American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 564 Teleportation

"So what about the Poseidon Trident? Can it be comparable to my God of War Helmet?"

King Orm smiled disdainfully. Although the Poseidon Trident is also a divine weapon, it was made by a human blacksmith and is not too powerful. The God of War Helmet has the divinity of Ares, the God of War. After wearing it, you can obtain Ares. Si's power.

What, how did King Orm get the God of War helmet?

I picked it up when I went hunting. The fate is so magical. What's even more magical is that King Orm was recognized by the God of War Helmet because he has the ability to start a world war.

King Orm put his hand on the God of War's helmet, and the God of War's helmet quickly changed into a silver helmet that was no different from what he usually wore.

Then, King Orm put the helmet on his head, and the surging power of thunder burst out from the helmet and quickly spread throughout his body.

"Neither Arthur nor the Amazons can stop me from becoming the lord of the ocean, let alone destroying all the countries on the land."

King Orm's eyes sparkled with dazzling lightning, and he shouted confidently that he was the man who wanted to become the Lord of the Ocean.

The city of Atlantis is divided into two parts. One part is the original old city, which is the city on land, and the other part is the newly built city behind. The buildings inside are completely different from the ground, full of marine style.

At the entrance to Atlantis, there is a huge city wall. Outside the city wall, there are two stone giants and a straight bridge.

"Why should such a bridge be built in the sea?"

Diana was a little confused. It was her first time in Atlantis, and everything she saw was new. For example, there were underwater people riding sharks and seahorses outside the ship - the Atlanteans had enslaved underwater creatures as mounts. tradition of.

Among them, the Kingdom of Atlantis likes to use sharks, the Kingdom of Zebel likes to use seahorses, and the Saltwater Kingdom likes to use giant crabs. In addition, the shapes of their warships are generally similar to marine creatures.

"This is from before, Mr. Wang, how should we get in? There will be an identity check at the door. My current status is a wanted criminal."

Mera said: "In addition, there are a large number of high-pressure water cannons above the city wall. It is very unwise to rush in by force. We are not suitable for making a big splash this time."

"Are there magicians guarding the city walls?"

Andrew asked. When he came to Atlantis this time, besides looking for Vico, he also wanted to get Atlantis' unique technology.

As we all know, Andrew, the devil, loves all kinds of technology.

"No, underwater magicians are very rare. Only the palace has magicians to guard it."

Mera shook her head: "This is also the reason why I opposed Arthur's plan before. The bottom of the sea is different from your land."

"That'll be easy, Diana."

Andrew smiled and said to Diana. Diana nodded and cast phantom magic to hide the entire ship.

Diana said: "Princess Mera, set off, don't go too fast, otherwise you may cause a disturbance."

"I didn't expect you, Princess Diana, to have magic?"

Mera was a little surprised. She nodded, opened the warship, and slowly sneaked into Atlantis from above.

After successfully entering the city, Mera controlled the warship to go to the shipwreck area of ​​the old city. Andrew tapped his fingers, and a group of nanoparticles broke away from the warship, formed a sea snake outside, and quickly dived towards the main city of Atlantis.

"Alice, look for the Atlantis database and copy all the technology inside."

Andrew ordered with his consciousness: "Especially unlimited energy technology."

Alice replied: "Yes, BOSS."

Soon, Mera arrived at the shipwreck area. She said, "I contacted Vico before. He should be waiting for us in the ruins."

Andrew looked at the large broken ship ahead and complained: "He is indeed waiting for us. In addition, there are a group of Atlantis soldiers waiting for us around.

Don’t you Atlanteans have any reconnaissance skills? "

Mera was stunned and hurriedly wanted to stop the warship: "What, there is an ambush?"

Andrew patted Mera's hand and said, "Don't stop, keep driving forward, it's not a big problem."

Diana asked in confusion: "Andrew, why do you continue to move forward when you know there is an ambush? Although I am not afraid of the enemy, I am worried that I will not be able to protect you.

Also, that Vico might have betrayed us. "

"Vico can't betray us."

Mera said loudly: "He is the most outstanding warrior and counselor under the sea. He is loyal to Queen Atlanna. Arthur was taught by him."

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems. I'll let the people under the sea see what high technology is."

Andrew smiled, his smile was extremely contagious, and Mera subconsciously continued to drive forward.

Of course, this was also for Vico. Obviously, Vico's betrayal was discovered by Orm. If he left like this, Vico would definitely be arrested by Orm.

