flashed through Howard's mind and he said confidently: "As long as we capture Mewtwo, the Justice League won't be a problem."

As mentioned before, that fossil not only contains mysterious DNA, but also contains strange energy. During this time, Howard has mastered that energy. Mewtwo plus the fossil is enough to deal with the Justice League.

There is no way, Chaomeng's ability is really terrifying.

Tim didn't know that someone was watching him. He went to the police station in a daze, completed the formalities, and returned to the apartment where his father lived.

When Tim was packing up Harry's 'relics', he found a test tube with the word R written on it. He opened the test tube and a cloud of purple gas came out.

Tim choked on the purple gas and kept coughing. He hurriedly opened the window and the purple gas dispersed from the window.

Tim didn't know that there was a group of long-tailed monkeys lying outside the apartment. They smelled the purple gas, and their originally calm faces became extremely ferocious, and their eyes also turned purple.

"There's so much mess."

Tim shook his head and continued to clean up the house. After a while, he found a Charmander wearing a hat. What was even more strange was that he actually understood the Charmander's words.

Unless there is a communicator that Andrew researched, humans cannot understand Pokémon's words, but some Pokémon can understand human words.

"You can actually understand me? That's great."

Charmander was so excited that he said in an uncle's voice: "I am Harry's partner, but now, I have lost my memory. Who are you and why are you in Harry's home?"

"Are you my father's Pokémon partner?"

Tim was stunned, Charmander nodded, it took off its hat, and its message was written on the back of the hat.

"Why can I understand what you are saying?"

Tim was very puzzled because for some reason, he never had a Pokémon partner.

Just as Charmander was about to answer, a group of long-tailed monkeys rushed in and attacked the two of them. They were frightened and ran away in a hurry.

"Didn't you say that Pokémon are not aggressive? Why are they attacking us?"

Tim shouted as he ran, and Charmander said, "They're obviously not normal, let's run."

In the end, the two managed to escape to the street through the garbage transportation channel. Tim shouted to the pedestrians: "The Pokémon is attacking me, please save me."

Everyone turned their heads in surprise and looked in the direction Tim was pointing, and found a group of long-tailed monkeys playing happily with no signs of attacking anyone.

"It's you guys spreading rumors again."

A passerby scolded: "You spread rumors every day that Pokémon attacks people and want to harm Pokémon. Get out of Lyme City. You are not welcome here."

"Yes, you are not welcome here."

Everyone cursed that after the birth of Pokémon, people often said that they were attacked by Pokémon. However, after subsequent investigation, it was found that they were either malicious slanders or deliberately creating gimmicks to gain traffic.

The people of Lyme City love Pokémon very much, so they hate this kind of behavior.

"They really attack us."

Tim shouted, but unfortunately, the pedestrians didn't believe him at all. One pedestrian shouted: "Mr. Wang said they are not aggressive. Are you more powerful than Mr. Wang?"

"That's it, get out of here."

Someone smashed eggs and vegetables on Tim, and Tim ran away quickly, with Charmander following closely behind.

After escaping to a deserted place, Tim, who was in a mess, couldn't help shouting: "Why is this happening? Why do Pokémon attack us, and why doesn't everyone believe us?"

"Because under normal circumstances, Pokémon will never attack humans."

Charmander said: "Those monkeys just now were obviously abnormal. They seemed to have been hit by some kind of medicine. When the time was up, the effect of the medicine disappeared and they returned to normal."


Tim was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the R gas before and said a little embarrassedly: "Maybe it's because of the R gas."

Charmander was puzzled: "R gas?"

Tim briefly explained the matter, and Charmander said excitedly: "Harry's disappearance and my amnesia must be related to this R gas. Let's go investigate."

Tim shook his head and said, "Missing? Harry is dead."

"No, I'm sure he's not dead. I guarantee it with my belly button."

Charmander said confidently, and Tim looked disgusted when he heard this, but in the end, he and Charmander went to investigate the matter together.

