Chapter 771 The battle is over

"BOSS, will you die if you tell me first?"

Clark secretly complained that Mr. Wang always said that the Justice League has two old silver coins. In fact, everyone knows that the Justice League has not two old silver coins, but three.

The last one is more yin than the previous two.

"Superman, without you, there's no way I could hit Injustice Superman."

The Flash said: "Lightspeed attack sounds very high-end, but it is still not good enough to deal with Injustice Superman."

"Hey, why are you chatting there instead of rushing to take advantage of the victory? Injustice Superman will recover soon."

S1 Cyborg shouted that he was ready to die with the Injustice Superman, but when he saw the Injustice Superman being hit by a hammer, he hurriedly controlled the energy furnace to calm down.

The Injustice Superman was currently parked in space, shaking his head as if in great pain.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang will take action, there will be no problem."

The Flash said confidently, and Clark nodded. He was very confident in Mr. Wang. Apart from being extremely bad at treating people, he was fine in other aspects.

Not only the Flash and Clark are confident, but the audience is also confident. When it comes to business, Mr. Wang never disappoints, and his carefully prepared trump card will definitely have the final say.

I just don’t know how this matter will end in the end?

At this time, Injustice Superman seemed to have recovered. He raised his head and shouted in confusion: "Victor, Flash, why am I here? Hey, why is there another me? Uh, what's going on with my chest? "

Compared with before, although the appearance of Injustice Superman has not changed, his temperament is completely different. It is similar to Clark's temperament. With his current body, he looks a bit silly and big.

Clark looked at the blackened wound and shrugged. This time, he was seriously injured. Fortunately, he had gone to the sun to recharge before he came, otherwise he would have been seriously injured by now.

S1 Cyborg was stunned for a moment, and then he asked in shock: "Clark, don't tell me that you have lost your memory?"


The Injustice Superman looked confused and said: "My brain hurts. There is a force that keeps attacking my brain cells, but for some reason, my brain cells can heal and regenerate themselves.

In the past, if I wanted to heal myself and regenerate, I had to get sunlight, but now there is no sunlight here. "

"That's the regenerative power brought by the Doomsday gene."

Andrew flew over on a flying skateboard. Then, he used nanoparticles to form a mirror and said, "Injustice Superman, look at what you look like now. By the way, it was the Flash who just hit you. You can take revenge as you please."

"Mr. Wang, you are betraying your teammates."

The Flash complained, but Injustice Superman had no time to pay attention to this. He looked at himself in the mirror and shouted in disbelief: "How did I become like this? And why do you call me Injustice Superman?"

"The reason why you are like this is because you were injected with the Doomsday gene."

Andrew said: "As for why you became the Injustice Superman? Let's start with the Joker..."

"Louise had my children and they were killed by clowns?"

When Injustice Superman heard this, his face turned red with anger, his fists clenched, and a violent energy surged out of his chest, wanting to destroy everything around him.

This is both anger and the violence of the Doomsday gene.

The three Clarks hurriedly increased their vigilance. Andrew waved his hand to indicate that everyone should not be nervous. Then, he continued: "After you evolve, you are very powerful. I will let the Flash hit you on the back of the head with the hammer of amnesia to make you lose this memory of a period of time.

Your current memory is stuck before you knew Louise was pregnant, but it won't last long. Doomsday's self-healing and regeneration ability will allow you to restore your memory. "

The Amnesia Hammer does not erase the memory, but forgets it. It can be restored. This is different from physical damage - if the brain of the Injustice Superman is destroyed, even if the Injustice Superman can regenerate, the memory cannot be restored.

"Build a perfect world, let people all over the world live obediently, and use mechanical supermen to terrorize and rule the world?"

The unjust Superman was shocked, and gradually calmed down from his anger. After a moment, he sighed: "I must have been blinded by hatred, otherwise I would not be so extreme."

Andrew nodded and said: "Before, you got into trouble and got deeper and deeper."

Injustice Superman looked at Andrew and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to inject you with kryptonite solution and turn you into an ordinary person."

Andrew said: "As for how to deal with you in the future, we will talk about it later. You are very important."

"Why do you think I will agree?"

The unjust Superman's eyes became fierce, and he asked: "On one side is the Invincible Superman, and on the other side are the prisoners, why should I choose the latter path?

I do not agree with what I did before, but that does not mean that I will be willing to be a prisoner. "

"Because you are a superman, a kinder and more responsible superman than most people."

"In your waking state, you will do whatever it takes to protect people, even if it means sacrificing yourself," Andrew said.

