American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 563 God of War Helmet

"I will challenge him, but not as a prisoner. I will step into Atlantis with dignity."

Arthur struck first and threw the trident in his hand at the soldiers. The soldiers hurriedly ducked aside.

Arthur took the opportunity to rush forward, grabbed the soldier in front and hit the soldier behind him hard. Bang, the two soldiers fell on the beach at the same time.

"This reckless man."

Mera cursed and controlled the sea water to overturn several soldiers. She knew water magic.

Andrew took a step back and watched the show quietly.

Seeing that the white-armored warrior was no match for Arthur, the four red-armored warriors drew out their scimitars behind them and stepped forward to besiege Arthur.

The red-armored warrior's scimitar flashed with energy, cutting iron like clay. Even Arthur's defense could not withstand it.

Arthur keenly sensed the danger of the scimitar and dodged it repeatedly. After a moment, a red-armored warrior seized the opportunity and kicked him hard in the chest, kicking him away and kicking up a lot of sand.

Arthur cursed, got up, picked up the trident from the side, and threw it at a red-armored warrior.

The red-armored warrior blocked Arthur's trident with his scimitar. Then, he activated the mechanism on the scimitar and locked Arthur's trident. Another red-armored warrior took the opportunity to rush forward, the scimitar carrying a cold light one after another. Slash at Arthur.

Arthur had to let go of the trident and retreat. Before he could catch his breath, two scimitars slashed from the side at the same time, but it was other red-armored warriors who launched the attack.

Arthur could only dodge again. One-on-one, he was not afraid of any red-armored warriors, but one-on-four, even he was at a disadvantage. Well, actually he was in a terrible state.

These red-armored warriors are not only experienced in hundreds of battles, but their armor is also very powerful. They are the elite of Atlantis.

Mera saw this and wanted to step forward to help. At this moment, blue beams of light roared towards her, and it was the white-armored warriors who got up and attacked.

Mera hurriedly avoided, and at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. The shield firmly blocked the energy beams of the white-armored warriors. It was Wonder Woman who was coming over.

Then, Wonder Woman rushed into the white-armored warriors, and struck hard with the sword of Vulcan. The chest of a white-armored warrior was split open, and the sea water fell down.

The white-armored warrior was shocked and quickly turned around and jumped back into the sea - his head had to be immersed in the sea water, otherwise he would suffocate.


Wonder Woman snorted and swung the sword of Vulcan quickly, slicing through the armor of the white-armored warriors and cutting off their weapons. The white-armored warriors were defeated and fled back to the sea.

After dealing with the white-armored warrior, Wonder Woman rushed over to help Arthur. Mera also raised her hands, and a large amount of sea water floated up, forming water arrows in the air.


Mera shouted loudly, and the water arrows roared out, piercing the armor of the four red-armored warriors, causing a large amount of seawater to drain from their bodies.

The four red-armored warriors were frightened and fled back to the sea.

"The weakness is so obvious."

Arthur laughed, and Andrew said: "Diana, capture a prisoner and interrogate the intelligence."


Diana threw a divine shield at a fleeing red-armored warrior. With a bang, the red-armored warrior fell forward and fell unconscious on the spot.

Andrew said: "Iron Man, send an unmanned suit to pick up the prisoners. By the way, prepare a big water tank."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Tony nodded, he would let the Atlanteans tell them all the information.

Arthur thought of something and hurriedly chased into the sea: "We can't let them drive away the warship. I need the warship to go to Atlantis."

"Let them leave, Lady Mera must have a ship."

Andrew said: "In addition, I agree with Ms. Mera's judgment that you need to get the Poseidon Trident to defeat your brother."

Neptune was a little unhappy and said, "Mr. Wang, I admire scientists like you very much, but I don't understand combat."

"I don't understand?"

Andrew laughed. If I hadn't been able to do it, I could have beaten you with one toe. He said, "Arthur, have you ever thought about the consequences of failure?

If you fail, a tragic war will break out between the people under the sea and the people on land. How many people do you think will die by then?

Arthur, in this competition, you can only win but not lose. If you want to go, you can, as long as you tell me with your chest high, you will win 100%. "

Arthur smiled awkwardly and said, "Nothing is 100% about fighting. Eating less meat in the morning will affect the outcome of the fight."

