American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 772 Resurrection

Putting all this aside, after Andrew cleaned up the battlefield (two Kryptonian spaceships, a large number of mechanical Superman wreckage), half of the superheroes were left to look after the house, and he took the remaining half of the superheroes with him, as well as S1 Cyborg, Injustice Superman, and Ninja The Master and others headed to the universe of Injustice Superman.

Batman and Iron Man are among them, these two old silver coins, going there to investigate the threat of parallel universes to the DC universe.

As for S1 Luther, he was imprisoned by Andrew and was not taken with him. He is very important. We will deal with him when he comes back.

"Thank you for helping us take down Injustice Superman."

S1 Diana said gratefully to Andrew that although there were still many troubles to come, this disaster was finally solved.

Injustice Superman smiled weakly: "Diana, Bruce, I'm sorry."

S1 Batman opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. Only S1 Diana said: “It’s not your fault.

Mr. Wang, what do you plan to do with Injustice Superman? Although he made mistakes, his sins did not lead to death. "

"Don't worry, I won't kill him."

Andrew waved his hand and said, "Let's chat first. Fiora, take Injustice Superman with you and let's find a place to have a good chat."

"Yes, BOSS."

Fiora nodded and left with Andrew and Injustice Superman. S1 Batman frowned a little. He didn't like this feeling of being unable to control.

"I know how you feel, but Mr. Wang always does things like this."

Batman said: "The other me, I want to get information about all the disasters in your universe."

"No problem, I think you should know what I want."

S1 Bat nodded, he was one of his own people and his words were very simple.

Batman smiled. He glanced at the superheroes opposite, his eyes flickering. In the parallel universe, there was no Andrew King or Iron Man.


S1 Batman thought of something and asked a little awkwardly: "Damian from your universe really likes women's clothing?"

Batman was stunned for a moment, then realized that Mr. Wang was trying to trick people again. He shook his head and said, "Things are a bit complicated, let's talk slowly."

Damian helped the weak ninja master sit down. The nanoworms in the ninja master's mind had just been stripped away, and his whole head was dizzy.

The ninja master asked dissatisfiedly: "Damian, why did you betray me?"

Damian replied: "I didn't betray you, I just chose the right path. Grandpa, you and Injustice Superman are both wrong."

The ninja master looked at Damian with sharp eyes, and Damian looked at him without giving in.

The ninja master sighed and stopped talking. It didn't matter whether he was wrong or not. What was important was that he lost and everything was over.

"Wonder Woman, can you tell me where the Flash's family is? I want to visit them."

Flash asked S1 Diana. Just as S1 Diana was about to nod, an obscene voice sounded: "By the way, he will inherit his wife and children, right? Flash, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. It's really..., too It’s to my liking.”

Everyone turned their heads and saw Wade sneaking in. They were speechless. This guy was everywhere.

"I just want to see them and provide some help."

The Flash said hurriedly, Wade still wanted to speak, but was punched away by Green Lantern. S1 Diana shook her head and told Barry the address of the Flash. Barry nodded and quickly disappeared.

Others are visiting this new universe and learning some new knowledge along the way.

S1 Diana looked at the direction Andrew left and thought to herself: "I wonder what Mr. Wang plans to do with Injustice Superman? He is indispensable in this universe."

In front of Louise's grave, the Injustice Superman knelt down sadly. He touched the tombstone and said, "I feel like my heart is empty. Living in this world has no meaning.

The other me chose to fill this area with anger and hatred, so he became like that. "

“The world becomes a dark place after losing a loved one.”

Andrew nodded and said: "In order to deal with you, I have prepared several plans, one of which is to resurrect Louise and have her walk in front of you and slap you constantly.

I believe that no matter how you evolve, as long as Louise appears, you will not resist, and you will even kneel down so that she can slap her harder. "

"If Louis can be resurrected, don't say fan, eh, wait, you are going to resurrect Louise, that is to say, can you resurrect Louise?"

Injustice Superman didn't react at first, but then he turned his head and asked excitedly.

"Of course I can resurrect her."

Andrew said: “However, both the Atlanteans and the Amazons have a proverb that when you take something from the dark, you will definitely pay a price.

I would not choose to resurrect Louise unless I had to. "

Injustice Superman knelt down in front of Andrew and shouted: "Mr. Wang, please resurrect Louise, I can do anything for you."

Andrew asked Fiora to help Injustice Superman up, and he said: "I don't like others to kneel to me, Injustice Superman, I do have the idea of ​​resurrecting Louise, after all, you are so miserable.

