"Atlanteans? Kara and I are already rescuing people. This disaster is a bit serious. The Atlanteans have gone too far."

Superman said that as soon as the tsunami happened, he felt something was wrong and took Kara out to save people.

The sleeping Flash changed his costume in a second, and asked in surprise: "Atlantis really exists?"

"Atlanteans? I want them to pay."

Green Lantern Hal shouted angrily that the tsunami in Beach City was worse than other places, perhaps because King Orm was resenting the nuclear bomb.

In addition, Hal just came back half a month ago. Now, he is the Green Lantern Warrior in charge of sector 2814 and often goes on business trips to space.

"Save people first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Iron Man shouted: "Andrew, send Fiora to Beach City, where the losses are greatest."


Andrew nodded and said to the sky: "Fiora, go to Beach City."

Fiora immediately flew towards Coast City. Hal said gratefully while saving people: "Mr. Wang, thank you."

"You're welcome. Anyway, save people first."

Andrew put down the communicator and looked into the distance, seeing a woman with fiery red hair and wearing green tight-fitting leather armor walking up from the sea and heading towards Arthur.

This woman, both in face and figure, is first-class. She is the future Queen of the Sea, Mera.

"Mera, Queen of the Sea, and there are some people following behind."

Andrew thought for a while, then went downstairs and walked towards Arthur.

"Mera, did you do this?"

Arthur saw Mera and asked loudly. He knew Mera, but he did not know that Mera was the fiancée of his brother King Orm.

"To be precise, it was your brother King Aum who did it."

Mera said: "He and my father, King Nereus, were attacked by land people while discussing things, so they jointly launched a tsunami to retaliate against humans.

In fact, they were quite restrained and only returned the garbage to the land. Using Atlantean technology, they used all their power to flood the land. "

Arthur said angrily: "Then do we still need to thank them for showing mercy?"

Andrew came over, turned on the communicator and asked: "Madam, why did you come to Arthur specifically?"

Mera looked at Andrew with a wary look, and Arthur said: "Mr. Wang is an absolutely trustworthy person. If you have any nonsense, please tell me immediately."

"Absolutely trustworthy?"

Mera was a little surprised. She said: "I want to stop Orm. The ocean should not go to war with the land. It will only hurt both sides."

Arthur's expression softened slightly: "How to stop it?"

Mera said: "It's up to you to stop it. You are the queen's first son, and the throne should be yours. As long as you replace Orm, the shadow of war will naturally disappear."

"Arthur is a prince?"

The Flash was confused. Is there such a rude and unkempt prince?

The prince in the novel is graceful and handsome, but the prince in reality is hairy, rude, and doesn't even take a shower.

"Is it embarrassing that I am a prince?"

Arthur rolled his eyes, and then he said: "Mera, I am not a prince, and I have no interest in being a prince. Your method will not work.

Tell us, where is my bastard brother? I took the Justice League to beat him up and make him give up the war and stay at the bottom of the sea. "

Green Lantern gritted his teeth and said, "Hitting him is not enough."

"Arthur, I know your friends are very powerful, but that's the bottom of the sea, and your friends will be greatly suppressed. You should know this."

Mera shook her head and said: "Also, Orm is a king, there are a lot of guards around him, and the technology of Atlantis far exceeds that of Earth.

He is not that easy to deal with. If you rashly lead people to attack Atlantis, it will only cause huge casualties, casualties to people under the sea, and casualties to people on land.

In addition, as I just said, Atlantis has the ability to create large tsunamis that submerge the land. "

Everyone in the Justice League was a little silent, and Arthur said unhappily: "My method is unreliable, and your method is even more unreliable. The people under the sea don't know me at all. How can I overthrow Orm?"

"Om is a very proud man. As long as you challenge him, he will definitely agree."

Mera said: "At that time, you can take back your throne in the competition field. Of course, your current strength is not enough. Before challenging, we need..."

"So simple?"

Arthur excitedly interrupted Mera: "I told you earlier, I will challenge him right away, but I don't need the throne. After defeating him, I will ask him to stop all war actions and compensate humanity for the losses."

"I said, you are no match for him. If you want to defeat him, you must find the legendary Poseidon Trident."

Mera said: "Only by getting the Poseidon Trident can you defeat Orm and make all the people surrender. Otherwise, your prestige is far from enough."

"I told you, I'm not interested in being the king. Besides, I can defeat Orm."

Arthur said: "When I finish saving people, I will go to the bottom of the sea immediately. Mr. Wang, Superman, and Iron Man, come and help me to prevent that bastard from breaking his promise."