No one knew what Orm would do to Vico.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped next to the broken ship, and then the three people disembarked. Andrew and Diana were surrounded by a defense shield composed of nanoparticles, which was not affected by seawater pressure.

Mera was completely relieved after seeing this and swam into the broken ship with the two of them. Vico was already waiting there. He was shocked to see two strangers.

Vico immediately pulled Mera aside and whispered: "Mela, why did you bring a stranger here? You are too careless."

The Atlanteans could speak in the sea. This was their racial talent.

Mera said: "Don't worry, they are not bad people, Arthur trusts them 100%."

"That's not okay, you should ask for my permission first."

Vico said: "What we do is very important and we must be extremely careful. For example, in order to come here, I deliberately left a puppet in the military camp and made many disguises."

Mera couldn't help but laugh. For the first time, she found Vico's serious face so interesting. Andrew and Diana also chuckled.

Vico looked confused and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Andrew said: "No nonsense, Mr. Vico, do you have the key props of the Poseidon Trident with you?"

"Why do you ask?"

Vico asked vigilantly, and Andrew said: "If they are here, we will leave immediately. If they are not, we will first deal with the ambushing Atlantis soldiers, and then go to the city to get the key props."

"What, there's an ambush?"

Vico was stunned. He shouted: "This is impossible. I was very careful when I came."

Before Vico finished speaking, a group of red-armored warriors surrounded the broken ship. The leading warrior shouted: "Vico, you actually betrayed King Om. Fortunately, King Om was wise and noticed that there was something wrong with you.

Quickly surrender and follow us back to the palace to meet King Aum. "

Vico's old face turned red. He now knew what Mera and the others were laughing at. Their reputation was really ruined. He now wanted to kill everyone and then commit suicide.

Andrew took out a disk and threw it on the ground and said, "Vico, answer my previous question."

Vico nodded quickly: "On me."

"That's good."

Andrew activated the disc, which lit up with dazzling light and enveloped the four people.


When the leading red-armored warrior saw this, he immediately led everyone to rush over, but unfortunately, they were too late.

As the light dissipated, the four Vicos and Yuanpan disappeared at the same time.

Of course, the sea serpent made of nanoparticles is still in Atlantis, and it will help Andrew get all the technology he wants.

In Cien Port, Arthur's house, Andrew and four people appeared in white light at the same time.

The three Vicos who were teleporting for the first time were a little dizzy. Diana asked Andrew in surprise: "Long distance teleportation?"

"Yes, it was recently developed. However, there are many restrictions. For example, the teleportation location needs to be arranged in advance. Only in this way can it be teleported back."

Andrew said: "In addition, it costs 10 million US dollars to start up. Speaking of which, this product is quite a failure and needs to continue to be improved."

"Is this also called failure?"

People complained that if this technology were to be released, those countries would seize the lead.

Andrew shrugged. For him who was used to space magic, this product was indeed a failure.

"Okay, Mr. Vico, Arthur is nearby. You and Ms. Mera go find him and get the Poseidon Trident as soon as possible."

"Then let's end this once and for all," Andrew said.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Wang for your help."

Vico nodded and went to find Arthur with Mera, preparing to embark on their journey to find the halberd.

Diana looked out the window and said, "I didn't expect to come back so soon. It's not even dawn. Unfortunately, I don't have time to enjoy the sunrise."

"You are a superhero, so of course you should focus on saving people."

Andrew smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you miss watching the sunrise once, because we will watch countless sunrises together in the future. We will get tired of seeing you. After all, we are all immortal."

"You can live forever too?"

Diana was shocked. Andrew had never told her about this before.

Andrew smiled and said: "Aren't you happy? Do you want to wait until I die and get a new one?"

"Yes, the new Andrew."

Diana was very happy, kissed Andrew on the face, and went to save people elsewhere. This was the best news she heard today.

The scope of the tsunami this time was too large. Although the superheroes worked hard all night, there were still many places that needed their rescue.

Don’t count on the authorities. The authorities in most countries are woefully inefficient and fail to provide even the most basic assistance.

On the other side, after Vico found Arthur, he took out a cylindrical device and said, "This thing can lead us to the Poseidon Trident."

"As soon as we finish rescuing people, go right away, old guy, nice to see you."

Arthur said: "With your alertness, you would definitely run away as soon as you saw something happened to Mera, so you were able to come back in such a short time, right?

Old guy, you are so cautious. "

Vico's face is a bit dark. Are you trying to hurt me? You must be hurting me, right?

Mera couldn't help laughing, and she said: "Arthur, don't underestimate King Om. He is more terrifying than I thought. He will definitely send someone to stop us."

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