American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 561 Cien Port


Everyone's expressions changed. Could it be that the Yellow Lantern Ring crisis is about to happen again?

Tony asked hurriedly: "Didn't the Green Lantern Corps do anything?"

"They're hunting down Sinestro and the Kryptonians, but I don't have any hope for them. They can't even defeat Parallax."

Andrew shrugged and said: "If nothing else happens, in the future, General Zod and the Yellow Lantern Corps will join forces to invade the earth. Everyone must be prepared."

Everyone's hearts are extremely heavy. Neither of these two opponents is easy. Can the earth really stop them?

"I agree with Hal becoming a member of the Justice League."

Batman exhaled and said: "In addition, I suggest Hal join the Green Lantern Corps, on the one hand, to explore the Green Lantern Corps' intelligence.

On the other hand, with the help of the Green Lantern Corps and the search for Sinestro, we can't just wait for them to invade. "

Andrew said: "I will go and talk to Hal and he will probably agree."

No one else objected, and since then, Green Lantern Hal has officially become a new member of the Justice League.

The last topic is financial issues.

"The funding for Justice League has always been between me and Batman. The military wanted to allocate funds, but we rejected it."

Tony said: "Although Batman and I are both short of money, it is always up to us to allocate funds, which is prone to problems.

Therefore, I suggest that the Justice League find its own way to make money, that is, sell our peripherals and copyrights, for example, printing Wonder Woman's face on cups.

However, let me state in advance that all income will belong to the Justice League and will be used to save the world, research equipment, and deal with various aftermath matters.

For example, compensate us for the losses we caused. "

"no problem."

All the superheroes nodded at the same time. They became superheroes to help other people and save the world, not to make money.

"Batman and I will discuss the specific details and send them to your email. You can take a look at them when you have time. I will ask professionals to take charge of this department."

Tony said, and everyone shrugged with indifferent expressions. It was obvious that they were not interested in this matter at all.

The meeting ended, Batman and Iron Man looked at each other and left at the same time.

Diana asked Andrew: "Andrew, when are we going to continue our journey?"

"I will go to Beach City first, and then we will continue traveling. When the trip is over, we will go to Paradise Island immediately."

Andrew knew what Diana meant and smiled: "The mother-in-law of an island seems to be under a lot of pressure."

"You, the Creator God, Angel, and Demon King, are also afraid of your mother-in-law?"

Diana rolled her eyes at Andrew. She looked in the direction of Paradise Island in the distance with a complicated expression. She had been away from the island for decades. She wondered if the people on the island were still well?

When Diana returned to Paradise Island, in addition to wanting to completely confirm her relationship with Andrew, she also wanted to use the power of Paradise Island to investigate some things. We will talk about this later.

That afternoon, in a hall in Beach City, Andrew said to Hal: "Hal, congratulations on joining the Justice League.

This is a watch communicator and some special devices dedicated to the Justice League. When contacting us in the future, remember to use this communicator to avoid being eavesdropped by others.

In addition, try to keep your watch close to your body as disaster may happen at any time. "

"Did I really join?"

Hal was overjoyed. He took the watch and other things and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, I won't let you down."

“The key is, don’t let yourself down.”

Andrew patted Hal on the shoulder, and then he conveyed Batman's words to Hal: "Whether you want to join the Green Lantern Corps or not, you decide for yourself. The Justice League will not force superheroes."

Hal asked in shock: "In other words, you want me to be an undercover agent?"

"It's not an undercover job, it's a part-time job. Unless the Green Lantern Corps wants to do harm to our planet, we won't do anything to them."

Andrew shook his head and said, "Just in case, plus to deal with Sinestro."

Hal thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, just go there to study. I still have a lot of room for improvement."

Andrew said: "Very well, remember, you are the Green Lantern of Earth, not the Green Lantern of the Green Lantern Corps."

"I understand that for me, protecting the earth and protecting Beach City is the most important thing."

Hal nodded. In the comics, he once turned black due to the destruction of Beach City. He has a very deep affection for this city.

The next day, Hal followed the Green Lantern Warriors to Oa and officially began his career with the Green Lantern Corps.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed, and it is already October 2013.

Andrew and Diana's global travels are coming to an end, with just a few more places to visit before heading to Paradise Island.

Because of Fiora's presence, Andrew and Diana did not travel step by step. If they wanted to go to the beach today, they would find a seaside city. If they wanted to go to the desert today, they would go to the desert.

In short, it’s all up to you, since Fiora is a super aircraft.

On this day, the two came to Maine in the United States. Sea King Arthur's hometown of Ci'en Port is in this state. Since they are here, they must visit his home.

