American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 688 Fierce Battle

What, someone in Versailles?

Someone from Never Versailles, don't forget who Andrew is? The Lord of Hell and the Lord of Time and Space, there is no secret in any space magic or space technology in his eyes.

Although the wormhole data was successfully cracked and there was a way to close the wormhole, Andrew did not say it immediately. The power of fear had just been born and there was no need to end it so quickly.

Andrew, who has mastered several trump cards, is now confident and can't get enough of it.

In New York, Iron Man continues to scan data, while Aquaman leads all MIB agents to deal with the Bee Stars. This is not easy. The Bee Stars are not only physically strong, but also have high technology.

Fortunately, no agent is weak. The two sides used this area as a battlefield and fought fiercely. The sound of explosions was heard all the time, and the surrounding buildings collapsed one after another.

There are basically no people in this area, which is undoubtedly a great blessing among misfortunes.

At this time, the wormhole shook violently, and then, a circular spacecraft flew out of the wormhole, flew into the sky, and quickly grew in size. It was a circular spacecraft with a diameter of more than two hundred meters.

Tony rushed forward without hesitation. He was wearing an anti-battleship suit, specially designed to deal with battleships.

When the circular spaceship saw Tony flying up, it immediately fired a giant energy cannon with a thickness of one meter. Tony immediately used nanoparticles to condense the shield and struggled to absorb the energy attack.

Seeing this, the circular spaceship stopped firing energy cannons and quickly flew towards Tony.

Tony's body lit up with a red light, and he was about to use laser to meet the enemy. At this moment, a huge force of gravity came, and Tony fell from the sky, making a big hole in the ground with a bang and kicking up a lot of dust.

This was not over yet. The circular spaceship flew over Tony and continued to release gravity. The anti-battleship suit and the ground kept sinking downwards.


Tony cursed, activated the anti-gravity system of the suit, and his huge body gradually stood up.

"Release magnetic interference."

Upon seeing this, the captain of the Bee Star battleship immediately gave orders. Soon, magnetic balls hit the anti-battleship suit, and the system of the suit immediately became chaotic.

In this case, Tony was blasted into the ground again.

"Very good, go ahead and use gravity to push Iron Man into coma. He has a very good mind and is qualified to become a member of our Bee Planets."

Captain Bee Star said that they had prepared the means to deal with Iron Man from the beginning.

In fact, the Bee Stars have also prepared a large number of means to deal with other superheroes, and they are ready to catch all superheroes in one fell swoop.

"These aliens are so strong!"

Seeing Fiora being sucked away by the wormhole and Iron Man being forced to the ground, the audience couldn't help but cover their mouths.

Alice had previously introduced how powerful the Bee Stars were and how many planets they had destroyed. Because they had no intuitive impression, the audience was not very scared, but at this moment, they finally saw how terrifying the Bee Stars were.

The Bee Stars, who are feared even by the Cockroach Zerg Tribe, are certainly not simple.

Looking at the Bee Stars pouring out of the wormhole, the audience couldn't help but get excited. Can superheroes really stop the Bee Stars?

At this time, with the sound of rumbling and rumbling, the exoskeleton mechanical legion arrived. They immediately joined the battlefield and dealt with the Bee Stars together with the agents.

The audience couldn't help but look forward to it. The Exoskeleton Legion had made many military exploits before, and everyone had a good impression of them.


The leader of the exoskeleton legion gave a loud order, and all the mechas raised their Gatling machine guns at the same time and fired wildly at the Bee Stars. The bullets were like a rain of bullets, densely hitting the target.

The Bee Stars quickly waved their tentacles, and a large number of bullets bounced back, and the exoskeleton soldiers hurriedly avoided.

Exoskeleton mechas are super crude, with many areas not covered by steel, so they are still afraid of bullets.

As soon as the bullet attack stopped, the Bee Stars immediately rushed into the exoskeleton army. Then, they wrapped their tentacles around the hands and feet of the exoskeleton mecha and threw the mecha around.

The exoskeleton mecha army was suddenly in chaos. Nanawi roared, rushed over and knocked a Bee star away.

Then, a large number of nanoparticles formed a sledgehammer in Nanawi's hand, and Nanawi swung the sledgehammer, knocking away the Bee Stars next to him one after another.

Other MIB agents also rushed over to support. Big Pineapple touched his head with his right hand and turned into a flame king. Then, blue flames spurted out from his hands and enveloped a Bee Star.

Even the powerful Bee Stars were melted and quickly reduced to ashes under the flames of the Flame King.

"The big pineapple is mighty."

Frege praised, and kept firing freezing rays at the Bee Stars, freezing their tentacles.

With the help of MIB, the exoskeleton army gradually gained a foothold. Then, they adjusted their tactics and cooperated with the agents to fight fiercely with the Bee Stars.

"As much as I hate rats, I hate octopus tentacles even more."

Bloodsport Robert cursed, and while assembling a large energy gun to attack the Bee Stars, he asked Cleo, the second-generation rat hunter: "How are you, are you summoned?"

"Wait a minute, these Bee Stars are very powerful, I want to summon them all."

