American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 631 Exoskeleton Armor

"Your people used alien devices to extract trace amounts of kryptonite from abandoned castles. According to my research, kryptonite will cause your Kryptonians' cells to decay and become more fragile than humans."

Luther said to General Zod: "It can be said that kryptonite is your nemesis. Fortunately, because of the Doomsday, the existence of kryptonite was leaked in advance.

As long as we make targeted arrangements, we can prevent kryptonite from functioning, such as isolation armor, neutralizing equipment, genetic modification, etc.

The problem is, we don't have kryptonite on hand, so I can't research the corresponding equipment.

Although ordinary equipment can also block kryptonite, it is useless and will explode with one punch. "

"I didn't expect us Kryptonians to have such a fatal weakness."

General Zod looked a little ugly, and he said: "Kryptonite is in King Andrew's hands, and it is almost impossible for us to steal it."

"According to my calculations, the kryptonite should come from your planet Krypton."

Luther said: "If you open up all the technologies of Krypton to me, I will be sure to get new kryptonite. By then, I can develop any instrument I want."

"Don't worry about it now, Krypton Technology will be open to you sooner or later."

General Zod laughed. He didn't trust Luther, so he didn't open all permissions to him.

Now that we know that kryptonite is related to Kryptonian technology, it is even less likely that General Zod will open up his authority. The more kryptonite there is, the more dangerous the Kryptonians are.

What, why not completely control Luthor?

Because General Zod wants Luther who is full of wisdom, not a puppet who only follows orders.

"I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, there is a lot of alien knowledge waiting for me to learn."

Luther smiled and said: "This place is simply paradise for me. I used to be unable to compare with King Andrew, but now, I am 100% confident that I can surpass him, because I stand on the alien giant's side. on the shoulders."

General Zod said: "Earth's technology is far inferior to alien technology, but Earth has some completely unreasonable black technologies that even I have to marvel at."

Luther said silently in his heart: "That's because we Earthlings are the best."

General Zod asked: "Luthor, have you figured out a way to eliminate superheroes?"

"Of course, I hate them more than you do. They ruined everything for me."

Luther turned on the holographic projection, which showed a row of expressionless and neatly arranged Doomsdays. He said: "After this period of research, I successfully canceled the characteristics of Doomsday's evolution.

Although this will reduce the strength of Doomsday, it can ensure that they obey orders 100%.

By the way, General Zod, can you help me find a planet where a large-scale war is taking place? I need the battlefield to improve, to train them.

Although Kryptonite can restrain Doomsday, it is scarce in quantity. As long as there are enough Doomsdays, it can completely crush the superheroes with its numbers. "

The biggest advantage of human cloning is that it can be mass-produced.

"In such a short time, you improved Doomsday?"

General Zod's eyes are bright. He is indeed a super genius. There is nothing wrong with recruiting him.

"Improving Doomsday is nothing. One day, I will create an invincible Doomsday that fully obeys my orders."

Luther proudly said that Doomsday was his biggest failure, and he would definitely make up for this failure.

"You are following my orders. All the Doomsdays you create will belong to me with the highest authority. I will ask the doctor to help you."

General Zod said without doubt, Luther shrugged and said with a smile: "No problem, they listen to me, and I listen to you."

General Zod glanced at Luther and said, "There is no need to choose another battlefield. A large-scale war is about to happen on Earth. Some time ago, my people discovered traces of two groups of Zerg in the galaxy."

Luther asked: "Zerg?"

"The Zerg are a very terrifying aggressive race in the universe. Back then, even we Kryptonians suffered at the hands of the Zerg."

General Zod said: "The Zerg can only plunder, not produce. Everything on the planet they occupy, including population, resources, etc., will be plundered by them and turned into a deserted planet.

Then, the Zerg will rush to the next planet and continue to plunder. "

Luther asked with interest: "Like bandits and robbers?"

"Much more terrifying than bandits and robbers. In the beginning, there was only one kind of Zerg. After countless years of evolution, there are now several kinds of Zerg in the universe. Each one cannot be underestimated."

General Zod said: "Of the two groups of Zerg we discovered, one group is more technologically advanced, and the other group is relatively weak, but their mother nest has a heaven-defying ability to predict the future."

Luther was startled: "Predict the future? Is this impossible?"

"It's true. We on Krypton once fought against that Zerg. Before we set off, we were full of confidence. Who knew that after arriving at the battlefield, all our arrangements were targeted by them and we were completely defeated."

General Zod said: "My people are leading these two groups of Zerg to the earth. In a few months, the earth will become a battlefield. By then, you can experiment with the Doomsday at will."

