Chapter 728 Shabak Crown

"You think I haven't been beaten before?"

Adriana said angrily: "I have called the Justice League many times. The Justice League said that they are not involved in this kind of power struggle. In addition, they told me that it is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself for this kind of thing. .”

"The Justice League is right, you should rely on yourselves."

Aum nodded in agreement: "No matter how bad the order is, it is better than no order. You don't even have a resistance organization now. Defeating the international gang may not be a good thing for you, because the order will collapse."

Adriana blinked and said she didn't understand at all. Her idea was simple. If the International Gang was defeated, they would be free and everyone could live a good life.

It is obvious that despite reaching middle age, Adrianna is still an innocent woman.

Om saw this and said nothing more, it was none of his business.

Adrianna shook her head and continued: "As for the Justice Society, they are even worse. They said that the Eye of Heaven would disagree, so they can't care about this matter."

"Those knockoffs are the lackeys of the Sky Eye Society."

Wade said: "I still say the same thing, if you can afford the money, the handsome and powerful Mr. Wade will help you kill all your enemies."

Adriana glanced at Wade, shook her head and said, "You alone can't defeat the International Gang, and besides, I have no money."

"excuse me."

Wade shut up immediately. Adrianna and her brother were speechless at the same time. Are you too realistic?

"Ma'am, do you have any clues to provide us? If not, we will investigate it ourselves."

Orm said that he just wanted to complete the task, and he was not interested in anything else.

"A clue?"

Adriana thought for a while and said, "I have seen flying motorcycles in the city. Maybe you can find a way to grab one. It obviously has alien technology on it."

"That's a good idea. Where have you seen flying motorcycles?"

Orm asked, and Adrianna replied, "They fly around the city a lot."

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked a little sinister pushed open the door and walked in. When he saw Om and the handsome Wade with his face covered, he asked in shock: "Adrienne, who are they?"

"Ishmael, they are from MIB, here to investigate the International Gang."

Adriana said that she was so frank on the one hand because she did not realize the importance of confidentiality, and on the other hand, she trusted Ishmael.


Ishmael was shocked. Aum looked at him and asked, "Your heartbeat seems a little too fast?"

"Because I'm happy."

Ishmael was shocked. He pretended to be excited and said: "You are finally here. Those bastards from the International Gang are simply inhuman..."

"We are here to investigate the illegal transactions between the International Gang and aliens. As for other matters, it is not our responsibility."

Aum interrupted Ishmael and said, "Okay, Ms. Adriana, let's investigate the International Gang first. If your report is true, we will deal with them."

"It must be true."

Adrianna said excitedly: "By the way, be careful. The International Gang's technology is very powerful, and they have a lot of eternal ore."

"Technically, no one can beat us at MIB."

Om smiled confidently and left with Wade. When Wade passed by Ishmael, he suddenly laughed twice at him.

Ishmael's heart tightened again, but Wade didn't say anything and followed Aum out of the house.

Outside the house, Orm said to Wade: "It seems that you also found something wrong with that guy."

Wade looked confused: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that guy?"

Aum was stunned: "You didn't find anything wrong with him, why did you sneer at him?"

"It's fun." Wade said matter-of-factly: "That's how it's done in movies."

"I forgot you were a psycho."

Om wanted to facepalm, he said: "That guy should be someone arranged by the International Gang."

Wade asked: "Then why didn't you take him down right away?"

"Lue the snake out of its hole."

Aum said: "If the international gang attacks us next, it means that they really have illegal transactions with aliens, and in order to deal with us, they will definitely come up with powerful alien weapons.

In this way, as long as we defeat the attackers and steal their alien weapons, we can be sure that they have indeed broken the law.

Then everything will be simple. "

The main reason why Orm chose to use this somewhat risky method was because he didn't want to stay with Wade, even just for a second.

Wade asked: "Good idea, but I have a question. What if we can't beat each other?"

Aum said: "You take the back seat, I will run away, and then I will find someone to rescue you."

Wade was dissatisfied: "Why am I playing second?"

Om took out a pearl, and Wade smiled broadly and said, "No problem, I'll take care of you. Master, what other orders do you have?"

