Chapter 731 Mysterious Event

Billy was in school when he suddenly heard the old mage's call. He hurriedly found an excuse to leave the classroom and entered the Rock of Eternity in a deserted place.

After listening to what the old mage said, Billy was not feeling well. He had promised not to meet each other, but it had only been a few days before Black Adam ran out?

I'm just a kid, okay? Why should I deal with that kind of big devil?

"Dealing with Black Adam is Shazam's mission. You must go there immediately, force Black Adam to tell Shazam, and then seal him again."

The old mage couldn't refuse and said: "Black Adam has a cruel personality and has more powerful divine power than you. If he cannot be stopped in time, he will bring a catastrophe to the world."

"Is it Shazam's mission again? What number is this? Last time you said the Seven Deadly Sins were Shazam's mission."

Billy was very dissatisfied and said: "Also, as you said, he has more powerful power than me, so what did I do in the past, to die?

If it is true, I will buy an insurance first. Don’t worry, the beneficiary will never be you. "

The old mage was speechless. He said: "Don't worry, you won't die. You go and intercept him first. I will contact the Justice League immediately and ask them to help you."

"Justice League? That's pretty much it. By the way, remember to call my teacher and ask for leave for me, Shazam."

Billy thought for a while and reluctantly agreed. Then, he transformed into Shazam and teleported to Kandak through the Rock of Eternity.

After Shazam left, the old mage immediately contacted Andrew. Unexpectedly, Andrew was talking to Batman, and Alice responded to him.

Putting all this aside, near the mountains, Adrianna and her brother shook their heads at the same time after listening to what Shazam said: "Shazam? Never heard of it."

They all know the other superheroes from the Justice League, but they really have never heard of Shazam.

Also, charging your phone? Why does this superhero sound so unreliable?

"It seems that my popularity is not enough. Even if I sell the peripherals, I can't sell them. I also want to sign autographs for the peripherals."

Shazam was very disappointed. Then he slapped his forehead and said, "Well, we can't waste any more time. From which direction did Black Adam leave? I must find him immediately."

Adriana's brother was about to answer, but Adriana stopped him. Then, she asked Shazam: "What do you want from Adam?"

"I'm going to seal him again."

Shazam said: "He is a bad guy, we can't let him leave the seal."

"You want to seal Adam?"

Adriana both exclaimed at the same time, and Adriana asked dissatisfiedly: "Adam is our hero in Kandak, why did you seal him?

Hey, wait, the one before was not his shelter, but a seal? "

"Black Adam is the previous generation of Shazam."

Shazam introduced with a very good temper: "The teacher said that he has a cruel personality and will bring disaster."

"I don't believe it. He is our hero in Kandak."

Adriana shouted that a superhero finally appeared in Kandak. She regarded the other person as a life-saving straw and naturally did not want to believe that the other person was a bad person.

"Maybe what the teacher said is wrong, but let's find him first. I can't judge whether he is good or bad, but the Justice League can."

Shazam said. When the old mage heard this through the communicator on his body, he gritted his teeth angrily. What a bad apprentice, he didn't even believe what his teacher said.

"Okay, let's go find him."

Adriana thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and then the three of them took a car and rushed back to the city.

Why does Shazam ride in a car? It's simple, why fly by yourself when you can save some effort? Aren't you tired?

On the way, everyone met Wade who was coming over. After a conversation, Wade controlled the flying motorcycle to follow automatically, and he jumped into the car.

It's not that Wade is tired, he just likes chatting with people. Moreover, Shazam is so silly that you can tell he's easy to trick at first glance.

While everyone was looking for Black Adam, Andrew was having a meeting with Batman's holographic projection. He asked: "Are demons appearing all over the world?"

"To be precise, it's not that a demon appears."

Batman shook his head: "You treat other people as demons."

As he said that, Batman showed a video. In the video, a man was driving like crazy, killing everyone on the road, including several policemen.

"On the surface, it looks like a normal car accident."

Batman said: “But after he was caught, the man insisted that all he hit were demons, not people.

According to my investigation, it seems that he is not lying, and this is not an isolated incident, it has happened dozens of times.