After all, he was his father and he didn’t see the body, so he had to check it out.

Leaving aside the temporary partners of Tim and Charmander, Andrew, who was shopping, couldn't help but snorted when he heard Alice's report.

Diana was holding a skewer of spicy grilled octopus, and while exhaling spicy breath, she asked Andrew: "What's wrong?"

"A Pokémon just attacked a human. It's obvious that someone is secretly studying something."

Andrew said, what he was actually talking about was Tim being chased by monkeys. As mentioned before, Battlestar has a global surveillance system, and this scene happened to be captured by a satellite.

"Hey, humans."

Diana sighed and said, "What are you going to do? This is no small matter. Humans and Pokémon can coexist peacefully. The cornerstone is that Pokémon do not attack humans."

"Of course I'll send someone to investigate."

Andrew shrugged. He would definitely not take action on such a trivial matter personally. With that free time, he might as well eat more skewers of barbecue. I have to say that the food in Lime City is still very good.

Diana nodded. During the investigation stage, they did not need to take action personally.

Andrew asked Alice to send someone to investigate the matter. Alice originally wanted to send K from MIB to take charge of the matter, but unexpectedly, Wade came to the door himself.

Alice looked shocked: "You want to deal with this matter? Wait, how do you know about this matter?"

"The audience told me that it had something to do with me and I had to go."

Wade said that in this movie, he plays Tim's father and is also responsible for voicing Pikachu - Pikachu was captured by Andrew in advance, so now it is Charmander who is beside Tim.


Alice automatically blocked Wade's words to avoid system problems. She thought about it and said, "You can go, but because you asked for it, your contribution will be halved this time."

Wade was furious: "Alice, you disappoint me so much. When did you become as stingy as BOSS?"

Alice said: "I recorded this sentence and sent it to BOSS immediately."

Wade immediately changed his face and said flatteringly: "Sister Alice, I didn't say anything just now. Just cut it in half. I will complete the task right away."

"Go ahead, Christmas, and don't make it too bloody."

Alice said: "Of course, the matter must be investigated clearly. Once a large number of Pokémon attack humans, the harmony between Pokémon and humans will collapse, and then we will be in trouble."

Wade nodded with deep understanding: "The Pokémon will become mutants by then."


Alice was a little shocked. She knew that Andrew came from another universe, but she didn't know the specific situation of that universe.

This is for safety, after all, the DC world has all abilities.

"You don't understand even after I tell you. Readers don't like mutants because they think they are too chaotic."

Wade waved his hand, and Alice became increasingly confused. She shook her head and continued: "Don't reveal your identity until the investigation is completed, lest the mastermind behind the scenes jump over the wall or get rid of all the Pokémon.

To be able to research such a thing, they must have collected a lot of Pokémon and need to rescue them all. "

"No problem, leave it to me and I will ensure the mission is successfully completed."

Wade nodded confidently, and then he teleported to Lyme City through the teleporter. Then, under the guidance of Alice, he found Tim and Charmander.

When he saw Wade, Tim was dumbfounded: "Dad?"

Obviously, Wade used high technology to restore his appearance. He looks exactly like Tim's father Harry, uh, a little younger. Harry has a big beard and looks a bit old.

"No, he's not Harry, not at all, I promise you with my belly button."

Charmander blinked and shook his head repeatedly. Wade waved his hand and said, "I'm indeed not your father, but you can call me second dad. It's pretty much the same anyway."

"Second dad?" Tim was a little confused, what the hell is this?

"Wait, you can understand what I'm saying?"

Charmander asked in surprise. Humans couldn't understand Pokémon's words. Tim was an exception. He didn't expect another surprise now.

"What's so weird about this? Isn't it common sense that a psychopath can understand what animals are talking about? Well, don't worry about those details. If you care about the details in this movie, you will definitely not be able to watch it. Just enjoy it."

