Chapter 773 Leaving

"So, before leaving, you have to clear that dark memory."

After hearing the words of Injustice Superman, Andrew said: "Total erasure, the kind that can never be recovered."

"Erase that memory forever?"

The Injustice Superman was stunned, then nodded and said: "No problem, I am willing to erase that memory, I don't want to become as full of hatred as him.

Moreover, Louise likes the kind me, not the dark me. "

"I made it clear in advance that if you keep fighting, you will definitely change. When the time comes, no one knows whether Louise will still like you."

Andrew said: "You regard Louise as everything, but Louise may not. Of course, she must love you deeply, but it may not be everything."

"Mr. Wang, I think you should encourage me at this time instead of pouring cold water on me."

Injustice Superman complained, and he said openly: "If Louise really can't accept me in the future, I will let her go. Her happiness is more important than anything else."

"You're a good man, Clark."

Andrew smiled and said: "Let's get started. After the brain surgery, you leave the earth as soon as possible and embark on a journey. This world may not have much time.

Darkseid may come sooner than anyone thinks. "

Andrew will not let Darkseid occupy the earth. On the one hand, he wants to use this earth to collect the power of fear. On the other hand, God knows whether Darkseid will penetrate the space channel and go to the DC universe.

In addition, Andrew wants to find out Darkseid's strength through Injustice Superman. There is no doubt that the Earth of the DC Universe will encounter Darkseid sooner or later.

Injustice Superman nodded: "I understand. With Louise by my side, I won't be lonely."

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. In addition to saving the earth, he also had a purpose, which was to train the Injustice Superman and make him a super strong person. In this way, if he encounters something in the future and cannot handle it, he can be dragged to DC. The universe is a helper.

The unjust Superman with the Doomsday gene is definitely qualified to become the supreme powerhouse.

Then, Andrew used nanoparticles to temporarily set up a laboratory. Then, he used special instruments to completely delete the memory of Injustice Superman's blackening.

This is not difficult, the original S.H.I.E.L.D. could do it, let alone Andrew.

Without this memory, even if Injustice Superman sees what he has done in the future, it will not have much impact, just like watching a movie.

Soon, everything was done, and Andrew took out a device to extract the kryptonite solution from the Injustice Superman's body, which could also be recycled.

"There should be kryptonite in this world. I have to find a way to find more."

Andrew secretly thought, in fact, not only did he have this idea, Batman and Iron Man were also looking for kryptonite, and S1 Batman fully supported them because he wanted it too.

The kryptonite solution left the body, and the Injustice Superman opened his eyes fiercely, roared to the sky, and a violent aura surged out of his body. The small animals, birds, bugs, etc. around him were frightened and ran away like crazy.

When the power returns, the side effects caused by the Doomsday gene also return.

Fortunately, the Injustice Superman no longer had a dark mind, and he quickly controlled himself. He looked down at the necklace around his neck, and his eyes became extremely gentle.

Then, Injustice Superman flew in the air and said respectfully to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, I'm leaving now, and I will stop Darkseid."

"Don't be anxious. If you go rashly like this, you will be caught and brainwashed by Darkseid sooner or later. I don't want to beat you again. It's very tiring."

Andrew smiled, and then, with a wave of his hand, four mechanical supermen appeared out of thin air.

"These are the mechanical supermen that I had modified by the Three Palace Demons. Darkseid can't control them. You take them with you. If anything happens, leave them as scapegoats."

Andrew said: "I have modified them. They all have self-destruction function. If they are powerful, they can even hurt you."

"Self-destruct function?"

The Injustice Superman was surprised, then smiled and said: "Fortunately, Darkseid is not as sinister as you, Mr. Wang."

If those previous mechanical supermen had the ability to self-destruct, even if the Justice League could win, they would suffer heavy losses and be robbed by the Kryptonians.

"Clark talks a lot more than you do."

Andrew said angrily, then he took out a wristband from his arms and said: "This is a teleportation wristband, which can teleport and teleport. It uses solar energy as energy, but it must be relatively close to the sun to charge.

