American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 689 Transformation

Although Orm didn't know what the Bee Stars wanted to do, it was definitely not a good thing. He immediately prepared to call back and then teleport over again.

Returning doesn't mean the end.

At this moment, a figure rushed over, grabbed the tentacles of the Bee Star, and shouted loudly: "Stab me, Om is my best brother, even if I die, I will not let you hurt him." Not a single hair."

There is no doubt that it was Wade who rushed over.


Om was confused. Looking at Wade's exaggerated acting skills, he didn't feel any gratitude at all. He only felt pain in his balls and nausea. Good brothers, the two of them were incompatible with each other, right?

Last time, Om gave Wade a good beating on Andrew's order.

"What kind of crooked idea is this guy having? Also, why is he hugging the tentacle? Doesn't he have a light blade? Wouldn't it be better to just cut off the tentacle?"

Orm was confused and quickly controlled the black suit to save himself. Soon, he was free again.

Unlike Orm, Neptune was deeply moved. He didn't expect Orm and Wade to have such a good relationship, and he would not scold him in the future.

Seeing Wade grabbing the tentacles, the Bee Stars simply changed their goals and injected the Bee Star genes into Wade's body. Although this guy looked a little different from other Earthlings, he was very strong and qualified to become a distinguished Bee Star man.


Wade, who was stabbed by the tentacles, let out an exaggerated scream and shouted to Orm: "Om, I'm going to die. Of course, I don't mind dying for you. We are the best brothers.

Please help me fulfill my last wish. I hope that after I die, the coffin will be filled with pearls. I want top-quality pearls with a diameter exceeding..., uh, in short, you put the biggest ones in, the more the merrier. "

Orm complained: "Then you come back from the dead and take away all the pearls, right?"

"Brother, is this how you see me? I'm so sad. Not hundreds of pearls can make up for my wounded heart."

Wade looked sad. At this moment, he seemed to hear something, turned his head and looked into the void, and asked confusedly: "What? The Bee Star people are injecting Bee Star genes into my body, am I dead?"

"Shet, BOSS, save me."

Wade hurriedly shouted for help, but it was too late. The next second, his body swelled rapidly, and his uniform was instantly burst.

In the blink of an eye, Wade transformed into, well, an avocado-blooded octopus.

Wade, evolve into Wade the Bee Star.


Seeing Wade become a Bee Star, everyone's expressions changed drastically. Can the Bee Star actually turn humans into them?

"Everyone, be careful. Once caught by the Bee Stars, teleport back immediately."

K shouted on the internal channel: "Don't seek death like X. This guy has an immortal body and is used to seeking death. In the end, he really committed suicide."

Wade, cause of death, wasted.


Everyone nodded, the abilities of the Bee Star people were too terrifying.

Andrew dragged his chin with his hand and did nothing because it was not necessary. Having said that, the genetic technology of the Bee Star people is very good. He must find a way to get it.

"Om, you must fulfill Wade's last wish. He is so loyal, a true man of iron and blood, and a pure man."

Neptune shouted: "In addition, you must avenge him and kill all the Bee Stars."


Om was confused, what the hell is this? Did that guy destroy himself?

"Why is it so ugly?"

The Bee Stars looked at Wade with some astonishment. This was really a brand new species that they had never seen before.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you are ugly or not. What matters is, is your combat effectiveness strong? The Bee Star shouted: "My kindred, seize this human."

Wade's Bee Star immediately turned his head to Orm, with a ferocious look on his face.

Orm raised the trident with a vigilant look on his face, and shouted loudly: "X, are you still conscious? A cheap guy like you shouldn't be finished so easily, right?"

Everyone secretly complained after hearing this, even if he is not finished, he will beat you when he hears your words, right?

Wade didn't know whether he was angry or because of the Bee Star's order. He controlled the tentacles to roll towards Orm. Orm quickly swung his trident and cut off the two tentacles.

"It seems that you have really become a monster. In that case, I will help you get rid of it."

Then, Orm controlled the trident and stabbed Wade hard. At this moment, Wade's fallen tentacle bounced up from the ground and hit Orm's arm hard. Orm groaned and the trident fell to the ground. land.

Wade took the opportunity to wrap Orm tightly with his tentacles. Then, he waved his tentacles and used Orm as a hammer to slam into the ground, kicking up a lot of dust.