Wade waved his hand and said, "I'm here to investigate Pokémon attacking humans. What clues did you find?"


Tim and Charmander were a little confused. Although Wade was a stranger, his face was exactly the same as his father, so Tim told the clues without hiding anything.

Tim said: "We got news from the Magic Wall Doll that there is an underground Pokémon battle ground in Lyme City. Harry's R gas was obtained from there. We are preparing to go there to investigate."

"Okay, let's go together. We need to take more photos so we can blackmail the owner of this city."

Wade clapped his hands and said excitedly: "He said his city is perfect and there is no Pokémon battle. If we have those photos, he will definitely give him money, a lot of money."


Tim and Charmander are confused, are you really a positive person? This is totally the villain’s line, right?

"Why do you look like this? Don't superheroes want to eat? There is a superhero named Blade who often steals his opponents' watches, otherwise he can't even afford bullets."

Wade said confidently: "There is also a superhero named Spider-Man. Because he doesn't know how to make money, he can't even pay the rent. In the end, his girlfriend was taken away by a rich second generation.

However, the rich second generation seemed to like Spider-Man more, and in the end, he sacrificed his life to save Spider-Man. "

“It feels like there’s a lot of information.”

Tim complained: "Why have I never heard of the two superheroes you mentioned? Also, are you a superhero too?"

"If you had heard of it, Mr. Wang would have come to see you."

Wade said: "Don't talk nonsense, let's start taking action quickly and go to the underground fighting field."

Tim and Charmander did not object, and the three of them went to the underground fighting field together. Howard knew about Wade's appearance immediately.

The female secretary asked excitedly: "Chairman, Harry has appeared. Do you want to arrest him?"

"Although this guy looks just like Harry, I feel something is not right."

Howard frowned. At this time, a cool-looking man wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket said, "He's not Harry. Although he looks the same, his age, movements, and demeanor don't match."

Behind the leather-clad man's sunglasses, a mechanical eye is glowing. This man is a cyborg transformer from the Sky Eye Society.

To put it simply, it is to transform part of the body into a machine. This is Dr. Ronning's latest product. There are many disabled soldiers in the United States, and they are happy to accept such transformation.

Compared with armed robots, such cyborgs are not only cheaper, but also easier to use. After all, their brains are still human, and they are very loyal to the United States.

"It's not Harry? Is it Harry's twin brother? I don't remember such information."

Howard shook his head and said, "Continue to monitor and do nothing."

The female secretary nodded: "Yes, Chairman."

"We must find Chaomeng as soon as possible. According to past experience, the next disaster will occur before New Year's Day. We don't have much time."

Cyborg Cyborg said: "We must prepare powerful enough weapons before disaster strikes."

"Don't worry, I will find Chaomeng as quickly as possible, which will allow you to have the power to challenge the Justice League."

Howard's eyes flashed and he said that a few months ago, he took the initiative to approach the Sky Eye Society and asked for cooperation in studying Super Pokémon.

The reason for doing this is that on the one hand, some of the skills of the Sky Eye Society are needed, and on the other hand, it is to use the Sky Eye Society to cover up and avoid being discovered by the Justice League.

The Eyes of Heaven only thought that Howard was creating Super Pokémon and did not know Howard's ultimate plan.

"We at the Eyes of Heaven have no intention of challenging the Justice League. We just want to help the Justice League share some of its responsibilities."

Cyborg said very officially that replacing the Justice League is the ultimate goal of the Sky Eye Society, but it must not be said until it is achieved.

Howard smiled and said tentatively: "It's a pity that you, the Sky Eye Society, don't have Kryptonian genes. Otherwise, Kryptonian Pokémon will definitely have a bright future."

"The Kryptonian genes have been in trouble a few times, and the Justice League eliminated all the Kryptonian genes that escaped."

The cyborg man shook his head, not to mention that there really wasn't any. Even if there was, the military and the Sky Eye Association would not leave it to outsiders. They suffered too much from this aspect.

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