American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 633 Alien Fleet

"So many restrictions? It seems that I was wrong."

Diana put her hands around Andrew's neck and asked in a deep voice: "Dear, I misunderstood you, what compensation do you want?"

"You are definitely compensating me. Why do I feel like you are the one who benefits?"

Andrew complained, luckily he is God, otherwise, he would have become a scumbag long ago. Amazon women cannot be offended.

Andrew murmured to himself: "Now we are waiting for Poison Ivy to come to the door. I hope she won't keep us waiting too long."

At this moment, Alice reminded: "BOSS, Tony Stark called, it's urgent."

"Urgent? Could it be that it's here again?"

Andrew and Diana stared at each other at the same time. Then, Andrew answered the phone and asked, "What's going on?"

"The moon base discovered that an alien fleet is flying towards the earth at full speed. At their speed, they can reach the earth in less than a day."

Tony said solemnly that the reason why the moon base was established was to monitor outer space, but he didn't expect that it would come in handy so quickly.

Fortunately, there is this base. Without it, if the Earth wanted to discover the alien fleet, it would probably have to wait until the other party reached the vicinity of the moon.

"An alien fleet?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes. Most of the time, this fleet was coming from bad intentions. It couldn't be that it came to visit the Earth on purpose, right?

"Yes, an alien fleet."

Tony nodded: "Also, according to image analysis, this alien fleet seems not to be a metal spacecraft, but a biological spacecraft."


Andrew thought for a moment and said, "Alice, notify all members of the Justice League to gather at the Hall of Justice. Also, tell the military about this."

Alice nodded: "Yes, BOSS."

"Another alien invasion."

Diana shook her head and stood up from Andrew. She thought of something and asked: "By the way, do you want to continue to implement Barbara's plan? What a coincidence."

"There is no coincidence, only necessity."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Whether we implement this plan or not, Poison Ivy will not let go of this good opportunity.

Don't worry, I'm prepared. Poison Ivy will never leave as long as she dares to come. I'm very interested in that God of Lies. "

In the primeval forest, Poison Ivy was cooking colorful mushroom soup and asked the God of Lies, "Is this obviously a trap?"

"This is indeed a trap, but King Andrew's threat is real. If we do nothing, that one will really transfer Leopard Girl's ability away."

The God of Lies said: "However, the problem is not big. No matter how calculating he is, he will never be able to calculate. A war is about to come."

"Disaster strikes again?"

Poison Ivy complained: "Isn't this too accurate? Who did humans offend?"

"Humanity has not offended anyone, but there are big bosses..."

The God of Lies didn't say much. He said: "The Justice League will leave the earth soon. At that time, you will lead the tree army to rescue Leopard Girl."

"Okay, you have the final say."

Poison Ivy said that although the distance was a bit far, it would not be a big problem if Hancock could help transport it.

Speaking of which, Hancock is really useful. It can not only bleed blood and grow plants, but also transport it.

Before leaving, the God of Lies asked: "Well, did you know that those mushrooms you cooked are poisonous?"

"You know, if it's not poisonous, what would I do with it? This is a highly poisonous mushroom that I had a hard time picking."

Poison Ivy asked in confusion, the God of Lies was speechless, why did he feel old?

After receiving Alice's notice, the members of the Justice League quickly gathered in the Hall of Justice, and then Tony introduced the situation.

"Shet, are you coming again so soon?"

Neptune couldn't help but scolded that when he first joined the Justice League, he thought he could only work once every few years, but in the end, he worked several times a year.

Others also looked unhappy. This frequency was really a bit too high, and this disaster was obviously not simple.

"Stop complaining, because it's useless to complain again."

Tony asked: "The point is, what should we do next? The alien fleet will arrive on Earth soon. We must come up with a charter. The only ones who can protect the Earth are us, the Justice League."

Except for Batman, everyone else looked at Andrew, obviously wanting him to make up his mind.

Batman felt so tired. In his expectation, he should be the commander of the Justice League, but it turned out to be a family member.

"Be polite first, then attack."

Andrew was not polite, he said: "Transport nuclear bombs to the moon, intercept them near the lunar base, and ask them to leave, otherwise, start a war directly.

The purpose of building a lunar base is for now. As long as we act quickly, we should have enough time to prepare. "

"Okay, let's do this."

Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman and others all nodded in agreement. This method of response was simple and direct, and they liked it very much.

