American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 729 Eternal Cannonball

Orm looked at Wade speechlessly, and he said quietly: "For safety, I contacted Alice before. I believe that Miss Alice will be happy to tell the BOSS what you just said."


Wade was confused, and he hurriedly shouted: "BOSS, I'm just kidding, illegal trade will cause some dangerous technologies to flow into the earth, and in order to protect the safety of the earth, we must crack down hard.

Also, Miss Alice, I'm super skilled, don't tell me any lies. "

In the command room, Andrew said with a heartbroken tone: "You actually accused me of being petty. Am I that kind of person? Alice, Wade will pay back all of his reimbursement this month."

That's right, Andrew is still in the command room. As for the reason, well, he was so happy with his quick brushing that he forgot about the off-duty time.

It just so happened that Diana was not free today, so Andrew simply didn't go back, maybe there would be a good show to watch.


Alice nodded. Wade was a typical example of how he would die if he didn't seek death. He knew that the boss was a petty person, yet he dared to talk about it.

Wade should learn from her and only complain in his heart. This is the safest way.

Outside the hotel, the International Gang was about to force their way into the hotel. Orm said to Wade, "I'll deal with the flying motorcycles above, and you can deal with the International Gang below."

Wade nodded: "No problem, you go up and I go down."

Orm frowned. That was true, but why did it sound so weird?

Immediately, Orm shook his head, activated the flight function of his shoes, and flew towards the flying motorcycle in the sky.

At the same time, Wade held the window with his hands, turned over and jumped out gracefully. The next second, with a bang, he fell face-first to the ground.


Everyone in the International Gang is collectively confused. What is going on? At this moment, a large number of tentacles emerged from the ground, rolling up many International Gang soldiers and throwing them away far away.

"It was his fault. Shoot."

The captain hurriedly ordered, and a large number of bullets were fired at Wade densely. At the same time, several rockets with long tails were fired at Wade.

Wade raised his head, smiled, and several tentacles emerged from his body to wrap around the rocket launchers and throw them in the direction of the car.

Boom boom boom, rockets exploded one after another, flames, air waves, and broken limbs flew away.

"I'm sorry, I'm no longer the same person I used to be. The person I am now charges twice as much as before."

Wade got up from the ground, waved his tentacles quickly, and beat hundreds of International Gang soldiers by himself.

After possessing the bee star gene, Wade's combat effectiveness has increased sharply. Even if the International Gang uses alien technology, it is still no match for him.

Who doesn't have alien technology? Bee Star Gene itself is top-notch alien technology.

"The only thing worse than meeting a psycho is meeting a very strong psycho."

Orm was not surprised by Wade's performance. He rushed to a flying motorcycle and stabbed the opponent with his trident as fast as lightning.

The flying motorcycle avoided it for the first time, and then the flying motorcycle spun around in the air and hit Orm hard.

Orm snorted coldly, and the blue light lit up on the trident, preparing to give the opponent a hard blow. At this moment, the rider on the flying motorcycle pressed the button, and the flying motorcycle flashed past Orm like a blue light.

This wasn't over yet. Then, the flying motorcycle fired an energy cannon from behind and hit Om's back, and Om flew forward in response.

Fortunately, Orm activated the defensive shield on the black suit in time and suffered no injuries.

The remaining five flying motorcycles wasted no time and fired energy cannons at Orm one after another.

"There's definitely alien technology in this."

Orm cursed and flexibly avoided the energy cannon. If he couldn't avoid it, he would use a defensive shield to block it.

Then, Orm raised his hand, and the trident sent out a beam of energy that hit a flying motorcycle. The flying motorcycle exploded and fell down like a big fireball.

"The flying motorcycle is not bad, but the rider is just an ordinary person, and his reaction speed is not fast enough, so he cannot exert the true power of the flying motorcycle."

Orm knew it well and released a large number of rotating flying knives to attack the flying motorcycle.

The rider on the flying motorcycle hurriedly controlled the motorcycle to avoid the rotating flying knives. Orm took the opportunity to rush towards a flying motorcycle, and the trident slammed down with a blue light.

The rider on the flying motorcycle pressed the button, and the flying motorcycle turned into a blue light and flew forward fiercely.

Aum was well prepared. He pulled hard with his left hand and pulled the rider off the motorcycle.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a transparent silk thread on Aum's hand, and the other end of this silk thread is connected to the rider.

In fact, Orm's line was already attached to the rider before he attacked.

Then, Orm jumped on the flying motorcycle that lost its owner and prepared to crack it, but found that the flying motorcycle had no restrictions and anyone could use it.

"You can tell at a glance that they are members of the Caotai team."

Orm shook his head and controlled the flying motorcycle to fight with other flying motorcycles in the sky. The rotating flying knife automatically cooperated beside him, completely suppressing the opponent.


The captain of the international gang responsible for this incident saw that everything in the sky and on the ground was in an unfavorable situation. He couldn't help but cursed. Then, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Use the eternal missile."

