"It was you who did the trick, not me."

Andrew said righteously: "How could I, Andrew Wang, Wonder Woman's boyfriend, the commander of the Justice League, the boss of the superheroes, the embodiment of kindness, and the representative of justice, do such a dirty thing?

Only a bad guy named Tony Stark would do this kind of thing, leaving a backdoor inside a product. "

Tony's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he complained: "You really deserve to be the devil."

"Sorry, in this world, I am God, not the devil."

Andrew said: "Okay, don't waste time, just lie down quickly."

"Just lie down, why don't you still offer sacrifices standing up?"

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "Let's get started. By the way, is there a finished product of the exoskeleton armor? After the sacrifice, I will go to the military to negotiate and completely resolve this damn matter.

Shet, don’t use EMP again next time. "

"Next time you can ask for my opinion before using it."

Andrew shook his head and asked Alice and Fiora to leave first. Then, he said: "Moore, let's start."

"Yes, BOSS."

Moore nodded and began to dance. Soon, the consciousness of the Lord of Hell came. He took away the favor of the world from Tony and sent out a black light that fell on the citrine.

The citrine shook violently, and after a moment, it turned into a ring with a demonic pattern imprinted on it.

Devil's Wishing Ring: You can make a wish and fulfill it with the magic power of the Lord of Hell. When the magic power is used up, it needs to be re-injected with magic power.

After making a wish, the owner of the ring can take away something from the person who made the wish as a price.

Note: Devils never give for free.

Andrew picked up the ring and nodded with satisfaction: "It's not bad, except that it needs to be replenished all the time."

"The next time you mend the demon, you will most likely sacrifice me again."

Tony complained, and Andrew laughed: "Tony, congratulations on learning to answer questions quickly."

Tony gave Andrew a middle finger, and then he asked the Lord of Hell: "Lord of Hell, how have you been in the main universe in the past two years?"

"Not bad. Many disasters have been solved in advance. In addition, a business company called Walt has recently emerged, and its superheroes are very powerful. Steve, and the other you, are ready to retire."

The Lord of Hell replied: "Steve is simply tired and wants to travel around the world with Carter. Tony wants to focus on scientific research. He wants to lead mankind into the interstellar age.

Simply put, the old era is passing and the new era is coming. "


Tony frowned: "Everything commercial companies do is for money, and they cannot be trusted at all."

"Carter is formulating corresponding regulatory laws, and there will be some old superheroes who will stay."

The Lord of Hell said: "Don't worry, Hell will suppress all dissent and nothing big will happen. Moreover, the people prefer superheroes who are carefully packaged and sell their personalities. You old guys are out of date."

Tony rolled his eyes: "Isn't Ghost Rider still old?"

"Ghost Rider will never go out of style and is still the most popular one."

The Lord of Hell smiled and said: "I can't help it, Ghost Rider is so handsome that it's hard to even get angry."

"Lord of Hell, congratulations on your thicker skin."

Tony complained, the Lord of Hell chuckled, and his consciousness left this universe.

Andrew said: "OK, done, someone, you are no longer of use, you can leave with the exoskeleton armor."


Tony looked contemptuous. He thought of something and asked: "By the way, have you made a copy of the medicine that the orangutan king stole that can treat Alzheimer's disease?

The company that was researching that drug lost all its data, all its researchers died, and could no longer create new drugs.

I’m not trying to make money. Alzheimer’s disease is really terrible. If there is a medicine that can cure it, it would definitely be a great thing. "

"Diana seized some finished products and gave them to me, and I have cracked the formula."

Andrew said: "This medicine is good, but the side effects are too great. Let me study it first. During this time, you went to acquire that company.

When I come up with new drugs that are safe and have no side effects, we will put them on the market at low prices to benefit the elderly. "


Tony nodded, and then he took the exoskeleton suit to the military.

The military is very interested in exoskeleton armor. Although this thing is not a high-end product, it is cheap and durable and can be replaced by the entire army. It is much better than steel armors that cost hundreds of millions.

The price of one steel suit can buy thousands of exoskeleton suits.