A husband with a mild temper suddenly kills the whole family, a mother wants to throw her newborn child downstairs, etc., all of which regard the victim as a demon.

This matter has affected North America and Europe, and it has a large scope. I think there is a big problem, so I want to ask, where is our magic consultant? I need their help. "

Only magic can deal with magic. If you want to solve this problem, you need to find a magician. The problem is that the two magic consultants of the Justice League disappeared a few months ago.

That's why Batman came to Andrew.

"They are studying at Hell University."

Andrew said: "I will ask them to go to Wayne Manor to find you immediately. You should investigate this matter first. If you need any help, call me.

Something happened over there in Kandak, and I need to focus on that side first. "

"Hell University? What happened to Khandak?"

Batman asked, something that Andrew was personally concerned about must not be a trivial matter.

Andrew said: "It's a small matter, the previous generation of Shazam ran out."

"Is this also called a trivial matter?"

Batman was speechless. He counted the time, his face condensed, and asked: "Disaster strikes again?"

Andrew shrugged: "Maybe."

Batman said: "I will investigate the demon first. This matter may be related to the disaster. I will ask the Flash for help."

"Okay, keep in touch."

Andrew nodded, and then, Batman's holographic projection disappeared. Andrew touched his chin and thought: "See other people as demons, or on a global scale?"

The former alone is nothing, but coupled with the global scope, it is obviously not a trivial matter.

"So many demons are causing trouble? Is it because Lucifer is giving up his burden?"

Andrew thought to himself, as Lucifer is the Lord of Hell, it is his duty to suppress the demons of Hell. The problem is, this unfilial son is now opening a bar in Los Angeles, uh, and is losing money again.

The last superhero gathering brought a lot of popularity to Lucifer's bar, but for some unknown reason, he started to lose money again recently, and he started to lose his hair in a hurry.

"Could it be that a certain pair of bankrupt sisters were invited?"

Andrew complained. At this time, Alice came over and said, "BOSS, the old mage wants us to send someone to help Shazam re-seal Black Adam."

"Okay, inform Iron Man and let him go over. It just so happens that he has researched an anti-magic suit."

Andrew nodded and said with a smile: "If nothing else, I can see his suit being dismantled again. This kind of scene will never get tired of me no matter how many times I watch it."

"BOSS, Iron Man is your fellow countryman."

Alice complained. Suddenly, she received some information and said: "BOSS, Sky Eye will dispatch the Justice Society to go to Khandak to deal with Black Adam."

Andrew was puzzled: "Are their movements too fast?"

"According to the information I intercepted, it was the International Gang who sent them a request for help."

Alice said: "The International Gang is willing to hand over part of the eternal ore to the Sky Eye Society in exchange for the Sky Eye Society's assistance.

Black Adam is a dangerous person who needs to be suppressed, and he has benefits, so he can act quickly with his clairvoyance.

The Justice Society should not know about this, but Dr. Destiny is an old man in the magic world. Knowing the dangers of Black Adam, he will definitely try his best to seal him. "

"This is what I said, don't get too close to the official, you don't even know when you are being used?"

Andrew shook his head and said: "Notify Iron Man as planned. Also, ask Orm and Wade to help Shazam. If anything happens, teleport other superheroes there immediately."

Alice nodded: "Okay."

While Alice notified Tony, Andrew contacted the mechanical Trigon and asked: "You have all the memories of the Trigon. Do you have any impression of what Batman said?"


The mechanical Three-Gong Demon said: "Hell is very big and there are many demons. Even the Three-Gong Demon cannot know them all.

In addition, what Batman said may not have anything to do with demons. It is a kind of illusion, and human magicians can also do it.

As for the large range, it may be due to the artifact. "

"Human magician?"

Andrew thought for a while and said: “Let Zatanna and Raven leave hell and help Batman investigate this matter.

The two of them are quite reliable. If Constantine is asked to investigate, God knows what will happen. Maybe in the end, he will become the final boss. "

"Being able to mess up everything is a talent. I'll send Zatanna and the others back right away."