That's fine too. I have good skills, and Wolverine said yes. That's why he agreed to shoot "Deadpool 3" with me. "


Orm kicked Wade away. By the way, who is Wolverine? It must be very difficult to be entangled with such a psychopath.

In the room, Adriana said excitedly: "As long as MIB finds evidence, the International Gang will be dead. By then, we, Khandak, will be free."

"That's what we dreamed of."

Ishmael was happy on the surface, but he was cursing in his heart. He didn't expect that this dead woman would cause him such a big trouble.

Let me introduce, Ishmael, the last bloodline of the ancient royal family and the leader of the International Gang.

Yes, this undercover agent is actually the leader of the International Gang.

"We can't delay it any longer, we must get the Shabak crown as soon as possible."

Ishmael thought anxiously, and he asked Adrianna: "Adrienne, when are we going to find the Shabak Crown? Last time you said that the International Gang was about to find that area."

"I originally thought about looking for it in a few days. I must not let the International Gang get the crown, otherwise, there will be big problems."

Adriana thought for a while and said: "But now that MIB is here, with their methods, it won't take long to solve the International Gang. In this case, there is no need for us to look for the Sabak Crown again."

"It's really not necessary, just let it hide there quietly."

Adriana's brother also said that the Sabak Crown was a magic crown made of the Stone of Eternity by the tyrant of Khandak five thousand years ago. After wearing it, you can gain the power of the devil.

Unfortunately, the tyrant had just finished building the Crown of Sabak, but before he could put it on, Black Adam came to visit him for killing Black Adam's son.

After that, the entire palace was destroyed by Black Adam, and the tyrant's rule ended.

The people of Kandak built a huge statue for this purpose. Even after five thousand years, the statue still exists, although it is somewhat broken.

Hearing Adriana's words, Ishmael looked a little ugly. He thought for a while and said, "That's okay. Anyway, our goal is to prevent the International Gang from getting the Shabak crown."

Then, Ishmael left the house and came to a deserted place to contact the International Gang: "Two things. The first one is that MIB agents have come to Kandak. Capture them and we cannot let them continue the investigation.

Try not to kill them. I'll see if I can bribe them or control them. MIB is a big problem.

The second thing is to kidnap Adrianna’s son Amon and force her to find the Sabak Crown. "

"Yes, BOSS."

The people from the International Gang responded, and then they immediately set off to capture Adriana's son Amon.

Amon is a young man who wants to die. He really wants to die. Not only does he skateboard on the busy streets, but he also often provokes the soldiers of the International Gang. It is definitely a miracle that he is still alive today.

At this time, Amon was skateboarding as usual. When he saw the soldiers from the International Gang checking the car again, he cursed and thought about how to escape.

According to the rules of the International Gang, skateboards must also be inspected. Although there is nothing wrong with Amon, he just doesn't want to be inspected by the International Gang. How can I put it, this is his way of resistance.

Just as Amon was thinking, a soldier spotted him and shouted excitedly, and the surrounding soldiers rushed towards him.

Amon was shocked. Although he didn't know what was going on, the International Gang obviously wanted to harm him. He turned around and ran away. Unfortunately, he was caught by the International Gang soldiers not long after.

Amon wanted to say something, but the International Gang soldiers knocked him unconscious with rifle butts and dragged him away.

Soon, Adrianna received news that her son had been kidnapped. The International Gang soldiers said: "Bring the Shabak crown before dawn tomorrow, otherwise, you will never see your son again."

"Don't hurt my son, I will definitely give you the Shabak crown."

Adriana yelled in panic that her son was the most important thing to her, even if Khandak might suffer a lot from it.

"Before dawn."

The International Gang soldier left a cold word and turned to leave the house. After he left, Ishmael asked: "Are we really going to give the Shabak crown to the International Gang?"

"Of course, nothing can happen to my son."

Adrianna shouted, and her brother echoed, "I agree."

Ishmael sighed and said, "Forget it, let's set off."

"Okay, we'll leave right away. Brother, you go prepare the car."