After less intense negotiations, the two sides reached an agreement and the matter died down.

Then, Tony injected the money from selling the exoskeleton armor into the Gotham Reconstruction Agency to help Gotham rebuild.

Bruce Wayne used this incident to call on all Gotham's big businesses to donate generously to save Gotham together.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, Gotham gradually began to regain its vitality.

In the laboratory, Andrew thought of something and asked Moore: "Moore, have you, Raven, and Zatanna discussed a way to completely eliminate the Three Palace Demons?"

"I have some clues, but I'm still researching it. After all, it's the Three Palace Demon. It's not that easy to solve. If one of them is not handled well, it may cause huge trouble."

Moore replied, Andrew turned the wishing ring in his hand, and an idea suddenly came to his mind, maybe..., well, you have to plan carefully, a big devil is not so easy to solve.

Of course, troubles are troubles, and once solved, huge benefits will be gained.

"Alice, haven't you found Poison Ivy and Hancock yet?"

Then, Andrew called Alice and Fiora in and asked: "Poison Ivy doesn't matter, Hancock must be rescued, and if we keep delaying it, one day Hancock and Poison Ivy will have a few children, then... Trouble."

The communication watch on Hancock was thrown away by Poison Ivy at the beginning, so she would not make such a stupid mistake.

"BOSS, has anyone ever said that your brain circuit is particularly strange?"

Alice complained that she was obviously more lively than the Alice in the main universe. She said: "In the past few days, I have been searching for Poison Ivy and Hancock around the world, but I have found no trace of them.

According to my calculations, they are probably hiding in uninhabited virgin forests. In those places, I cannot detect them. "

"Primitive forest? This is a bit troublesome."

Andrew frowned. He didn't want the Justice League to really be downsized, even though Hancock was only a reserve.

Fiora asked: "BOSS, can't your wishing ring wish for Hancock's location?"

"No. Citrine, the predecessor of the wishing ring, is an artifact of the God of Lies. He has a way to block it."

Andrew shook his head. Not only was the wishing ring unusable, but all kinds of magical divination were also unusable. After all, there was a god standing behind him.

Divination is indeed a magical thing, but it is very easy to be disturbed.

Andrew thought for a while and said: "Send detection nanorobots to the primeval forests. Poison Ivy will change the environment. As long as you keep looking, you will find their location sooner or later.

No matter what, we cannot give up on our own people. "

Alice nodded: "Yes, BOSS."

Andrew said again: "Fiora, when you don't need to protect me, you can go to the primeval forests."


Fiora nodded, and Alice complained: "BOSS, you don't need protection at any time, right?"

Andrew said: "Nonsense, I am a man who can't even unscrew a bottle cap."

The three women laughed at the same time. Although you can't unscrew the bottle cap, you can conquer Wonder Woman.

In a certain primeval forest, Poison Ivy poured a jar of golden water into the ground. The ground quickly turned golden, and a magical wave reverberated in the land.

“Next, plant the Hancocks in, and in the spring I’ll have a bunch of Hancocks.”

Poison Ivy murmured to herself, and the God of Lies was speechless. He complained: "Did I say this before? What I said was, let Hancock bleed, use his blood, add golden soil, and cultivate tree people. And flower people.”

"It was just a joke, you have no sense of humor."

Poison Ivy spread her hands and asked expectantly: "My god, how many of the same kind can I harvest at one time?"

In Poison Ivy's mind, plant life is her kind.

"One month at a time, we harvest about fifty of the same kind."

The God of Lies said: "If you kill Hancock and plant them in the ground, you can harvest hundreds at a time."

"That's such a waste. We should develop it sustainably and let him bleed once a month. Bloodletting is good for physical and mental health."

Poison Ivy shook her head, and the God of Lies said: "During this period, you can concentrate on cultivating plant life here. When the time is right, I will arrange for you to do other things."

"no problem."

Poison Ivy said that although there was no electricity or internet here, she didn't care. This kind of life was the healthiest.

The God of Lies confessed: "Don't make any big noise, the Justice League is definitely looking for you."