When Neptune saw this, he couldn't help but think of what happened before, the same bloodline, the same fate.

At the same time, Wade's previously severed tentacle automatically flew back to his wound and healed quickly.

"The tentacles are cut off, but you can still control them?"

The Bee Stars were overjoyed when they saw this. Superheroes and their Bee Stars are indeed a perfect match. He is now looking forward to the birth of the Bee Star Superman.

As long as the earth is conquered and all superheroes are turned into bees, their bees will become more powerful than ever.

At that time, not only the Milky Way, but also the entire universe will surrender under the tentacles of their Bee Stars.

"Same race, tie him up and I'll inject him with the bee star gene."

A Bee star walked towards Wade and the others excitedly. Orm, who wanted to fight back, cursed and prepared to return.

At this moment, Wade stopped the collision. He controlled the tentacles and took off the teleportation ring from Orm's finger. Then, he looked at Orm with a mean smile.

Orm was shocked when the ring was taken off, and then he was stunned when he saw Wade's smile.

"Shet, this guy is not under control. He beat me on purpose before to avenge the last time."

Orm gritted his teeth, feeling happy and angry at the same time. Sure enough, the disaster would last for thousands of years. It would be difficult for a guy like Wade to die even if he wanted to.

Orm winked at Wade, his meaning was simple: "Let me go quickly, MIB prohibits internal fighting."

Wade also blinked: "I was controlled and couldn't help myself."

"You're being controlled and you're still blinking at me?"

Om wanted to complain. He thought about it and continued to blink: "What do you want? Don't go too far. You just beat me up."

Although Wade will not really kill himself, with this guy's character, he will definitely embarrass himself, just like before.

Om considers himself a noble son and would definitely not want to be embarrassed. He would rather spend money to protect his image.

Wade was overjoyed and immediately blinked: "A cart full of pearls."

Orm blinked: "Dream, ten at most."

"Are you sending beggars? One hundred."

"Sorry, you're not worth that much."

The two blinked quickly, and in a short period of time, they reached a deal.

In the control room, Andrew looked at the two people blinking and couldn't help laughing. He said: "Alice, edit this scene and Wade's previous confession and upload it to the Internet.

The name is, True Love Is Invincible, and to put it simply, it misleads things into saying that Wade is awakened by Orm's love.

When it was played, the English version of "If This Isn't Love" was used as the background music.

Haha, when they become famous, I will pay for them to make a big movie to commemorate their relationship. "

Alice smiled and said: "No problem, BOSS, edit it now."

"Mr. Wang, please be a human being."

William was complaining next to him. Once this video comes out, Wade will not react at all. At most, he will be "shy" or ask for compensation. Orm will be miserable, and his image will be completely destroyed.

Andrew said calmly: "Wade asked Rita three times. Although Rita refused each time, we all know that Wade will definitely have a fourth time."

"Alice, send me the video and I'll forward it for you. By the way, you can add more lines."

William said immediately, and Andrew sighed and said, "William, be a human being."

William rolled his eyes, and then he asked: "Mr. Wang, if you are in the mood to joke, does that mean you have a way to deal with the Bee Stars?"

Andrew said, "No, it's the joy of suffering."

William knew that Andrew didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions. In short, he believed in Mr. Wang, he never disappoints people.

On the battlefield, Wade and Orm reached an agreement. At the same time, the Bee Stars controlled the tentacles and prepared to inject the Bee Star genes into Orm's body.

Wade grinned and tied up the Bee Star with his tentacles. Before the Bee Star could react, Orm raised his hand, and the trident automatically flew to his hand. He stabbed the Bee Star into the head of the Bee Star, killing him. .

"This is impossible!"

When the Bee Star man next to him saw this scene, he shouted in disbelief: "That Earthling is not controlled by the Bee Star gene?"

There is not only genetic information inside the Bee Star gene, but also the high technology of the Bee Star people. Once injected, they will automatically be brainwashed and become a Bee Star person.

The Bee Stars don't know that this kind of gene control technique is ineffective against psychosis. Our Wade is not a normal person, either on the surface or on the inside. He is really a psychopath.

Seeing that Wade was not under control, the audience and agents cheered. Although this guy is a bit mean, uh, okay, very mean, but no matter what, he is one of our own.