The mechanical three-house demon said. Andrew nodded and interrupted the communication. He glanced at the time in the battle fortress and said, "With my status, I actually work overtime. I am really too diligent."

Alice rolled her eyes and said she didn't want to talk.

Hell, the mechanical three-house demon called Raven and Zatanna and briefly explained the matter.

"No problem, we'll go back and help Batman right away."

Neither Raven nor Zatanna had any objections. After all, they were the magic advisors of the Justice League. The mechanical Trigon nodded and left a mark on each of the two women.

"This is my demon king's mark. When you encounter an invincible enemy, you can activate this mark."

The mechanical Three Palace Demon said: "However, don't use it as a last resort. My power is too powerful and will have a certain impact on your body."

Raven and Zatanna were both overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Call father."

The mechanical Triton knocked the raven on the head and sent the two women to Wayne Manor in Gotham.

In Gotham, Batman and The Flash were waiting for the two women. Suddenly, a space vortex appeared and the two women walked out at the same time.

"Zatanna, Raven."

The Flash greeted him familiarly, and Batman looked at the shrinking space vortex and asked, "Are you back from hell?"

Zatanna smiled and said, "Yes, I won't go into details about the situation to avoid keeping you awake."

"If you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep."

Ah Fu came in with a robot and poured tea for the two women. He liked robots very much. After all, he was old and needed a loyal helper.

Batman smiled bitterly. He could get angry with anyone, but he didn't dare to say anything to Ah Fu. He said, "We'll talk about hell later. Do you have any clues about this matter? Right?" Did the devil do it?”

"I want to see the deluded murderers first. If it is really the devil who did it, there must be some breath left behind."

Raven said: "As long as I take in the breath, I can tell which demon it is. After that, I can use searching magic to find the other party."

"I'll take you there right away. There happens to be one in Gotham."

Batman said: "She tried to throw her son downstairs. Fortunately, I was nearby and rescued the child in time, but her spirit was a bit broken."

Raven said: "It doesn't matter, the spirit is not important, the key is the magical aura."

"Let others see visions of demons? I seem to have seen similar records, it seems to have happened during the Merlin period."

Zatanna, who has a family background, thought for a moment and said, "But I didn't look too seriously at the time. I wanted to check out the information in the magic library that was passed down home."

"Family Magic Library?"

Everyone looked at her with some sideways glances, and they knew it was the eldest lady.

"No matter how glorious it was in the past, it is meaningless, because now it has declined, and even the gems that release magic can no longer be afforded."

Zatanna smiled bitterly, learning magic would take a lifetime, and all magicians felt the same way.

Constantine even said that it’s not that I don’t want to pay, but that all my money has been contributed to magic, so I can only let the woman pay for the house.

Batman said: "Okay, Zatanna, you go check the information, and we will find the murderer with Raven, trying to find the culprit as soon as possible and solve this matter."


Everyone had no objections and started taking action immediately. With Flash around, they moved very quickly, which is why Batman asked Flash for help.

"Uh, is my positioning a little wrong?"

The Flash complained, why did he become a means of transportation?

Meanwhile, Kandak.

The headquarters of the International Gang is located above the Eternal Mine. Ishmael successfully escaped from the mountains and returned to the headquarters. He looked at the ancient words on the crown and was ecstatic.

"Death is the only way to life. Next, you must die once."

Ishmael secretly thought: "But I can't die casually. Only by letting a brave man kill me can I get the inheritance of the six demon kings and become Shabak."

Shabak and Shazam are opposites, one is the power of demons, the other is the power of gods.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Shabak Crown? I didn't expect it to actually exist."


Ishmael was shocked and turned around quickly to see a cloaked figure with an unclear appearance standing behind him.

"Don't be nervous. If I want to kill you, you are already dead."

The mysterious man said: "You can call me fate, or destiny, I'm here to cooperate with you."

Ishmael asked warily: "Looking for my cooperation?"

"Yes, I'm looking for your cooperation."

The mysterious man nodded. He thought of something and sighed: "This era is really unfriendly to me. I need collaborators to fight those damn superheroes together."

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