American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 690 Enemy Star

"There are so many rats in New York."

Looking at the army of rats on the screen, Andrew shook his head. At this time, a report came from Batman: "We have defeated the beast Boris, Mr. Wang, sent the Sonic team to New York to help, Damian and I stay here ending."

Batman never disappoints, but Boris didn't die, he was just knocked unconscious by Batman.

"Well done, Batman."

Andrew nodded. In fact, the best situation is to launch the rocket and then stop the rocket at the last moment, just like in Hollywood movies, which can gain the most fear.

But reality is not a movie after all. Andrew will let off steam, but he will not take the initiative to create conditions for the enemy.

Then, Andrew activated the teleporter to teleport Sonic and the others to New York to help.

"Here we come... Shet."

The three little animals were busy sharpening their knives, preparing to show off to the Bee Star people. But as soon as they came out, they saw an army of rats like a tidal wave, and they jumped up on the spot in fright.

Andrew immediately took a photo of their embarrassing appearance, waiting to post it in the future to attract more people.

"Boris will deal with it. The alien fleet has begun to collapse. It's almost time to end. It's not good for his subordinates to be too strong. They handle things too fast."

Andrew shook his head and thought: "Of course, this is mainly because I am too good and have trained them too well."

Then, Andrew took out a palm-sized luminous pyramid and said: "Flash, withdraw from the battlefield and return to the battle fortress. There is something for you to do."

This pyramid is a space instrument made by Andrew using nanoparticles.

Why is it shaped like a pyramid? Because Andrew likes it.

Upon hearing this, the Flash immediately withdrew from the battlefield. Then, his body suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already at Andrew's side.

The Flash sighed: "No matter how fast I run, I can't teleport fast."

"That's because you are not running fast enough. When the speed reaches the extreme, both space and time will be surpassed."

Andrew said: "Let's not talk about time for now. When this incident is over, I will teach you to use speed to travel through space. This is actually the principle of the hyperlight engine.

The reason why those alien fleets appeared near Mars out of thin air before was because of the hyperdrive. "

The Flash's eyes lit up: "Super light engine, traveling through space? Mr. Wang, I want to learn."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will teach you, provided that you come back alive this time."

"Come back alive?"

The Flash couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked, "Mr. Wang, is this mission dangerous?"

Andrew nodded: "It's not bad, it's just a narrow escape from death, not to the point of ten deaths and no life."

"Isn't it okay to call it a narrow escape?"

The Flash complained, saying, "Can I ask someone to go with me? Like Superman, Miss Diana?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry so much. You are my important experiment and free tool. I will not let you die."

"Although this sentence reassures me a lot, Mr. Wang, did you just tell the truth?"

Flash complained again, and both Andrew and William laughed.

"No kidding, Flash, you take this pyramid back to Earth, and then enter the Planet Bee planet through the wormhole."

Andrew's face straightened, he handed the pyramid to the Flash, and said: "On the opposite side of the wormhole is the base of the Bee Stars. After you enter, throw the pyramid into the wormhole device as soon as possible.

Then, you have five minutes to find Fiora and return to Earth with her.

As long as it succeeds, the wormhole will disappear from the earth, and at the same time, the Bee Stars will learn a big lesson.

If you dare to invade our earth, you are really seeking death. "

"This mission is really a narrow escape."

The Flash said, but he did not refuse. He took a deep breath and said, "I will try my best to complete this task, but can't I really ask someone to go with me?"

The Flash is not incompetent, he is just not mature enough and does not have the experience and courage to stand alone.

"No need to invite anyone else."

Andrew smiled, took out a belt and a waist bag and handed them to the Flash: "This belt is a high-frequency vibration device. Sonic has used it before. It can put you into a high-frequency vibration state. By then, you will be immune to all attacks. , and can also pass through walls.

This ability comes from your speed force, but unfortunately, you haven't learned it yet.

As for this fanny pack, it contains nine super bombs. I know you don't like killing people, but sometimes you have to do it even if you don't like it. "

"I understand, Mr. Wang."

The Flash happily took these two things. With them, this mission was much safer.

"Very good. Next, the Bee Stars will definitely forcibly teleport the battleship into the Earth."

Andrew said: "At that time, all the arrangements of the wormhole will be ineffective, and it is the best time to rush into the wormhole. You first hide around the battlefield, and once you see the Bee Stars teleporting over, rush in immediately.

Barry, you are a mature Flash. This time, it is your turn to save the earth. "

The Flash said seriously: "I will complete the mission and save the earth."

"Go ahead."

Andrew nodded, waved his hand, and the Flash disappeared.