Everything Andrew did was to help the unjust Superman regain his consciousness and stop being controlled by hatred.

The only one who can deal with Superman is Superman himself.

"Because I'm Superman?"

Injustice Superman glanced at Andrew and continued to ask: "Do you have so much confidence in me?"

Andrew said very confidently: "Of course, as a boss who exploits you every day, deducts your wages, and makes you work overtime, no one has more confidence in you than me.

If you had even the slightest evil thought, you would have stopped doing it long ago. With your ability, is it not easy to make a fortune? "


Everyone was speechless. This reason was very good and powerful. Clark complained: "BOSS, I don't want to be a good person anymore. I want to be a dark person, okay?"

S1 Cyborg glanced at Andrew. He really trusted Superman, otherwise he would not use such a method.

But having said that, this is really a good way to make the unjust Superman give up his resistance.

"I look very pitiful in this universe."

Injustice Superman smiled, he exhaled and said: "Inject me with kryptonite solution, I can't continue to make mistakes."

Andrew took out a bottle of kryptonite solution and threw it to Clark and said, "Come on, if he cheats, he will easily kill me."

"It doesn't matter if I die, right?"

Clark rolled his eyes, flew in front of Injustice Superman, and while injecting him with the solution, said: "Superman, I know this sentence is a bit harsh, but I still have to say that Louise is dead, and you have to accept it. This reality.”

Injustice Superman did not resist, he asked: "If it were you, would you accept it?"

"Of, without Louise, my world would be dark."

Clark smiled bitterly, Louise had a sweet look on her face, Clark's love words were really nice to hear.

Soon, the injection of the solution was completed, and the Injustice Superman fell into weakness. He could not live in space without Clark's protection.

"I made a mistake this time. I will accept whatever you plan to do with me."

Injustice Superman said: "In addition, Victor, you can only deal with Darkseid by yourself. I cannot recover my strength. Once I recover, another me will come out again."

After losing the ability, forgotten memories will not be restored.

S1 Cyborg sighed after hearing this and said: "Clark, you are the best and kindest. It's a pity that fate is so cruel to you. I only wish I didn't kill the clown earlier."

The audience nodded in agreement. Superman's nature is really very good. He can only blame fate for turning dark.

No one in Superman's situation can do anything better than him.

Immediately, the audience applauded one after another. This applause was dedicated not only to Mr. Wang, The Flash, Superman and others who successfully defeated powerful enemies, but also to the unjust Superman. He is actually a good person.

Clark exhaled and said, "Okay, it's done here, what about the other side?"

"It's very bad here, we've been screwed."

Diana's unhappy voice sounded: "All the Kryptonians in the spaceship are clones, including Luther and General Zod.

We finally killed the Kryptonian soldiers and broke the defensive shield. In the end, we only killed two remote-controlled clones and were ridiculed by Luthor. "


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then cursed in displeasure. Luther is really cunning. Tony hurriedly shouted: "Andrew, teleport us to Fort Ross."

"They should have run away, but no matter what, we have to teleport over and have a look."

Andrew nodded and used the teleporter to teleport everyone to the space where Fort Roz was originally located. As expected, it was completely empty.

Everyone was unwilling, Superman, Diana were looking around, Tony, and Batman used high technology to track the traces of Fort Roz.

Unfortunately, it was completely useless, Luther erased all traces.


Whether it is the superheroes or the audience, they are all yelling and slandering, causing harm to the millennium. Luther, this guy, is really long-lived.

Andrew's eyes flashed and he didn't say much. This matter was not suitable for others to know.

After repeated searches to no avail, everyone had no choice but to withdraw their troops and return to Earth. Andrew said to the live broadcast camera: "Although we did not take full credit for this disaster, we finally got through it smoothly. Everyone can cheer."

"Long live Mr. Wang, long live the superheroes."

The audience cheered loudly, because the earth did not suffer any damage, and everyone knew clearly the process of Clark becoming the unjust Superman, so no one blamed Superman.

"Why blame Superman, but also Batman and the Joker? Well, how about we go to a demonstration and let the authorities get rid of Arkham Asylum?"

"I agree. If other universes were like ours and killed the clown early on, how could there be so much trouble?"

The people nodded, and the next day, a huge march began, with only one goal - to deprive the super villain of his right to life.

The official stated that he was shot while lying down and did nothing this time. Why did someone come out to demonstrate again? This unscientific.

Of course, it goes without saying that the official will not agree to the people's demands.

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