The best thing about this wristband is that it can break some space blockade methods. However, it cannot be broken 100%, so don't be careless.

In addition, this wristband has a communication function. When you are bored, you can chat with Batman or Wonder Woman. I recommend using "Lonely Night, Lonely You" as the opening line. "

"So earthy, uh, I mean, thank you Mr. Wang."

Injustice Superman accepted it gratefully. Doomsday was just difficult to die, not impossible. This thing was very important.

Andrew said: "Okay, everything that needs to be explained has been explained. Injustice Superman, have a safe journey."

"See you in four years."

Injustice Superman nodded and took four mechanical supermen into the sky. Soon, he left the earth and flew into space.

Not long after Injustice Superman left, S1 Batman called: "Mr. Wang, was it Injustice Superman who just flew away?"

"Yes, I will go back and talk to you slowly."

Andrew nodded. Then, he took Fiora back to the hall and briefly explained the matter. However, he did not mention the matter of resurrecting Louise. He only talked about cleaning the memory and asking Injustice Superman to stop Darkseid. .

Resurrection is too unnatural. What if Batman asks Andrew to resurrect his parents?

There are other superheroes, and there are also people who want to be resurrected. This hole cannot be opened.

Andrew thought of something and secretly complained: "By the way, Injustice Superman only cared about his wife the whole time and completely forgot about his old father. He is really unfilial, just like the movie version."

"It's a good idea to let Injustice Superman deal with Darkseid. No matter what, we can't let Darkseid lead the army of mechanical supermen to land on the earth, otherwise the earth will be dead."

S1 Batman said: "But are you afraid that Injustice Superman will completely turn into a monster? After all, he has integrated the Doomsday gene."

"I believe Clark."

Andrew said, everyone was silent. At this time, we can only believe Clark. There is no way, only he can stop Darkseid.

"This communicator is for you. You can chat with Injustice Superman when you have time."

Andrew threw a special communicator to S1 Batman, and S1 Batman was overjoyed. With this, he can know the situation of Injustice Superman and his progress against Darkseid.

"Although there is an Injustice Superman to intercept Darkseid, no one knows what will happen in the future."

Andrew said: "You still need to make more preparations. It just so happens that the official power is suppressed by the Injustice Superman, so you can relax a little.

For example, put more satellites up there, formulate more rules, etc. "

"You should really make more preparations."

S1 Batman and S1 Diana nodded at the same time. Injustice Superman destroyed all the original order. After he left, everything fell into chaos, and there were many opportunities to take advantage of.

However, it goes without saying that after the official experience of this lesson, they will definitely increase their vigilance against superheroes.

"I have an earth defense system, are you interested?"

Tony asked excitedly. His earth defense system, to put it simply, is to equip the earth with armor. Unfortunately, because of this and that reason, it failed to be successfully installed in two consecutive worlds.

Now that he had the opportunity, Tony naturally wanted to promote it.

"Earth defense system? Let's talk about it in detail."

S1 Batman's eyes lit up and he said. Tony nodded excitedly and finally opened the business. He was not doing it to make money. The key was that he felt uncomfortable after inventing something but not using it.

"Okay, let's all take a stroll and return to the universe tomorrow."

Andrew said: "All the teleportation bracers will be recovered when they arrive. Wonder Woman, leave the one of yours behind. If anything happens, come to our universe and let me know."

"Yes, they should all be recycled."

The Batmans of the two universes nodded at the same time. It was too dangerous to travel back and forth between the parallel universes. Just keep one as a life-saver in critical moments and recycle the rest.

Then, everyone dispersed again, and Andrew took Fiora to absorb all the power of fear. However, the magic circle did not stop, it will continue to stay in this universe, absorbing the power of fear endlessly.

"As for reputation, Alice, give all the credit this time to Superman."

Andrew said: "No need to go into details. I just want to say that in order to defeat the Injustice Superman, Batman invited another Superman from the parallel universe.

In the end, Injustice Superman was defeated by Superman, realized his mistake, and left Earth to stop Darkseid from making up for his mistakes. "

Alice said: "In this case, Superman's reputation will increase like a rocket."

