American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 730 Black Adam

"I was tricked by this guy again."

Orm shook his head and went to collect the remaining alien weapons in the ruins. They could also be used as evidence.

By the way, what happened over there? Why does a small country like Kandak have such a strong aura?

Mountains, Adriana holds a searchlight and takes Ishmael into a cave.

This cave is an ancient temple. The floor is paved with large black stones, and it is covered with mysterious formation patterns and ancient Kandak characters.

There is an empty area above the cave, and the moonlight shines in, making the cave feel a bit dreamy.

"Adam said not to disturb him, so that he could sleep forever..., Ishmael, the legend is true, Adam, the hero who defeated the king, really existed!"

Adriana shined the light on the ground and analyzed the text on it. After a moment, she said excitedly: "We in Candak really have a superhero."

"If he was really a hero, why was he buried here?"

Ishmael smiled disdainfully, and then, while observing his surroundings, he asked puzzledly: "Why is the ground so clean, without any dust at all?

The moonlight can shine in, so it stands to reason that this place should be very dirty. "

"Because this is a temple, protected by divine power."

Adriana shook her head and led Ishmael deeper. After a moment, she shined the light into the air and said, "That is the Shabak Crown."

Ishmael hurriedly looked up and saw a black-blue crown floating in the air. A flash of heat flashed in his eyes. This was the crown of their royal family.

As long as you wear it and complete certain procedures, you can gain the power of the Rock of Ending Demon.

"I'm going to get the crown. Be careful and don't touch it. There may be some traps here."

Adrianna said, Ishmael nodded, he was not in a hurry, the crown must be his anyway.

Then, Adrianna spent a lot of effort to remove the crown in mid-air. Before she could be happy, a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed in, it was the soldiers of the International Gang.

"Put your hands up."

The International Gang soldiers shouted loudly. Ishmael quickly raised his hands. Adriana hid behind the rock and shouted: "This is the Shabak crown. Return your son to me and I will give the crown to you."

"It's not your choice, ma'am."

The International Gang sneered, and several soldiers rushed over to grab the crown. When Adrianna saw this, she gritted her teeth and shouted loudly: "The most powerful human being, the God of Gods, the names of the six immortal elders, Shazam! "

Along with Adrianna's voice, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and boomed on the ground. A group of International Gang soldiers were blown away on the spot, and the temple was filled with smoke.

Ishmael was also blown away, and he couldn't help but cursed in his heart, how could this woman do anything wrong? Fortunately, I didn't reveal my true identity, maybe it would be useful.

It was daytime in America, and the old mage was cleaning Billy's house. He didn't know if those children were perfect, but one thing he was sure of was that each of those children was sloppier than the last.

"The Shazam family must be established as soon as possible. Shazam has many missions."

The old mage was thinking about it. At this moment, he sensed something, his expression changed, and he hurried back to the Rock of Eternity. He found that a crystal ball in the depths shattered and fell into fragments.

"Black Adam has left the seal."

The old mage looked extremely sad and hurriedly called Billy to return to the Rock of Eternity. The only one who could stop Shazam was Shazam.

In the temple, the smoke gradually dissipated, and an extremely muscular figure wearing a cloak, black clothes, and a lightning symbol on his chest appeared in front of everyone.

The International Gang soldiers quickly got up and pointed their guns at the man. Then, the captain sent a soldier forward to investigate the situation.

"Who are you, raise your hand?"

The soldier stepped forward nervously and pointed his gun at the cloaked man's head. At this moment, the cloaked man suddenly made a move, grabbed his neck, and lifted him into the air.

Then, a dazzling electric light lit up on the cloaked man's hand, and the soldier twitched all over. The electric light burned him into a skeleton, and then from the skeleton into ashes.

"Shet, shoot."

The soldiers were shocked and hurriedly shot. Unfortunately, the bullets could not penetrate the man's body. He pinched a bullet at an alarming speed and sneered: "What a weak magic."

The next second, this man suddenly appeared in front of a soldier and punched him away. Then, he appeared in front of another soldier and kicked him out.

In less than a second, all the soldiers were smashed away.

More soldiers ran in to support, and the cloaked man fired lightning with his hands, killing the soldiers one after another. Because the movement was too loud, the temple kept shaking, and a lot of dust fell down, obviously it was about to collapse.

The soldiers hurriedly ran out, and the cloaked man also flew towards the gap above.

Adriana breathed a sigh of relief and fled outside with the crown. Ishmael ran next to her and asked, "What on earth did you do?"

"I set our heroes free."

Adriana said excitedly: "He is our hero, Adam who fought against the tyrant five thousand years ago."

