American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 769 Reversal


Diana responded and led everyone to do their best to eliminate the mechanical superman. The mechanical superman sensed the situation outside and chose to run away or avoid to delay time.

Three minutes later, the space maze disappeared and everyone returned to the moon base.

The superheroes were naturally in good order, but because they were in a hurry, many people were injured. For example, Black Adam was too brave and always rushed to the front, and he had many burn marks on his body.

Compared to the superheroes, the mechanical supermen were much worse. Before the space maze opened, there were thirty-nine of them. After the maze disappeared, there were only twenty-three. The rest all fell to the ground and were temporarily unable to fight.

"Justice League!"

Seeing that the mechanical superman suffered heavy losses, the ninja master was furious. He shouted: "You are looking for death."

"You are really out of your mind. Can you even say such a thing?"

Andrew sneered and said: "Although the space maze has been broken, about half of the mechanical Superman is missing. Let's work harder to solve the rest."


The superheroes nodded and excitedly rushed towards the mechanical superman. Before, their strength was not as good as each other, but now, the situation has become different.

Robot Superman immediately counterattacked, and the two sides fought together again. Unlike the one-sided fight before, now the two sides fought back and forth.

"Damn it, the Justice League evened the situation. We can't fail, otherwise, they will definitely attack Superman."

The ninja master was shocked and angry. He thought for a while and controlled half of the super villains to tightly entangle Aquaman and other superheroes, while the remaining half went to help the mechanical superman.

"They all self-destruct to create opportunities for the mechanical superman."

The Ninja Master ordered through the controller that all super villains are equipped with powerful bombs produced by the Assassin League. Once they explode, even those superheroes will suffer.

This was not over yet. The ninja master contacted S1 Luther who was staying on the spacecraft: "If something goes wrong, you immediately open the shuttle door and contact Damian and ask him to send more mechanical supermen.

This time, we have to win. "

S1 Luther replied dully: "Yes."

Upon hearing the ninja master's order, Bane, Killer Crocodile and other super villains rushed towards Diana and the others.

Diana and others' eyes flashed, and they waited quietly for the super villains to come over. Then, they all took action to trap the mechanical supermen, making them unable to move temporarily.

Tony even took out an energy bomb and activated it, the energy bomb that Andrew handed to him.

As soon as everyone trapped the mechanical superman, the super villains immediately turned around at the same time and hugged the nearby mechanical superman.

Then, the marks on the backs of these super villains' hands lit up with black light at the same time, enveloping the super villains and mechanical supermen.

Mechanical Superman sensed something was wrong and wanted to break away from the super villain and the black light. At this moment, Tony detonated the energy bomb in his hand.

A quantum wave swept across, and all the mechanical supermen were sluggish for a moment at the same time. This was because their systems were disturbed by the quantum wave.

Andrew had captured a mechanical superman before. Although he had not completely cracked it, it was not difficult at all to get a bomb that interfered with them.

However, it can only interfere a little, and it usually has little effect, but at this time, it is quite fatal.

In the next second, all the super villains and the remaining mechanical supermen disappeared - the super villains fighting the superheroes also disappeared.

The superheroes breathed a sigh of relief. The second plan was successfully completed.

The space maze is the first plan, and letting the super villain transport the mechanical Superman is the second plan. In addition, Andrew has also prepared five plans, but they are no longer used.

Teleport to where?

Of course it's the mechanical Three Palace Demon. Could it be that it's really the sun? Andrew is not that cruel.

"A group of mechanical supermen and a group of super villains are very good. It seems that my group of four magicians will be established soon."

The mechanical Trigon looked at the super villains and mechanical supermen and nodded with satisfaction.

Faust and Destiny looked sympathetically at the clueless super villains. The fate of these people would soon become the same as theirs, worse than death.

Then, the Mechanical Three-Gong Demon let Hell's Mechanical Superman besiege the Mechanical Superman. It won't take long before these Mechanical Superman will become his possession, just like their predecessors.

"how so?"

Luther, who had always been with the old god, suddenly stood up with a look of shock on his face. This was completely beyond his expectation. General Zod also looked incredulous. The Justice League actually turned defeat into victory in an instant?

The ninja master shouted in disbelief: "What happened? Why did the super villains betray collectively? And why did the mechanical supermen all disappear?"

"Not only are they traitors, but so are you."

Andrew said with a smile on his face, and the ninja master roared: "I will never betray Superman, only he can fulfill my dream."

The ninja master had just finished shouting. The next second, his eyes became extremely dull, and then he said respectfully: "Master, please give me your instructions."


Both General Zod and the others, as well as the audience, were all confused at the same time. One second they were standing firm, and the next second, they were calling the master directly?

Are you changing too quickly? Is this the master's task?