Arthur and his father Tom Curry warmly entertained the two. Tom Curry was a very infatuated man. After Queen Atlanna left, he had been waiting for her return.

To be honest, such men are almost extinct in America.

Tom smiled and said: "I was originally hesitant about Arthur joining the Justice League, but after seeing you, I feel relieved."

"Don't worry, Arthur is a good boy. Apart from being rude, swearing a lot, not liking bathing, having a bad temper, being poor, and being slovenly, there is nothing wrong with him."

"He's not going to be a bad guy," Andrew said sternly.

"Are you praising me or hurting me?"

Arthur was speechless, and Andrew smiled and said, "Be more confident, I'm doing you a disservice."

Everyone laughed, Arthur rolled his eyes, and took the initiative to pour wine for everyone. Tom had a good drinking capacity, and he competed with Andrew and the others, and then of course, he got drunk.

Andrew looked at Arthur who was drinking and asked: "Arthur, you seem to have something on your mind?"

"Don't worry about it."

Arthur shook his head and said: "A few days ago, a group of high-tech pirates robbed a submarine. I heard the soldiers calling for help and rushed over to rescue them.

Later, the submarine had a problem and started leaking. The pirate leader was pinned down by something because he attacked me. His son begged me to save him.

But I didn't save them, because I thought they brought it upon themselves. Those pirates killed many soldiers.

Thinking about it afterwards, I felt a little regretful. It seemed to be no different from killing the other person with my own hands. "

"It's a pity that Tom didn't hear this. If he heard it, he would know that he raised a good son. Arthur, you are a real superhero."

Andrew smiled and said: "If it were me, none of those pirates would survive. I have always believed in eradicating evil.

Of course, you are not me, and you are kinder than me, but kindness does not mean the Holy Mother. People who are the Holy Mother actually have blood on their hands.

Even Batman once deliberately didn't save his opponent. How to say that, by the way, I won't kill you, but I won't save you either. "

Arthur and Diana were both surprised: "Batman did this too?"

"Yes, Arthur, don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong, although I think you should be more cruel."

Andrew said, Arthur laughed and let go of the matter completely. He said, "Come on, keep drinking."

"You drink slowly while I enjoy the night view."

Andrew walked to the window and looked at the sea under the moonlight, his eyes flickering. What Arthur just said was the plot of "Aquaman". The problem was that the time was not right.

Aquaman takes place after Justice League, still a few years away.

Andrew didn't know that all this was because of the nuclear bomb, which caused King Orm to become furious and start planning ahead of time.

At this moment, Andrew saw a sudden huge wave on the sea and shouted: "Arthur, come here, it seems there is a tsunami."

"Tsunami? Mr. Wang, you must be wrong. There is no tsunami here. Even if there is, it is not at this time."

Arthur staggered over, and the next second, he was frightened out of his drink: "Fuck, how come there is such a big wave?"

On the sea, huge waves tens of meters high rolled up and hit the beach at an alarming speed.

The ships on the sea were unprepared and were pushed back by the huge waves, and some even sank directly into the sea.

A moment later, those ships that were lucky enough to not sink hit the solid rocks and shattered into pieces. The fragments flew around. A large number of sailors fell into the sea, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

This wasn't over yet. Then, huge waves hit hard towards the beach and the lighthouse, as if they were going to smash everything into pieces.

"This is not right, this wave is too big."

Arthur hurriedly picked up the trident and controlled the incoming waves to separate. The waves were split in two from the middle and did not hit the lighthouse.

There is Arthur in the lighthouse, but not in other places. Many places in Cien Port were hit by huge waves, and ships, vehicles, and houses were destroyed one after another.

Even more shocking is the amount of rubbish washed up on the beach, turning it into a dump.

"There's definitely something wrong with that."

Arthur repeated again, and at this moment, Alice popped up and said: "BOSS, a large-scale tsunami occurred around the world at the same time, and many coastal cities were destroyed."

"This is not a natural disaster, this is an attack."

Wonder Woman said with a mixture of shock and anger: "The only people who can do this are the underwater people of Atlantis. They have declared war on the land people."

"The people of the sea declare war on the people of the land? Is this impossible?"

Arthur asked in shock, if this thing really happened, everyone would be devastated.

Wonder Woman said with certainty: "No one can do this except the people under the sea."

"Save people first, then talk about other things."

Andrew said, Wonder Woman and Arthur nodded, jumped out of the lighthouse, and went outside to save people.

Then, Andrew took out the communicator and called everyone in the Justice League: "A large-scale tsunami occurred around the world at the same time. Everyone, hurry up and save people. Also, be careful, this matter may be related to the Atlanteans."

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