American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 877 Pokémon

While building the Poké Ball, Andrew sent Alice to help him catch a Pokémon.

Which one? Of course it’s Pikachu, but who else could it be?

Although Alice doesn't understand why Andrew wants to catch such a Pokémon, this does not prevent her from activating the global surveillance system to find Pikachu.

Surveillance originally has a privacy issue, but with disasters happening one after another, people are willing to trade a certain amount of privacy for security.

Therefore, Battlestar's global surveillance system is very powerful, with high-precision satellites and countless cameras. It didn't take long to successfully find the yellow lightning mouse.

Surprisingly, an armed team was capturing Pikachu. Alice snorted and teleported an armed robot to the grassland area to stop the armed team.

Alice controlled the armed robot and asked: "Who are you? Why are you capturing Pokémon without permission?"

Seeing this armed robot, the leader of the armed team changed his expression. Armed robots are nothing. What kind of technology does the earth not have until now?

The key is that this armed robot was teleported. With such technology, it is probably a space fortress.

"We are mercenaries, and our employer asks us to capture animals and plants, no, Pokémon."

The leader said: "For now, this shouldn't be illegal, right?"

Alice said: "For now, it is indeed not illegal, but Mr. Wang doesn't like it. Do you have any objections?"

"It's indeed someone from Battlestar."

The leader hurriedly said: "Don't dare, we will cancel this mission immediately."

Alice said: "Let go of all the Pokémon you caught. Before the official decision is made, unless the Pokémon actively attacks you, you are not allowed to harm the Pokémon."

The leader did not dare to have any objections and immediately released all the Pokémon in the car. Because their purpose was to capture, no Pokémon died, but was just comatose or weak.

Then, the armed team quickly drove away and returned to find their employer.

While monitoring them, Alice used the Pokémon Communicator that Andrew had made before and said to Pikachu: "Someone wants to see you. Are you willing to follow him to meet him?"

"Pika pika?"

Pikachu, who was all yellow and had a lightning-shaped tail, blinked cutely. After a moment, it pointed at the unconscious Pokémon and kept making Pika sounds.

"No problem, I'll take them all away."

Alice smiled, then she activated the teleportation device and disappeared with all the Pokémon.

On the other side, the armed team returned to the employer's laboratory and explained the matter again.

The employer of this armed team is Howard Clifford, an old man with cancer who is in a wheelchair. He looked a little ugly when he heard the leader's report.

"Discovered by Mr. Wang? It seems that I have bad luck."

Howard Clifford shook his head. He did not blame the leader. It was normal to shrink back when meeting Mr. Wang. He said: "Let all the teams stop."

The female secretary asked: "Chairman, there is no need to stop everything, right?"

"What do you know? Mr. Wang will definitely monitor us. If we continue to capture Pokémon, he will not let us go."

Howard Clifford said: "However, the captured Pokémon do not need to be released. Of course, you cannot abuse them. Move them all to our forest and let them move freely."

"Yes, Chairman."

The female secretary remembered Mr. Wang's power, said nothing more, and left as ordered.

Howard Clifford sighed. The reason why he captured Pokémon was, on the one hand, because he liked Pokémon very much.

On the other hand, he wants to cure his cancer through Pokémon - it is just an idea for the time being, and he is not sure that Pokémon can really cure himself.

In this desperate situation, Howard Clifford will try any method. He doesn't want to die. He has so much money, why should he die?

In order to survive, Howard Clifford once went to Battlestar to buy some alien technology. Unfortunately, his problems were serious, and even alien technology could not cure him.

"I bought the consciousness-transfer technology from Battlestar. If there is really no other way, I can only transfer my consciousness to other bodies and survive in a new way."

Howard Clifford shook his head and controlled the wheelchair to a laboratory where a peculiar fossil was placed.

This fossil appeared with Pokémon before. It contains strange energy, and there is a magical set of DNA in it.

"Organizing people to use the DNA in the fossil to copy this Pokémon. My intuition tells me that this Pokémon is very important to me."

Howard Clifford ordered, and the scientists on the side nodded. The alien technology they mastered was enough to do this.

In fact, there are many big capitalists like Howard Clifford who own alien technology. After all, there is the channel of Battlestar.

At this time, the female secretary came back. Howard Clifford thought of something and asked her, "Have you bought the pieces?"

Howard Clifford's wish was, of course, to live, but unfortunately, he didn't get even a single piece of the player group he paid a high price for.

The female secretary shook her head and said: "No, the owners of some fragments will not sell them at all, and the other parts have long been acquired by other consortiums."

"Before the fragments are gathered together, the fragments must be acquired. At least one must be in hand. Only in this way can we negotiate terms with others."

While Howard Clifford was speaking, the female secretary's cell phone rang with an emergency alert, and she hurriedly picked up the phone to check.

After a while, the female secretary said: "Chairman, the last fragment has been found."


Howard Clifford was stunned, yes, the last fragment was found, and the finder was none other than James.

In the hall, a group of people surrounded James and asked curiously: "White-robed Anoke, where did Mr. Wang hide the fragment?"

"You might not believe it if I tell you."

James raised his finger and pointed at the big screen and said, "The fragments are in the big screen."

"..., the fragments are actually on the big screen?"

The whole audience was stunned. They watched this big screen dozens of times every day, but the fragments were actually inside? Isn’t this too deceiving?

Countless players wailed. They once had an opportunity to get rich overnight, but they did not cherish it. If they were given another chance, they would definitely climb up the screen and find the fragments as soon as possible.

Looking at the group of regretful and painful players around him, James shook his head. Mr. Wang must be laughing in the background now. The reason why he hid the fragments on the big screen was for the current picture.

"Mr. Wang's character is really bad."