Andrew said, "Well, it's time for the sacrifice."

"BOSS, are you raising pigs?"

Alice complained: "Leave it to me, and within one night, everyone on the earth will know about it."

Andrew nodded: "Just do it."

Soon, news about Superman defeating the unjust Superman began to appear on the Internet, accompanied by various photos and videos. At the same time, there were a large number of articles and replies praising Superman, crazily boosting Superman's reputation.

The people were dubious at first, but soon someone discovered that the mechanical superman in the city had disappeared. In other words, what was said on the Internet was all true.

"Long live Superman!"

The people cheered loudly, everything was finally back to normal, and the officials breathed a sigh of relief. The damn tyrant was defeated.

Although the people are very dissatisfied with Injustice Superman, they don't hate it very much. After all, Injustice Superman used to have a good reputation, and he only controlled order and didn't do anything too extreme, or in other words, he didn't have time to do it.

In contrast, officially, the super villains hate the Injustice Superman to the core, and they are all ecstatic when they hear that the Injustice Superman has been driven away.

"Injustice Superman defeated? Great, we can finally be free."

In the undersea prison, the prisoners learned about this through public television, and immediately took advantage of the guards' unpreparedness and began to rebel.

The guards were panicked due to Injustice Superman's failure, and the absence of their warden Cyborg. They were beaten back by the prisoners, and even the control room was occupied by the prisoners.

Those who can become super villains either have super powers or super intelligence. After being locked up here, they have been thinking about how to escape and how to prevent the prison from self-destructing. It is normal for the guards to suddenly erupt at this moment and be unable to resist it.

Once these super villains escape, the world will start a bloody storm again. At this critical moment, two figures appear in the underwater prison.

"Want to go out? Fiora, let them do it."

Andrew said with a smile, Fiora nodded, and quickly rushed into the prisoners. Only the figures flickered and the prisoners flew up one after another.

In just five minutes, all the prisoners were knocked down. The prisoners thought that with the departure of Injustice Superman, they would be free, but they did not expect that there was also Fiora, a Kryptonian.

Fiora then gathered all the prisoners in a hall, and Andrew arranged the instruments around them.

After a while, S1 Cyborg rushed over. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the prisoners had been suppressed. Then, he asked doubtfully: "Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

"I'm here to send these super villains to hell... Don't look like that, I'm really sending them to hell."

Andrew smiled and said: "After I came here, I happened to see these prisoners trying to escape from prison, so I suppressed them.

I plan to take them to my universe and hand them over to the Three-Gong Demon. In this way, on the one hand, I can get benefits from the Three-Gong Demon, and on the other hand, I can get rid of this garbage. "

Andrew is going to let the Mechanical Trigonome form an army of super villains, which may come in handy in the future.

In addition, building the City of Steel requires a lot of talent, and these super villains are just right for it. Anyone who can become a super villain has one or two super skills.

At the same time, this is also an experiment. If the problem is not big, the super villains will have a place to go in the future.

"Take them to the hell of your world?"

S1 Cyborg was stunned. He was hesitating. Andrew started the instrument. In a burst of white light, all the prisoners disappeared.

S1 Cyborg smiled bitterly. It seemed that Mr. Wang had no intention of discussing with him at all.

But that's fine. If these garbage is left here, it will only harm the people of the earth.

S1 Cyborg himself didn't have a good impression of these prisoners. In the beginning, he supported Injustice Superman, but later Injustice Superman went too far.

Of course, procedurally, S1 Cyborg still has to ask: "Mr. Wang, will they die?"

Andrew said: "The living environment in hell is harsh. No one can guarantee that they will not die. I can only guarantee that the Three Palace Demons will not kill them."

S1 Cyborg was a little suspicious: "Is the Three Palace Demon so good-tempered?"

"Of course not, He will only make those super villains worse than death."

Andrew laughed, "Meanwhile, hell, the City of Steel."

"I like super villains, and I hope you guys have stronger bones."

The mechanical three-house demon looked at the group of super villains teleported over and laughed. New toys are here again.

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