While saying this, General Zod stared closely at Luther, who laughed loudly: "Great, there is no more suitable experimental site than the earth. It seems that I have to speed up my research."

"Very well, I will fully support your research."

Seeing that Luther was not angry, General Zod was very satisfied and asked people to come over to assist Luther.

Why isn't Luther angry?

Because he doesn't think this is a bad thing for the earth. The earth needs pressure. Only in this way can the people on earth transform.

This is why Luthor is dissatisfied with Superman: How can humans evolve if you block all the pressure?

Luther thought in his heart: "No matter what kind of alien, they are a stepping stone for us on earth. Long live mankind."

A few days later, Andrew's private research room on the island.

The TV is playing news: "As for whether Iron Man needs to compensate Gotham, 90% of Gotham people say Iron Man needs to compensate.

The reason is simple, his EMP failed to stop the Joker, and the citizens strongly demanded that Iron Man compensate for the loss of all electrical appliances.

In contrast, 90% of Metropolis citizens said that Iron Man does not need to pay compensation. After all, Iron Man is here to save the world.

People in other places also support Iron Man, but the official side is obviously biased towards the citizens of Gotham in this matter, and the court is even preparing to prosecute Iron Man..."

"I shouldn't have listened to that old man's coaxing and come to this ruined universe."

Tony cursed loudly: "If I didn't come to this broken universe, I wouldn't be able to protect this broken planet, and if I didn't protect this broken planet, I wouldn't be able to use EMP.

If I don’t use EMP, I don’t have to be debt collectors. If I don’t get debt collectors, I don’t have to sulk here.

What depresses me the most? It's some bastard named Andrew Wang. I'm so miserable, but he still wants to sacrifice me? And let me climb onto the altar by myself?

Is this something that humans can do? "

"I am God, not a man."

Andrew smiled and said: "Tony, you are only thirty years old, can you please stop being so resentful?"

"Are you still calling me a hater?"

Tony was extremely resentful. Who did I do all this for?

Tony asked dissatisfied: "Why don't you let others sacrifice? I have already sacrificed once?"

"Because you are more popular recently."

Andrew said: "And other people don't know about this. If you mention it rashly, it may cause misunderstandings, so you can only do it."

Tony pointed at Fiora standing aside and asked, "Don't Fiora know?"

Fiora immediately said: "BOSS, I am happy to be sacrificed by you. Please replace this twittering sissy."

"A chirping sissy?"

Tony almost vomited blood. He glared at Fiora fiercely. Fiora was unfazed. She had always been arrogant. Except for the BOSS, no one else looked at her at all.

"Fiora has just awakened a new consciousness and is not suitable for sacrifice."

Andrew said: "Tony, please do me a favor. Let me help you solve the compensation issue."

Tony's eyes lit up and he asked: "How do you plan to solve it?"

"This matter has become such a mess, mainly because the officials and the military are pushing behind it. Just give them a little sweetness."

Andrew released a holographic projection and said: "This is an exoskeleton armor, which can greatly increase the user's strength and speed, and can also be equipped with a large number of weapons.

Putting on the exoskeleton armor, a soldier can single-handedly fight a team of ten people. "

"Exoskeleton armor?"

Tony took one look at the rough armor and complained: "What a backward design. It doesn't even cover the whole body. What's the use of this thing? You might as well take out the power armor."

I can design ten sets of this thing in a day. "

Tony has always pursued high-end and high-end products, and he doesn't like this kind of rough stuff at all.

In fact, this thing is a super simplified copycat version of the Iron Suit.

"The cost of power armor is higher than that of exoskeleton armor. The biggest feature of exoskeleton armor is that it is cheap, durable and suitable for all military equipment."

Andrew said: “The military has suffered successive failures and urgently needs to improve its combat effectiveness. This cheap and powerful exoskeleton armor is very suitable for them.

In addition, we need the military to become stronger. Only in this way can they help us. For example, this time, if the military has exoskeleton armor, Gotham's losses will definitely be greatly reduced. "

Tony nodded in agreement: "That's true."

"This thing has another advantage. It's relatively low-level, so you don't have to worry about the military messing around."

Andrew said: "This thing can not only get the government and the military to stop it, but also get a lot of money. The military is a big business now, and it says on its face that money comes quickly if people are stupid."

"The problem is, it's a bit shameful to sell this thing. Stark Group has always taken the high-end route."

Tony was a little disgusted, and Andrew said angrily: "What's the shame? The military doesn't have it, right? This is a product that transcends the times. The big deal is, let's get some good-looking shapes to improve the quality.

In addition, we can indirectly control the American army through exoskeleton armor. "

Tony's eyes lit up when he heard this: "You mean, doing tricks in the exoskeleton suit?"

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