Diana said to Barbara: "It is right to pursue a better life. This is the right of everyone, but it is wrong to hurt others. Also, Barbara, you have friends, and I am your friend."

"Wow, a friend I haven't called in thirty years? I'm so touched."

Barbara sneered and quickly transformed into the leopard woman form. Then, she shouted: "Diana, I know you are strong, but I will not be weaker than you. I am the top predator."

Diana sighed and prepared to take down Barbara by force: "Barbara, you have no idea how strong I am now."

As a result, a fateful battle broke out. Three minutes later, Barbara, who had been shouting wildly before, was lying on the ground covered in charred black, declaring defeat.

This is not surprising, the Diana of this universe is much stronger than the original version. With phantom magic, golden thunder, and a clone with almost equal strength, defeating Barbara is really not a problem.

"Barbara, I'll take you back and find a way to change you back to how you were before."

Diana walked up to Barbara and said, Barbara was frightened and angry, and hurriedly asked the God of Lies for help in her heart.

"Don't panic, Hancock and Poison Ivy are rushing towards you."

The God of Lies said, and Barbara was happy when she heard this. If the three of them work together, they should be able to escape from Diana.

Diana didn't know that much, so she mentioned Barbara and was about to fly back. At this moment, the figures of Poison Ivy and Hancock appeared on the horizon.

"Diana, my reinforcements are here. You can't even try to change me back. I will never change back."

Barbara laughed, and Diana was about to speak. Suddenly, Poison Ivy and Hancock changed directions and fled away.


Barbara was confused. She shouted in her heart: "God, what is going on?"

The God of Lies was also confused. He hurriedly asked Poison Ivy: "Why are you running? Didn't I ask you to save Barbara?"

"The plants at the port told me that Superman has entered the city. Although he is not flying this way, with his hearing, once Wonder Woman and I get started, he will come over immediately."

Poison Ivy said: "Hancock and I are no match for Superman and Wonder Woman. If we don't escape, we will only become prisoners."

"What you said makes sense, I'm speechless."

The God of Lies complained, and he said with a headache: "Okay, you can run away. Next, I will find ways to strengthen you and make you stronger."

"no problem."

Poison Ivy nodded with satisfaction and let Hancock carry her on his back and flee away.

"Barbara, you stay in prison for a while first. Don't worry, they can't make you change back to the way you were before. After a while, I'll ask Poison Ivy to rescue you."

The God of Lies said to Barbara: "Don't reveal my existence, otherwise, you will know the consequences."


Barbara was speechless. Why does this god feel unreliable at all?

Seeing Poison Ivy escaping, Diana hurriedly shouted over the communicator: "Poison Ivy is running away south with Hancock. If anyone is near me, chase her quickly."

"I go."

Superman shouted, it didn't work at all this time, and he was filled with guilt. Now that he could help, he naturally took it as soon as possible.

Although Superman was very active, unfortunately, Poison Ivy and Hancock eventually ran away. The reason is simple. Hancock broke the load-bearing wall of a building, and Superman had no choice but to save people first.

Superheroes are always easy to deal with.

At this point, the chaos in Gotham caused by the wishing crystal has almost come to an end. Except for Poison Ivy, the villains have either been killed or captured. It can be said that they have won a great victory.

Of course, there are still many things to do next, such as disaster relief, suppression of chaos, reconstruction, trial, recovery, etc.

This time, Gotham suffered heavy losses, with tens of thousands of deaths and countless injuries and economic losses. Not to mention other things, the electrical losses alone were astronomical.

There is no way, Tony's EMP is too powerful.

Afterwards, many people made claims against the Stark Group, and Tony was so anxious that he led his legal team and officials to hold meetings.

With such a serious loss, it will take at least several months for Gotham to return to its former appearance. I have to say that the Joker really hit Gotham hard this time.

If the superheroes hadn't stopped the Joker, he could have seriously damaged the world.

Let's not talk about these troubles for the moment. Andrew returned to the Justice League base to take stock of the harvest this time.

In terms of fear, it can be said to be a huge profit. This time the clown has caused huge fear in the world. It is estimated that other clowns will lose their jobs in the future, because the clown really scared them.

In terms of reputation, Fiora took off with a nuclear bomb and gained a huge amount of reputation. The reputation of other superheroes is relatively less, but it is still very impressive.

In addition to these two old men, they also harvested citrine, gorilla viruses, drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, and captured Leopard Girl. In addition, Fiora has officially awakened to a new consciousness, which is gratifying.

“Another productive day.”

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He asked Harry, who was looking at his information, "Have you finished reading?"