The audience exclaimed: "Isn't this incredible?"

"Start the spaceship and leave immediately. This is a trap. Injustice Superman's universe has been secretly controlled by the Justice League."

Luther figured out most of the things in an instant and shouted hurriedly. Then, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, he had made some preparations in advance, otherwise he might really be in trouble this time.

Andrew Wang, it’s really scary.


General Zod was stunned, and then hurriedly shouted: "Start the spaceship and leave here immediately."

"Yes, General."

The spaceship was about to start the warp engine and leave the area. At this moment, Diana, Fiora, Hancock and other superheroes all teleported to the Kryptonian spacecraft and surrounded the Kryptonian spacecraft.

Upon seeing this, General Zod hurriedly injected all his energy into the defensive shield to increase the defensive power of the defensive shield.

"BOSS asked me to tell you that it's very rude to leave without saying hello."

Fiora snorted coldly, her eyes lit up red, and she bombarded the Kryptonian spacecraft's defensive shield. Others joined in the attack, and the energy of the defensive shield dropped rapidly.

"It seems that King Andrew wants to catch us all."

General Zod sighed: "He is really powerful. He can easily handle a luxurious lineup of forty mechanical supermen, and he even has the power to deal with us.

What we think of as a desperate situation may not be worth mentioning in his eyes. "

"If he is not powerful, how can he be worthy of being our enemy? Isn't it because we are afraid of him that we have made so many preparations?"

Luther said: "The location of Fort Roz has been leaked. While they are being restrained by us, move Fort Roz away quickly.

Also, do the whole show, send Kryptonian soldiers out to attack those superheroes, and pretend to want a breakthrough. "

Fort Roz is a large space prison that can be moved and is not always fixed in a certain area.


General Zod nodded, and soon, more than a dozen Kryptonian soldiers and Doomsday flew out of the spacecraft hatch, firing heat rays at Fiora and others to block their attack.

Everyone hurriedly evaded, and then they took action against the Kryptonian soldiers and Doomsday, leaving Diana to continue bombarding the spacecraft, trying to break the defensive shield as soon as possible.

The live broadcast footage moved from the lunar base to the Kryptonian spaceship in space. The audience was a little shocked and then cheered loudly.

Although we don’t know the specific situation, there is no doubt that the Justice League, led by Mr. Wang, successfully turned the tables and easily defeated forty mechanical supermen and an army of super villains.

Now, they are besieging the Kryptonian spacecraft. This time the Kryptonians failed to steal the chicken and lost a handful of rice.

The superheroes not only win, they win resoundingly.

"Long live Mr. Wang, long live the superheroes."

The people were very excited. Sure enough, you can always believe that Mr. Wang and the Justice League can successfully solve such a difficult situation.

At the same time, S1 Luther saw something was wrong and immediately opened the parallel universe shuttle door and contacted Damian. Unfortunately, what greeted him was an electric shock bullet, and he fell down with twitching all over.


Damian smiled. Instead of dragging S1 Luther over, he destroyed the parallel universe shuttle device with one shot, and the shuttle door quickly closed.

Batman frowned and asked, "Why don't you bring Luthor back? Do you still insist on being the Injustice Superman?"

"No, this is Mr. Wang's request."

Damian said: "He said, leave Luther to him, he will be useful."

"Mr. Wang's request?"

Batman narrowed his eyes. This Mr. Wang was very mysterious. For him, a paranoid victim, mysterious things represented danger.

Moreover, Mr. Wang's ability is super powerful.

As soon as the parallel universe shuttle door closed, Batman rushed into the spaceship with the Ninja Master and Aquaman. When he saw the unconscious S1 Luther, he said to Aquaman: "Move him out and give him to Mr. Wang."

"Leave it to me. With Mr. Wang's insidiousness, this guy will definitely come in handy."

Neptune picked up S1 Luthor and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang is really amazing. He killed forty mechanical supermen with just two moves. But his personality is too bad. He didn't tell us anything and made us worry."

Batman looked at Neptune speechlessly, knowing that he was sinister, how dare you say this to him?

After Neptune left, Batman said to the Ninja Master: "Teach me how to control this spaceship? Since you can control it in a short period of time, I can definitely do it too."

The ninja master replied dully: "There is an intelligent system on the spacecraft, which is easy to control. However, this spacecraft was given by the Kryptonians, so there may be problems."

"No problem, Tony, lend me Jarvis for a while."

Batman sat on the console and used the communicator to speak to Iron Man. Iron Man said: "No problem, but don't take the opportunity to study Jarvis."

Batman replied coldly: "Don't take the opportunity to let Jarvis invade my database."

"Each other."

Iron Man said, and the rest of the Justice League were speechless when they heard their conversation, two old silver coins.

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