James lamented that he had guessed Andrew's thoughts a long time ago. He had not noticed it before because he was attracted by the crystal pillar. After eliminating the crystal pillar, he quickly found the real owner.

"Next, it's time to negotiate with other fragment owners."

James immediately called Moreau and asked him to help him negotiate. There was no way, James, there was social fear.

James had the most fragments, so the negotiation went smoothly, and someone even took the initiative to give the fragments to him - Shazam's fictitious brother, after all, the fragments were obtained by cheating.

While negotiating here, Andrew successfully got the elf ball out. He threw the elf ball towards Pikachu. The elf ball opened above Pikachu, and a ray of light took Pikachu in.

Then, the elf ball fell to the ground, the light flickered, and soon, the light disappeared, which meant that Pikachu calmed down in the elf ball.

"It's done, but Pikachu has surrendered to me before, so it's a little less fun to catch a pet."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, and Tony complained at the side: "I didn't expect our Mr. Wang to be so childlike?"

"Better than you stinky old guy."

Andrew sneered. Seeing everyone's curiosity, he explained: "Pokémon are not aggressive and are very suitable as pets. There is a small space inside this Poké Ball where Pokémon can live and sleep, making it easy to carry around.

In addition, if a Pokémon is willing to enter your Poke Ball, it means that it recognizes its owner. "

"This thing is really science fiction."

Tony asked: "Do you want all humans to catch Pokémon as pets?"

Andrew said: "They are not pets, they are companions. Their appearance and temperament are very suitable for being companions."

"The question is, are they dangerous?"

Batman asked in a deep voice: "After all, they are not creatures on the earth. Are there any alien germs? Also, can you be sure that they have not been aggressive?"

"If they had alien germs, the Earth would be doomed."

Andrew complained, he said: "Don't worry, they are not aggressive. Instead of worrying about them attacking humans, we are more worried about humans doing bad things to them.

Because of the disaster, the negative emotions of the people on earth have been relatively high. The dream game can partially solve this problem, but it is not enough.

These Pokémon can solve another part. Such a cute pet and companion makes you happy to see it. "

Iron Man, who was all-powerful, touched his chin when he heard this and said: "This is a good idea, provided that the Pokémon is really harmless."

"We'll know after a few more experiments."

Andrew took back the Poke Ball and released Pikachu inside. Pikachu jumped on his shoulder, rubbed his face with its furry head, and shouted: "Pika Pika."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, this Pokémon was really cute.

Diana came over and picked up Pikachu. Pikachu sensed the breath of Andrew on her body and did not resist.

Batman still frowned: "Many Pokémon have special abilities, which is a bit dangerous."

"Not only does it have special abilities, it can also evolve."

Andrew smiled and said: "However, this is not a bad thing. Pokémon can protect its owner and give humans an extra layer of protection."

After Andrew finished speaking, he signaled Pikachu to release one hundred thousand volts, and Pikachu did so. Along with Pikachu's voice, Pikachu's body lit up with dazzling electric light, illuminating the entire command room.

Diana, who was holding Pikachu, uh, nothing happened. After all, she had the power of thunder to protect her body. She glared at Andrew. This guy didn't say anything in advance.

"Both a pet and a bodyguard?"

Many superheroes' eyes lit up. Batman thought for a moment and said, "The prospect is very good, but it needs to be verified slowly. This plan cannot be implemented easily. After all, Pokémon is a new thing."

"Of course."

Andrew smiled and said: "Let's go and have an official meeting with the Sky Eye Club to study Pokémon together. If there are no problems, we will start the Pokémon Partner Program."

The superheroes nodded and reached a preliminary agreement, and then everyone went out for the meeting.

The Sky Eye Association and the official government did not reject Andrew's proposal, nor could they. The three parties decided to do some experiments first.

After the meeting, Alice said: "BOSS, the pieces of the dream game have been collected, and they are all in the hands of Anok."

"Teleport him here, I want to see him."

Andrew smiled at the superheroes and said, "Are you interested in meeting him together? Maybe he wants one of you to be his boyfriend."

Iron Man complained: "If I remember correctly, is that Arnock a man?"

Andrew didn't speak and looked straight at Iron Man, as did everyone else. Iron Man thought of his 'rumors', his face darkened, and he showed two middle fingers to everyone.

Everyone laughed, and then everyone went to the command room to wait. Soon, James appeared in the command room.

As a person with social anxiety, James felt a lot of pressure when meeting so many legendary superheroes, and he was even a little speechless. Fortunately, he was prepared. He pressed the button on his phone and a voice rang:

"Hello, Justice League superheroes, my name is James. I hope to join the development team of the Dreamland game and develop the Dreamland game together."

Everyone laughed. This guy wearing glasses could tell at a glance that he was a technical geek.

Andrew said: "James, I have been paying attention to you, but I will not accept your request."

"Don't accept it? Why?"

James was a little dumbfounded, and Andrew smiled: "Because I have been planning to hire you to join the development team."

James breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Andrew speechlessly. Mr. Wang's character was indeed bad.

After this joke, James completely let go. He didn't dare to take the initiative to talk to others, but if others took the initiative, he had no problem.

Andrew said: "You can make a new request, for example, let Iron Man be your boyfriend."

Everyone laughed again, Iron Man rolled his eyes, James glanced at Iron Man and said, "Sorry, my sexual orientation is normal."

Iron Man complained: "It sounds like I'm abnormal. Stop talking nonsense. Boy, what do you wish for?"

James thought for a moment and said, "My wish is to treat those Pokémon well. They are so cute and I don't want them to get hurt."

Everyone looked at James in surprise. This guy has a very kind personality.

Andrew sighed and said, "James, are you deliberately trying to make things difficult for me? Both requests have already happened."

James was stunned for a moment, and then asked happily: "Are you ready to treat Pokémon well?"

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