The so-called eternal missiles are missiles made of eternal ore, which are more powerful than alien technology.

The soldiers of the International Gang immediately followed suit. Soon, a tank aimed its muzzle at Wade, and then, a shell with a flashing blue light hit Wade hard.

Wade immediately used his tentacles to wrap around the blue cannonball. Just as he was about to speak, the cannonball exploded with a rumble, and the blue shock wave swept through everything around him, even the car was overturned.

Wade was thrown out on the spot, and even the Orm in the sky shook. When the blue wave dissipated, Wade lay miserably on the ground, with several tentacles broken, and at the same time, his body was covered with blue fragments.

"kill him."

The International Gang soldiers who had just been hiding behind the car immediately came out and attacked. Bullets and artillery shells were fired at Wade densely. Wade was unable to fight back and could only barely protect himself with his tentacles.


Orm's expression changed, and he hurriedly controlled the flying motorcycle to hit the International Gang soldiers. Then, he jumped from the air and landed next to Wade.

With a bang, the flying motorcycle crashed into the camp of the International Gang soldiers and exploded. A large number of soldiers were thrown away, and the offensive was suddenly interrupted.

Orm looked at Wade and asked in shock: "What's going on? You can't die no matter what?"

"These blue fragments prevent my ability to heal."

Wade looked weak and said: "Brother, I'm going to die. Before I die, can you do one thing for me..."

"Wade, you died so tragically. Have a good trip."

Orm stomped on the ground, and a big pit appeared on the ground with a rumble. Then, he kicked Wade into the pit and prepared to bury him.

Wade hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I'm not dead, I can still be saved."

"No, you are already dead. I will avenge you. Rest in peace."

Orm said while burying the soil. As soon as he heard Wade's name, he immediately knew that there was nothing wrong with this guy. There was nothing he could do. He had been tricked by this bastard too many times.

"Hearts are connected. If this is not love, then what is love?"

In the command room, Andrew smiled and Alice said: "Don't worry, Boss, the video has been taken and will be uploaded to Kuaishou tomorrow."

"Am I the kind of person who gossips? Remember to ask KuaiDou to proactively recommend that video."

Andrew said: "That eternal mine is good, it contains extremely strong magical energy and can be used to make powerful magic props.

Fiora, you take Moore to rob the International Gang's Eternal Ore Warehouse. Well, cover your face. Although it doesn't matter if you are discovered, the sense of ritual is still necessary. "

"Yes, BOSS."

Fiora didn't talk nonsense and immediately went to the teleportation area. She had been following Andrew to protect him, but everyone knew that someone did not need protection, so she was very interested in going out on the field.

Andrew shook his head: "Wakanda Vibranium, Kandak Eternity, who copied whom?"

"Fake, I'm not dead. Don't bury it in the ground anymore. The wound will get infected, okay? Do you have any common sense, you bastard?"

Outside the hotel, Wade cursed: "Om, you have changed. You were easily tricked before."

Om's face was a little dark, and he couldn't bear to look back on the past. Just as he was about to speak, the International Gang reorganized their forces and shot at them one after another.

At the same time, the remaining four flying motorcycles in the sky also joined the attack, and energy cannons roared down.

Orm hurriedly dodged, and Wade shouted: "Throw me over."

Orm didn't waste any time. He grabbed Wade and threw him hard towards the International Gang camp. Wade quickly turned red in the air. When he landed on the ground, he exploded with a bang, killing all the remaining International Gang soldiers.

Om was a little surprised, Wade actually had this trick?

"Mr. Wang must have given it to him. This guy is really respected by Mr. Wang."

Orm thought with some jealousy, and then he shook his head. As long as he completes more tasks, he will have various powerful abilities sooner or later.

Orm secretly thought: "Arthur, one day, I will surpass you."

Then, Wade was reborn and returned to human form, or in other words, avocado form, and then the nanoparticles automatically covered his body, forming a black suit.

"It was so cool that all the pieces were blown away. There were no clothes inside, so it was really cool."

Wade looked satisfied. Then, his arms turned into tentacles and wrapped around a motorcyclist in the sky, pulling him down forcefully.

The remaining three flying motorcycles were frightened and hurriedly fled away. Wade hurriedly shouted: "Om, let's get on the motorcycles and chase them."

"Why chase?"

Orm asked: "There is a flying motorcycle and enough weapons around it. We will bring them back to the battle fortress for verification. If there is alien technology inside, we will immediately send troops to deal with the international gang."


Wade nodded, and just as he was about to say something, suddenly, he and Orm simultaneously sensed a powerful aura coming from the distance.

The two looked at each other, and Wade said, "You send something back to the Battle Fortress, and I'll go over and check it out."

Om was a little surprised: "So positive?"

"Maybe I can get some benefits, but I can't die anyway."

Wade shrugged, jumped on the flying motorcycle, and drove it quickly towards the direction of the breath.

Orm was speechless, you drive the flying motorcycle away, why should I go back to the battle fortress?

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