Chapter 770 Evolution

In space, Clark sidestepped to avoid Injustice Superman's fist that could destroy a mountain range, raised his hand to grab his arm, and threw him far away.

Clark did not pursue, he said: "Injustice Superman, your people have lost, surrender."

"A bunch of trash."

The unjust Superman couldn't help but cursed, forty mechanical supermen, and Kryptonians watching covetously from behind, how could they still lose like this?

"They lost, but I will not lose. Now I am invincible."

Injustice Superman had no intention of retreating because he didn't need to. He shouted, rushed forward and punched Clark hard.

Clark chose to face the Injustice Superman head-on. His two fists collided so hard that even the void was a little distorted. Then, the two of them flew backwards at the same time.

Fortunately, the two of them were not on Earth, otherwise the storm caused by this punch would have been enough to destroy a community.

Injustice Superman quickly stopped in space. Just as he was about to continue his attack, S1 Cyborg flew into space and shouted: "Clark, it's me, Victor."

The unjust Superman was stunned: "Victor, why are you here? Aren't you guarding the Mechanical Superman manufacturing factory?"

Wait, you won’t betray me too, right? Is the supervillain rebellion something to do with you? "

"It's more complicated than you think."

S1 Cyborg smiled bitterly and explained everything in detail, and then he said: "Clark, you are really wrong, turn back, we need you.

In the near future, Darkseid will lead an army of mechanical supermen to attack the earth. It will be a real army of mechanical supermen, completely different from our little fights. "

Darkseid has conquered countless worlds (planets). In the movie, he asked Steppenwolf to atone for his sins and offered up a hundred thousand worlds.

Therefore, Darkseid has countless resources, and his army of mechanical supermen will be a real army of mechanical supermen, numbering at least tens of thousands.

Of course, this will take some time. After all, it is impossible to produce tens of thousands of mechanical supermen overnight.


After listening to what S1 Cyborg said, Injustice Superman was furious. Darkseid actually plotted against him behind the scenes and stole his data and blood to create a mechanical superman?

The unjust Superman who was played with was greatly humiliated.

"After this matter is resolved, I will go to Darkseid to settle the score."

Injustice Superman snorted: "I couldn't defeat Darkseid before, but I am different now."

"Clark, are you still stubborn? If you are really good for the earth, you should cease the war immediately and reunite with us to fight against Darkseid."

S1 Cyborg shouted: “Also, the Justice League of this universe is our ally, they can help us fight together.

They have proven with facts that they are all good people. "

"Obsessed? No, I'm sober now, more sober than I've ever been."

The unjust Superman raised his head and roared, the muscles on his body swelled rapidly, and a large number of veins popped out.

In fact, Injustice Superman had reached the critical point before, but he vaguely felt that evolution would destroy his body shape, so he did not take that step.

At this moment, all his men were defeated, and he knew that he had been tricked by Darkseid, and that the earth was in great danger. Under multiple pressures, he chose to take that step in exchange for the strongest power.

In the blink of an eye, Injustice Superman turned into a monster nearly three meters tall, with muscles all over his body, and even his skin color was a bit closer to Doomsday.

Clark Kent is very handsome and has strong muscles. People often ask for his phone number when walking on the street, but the Injustice Superman at this moment, with a bald head and a ferocious face, is completely different from before.

"This is strength. I was so stupid before. I didn't take that step because I was worried about my body shape."

Injustice Superman clenched his fists and laughed. Clark and S1 Cyborg sighed helplessly at the same time. Injustice Superman took this step, which meant that he was completely moving closer to the Day of Destruction.

Simply put, Injustice Superman is no longer a human being.

Clark said: "Injustice Superman, you should not have been injected with the Doomsday gene. You were tricked by Luther."

"Shouldn't do it? Clark, I'll let you know what shouldn't be done."

The Injustice Superman sneered, appeared in front of Clark as if teleporting, and punched Clark like the earth was shattering.

Clark's expression changed, and the speed of this punch was at least twice as fast as before. He hurriedly raised his hands and crossed them in front of him to resist the Injustice Superman's fist.

The next second, Clark was directly blasted away, his arms aching, but it wasn't over yet. Injustice Superman quickly caught up with him and swiped his right foot at Clark like a sledgehammer.

Clark couldn't dodge, and his eyes fired heat rays at Injustice Superman.