"Start the device and search for the Earthlings controlling the rats. When the target is found, the small spacecraft will try its best to capture it. Remember, it is capture. This technology is very interesting and we must get it."

At the Bee Star frontline base, the commander recovered from the shock and immediately ordered: "In addition, forcefully teleport the battleship over to clean the battlefield.

Also, let the first battleship deal with Iron Man and join the battle as soon as possible, they delayed it too long. "

"Yes, Commander."

The adjutant immediately passed on the order. At this time, the commander hesitated and added: "Let the warship carry the virus bomb, and when necessary, use it to threaten the people of the earth."

The Bee Stars have destroyed hundreds of planets, so they naturally have virus bombs, and they are more powerful and more terrifying than the virus bombs of the Berg Stars.

However, under normal circumstances, the Bee Stars will not use virus bombs, not out of mercy, but because they do not want to waste slave resources.

"Yes, Commander." No one objected. They destroyed more than one planet with the virus.

Soon, the wormhole shook violently, and then, another battleship flew out of the wormhole and rushed into the sky.

This battleship is still round, but its diameter is more than five hundred meters, making it much more powerful than the previous battleship.


When the Flash saw the battleship appearing, he immediately turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the wormhole, and the Bee Stars had no time to stop it.

After the battleship flew into the sky, a large number of cannon muzzles emerged from below. Then, a massive amount of crimson energy beams roared down like rain, and countless rats were killed on the spot.

This was not over yet. Then, the corpses of these rats burned with blazing fire. The flames spread quickly, and the entire battlefield was reduced to a sea of ​​​​fire. The army of rats howled and screamed in the sea of ​​​​fire and turned into ashes.

"You run away quickly."

Cleo saw this and quickly let go of the control. Unfortunately, the mice had no chance to escape.

The agents and the exoskeleton army hurriedly avoided the flames and energy beams, but the energy attacks were so intensive that many agents were forced to use the return function.

As for the exoskeleton army, unfortunately, they did not have this function and suffered heavy casualties.

This is the Bee Star people clearing the area. They didn't use it before because they were confident and didn't want to waste agents and superheroes, but now, they can't control so much.

The remaining Bee Stars breathed a sigh of relief and immediately gathered together.

When the audience, who had just been in high spirits, saw this scene, they felt as if they had been showered by a basin of cold water, and their whole bodies were as cold as ice.

The rat army is very powerful, but the Bee Stars are even more powerful.

Leaving aside the cleared battleships, the Flash passed through the wormhole and came to the Bee Star base. Because the wormhole device consumed too much energy, the Flash was not transported to the mecha army.

After the Flash entered the base, he immediately smashed the pyramid against the wormhole device not far away - the wormhole device is easy to recognize, it is the largest and has the most energy.

There is a large circular mouth in the middle of the wormhole device, which is full of dazzling energy. The pyramid flies into it, violently disintegrates, and turns into countless nanoparticles that merge into the device.

These nanoparticles will quickly control the wormhole device and transform it to make it more powerful.

The wormhole device of the Bee Stars is good, but it is nothing compared to Andrew's methods.

In addition, Alice is invading the Bee Star system and preparing to copy Bee Star technology - there is Alice's subroutine in the pyramid.

"The five-minute countdown begins, Flash, you must leave the planet of the Bee Stars within five minutes, otherwise..."

Alice's voice sounded in the Flash's earphones: "Otherwise, BOSS can only spend three seconds to open the golden ring portal to take you home."

"...So it turns out that even if you fail, it will be okay?"

The Flash complained that he had been very nervous about time, but in the end, he only wasted three seconds of Mr. Wang's time.

Alice said: "Do you know how precious the BOSS's three seconds are? It's enough for him to yawn."

The Flash wanted to complain, but didn't know how.


The Bee Planets only discovered the Flash after he threw the pyramid. The commander shouted: "Activate the defensive shield immediately and block the Flash. He must not be allowed to destroy the wormhole device."

Following the commander's order, a defensive shield suddenly appeared and shrank towards the Flash in the middle. The base must have many defense methods.

"Fortunately, Mr. Wang prepared a special device for me."

The Flash smiled slightly, activated the high-frequency vibration belt, and turned into a shadow to penetrate the defensive shield. Then, his right hand returned to normal, and he took out a super bomb and smashed it towards the commander.

"Stop it."

The commander shouted hurriedly, and a row of Bee Stars stopped in front of him, holding up a defensive shield to resist the super bomb.

At this moment, the super bomb exploded. There was no explosion, only a dazzling light. Under the light, all the surrounding Bee Stars were wiped out, and even the commander lost half of his tentacles.

"What kind of bomb is this? Isn't it too scary?"

The Flash is surprised and Alice says, "It's a pumpkin bomb."

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