Everyone booed, and Mera looked at Andrew in admiration. Even the savage can be tamed. This guy is really awesome.

Andrew said: "Go find the Trident of Poseidon. Once you find it, defeat Orm 100% and save the world.

Arthur, superheroes cannot be willful, because superheroes carry the safety of the world on their shoulders. "

"I can't help you, you have the final say."

Arthur rolled his eyes, turned to Mera and said, "Where is the Poseidon Trident? I'll get it."

"The key clues and props of Poseidon's Trident are with your teacher. He is in the city of Atlantis."

Mera said with a headache: "Things are a bit troublesome. I have now become a wanted criminal and cannot return to the city. The city of Atlantis is very tightly defended."

"After all, aren't you going to Atlantis?"

Arthur complained, he couldn't wait and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's set off quickly. As for the tight defense, there is no problem. I am best at sneaking in.

As long as you knock out all the people blocking the way, you can sneak in easily. "

"Are you sure this is really infiltration?"

Everyone complained, and Andrew said: "Arthur, you can't go. With your character, once you go, you will probably challenge Orm.

Ms. Mera, you and I, and Diana, go to Atlantis to look for clues. "

Arthur was a little dissatisfied, but after thinking about it, he didn't object, because he knew that he would really challenge Orm.

He is a rough man who only does things in a rough way, which is why he does not think he can be a king.

"I have heard of Amazon Princess Diana's name for a long time."

Mera nodded to Diana first, and then she said euphemistically: "Sir, ordinary people cannot bear the pressure at the bottom of the sea."

Andrew smiled and said: "Who told you that I am an ordinary person? Don't worry, the pressure at the bottom of the sea is nothing to me."

Diana said: "It's no problem for him. Even if his body is not good, he can still make corresponding props."

"the scientist?"

Mera was surprised, then she nodded and said: "Okay, let's set off immediately. The sooner we find Arthur's teacher, the better. If it's too late, things may change easily."


Andrew nodded. Before setting off, he quietly contacted Tony and Batman and said, "Arthur being the King of the Sea is the most beneficial to both the people on land and the people under the sea. I am not free now. You can find a way to persuade him.

However, don’t kidnap morals, you are superheroes, not politicians. "

"Weird things happen every day, but some people don't want to be king?"

Tony complained, and Batman said: "Arthur actually has a little inferiority complex. I didn't understand why before, but now I understand. He is half-human and half-Atlantean. This identity makes him feel inferior.

I will try to persuade him that Atlantis is a big trouble and there must be a trustworthy king. "

"Leave it to you."

Andrew nodded. Then, he walked up to Mera and scanned her body with an instrument to confirm that there was no positioning device on her body.

After the confirmation, Andrew, Diana, and Mera took the fish-like ship and entered the sea to the city of Atlantis.

On the boat, Andrew asked: "Ms. Mera, would you mind telling us the current situation at the bottom of the sea?"

Mera hesitated for a moment and said: "There are now four kingdoms under the sea... My father, King Nereus, has officially joined King Orm's camp, but the Fisherman Kingdom and the Saltwater Kingdom have not joined.

King Aum and my father will definitely persuade these two kingdoms. Once they agree, the war between the sea and the land will officially break out.

We must find the Trident of Poseidon and overthrow Orm before that happens. "

"According to you, the Fisherman Kingdom has a weak character, so Orm should find a way to control the king and force the Fisherman Kingdom to obey his orders."

Andrew said: "As for the Saltwater Country, we can only fight head-on and defeat them on the battlefield."

Mera exclaimed: "Control the king? Orm doesn't dare?"

"Why don't you dare? He is the man who wants to become the Lord of the Ocean."

Andrew said: "With the weakness of the Fisherman Country, once the king is controlled, he will definitely succumb."

In fact, in the original plot, Orm directly killed the Fisherman King and forced the Fisherman Princess to serve him. However, this was too incredible, so he did not say it.

Thinking of the weakness of the Fisherman Kingdom, Mera was speechless. Andrew said: "Mela, are you familiar with the Fisherman King?"

Mera said: "I'm not familiar with her, but I know the Fisherman Princess very well. We are considered best friends."

"Find a way to contact the Fisherman Princess and tell her our judgment."