"I'm not that valuable. What they want is Hancock."

Poison Ivy shook her head and hummed while controlling the vines to build a house around her.

The God of Lies was a little speechless. Is this subordinate a bit too Buddhist to ask any questions?

The question is, if you don’t ask, what should I do if I make up so many lies? Just wasted like this?

The God of Lies suddenly felt a little melancholy.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to January 2015. The Christmas and New Year’s Eve that had just passed were very deserted. What’s there to celebrate in a world like this?

There was a celebration at the end of 2013, but as a result, there were more disasters in 2014 than in 2013.

People said one after another that they should lie down if they are tired.

At the Justice League base in Metropolis, Diana came to see Barbara again. When Barbara saw her, she snorted and said, "Are you here to show your mercy again?"

"There are no outsiders, who should I perform for? If I didn't treat you as a friend, I would go on a date with Andrew instead of wasting such precious time on you."

Diana said: "There are a lot of things going on on Paradise Island. I can only date Andrew thirty nights a month, which is too few."

The Amazon tour group has returned to Paradise Island. During this period, Diana was on Paradise Island during the day and teleported back to Metropolis to accompany Andrew at night, giving Andrew no chance to rest at all.

"Thirty nights is not enough, aren't you tired of it? No, you are here to show your affection, right?"

Barbara complained, and Diana handed the lunch box to Barbara and said, "Barbara, I have good news for you. Your life as a prisoner is almost over."

"What's the meaning?"

Barbara was stunned. This was not good news, because the Justice League had no reason to release a dangerous person like her.

"Andrew developed a device that can transfer abilities."

Diana said: “He is going to transfer your abilities to another person, and when the time comes, you will return to your original appearance.

As an old lady, there is no threat. We will let you go. Of course, there will be certain conditions, such as wearing an anklet. "

Barbara screamed: "This is impossible. The abilities I have are given to me by God. Why can Andrew Wang transfer them?"

"He is the best scientist in the world."

Diana said: "Barbara, be prepared. Your previous experience was just a dream. Now, it's time to wake up from the dream."

"No, you're lying to me, you must be lying to me."

Barbara pulled on the fence and roared loudly. Diana shook her head and turned away.

In the Justice League Hall, Diana saw Andrew who was shaking violently. She walked over and sat in his arms and said, "Barbara has been fooled. She must be contacting the God of Lies now. She just doesn't know if these lies can be deceived." Can you win over God?"

Andrew sighed: "Diana, you will lose me if you do this."

"?" Diana looked confused.

"Why do you think what I told you before was a lie?"

Andrew said: "Everything I told you is true, including the equipment for transferring abilities. How can lies possibly fool the God of Lies?

That's why I haven't implemented this plan until today. "

The plan is very simple. Transfer Barbara's ability and force the God of Lies to send Poison Ivy to rescue people. In this way, they can take the opportunity to catch Poison Ivy and save Hancock.

Poor Hancock has been captured for more than three months, and he doesn’t know what has become of him.

"Did you really invent an instrument that transfers abilities? Isn't this too unscientific?"

Diana looked in disbelief. Andrew raised his left hand, pointed to the wishing ring on his little finger, and said, "It's mainly because of this ring."

"A wishing ring?"

Diana asked: "By the way, you are a scientist, how can you develop so many magic items? War armbands, wishing rings."

"Because I'm an unscientific scientist."

Andrew smiled, but Diana did not go into details. She said excitedly: "With this instrument, if you catch those super villains in the future, you can directly transfer their abilities away. In this way, the world will become much safer."

"It's not that simple. This instrument requires a wishing ring as energy. The magic power in the wishing ring is limited."

Andrew shook his head: "Only villains with very special abilities are worthy of transfer. As for those villains with heinous crimes, it is better to kill them directly.

In addition, this instrument cannot transfer bloodline abilities, which means that it is impossible to transfer Kryptonian strength to ordinary people. "

After all, this is just a shrunken version of the wish-making artifact. In addition, the reason why Citrine was able to transfer Superman's abilities was mainly because Superman himself gave up.

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