"I never thought I would turn into Harley Quinn."

Harley had a bitter look on her face. If it weren't for the large number of photos and videos to prove it, she would never have been able to believe that the crazy woman with the red and blue ponytails was her.

Wherever there is a crack in the ground, I want to dig into it.

Andrew took out a nano mask and placed it on the newly repaired table, and said: "Put on this mask, and I will help you arrange a new identity. From now on, you will continue to be a doctor."

"Can I still be a doctor?"

Harry asked in surprise, and Andrew smiled: "Of course you can, but you have to remove the tattoos on your body first, otherwise, your identity will be easily discovered."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Harley said gratefully. From then on, Harley ushered in a new life.

After dealing with Harley's matter, Andrew walked to the front of the Justice League's cell and said to Barbara: "Hello, Barbara, I am Diana's boyfriend Andrew Wang."

"Diana's life was really good. Not only did she have everything, but she also found such a good boyfriend."

Barbara looked at Andrew with a look of envy and hatred. Then, she pulled down her clothes and waved to Andrew wildly: "What Diana can do, I can do too, and I can do it better than her."

"Sorry, I'm very single-minded."

Andrew said that he is indeed very dedicated and only likes female superheroes. He doesn't care about other women at all.

"Do you look down on me too? You think I'm a weirdo."

Barbara was very annoyed, grabbed the fence and roared, and Andrew said: "I have seen too many weirdos, Barbara, let's not talk nonsense, I am not interested in teaching you well, that is not my job.

Let the God of Lies come out and I want to talk to Him. "

"The God of Lies?"

Barbara was stunned, is the God I believe in the God of lies?

"So you don't know His title. He is truly the God of lies."

Andrew smiled and said: "Let Him come out, stop pretending, no one can maintain the existence of wishes except Him."

"King Andrew, you are so brave. You dare to challenge even God. God will not let you go."

Barbara snorted coldly and called God in her heart, but unfortunately, God did not respond at all.

Barbara was stunned, and a thought suddenly came to her mind. Could it be that the God of Lies has become cowardly? Then, she shook her head, this was impossible, that was God.

"Aren't you going to come out? God of lies, this is your only chance."

Andrew asked coldly. Unfortunately, the God of Lies still didn't respond, as if he didn't exist at all.

"Barbara, congratulations on believing in the most cowardly god in the world."

Andrew sneered, turned and left to deal with the matter of Barbara being Diana. He came here specifically to meet the God of Lies.

It's just that Andrew didn't expect that the other party would be so cowardly. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be?

After Andrew left, Barbara shouted in her heart: "God, why don't you see King Andrew?"

The dissatisfied voice of the God of Lies sounded: "Are you teaching me how to do something?"


Barbara was speechless. When Andrew Wang was around, you didn't dare to fart. As soon as he left, you immediately started shaking. Could you be more cowardly?

"There is still room for improvement in your abilities. Exercise more during this period and I will get you out as soon as possible."

The God of Lies said: "Also, if there is no big deal, don't call me."

After saying that, the consciousness of the God of Lies left. Barbara wanted to roll her eyes. The sacred image of the God of Lies in her heart collapsed.

Are you afraid that you believe in a false god?

"Are all gods like this, or is it only the God of Lies? It feels like the God of Lies is completely different from the legendary gods."

Barbara was confused. How should I put it? The God of Lies is more like a person than a god.

There is definitely something wrong with this guy.

Immediately, Barbara shook her head. Regardless of whether he had any problems, she had boarded the pirate ship. Now, she could only wait for the other party to save her.

"Diana, not only will I defeat you, I will also take away everything from you, including your boyfriend."

Barbara gritted her teeth and said that she used to be jealous of Diana, but now, she completely hates Diana.

A few days later, Fort Roz.

General Zod stood next to a bald robot and asked: "How is the data analysis going?"

This bald robot is completely mechanical from the neck down, but above the neck is a human head.

This head is very famous on Earth and is worth five million US dollars - he is the most wanted criminal on Earth, Lex Luthor.

Previously, Luther was severely injured by Doomsday, with all his bones broken. After General Zod took him to Fort Ross, he was specially replaced with a powerful mechanical body.

This body can even fight the Kryptonians. General Zod used it to bribe Luther and let Luther work for the Kryptonians. Of course, there must be some tricks on the mechanical body. I won’t go into details about this basic operation.

After thinking about it, Luther chose to agree. On the one hand, there was no place for him on the earth now and he needed to start a new one. On the other hand, if he didn't agree, he would die.

As for the future, take your time and don't rush. He, Luther, will not be a subordinate.

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