Andrew said: "This can delay the time for Orm to unify the seabed."


Mera nodded, and she looked at Andrew with admiration. No wonder Arthur trusted him so much, he was really a wise man.

Diana glanced at Mera and sighed secretly. It was troublesome for her own man to be too good, and there were always people who wanted him.

At this time, the warship came to the bottom of the sea, and Andrew and Diana switched to dark vision. They found that the bottom of the sea was very beautiful, with many things glowing, colorful lights, and dreamlike.

Even Diana looked fascinated. She said: "There is one missing place in our global travels, the bottom of the sea."

Andrew said: "When this matter is over, we will travel to the bottom of the sea. I believe that the new king Arthur will not reject us."

Diana said: "Arthur will definitely not reject us. The question is, can Arthur really be the king of Atlantis?"

"I deeply doubt this, but Queen Atlanna and Vico are convinced that Arthur can be a good king."

Mera said: "The Queen said that Arthur is the bridge connecting the land and the sea."

Andrew said: "Arthur's situation is actually easy to solve. You can act as a front and let talented people manage the country."

Diana asked: "Constitutional monarchy?"

Mera's eyes flashed when she heard this. She is an ambitious woman, and she does not think that she is inferior to others. If this system is really used, she may have a chance to take charge of the underwater kingdom.

Atlantis city, royal palace.

King Aum was floating in the sea, looking a little ugly: he got a report from the front line that the capture team failed.

"Amazonians? After finishing dealing with the landmen, it will be your turn."

King Om snorted coldly and asked Vico who was standing aside: "Vico, my counselor, what do you think we should do next?"

"King Orm, the legend of Poseidon's Trident is true. We must capture Arthur and Mera and force them to hand over clues about Poseidon's Trident."

Vico said: "There have always been a few people who have pointed fingers at your throne. If you can get the Poseidon Trident, no one will question you anymore."

"Vico, what you said makes sense. The Trident of Poseidon is the symbol of the king. It must and can only belong to me. I will send heavy troops to capture Arthur and Mera."

King Aum smiled and said: "Of course, other important matters cannot be left behind.

Vico, go and mobilize your troops. Tomorrow, we will lead an army to attack the Fisherman Country and force them to join my camp. "

"Yes, King Orm."

Vico was afraid that Orm would see some clues, so he did not object, bowed his head, and went to gather troops outside.

After Vico left, King Orm snorted. Mera was not a scholar and did not have such profound knowledge. If she guessed correctly, the clues about the Poseidon Trident were conveyed to her by Vico.

Vico was the most knowledgeable man in Atlantis.

"Vico, you betrayed me after all."

King Aum was a little resentful. He thought for a while, called his confidant General Mook in, and ordered: "Two things. The first is to contact the pirate from before and let him lead our elite team to hunt down Arthur and Mei. pull.

We are unfamiliar with the land and need someone to guide us. "

"No problem, I'll contact Black Manta."

General Mook nodded. Black Manta is a black pirate. Before, he acted with Orm and attacked King Nereus with a submarine.

In addition, Black Manta and Arthur have a bloody feud, and the pirate leader Arthur ignored was his father.

"Bring him the latest equipment this pirate can use."

King Aum continued: "The second thing is to send someone to monitor Vico 24 hours a day. If there is any abnormality, report it to me immediately."

General Mook didn't dare to ask any more questions and nodded: "Yes, King Aum!"

After handling these two matters, King Aum returned to his bedroom, and then he pulled the switch and opened the door to the secret room.

King Om's secret room is very simple, with only one table and an old helmet placed on the table.

This helmet is very old, but its origin is extraordinary. It is the helmet of Ares, the god of war.

Yes, Ares' helmet. Ares in this world is not simple at all. He single-handedly destroyed the entire Zeus pantheon, and even Zeus died in his hands. He can be called the most dutiful son among dutiful sons.

During the first battle, Ares was defeated by Diana and was killed by the lightning that bounced back from her protective silver bracelet.

But Ares is not completely dead. He still has part of his divinity hidden in his helmet. What's worse is that he is the god of war. As long as there is war, he can gradually recover.

Unfortunately, war will always be inevitable on the earth. Therefore, Ares's divinity is gradually recovering. If nothing happens, he will be resurrected in a few decades.

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