"Is that Adam?"

Ishmael looked ugly, but unfortunately, Adrianna didn't notice it. After all, she was in a hurry to run away.

Soon, the two ran outside, and Adrianna breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the crown in her hand was suddenly forcibly taken away by Ishmael.

Adriana was stunned: "Ishmael, what are you doing?"

"Do what needs to be done."

Ishmael grinned and kicked Adrian off the cliff. He had wanted to do this for a long time. This woman always caused trouble for him.


Adriana screamed in fear, and Black Adam, who flew out of the temple, heard the scream and quickly flew towards her.

Upon seeing this, Ishmael quickly ran away with the crown. At the same time, he ordered the army to attack Black Adam to buy him time.

This time, the International Gang came with many soldiers, several tanks, and two armed helicopters. The International Gang was quite a warlord.

Black Adam didn't pay attention to the gunship flying towards him. He opened his hands and hugged Adriana.

Black Adam is not a bad person in the strict sense. His fault is that he is too cruel to his enemies, like if you offend me, I will kill your whole family. In fact, he has always been kind in his heart.

Adriana escaped death and gasped for air. She felt Black Adam's thick arms, and something in her heart moved.

This is their hero of Kandak, he must have come back to save Kandak.

At this moment, a large number of machine gun bullets were fired at Black Adam and Adrianna. Black Adam snorted and threw Adrianna into the sky. Adrianna screamed again.

Then, Black Adam suddenly appeared next to an armed helicopter, and then he pushed the armed helicopter and crashed into another armed helicopter.

Soon, the two armed helicopters collided with each other, roared and exploded, releasing a large amount of flames. Then, Black Adam flew into the sky again, hugged Adriana, and flew down with her.

Adriana stopped screaming again. She looked at Black Adam speechlessly. Couldn't she say something first?

Black Adam hugged Adrianna and landed on the ground. Then, he let go of Adrianna and flew towards the other soldiers of the International Gang who were rushing over.

Upon seeing this, the International Gang immediately launched an attack. Their firepower was very powerful. The shells hit Black Adam densely and exploded, completely covering him in flames and black smoke.

But what shocked the International Gang soldiers was that when the black smoke dissipated, there was almost nothing happening about Black Adam except that his cloak was burned off and a big bald head was revealed.

Black Adam snorted and rushed towards the International Gang soldiers at full speed. The International Gang soldiers shot and fired shells at him frantically.

In Black Adam's eyes, everything around him was very slow. He easily passed through the hail of bullets. At the same time, he changed the direction of the rocket, deflected the muzzle of the tank, and hung a grenade on his master's clothes.

Soon, Black Adam passed through the defense line of the International Gang soldiers and floated in the air. The next second, there were booming explosions from behind, and flames shot into the sky.

Black Adam didn't look back at all, a real man, never looked back to see the explosion.

At this moment, a missile with blue light was fired at Black Adam. Black Adam noticed the breath of eternal ore for the first time and immediately avoided it.

The Eternal Missile was also a threat to Black Adam. Then, the Eternal Missile exploded, and a blue shock wave swept around. Adrianna was shocked to see it.

Black Adam didn't waste any time and killed all the remaining soldiers. Finally, he rose into the sky and flew towards Khandak City: he wanted to return to his hometown to see.

Adriana looked at Black Adam's leaving figure, her heart full of excitement. The hero returned, and Khandak would definitely be free.

At this time, a car drove over, but it was Adriana's brother who came to find her. He had been caught by the soldiers of the International Gang. Fortunately, after Black Adam appeared, the soldiers were either killed or escaped.

The big fat man asked in shock: "Who was that just now? So awesome."

"He's our Kandak hero, Adam."

Adriana said, at this time, she remembered what happened before and shouted anxiously: "Let's go find him quickly, only he can help me save Amon."

The big fat man asked: "Didn't you get the crown?"

"I got it, but it was snatched away by Ishmael, a lackey of the International Gang."

Adrianna scolded: "Now that we don't have the crown, if we want to save Amon, we can only go to our hero."

"Okay, come up here and we'll chase you right away."

The big fat man said, at this moment, a figure fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a thud, kicking up a lot of dust.

"Sorry, I didn't learn the landing posture well, the dust is a bit heavy."

Then, a sturdy figure walked out of the dust, it was Shazam who was coming over.

Shazam asked: "You two, have you seen a man with a lightning mark on his chest like me?"

Adrianna asked, "You mean Adam? Who are you?"

"That's him, Black Adam."

Shazam jumped twice and asked excitedly: "I am Magic Superman, a superhero reserve. You should know me, right? I have saved many people and charged their mobile phones."

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