Cleo whispered that she was summoning rats all over New York. The Bee Stars knew the intelligence of superheroes, but they didn't know the intelligence of MIB agents, or in other words, they didn't like it.

Therefore, they ignored Cleo, who was no ordinary person, she was the King of Rats.

"The exoskeleton army is really not very good."

The audience shook their heads when they saw the performance of the exoskeleton army. The exoskeleton army is only the basic force. The real battle depends on MIB agents and superheroes.

Of course, this is much better than before. Without exoskeletons, the soldiers are not even qualified to participate in the war. Now, they can at least help.

"Do these natives really think they can stop us?"

Commander Bee Star looked at the light curtain and sneered, and a group of officers next to him were also sneering.

"Continue to send soldiers and small spaceships. At the same time, accumulate energy and send another warship over."

The commander ordered that the warship was large and needed to accumulate energy for a period of time if it wanted to teleport.

The officers immediately responded: "Yes, Commander."

Then, the commander turned to look at the battlefield where Fiora was. He originally thought that tens of thousands of octopus mechas could quickly capture Fiora, but it turned out that he was wrong.

Fiora was brave and invincible. A large number of mechas were demolished by her, but she was not injured at all. She was still alive and kicking, and her condition was even better than before.

It was obvious that the Kryptonians were stronger than expected.

"Start parasitizing now. Ordinary earthlings are not qualified to be parasitizing. They are parasitizing those earthlings in black suits."

The commander thought for a while and ordered: "The main force of superheroes happens to be away. Let's take down the wormhole battlefield as soon as possible. Then, the entire army will be dispatched to encircle and suppress the superheroes."

"Yes, Commander."

The commander's order quickly reached the earth, and the Bee Stars immediately began to prepare to control the MIB agents and turn them into their own.

The first target of the Bee Star candidate is Orm. He is very powerful. More importantly, he is too proud and does not cooperate with others. He can deal with three Bee Stars by himself.

In fact, Orm's decision to deal with three Bee Stars alone was not just because of pride, but also because Neptune was also challenging the Bee Stars alone, and he did not allow himself to be compared.

Orm waved his trident to pick off a Bee Star. At this time, he heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, and immediately hid to the left. At the same time, he threw a button bomb in the direction of the sound with his left hand.

Although Orm didn't look at it at all, the button bomb still hit the Bee Star man's face accurately. Then, the bomb exploded with a bang, and the Bee Star man quickly retreated.

"Arthur, you have the Poseidon Trident, and I also have MIB technology. Let's see who is more powerful?"

Orm snorted coldly. When he saw the remaining Bee Stars surrounding him, he raised his trident and a blast of rays roared out. It hit a Bee Star's body and exploded. The Bee Star flew backwards on the spot.

Neptune laughed: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be so insidious."

Orm ignored Neptune. He jumped up high and stabbed the fallen Bee star with his trident. This move was actually taught by Wade. That guy was full of bad ideas, and he was led astray by him.

The Bee Star hurriedly rolled to avoid it, and Orm fell to the ground with a bang. Just as he was about to pursue him, a huge suction force suddenly came from the ground, and he couldn't help but fall towards the ground.

"Damn it, this guy is actually doing tricks on the ground."

Orm immediately used the trident to support himself. At this moment, a large number of tentacles wrapped around Orm's body and entangled him tightly.

Oshang didn't have the slightest fear. He shouted loudly, his black suit suddenly swelled, and he forcefully broke away from the tentacles.

Then, Orm got out of the black suit, jumped up high, and with a move of his hand, the trident automatically flew to his hand. He slashed hard, and a large number of tentacles were cut off. The Bee Stars screamed and quickly retreated.

This was not over yet, the black suit took the initiative to raise his arm to catch Orm, and Orm flew up with the help of his strength. The trident pierced the head of the Bee Star, and the Bee Star fell down with an expression of disbelief.

Orm landed on the ground and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a force of gravity enveloped his body. He involuntarily knelt down on one knee, his body and the ground sinking at the same time.

Orm reluctantly raised his head and saw a small spaceship appearing in the sky. It was the gravity it released.


Seeing Orm in danger, Neptune was shocked and hurriedly slammed the Poseidon Trident to the ground. A violent energy burst out and all the surrounding Bee Stars were thrown away.

Then, Neptune jumped hard towards Orm.

At this moment, an energy cannon hit Neptune's chest, and Neptune flew out and fell to the ground with a thud.

The one that attacked Neptune was the small spaceship that used gravity to suppress Orm. While suppressing Orm, it continued to fire energy cannons at Neptune one after another.

"A spaceship again?"

Neptune cursed, hurriedly evaded, and rushed towards Orm as hard as he could. At this moment, several Bee Stars came around and cooperated with the small spaceship to besiege him.

Even Neptune was restrained. At the same time, Orm was tightly entangled by the tentacles of the Bee Stars. Then, the gravity disappeared, and the Bee Stars rolled Orm into the air.

"Welcome to us."

The Bee Star aimed a tentacle at Orm's spine, preparing to inject him with Bee Star genes.

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