After the shock, the five Bee Stars rushed towards Wade and Orm at the same time. They must catch Wade and find out why the other party was uncontrollable. This is very important.

Wade let go of Orm and shouted arrogantly: "I'm back, and a group of low-level races also want to control me? Your Uncle Wade is a high-latitude creature, at least as high as a ninety-nine-story building."

"There are no ninety-nine levels of latitude."

Orm rolled his eyes and said: "X, let's cooperate. You will be the shield and I will be the weapon."

"It's very clear who is attacking and who is receiving."

Andrew nodded and said to Alice, "Add this sentence."

"Weapons and shields, handsome men and ugly men, I believe many people will bless them."

Alice asked excitedly: "Boss, do you want me to get some notebooks? I draw comics super fast, one notebook per second."

Alice draws comics using a program. Fortunately, she did not pursue a related career. Otherwise, many artists would be unemployed.

William looked at Alice in horror. It turned out that this was the big boss. Fortunately, he didn't offend her. Well, he shouldn't have, right?

"Forget it, be kind."

Andrew smiled and said, Alice and William rolled their eyes at the same time, aren't you the most unkind person?

On the battlefield, Wade laughed when he heard Orm's words, stacked his two tentacles and rubbed them.

"no problem."

Orm rolled his eyes and Wade laughed. It seemed that today was his lucky day. Not only did he get rid of one-third of his debt, but he also made a lot of money.

What, become a bee star? That is something to consider in the future. The most important thing now is to make money.

Wade immediately picked up two light-blade knives and took the initiative to move towards the Bee Stars. Then, completely ignoring his own safety, he attacked the five Bee Stars crazily.

The Bee Stars were frightened and angry, and kept attacking Wade. Unfortunately, it was of no use because Wade had a strong self-healing ability.

What's even more outrageous is that Wade can control his body at will, including the broken parts. This is a special ability he gained after fusing the bee star gene.

Orm took the opportunity to wave his trident and join the attack. The two cooperated tacitly and quickly killed the Bee Stars.

Seeing Wade's situation, Commander Bee Star hesitated and said, "Stop injecting Bee Star genes into superheroes for the time being and focus on controlling them to avoid any further problems."

The adjutant responded: "Yes, Commander."

"The people on Earth are really incredible. Unfortunately, no matter how incredible they are, they cannot be our opponents. Today, they are destined to be destroyed."

The commander said confidently. At this moment, he looked at the screen, his eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of disbelief.

Not only did the commander have this expression, but so did the others. They had conquered many planets and seen many things, but they had never seen this scene before them.

On the battlefield, Cleo, the second generation mouse hunter, was ready. She raised the glowing instrument in her hand high on the second floor where she was hiding and ordered all the mice to attack.

Following Cleo's order, a large number of manhole covers were lifted around, and countless rats swarmed out, forming a black ocean and rushing toward the Bee Stars.


Not to mention the Bee Stars, even the agents and the audience were shocked. Robert shouted: "These are our own people, no, they are our own rats. Just avoid them, they will deal with the Bee Stars."

Everyone ran away, some jumped on the wall, some jumped on the car, and those who couldn't hide stayed on the ground.

The army of rats did not harm any of their own, and swarmed towards the Bee Stars crazily. The Bee Stars were frightened and angry, and hurriedly danced their tentacles to attack the rat army fiercely.


The strength of the Bee Stars was pretty good. With one tentacle, a dozen rats turned into meat at the same time. The problem was that there were countless rats around. They crawled onto the Bee Stars and bitten their bodies like crazy.

The bodies of the Bee Stars were very strong, but after all, they were made of flesh and blood and had weaknesses, such as eyes and ears. Soon some Bee Stars fell down and were completely overwhelmed by the army of rats.

This was just the beginning. When the agents and the exoskeleton army saw that the Bee Stars were entangled by the rat army, they immediately joined the attack.

Rats were just tools, and there was no need to worry about their life or death. Everyone attacked them as much as they wanted, and the Bee Stars retreated steadily. In a short period of time, hundreds of Bee Stars died in frustration.

"so amazing."

The audience was amazed. No one could have imagined that an army of tiny mice could be so terrifying.

This is a typical quantitative change leading to qualitative change.

In fact, this is a bit similar to the Zerg. The Zerg controls the universe by relying on a large number of soldiers. No matter how elite you are, there are endless bugs. Who is afraid of whom?

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