What shocked Clark was that the Injustice Superman who was hit by the heat ray did not suffer any damage. Instead, all the energy of the heat ray was absorbed by him.

These energies, plus Injustice Superman's own energy, all converged on his right foot, turning it red.

Then, Injustice Superman's right foot kicked Clark's shoulder hard like a burning meteorite. Clark flew backwards, the suit on his shoulder was blown away, and even his muscles were scorched black.

"Do you think I have only evolved my strength? No, I have fully evolved. All your abilities are ineffective against me."

Injustice Superman grinned, and two heat rays that were twice as thick as before flew out fiercely, and were about to hit Clark.

At the critical moment, several cannonballs collided with the Injustice Superman and exploded. The Injustice Superman was blown away, the heat ray deflected from his gaze, and Clark escaped.

"Victor, are you even betraying me?"

Injustice Superman looked at S1 Cyborg and roared, S1 Cyborg said: "Clark, it wasn't us who betrayed you, it was you who betrayed us.

What is the purpose of the Justice League? It is to protect the people. As for you, everything you do now is for yourself. "

"No, everything I do is to better protect the earth."

Injustice Superman shouted angrily, and the red thunder on his body exploded, hitting S1 Cyborg like a storm. This is Doomsday's ability.

S1 Cyborg had no time to dodge, and was hit by thunder with electric sparks flying out of his body. Immediately afterwards, Injustice Superman suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed his arm and tore it off, tearing off his right arm. .

"Traitor, die."

Injustice Superman stabbed S1 Cyborg's chest with his right hand like a sharp blade. At this moment, a meteorite hit him. Injustice Superman slashed out with his hand knife. The meteorite exploded on the spot and turned into countless rubbles.

"Killing your own friends, you have completely changed."

Clark rushed over and punched Injustice Superman hard on the head. Injustice Superman raised his hand and grabbed Clark's fist, and spewed out a large amount of cold air from his mouth, freezing Clark inside.

This wasn't over yet. Then, Injustice Superman fired heat rays from his eyes, shot through the ice, and hit Clark hard in the chest.

Clark looked in pain, and his chest quickly turned black. He hurriedly focused the white light on his chest to resist the heat rays.

Then, Clark struggled, and cracks quickly appeared in the ice.

Injustice Superman sneered, released a large amount of cold air from his palms, and continued to freeze Clark: "Do you think you are the only one who can do this? I just didn't want to learn it before, Clark, you are too weak, you can't even stop me from evolving for the first time.

When I kill you, the second evolution will begin, and then I will kill all the superheroes. "

Seeing this, S1 Cyborg, regardless of his broken right arm, fired energy cannons at Injustice Superman. Injustice Superman snorted, and a red thunder blast blasted out, S1 Cyborg was blown away on the spot.

"Traitors are not my friends."

Injustice Superman said coldly: "Clark, did you see? This is my current strength, and I haven't reached the top yet. I can continue to evolve until I become the invincible Superman.

I will kill you, kill your companions, take Louise back to my universe, and let her live in the paradise I built for her. "

Clark gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that the Injustice Superman would be so powerful after evolving. It seemed that he could only use the kryptonite solution given by Mr. Wang.

"The existence of Kryptonite is still meaningful. Kryptonians are out of control, which is terrible."

Clark secretly thought that no matter what, he must defeat Injustice Superman.

The previous Injustice Superman wasn't too outrageous, but the Injustice Superman fused with the Doomsday gene will become the most terrifying tyrant in history once he is returned to the original universe.

Anyone who disobeys him will be killed by him, and everyone can only act in accordance with his order.

At the moon base, Andrew glanced at Clark's predicament and didn't care. Superman wouldn't die that easily. He called the Flash back, handed him something, and gave him some detailed instructions.

"Mr. Wang, leave it to me, I won't mess it up."

The Flash said, and Andrew smiled and said, "It seems that you have really grown up. Not only can you complete the task, but you are also confident."

"It's just a familiarity with disaster."

The Flash smiled and disappeared in an instant.

Andrew looked up at the Kryptonian spacecraft and shook his head. He had already known about the situation of Luther and General Zod, and the reason why he did not reveal it was because it was unnecessary.

If Andrew had really wanted to destroy Luther and General Zod, they would have died long ago.