Adriana said immediately. Her brother hesitated and asked, "Do I need to notify MIB about this?"

Adriana was a little hesitant. When Ishmael saw this, he said, "Those big shots care more about the overall situation than about a person's life or death."

"If we don't notify them, we will resolve this matter ourselves."

Adriana made an immediate decision after hearing this, and then the three of them took a car and rushed to the mountains outside Kandak.

The Shabak Crown is located in the temple in the mountains. Adrianna's ancestors were priests of the temple, so she knows where the temple is. Only she can find the Shabak Crown.

This is why Ishmael went to great lengths to lurk around Adrianna.

Soon, the three of them came to the mountains. Adrianna's brother stayed at the foot of the mountain to meet them. Adrianna took Ishmael and walked along the mountains with a searchlight in hand.

Because of the passage of time, the terrain has changed a lot, and Adrianna has to think about many positions. Fortunately, because it is related to the life and death of her son, her potential is fully realized, and the journey is relatively smooth.

Adriana didn't know that the soldiers of the International Gang had quietly followed her, and her brother had become a prisoner of the International Gang.

Then, the International Gang soldiers followed the marks left by Ishmael and quickly caught up.

At the same time, in Kandak City, a group of International Gang soldiers were rushing to the hotel where Orm and Wade were staying.


Through monitoring, Orm discovered the enemy immediately and immediately contacted Alice and asked her to turn on the monitoring system. On the one hand, it could be used as evidence. On the other hand, if anything happened, Alice would send support as soon as possible.

This was what Alice had specifically confessed before. Although Orm didn't think it was necessary, it was just an international gang. What did it mean? But there was an instruction from above, so he could only do it.

Then, Orm used the communicator to ask Wade to gather. As a result, the other party didn't respond at all.

Om was startled, thinking something was wrong with Wade, and hurried to his room. Unexpectedly, he was lying on the bed, fast asleep.

Om kicked Wade down angrily. This bastard told him that there would be a sneak attack tonight, but he still fell asleep. He didn't even hear the communicator ring.

Om sighed: "How unlucky am I to be targeted by this guy?"

"Honey, don't kick me, I didn't fart."

Wade, who was kicked down by Orm, still didn't wake up and muttered that he was often injured and was not as sensitive to pain as ordinary people.


Om's forehead had veins popping out. He was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he took out the electric shock device and gave Wade a hard blow.

Wade screamed, suddenly woke up and jumped up, and then he said angrily: "Om, what are you doing? Come to my room in the middle of the night and shock me? I don't have a problem with you attacking me at night, but can you not be so heavy-handed?" ?”

Orm cursed: "Shut up, the International Gang is here, ready to fight."

"International Gang? Yes, that seems to be the case."

Wade suddenly remembered tonight's mission, slapped his forehead, and said: "My fault, I didn't want to sleep, but I suddenly saw the news about Green Lantern.

As soon as I saw the news about Green Lantern, I remembered that boring Green Lantern movie, and then, I fell asleep. "

"Then what's going on with the pajamas you're wearing?"

Orm was too lazy to talk nonsense and said: "Get ready to fight."


Wade shrugged, and the nano-suit automatically covered his body, turning into a black uniform with a black hood on it.

Basically, it was a black version of Deadpool's uniform. Seeing this, Orm clicked on his clothes, and his casual clothes suddenly turned into a black suit.

After the two of them changed their clothes, the sound of rumbling cars and motorcycles came from outside. They walked to the window and saw that the hotel was surrounded by cars and motorcycles, and a large number of International Gang soldiers were jumping out of the cars.

In addition to cars and motorcycles, there are also six flying motorcycles flying in the sky. The wheels are replaced by blue flames. They look quite cool.

This is the Raptor Flying Team of the International Gang, and its combat effectiveness is quite good.

Orm said: "It seems that the International Gang really has illegal transactions with aliens."

"Then they are miserable. There is no tax on illegal transactions. In other words, our boss cannot receive money. This problem is very serious."

Wade said: "Who in the world doesn't know that our BOSS is super petty? If you look at him one more time, he will write it down in his notebook."

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