Batman said: "Not all superheroes can fight in space. In addition, I think some superheroes should be left on earth."

"Don't worry, I've been prepared."

Andrew took out a badge containing nanoparticles and said: "After wearing the nanospace combat suit, you can move freely in space. There are no problems with oxygen, temperature, propulsion devices, etc.

In addition, it has the biggest advantage that it can automatically repair and will not turn into a frozen corpse in space due to damage to the nanosuit. "

"Nano space battle suit?"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this. This is a good thing. Tony complained: "Frozen corpse in space? Commander, you are really good at boosting morale."

"Stop praising me, I will be proud. Besides, what Batman just said is right, not everyone can leave the earth."

Andrew said: "Raven, Zatanna, do you have any problem with the two of you staying?

In addition, Superman, Mary, and Green Lantern are all very fast. If something happens, they can return to Earth in a short time. "

"no problem."

Raven and Zatanna both nodded, and Zatanna breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to go to space at all.

Batman asked: "Last question, how do we get to the moon base? Let Superman carry our plane?"

"I don't mind, but it feels so low."

Superman complained, and everyone laughed.

"No, we will go on the space shuttle. During this time, the Stark Group has produced a real space shuttle."

Tony said: "A space shuttle that can go into space without a rocket. When this space shuttle is mass-produced, the scale of the lunar base will be greatly expanded. By then, we will have a real space fortress."

The current lunar base is just an observation station. After all, it has just been developed.

"space shuttle?"

Everyone was happy when they heard this, Iron Man really gave everyone a surprise.

In fact, Andrew can even build a spaceship, but there is no need to develop such high technology for the time being.

After the plan was finalized, Andrew contacted General Calvin. He said straight to the point: "We need a large number of nuclear bombs. Your military's unsalable nuclear bombs can be sold in large quantities this time."

"We can provide nuclear bombs, but the military must join in this war. This is our responsibility."

General Calvin said that this was not what he meant, but what the United States meant. While Andrew and the others were meeting, the top leaders of the United States were also meeting.

"We have prepared you. You can send some soldiers to go to the moon base with us."

Andrew said: "However, the control of some nuclear bombs must be in my hands."

If Andrew had made this request in 2013, the military would have sneered, who do you think you are? Actually want to control the nuclear bomb?

But now it's 2015, and the military directly agrees, and no one even objects.

Andrew has led the Justice League to save the earth several times, and high-level human beings trust his abilities.

Someone once said: If only one person can save the earth, that person must be Wonder Woman's boyfriend.

"By the way, notify all countries to prepare for alien invasion."

Andrew said: “The best case scenario is that we intercept aliens outside the earth, but no one knows what the battle will be like and we must deal with it in advance.

Put the military on a war footing and keep everyone in their homes and defenses. "

General Calvin turned to ask a group of senior officials. After a moment, he said: "The president will hold a press conference to announce this matter immediately. As for what other countries will do, we cannot guarantee, but we will inform them."

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. After several beatings, America had obviously become much better behaved. In 2013, they would definitely not agree to this.

How much economic loss will be caused if work is stopped for one day?

Then, Andrew said to Superman and The Flash: "Superman, you go to the military base to carry the nuclear bomb. Flash, you go to pick up the military people. Without further delay, we will set off as soon as possible to prepare for the moon base."


Superman and the Flash immediately took action. Soon, Superman came back with a bunch of nuclear bombs, and the Flash also brought the soldiers to the Justice League's base.

The American soldiers were led by an old acquaintance: Colonel Hardy, who had fought together in Metropolis. He also had a set of original steel suits.

Andrew stepped forward, shook hands with Colonel Hardy, and said, "Welcome, Colonel Hardy."

"It's a pleasure to fight with you again."

Colonel Hardy smiled and said that he had a very good sense of superheroes, and then everyone started to set off to the moon base.

Speaking of which, it is a pity that the biggest contributor to the establishment of the moon base was Hancock. As a result, when the moon base came in handy, he was not there.

Near the moon, a golden-red space shuttle was parked there, waiting for the arrival of the alien fleet.

At the same time, in the lunar base, soldiers stood ready and a large number of nuclear bombs were ready for launch.

The top human beings are staring closely at the screen, hoping to eliminate the enemy outside the earth. Once they are allowed to enter the earth, the casualties will definitely be very heavy.

This time, it was an entire alien fleet.

Of course, what would be better is that the other party is here to visit, but that can only be imagined in dreams.

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