"General Zod is a warrior, so there is nothing to worry about. But Luther, this guy can develop a parallel universe shuttle device, so we must take care of it."

Andrew murmured to himself that parallel universes are dangerous. Needless to say, it would be fine if it was a simple invasion. But if someone couldn't figure it out and let two parallel universes collide, it would be over.

Andrew glanced at S1 Luther on the ground, smiled slightly, and continued watching the show.

Andrew could watch the show, but the audience couldn't. Their hearts suddenly rose in their throats when they saw Superman being crushed by the Injustice Superman.

Superman is a god on earth, but now he is suppressed by the Injustice Superman. How powerful is the Injustice Superman? Can Wonder Woman beat him?

I originally thought that this time it was safe, but now it seems that the outcome is still unclear.

Louise was even more nervous. She was about to speak through the communicator when Alice said: "Miss Lane, you are pregnant now, so you should not be too anxious. In addition, I do not recommend that you plead to Injustice Superman. Clark has a strong self-esteem. "

How could Louise not be anxious? "Clark is dying," she shouted.

"Don't worry, BOSS will definitely not be willing to let such a good employee die who is hard-working and can be exploited at will."

Alice said: "If Clark really dies...well, then let's die. By the way, if he died in space, do he need to pay a pension?"

Louise looked at Alice speechlessly, are you still joking at this time? As expected, the people around BOSS are as bad as BOSS.

Alice accompanies Louise specifically to protect her. Alice is not only an intelligent life, but also has strong combat power.

At the same time, the battle situation in space changed. S1 Cyborg saw that Superman's condition was getting worse and worse. He gritted his teeth, and the energy source on his chest lit up with a dazzling red light. His whole body was like a fireball and he shot at the unjust Superman. Hit hard.

This is S1 Cyborg preparing to self-destruct. His body is filled with the energy of the Mother Box, and the power of self-destruction is stronger than a nuclear bomb.

"Are you actually planning to blow yourself up for Clark?"

S1 Cyborg's behavior made Injustice Superman very angry, and he opened his mouth to spit a lot of cold air at S1 Cyborg.

Seeing the opportunity, Clark's whole body glowed with white light, and the ice was instantly broken, turning into countless fragments and flying around.

Then, Clark's left hand expanded violently, and at a speed several times faster than before, he stabbed the syringe of kryptonite solution into the arm of the Injustice Superman.

This is the last chance. Injustice Superman must not be allowed to evolve again, otherwise, no one can take him down.

But what made Clark's expression change was that his wrist was grabbed by Injustice Superman's other hand and held firmly.

"You think I don't know you have the Kryptonite trump card? I've been guarding against you."

Injustice Superman sneered: "As a Kryptonian, don't you feel ashamed to use kryptonite to deal with similar people?"

Just as Clark was about to speak, the syringe exploded with a bang, and a large amount of solution, driven by the force of the explosion, shot wildly towards the Injustice Superman's arm.

The Injustice Superman's expression changed, and he was about to dodge. At this moment, a figure appeared behind him, and the hammer in his hand hit the back of his head at the speed of light.

A double attack. The first one is the Kryptonite solution that will make the Kryptonians lose their power. The second one is the light speed attack that catches them off guard. Even Injustice Superman cannot dodge them all.

In the end, Injustice Superman decided to release the cold freezing solution and withstand the light speed attack from behind.

The reason for this choice is very simple. Injustice Superman does not think that he will be knocked unconscious by a light-speed attack. His defense is not overwhelming. As for being injured, it is not a big problem. He can recover quickly and can also improve. Resistance.

What, beaten to death? Haha, you look down on the Kryptonians too much, right?

The next moment, the kryptonite solution was frozen by the cold air on the Injustice Superman. At the same time, the hammer hit the back of the Injustice Superman's head at the speed of light, and the Injustice Superman fell violently.


The Flash exhaled. Although he was confident, he was still under a lot of pressure to attack Injustice Superman. After all, that was Injustice Superman who was more powerful than Superman.

"It turns out that you are Mr. Wang's trump card, and I am the bait."

Clark was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said that the kryptonite solution was not a killer at all, it was just used to attract the attention of the unjust superman.

Kryptonite's reputation is too great for Injustice Superman to be unprepared for.

Thanks to this week’s cabbage old demon, あphanぁ, for the virtual happy reward

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