But don't worry, hear me out. "

The unjust Superman couldn't wait to say: "You say it."

"There are many ways to resurrect people."

Andrew said: "For example, reversing time, or wishing for resurrection, etc. Among them, wishing for resurrection has major flaws, while reversing time is relatively better, but there are also some problems."

Injustice Superman asked: "Can't it be resurrected perfectly? I'm not greedy, but I don't want anything to go wrong with Louise, or the price can be transferred to me."

"Yes, but you have to wait until four years later."

Andrew said: "I can resurrect Louise and her children first, but they must be sealed. After four years, I will resurrect them perfectly."

Four years later, the bet is over, and Andrew will become the real God. In addition, this universe is actually a derivative universe of the DC universe and is integrated with the DC universe. This is why the shuttle door can be opened.

There are actually many derivative universes like this.

"Four years? I can wait, as long as they are resurrected perfectly."

Injustice Superman shouted in surprise, he didn't expect that besides Louise, the child could also be resurrected, it was really great.

"That's good, let's resurrect Louise first and then talk about other things."

Andrew nodded, and then he asked Fiora to dig up Louise's grave. Inside was Louise's body. The body placed in the crystal coffin, Louise's appearance was almost the same as before her death.

Andrew was a little surprised: "It's not corrupted yet?"

Injustice Superman said: "It should have been specially processed using Kryptonian technology. Maybe the other me is also trying to resurrect her."

"It's more convenient."

Andrew smiled and took out the time crystal. Then, the crystal burst into light, and a force of time enveloped Louise, and the time on her body quickly began to flow backwards.

Soon, Louise's time was turned back to a few months ago, and her body quickly returned to life. At this moment, Moore appeared and used a magic circle to seal Louise.

Injustice Superman almost rushed forward, but remembering the previous conversation, he reluctantly suppressed it.

Soon, Louise was completely sealed, and then Moore cast a spell to turn Louise's crystal coffin into a necklace.


Moore handed the necklace to Andrew and disappeared silently, just as she appeared silently.

Andrew turned around, handed the necklace to Injustice Superman, and said, "Protect it well. In four years, I will help them resurrect."


The unjust Superman nodded gratefully and hung the necklace around his neck with great care. From now on, when the necklace is there, the person is there, but when the necklace dies, the person dies.

This second chance, Injustice Superman will seize it no matter what.

"What do you want me to do? As long as it doesn't destroy the earth, I will do it."

Injustice Superman said that he and Andrew did not need any guarantees, and he would do anything for Andrew before Louise was resurrected.

"Don't think of me as a villain."

"I'm doing this to save the world, your world, and my world," Andrew said.

The unjust Superman apologized hastily: "I'm sorry."

"Don't be so formal."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Clark, the Doomsday gene has been integrated with you. Although this gene has been optimized, it itself has side effects.

In the future, you will become more and more militant, and even regard evolution as your ultimate goal.

The reason why I resurrected Louise is to tie you down so that you still possess humanity. I believe that even genes cannot defeat your love for Louise. "

Fiora blinked, feeling like BOSS was deceiving people again.

"I believe too."

The Injustice Superman gently grasped the necklace with his hands and said: "Louise is everything to me. If I give up on her, what's the point of living?

Uh, Mr. Wang, you want to restore my strength and let me fight? "

"I also want you to spend four years like an ordinary person, but unfortunately, the situation does not allow it."

Andrew said: “We cannot allow Darkseid to produce mechanical Superman with peace of mind, let alone allow Darkseid to attack the earth.

Tens of thousands of mechanical supermen can kill everyone on earth in one minute. He must not be allowed in.

Injustice Superman, you have to go out and stop Darkseid and the legions of mechanical supermen. You are the cause of this, and you have to make up for the mistakes you made.

In addition, only you who get stronger as you fight can do this. No other superhero can do this, including the Superman of our universe. "

Injustice Superman understands that Mr. Wang wants him to feed war with war, delaying the production of Mechanical Superman while continuing to become stronger, and finally defeat Darkseid completely.

In order to prevent him from getting lost, Mr. Wang resurrected Louise in advance and tied a rope to him, a rope called love and humanity.

Mr. Wang wants to save the world.

"No wonder the me in another universe believes in you so much."

Injustice Superman said: "I am willing to leave the earth to stop Darkseid, after all, I caused this incident.

However, Mr. Wang, I am sure that I will not get lost, but the other me may not be sure. He has hatred in his heart and can easily go to extremes.

For example, resurrect Louise in advance, etc. "

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