Mera almost died of anger, she said angrily: "Can you understand human language? I told you, you are no match for Aum.

Maybe, you can defeat him on land, but you definitely can't do it in the sea, because he has been in the sea since he was a child.

This is not only my judgment but also Vico's. "

Arthur said: "Sorry, I haven't dug my ears for too long, so I can't hear what you are saying."

Mera's chest heaved with anger. How blind did she have to be to think that this guy looked like a king? This is a savage.

The Justice League quickly discussed the matter, and a moment later, Batman's deep voice came from the communicator:

"All-out war is not advisable. At present, this lady's method is the best method, provided that she does not lie and Arthur can defeat King Orm."

Hal didn't object. Although he was angry, he didn't want to start a war rashly.

"I can definitely beat him."

Arthur said confidently: "Besides, don't listen to this woman's nonsense. The Poseidon Trident is just a legend, just like Odin's Eternal Spear and Zeus's Thunder."

Wonder Woman said: "Excuse me, Zeus is real because I am the daughter of Zeus."


Everyone was confused. Is Wonder Woman so big? Tony said he was very calm. He had also seen the son of Odin, but the daughter of Zeus was nothing.

While quickly rescuing people, the Flash said: "God is also real. According to this, the Poseidon Trident should be real."

"The Trident of Poseidon is real."

Mera nodded with certainty: "It is an artifact made of Poseidon steel by the blacksmith before Atlantis sank. It has the ability to command the ocean.

At the same time, it is also a symbol of the king. If you defeat Orm with it, you can become the new King of Atlantis.

Arthur, this position was originally yours. "

"Have you ever seen a king like me?"

Arthur looked self-deprecating, and his idea did not change. He went to the bottom of the sea to challenge Orm and resolve this matter completely.

"When does a true king need to care about other people's eyes?"

Tony smiled disdainfully, and used the communicator to ask: "Madam, where is the Poseidon Trident? Is it easy to get it?"

Mera was about to answer when Andrew asked: "Madam, are you here alone?"

"I came alone."

In the middle of her answer, Mera suddenly reacted and turned her head sharply to look at the sea.

Seeing that the lurker in the sea was discovered, he no longer hid and walked up from the sea.

These lurkers are a group of Atlantis soldiers wearing armor. The soldiers in front are wearing white armor and holding white energy guns.

The four soldiers at the back were wearing red armor and carrying scimitars on their backs.

Only nobles can breathe on land. All other soldiers must wear armor filled with sea water.

In addition, water is the source of energy for Atlantis, and they have developed unlimited energy technology.

Mera asked in shock and anger: "Are you following me?"

A white-armored soldier activated the device, and the seawater floated up and condensed into a figure. It was King Om - this is the communication technology of the seabed, equivalent to holographic projection.

King Om looked at Mera and said: "I noticed something was wrong with you, so I sent someone to follow you, but I didn't expect that my fiancée would betray me and even think that I am worse than a bastard."

"Hey, be careful what you say."

Arthur shouted dissatisfied, but felt a little bitter in his heart. On the one hand, he did not expect his brother to see him this way. On the other hand, Mera was actually Orm's fiancee?

"Om, I didn't betray you, it was you who betrayed Queen Atlanna. She wanted us to live in peace with the land people."

Mera shouted: "You provoked war without authorization for your own selfish interests. You are not worthy of being the king at all."

"I'm here for the world."

King Om shouted: "Look what humans have done? Not only do they pollute the ocean every day, but they also drop nuclear bombs into the sea from time to time. Do you know how many marine life will be killed by a nuclear bomb?"

We must teach humans a lesson and let them know that they do not have the final say on this planet. "

Andrew shook his head. Every villain is so high-sounding. Unfortunately, a villain is a villain after all.

"That's very nice, Orm. Don't think I don't know. You just want to find an excuse to become the Ocean Lord."

"I'm going to stop you," Mera said.

"You can't stop me."

King Om snorted coldly, and said to Arthur: "I don't want to kill you, just stay on the land."

"Om, my brother, you have to stop this."

"War doesn't do anyone any good, don't be a jerk," Arthur said.

"I gave you a chance. If you don't cherish it, don't blame me."

King Orm turned around and ordered: "Bring them back to Atlantis. I will defeat Arthur in the Ring of Fire and kill him with my own hands. At that time, everyone will know that I am the real king." .”

After saying that, King Om's water shadow disappeared, and the soldiers pointed their guns at Arthur and Mera: "King Om has an order, please come back with us."

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