American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 532 World Engine

The metropolis was in complete chaos at this moment, with countless people screaming and running away. The area below the spacecraft was completely destroyed, and the ground and vehicles were all crushed.

Louise thought about something and asked worriedly: "The spaceship is not far from our Daily Planet building. Will Perry and Jenny be in danger?"

"Don't worry, I've given them a holiday these days and don't come to work."

Andrew said: "I think they won't take the initiative to work overtime for me."

"That's good."

Louise breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, not only the Daily Planet was on holiday, but Batman's Wayne Company also had a few days off.

At the same time, the situation in Metropolis was reported by some survivors on their mobile phones. People around the world were shocked. What the Daily Planet said before was actually true. Aliens really invaded?

"It won't really be the end of the world, right?"

The people couldn't help but panic. Andrew sensed the gathering power of fear and nodded secretly.

The power of fear must be collected, but you cannot actively create fear, otherwise it will be discovered by the consciousness of the universe.

"The more power of fear, the more terrifying my trump card is. This is an insurance. No matter how bad the situation happens, just turning over this card can solve everything."

Andrew secretly thought, of course, this trump card may not be used, after all, he still has a lot of black technology that he has not yet released.

At this time, a large number of fighter planes flew into the metropolis with a rumbling sound, and Colonel Hardy was among them. He looked at the various debris floating next to the Kryptonian spaceship, frowned, and ordered:

"There is a gravity field. Don't get too close. Use missiles to attack the Kryptonian spacecraft first to see what happens."


The pilots shouted, and soon, several missiles shot towards the Kryptonian ship with long tails.

Unfortunately, as soon as the missiles got close to the spacecraft, they were affected by the gravity field. Some of them fell down and hit the debris, and some were worse, deflected to the side, hit the wall of a building and exploded with a bang.

Dust, bricks, and glass fell down, and the people in the building screamed wildly and hurriedly retreated.

"Stupid Earthlings."

The bald Kryptonian smiled disdainfully. He saw those fighter planes trying to go around and increase the gravity field. Several fighters lost control at the same time and crashed into the ground and the building next to them.

The pilots were shocked and hurriedly activated the escape device. As a result, after ejecting, they hit the debris directly and died tragically on the spot.

Then, several fighter planes crashed into the ground and buildings and exploded. An unfortunate building was blown apart in the middle, and the upper part fell downwards. The people suffered heavy losses and the situation was chaotic.


Colonel Hardy cursed. He thought for a while and tried to let the fighter planes attack from above. Unfortunately, it was still useless. The gravity field was all around the Kryptonian spacecraft, and the missiles were completely unable to hit the target.

In the spaceship, a Kryptonian asked the bald scientist: "These guys are really annoying, do you want to go out and deal with them?"

"You go out and deal with them. Raymond will continue to stay here and protect me."

The bald scientist thought for a while and said that although he was also a Kryptonian, he was not good at fighting.


The Kryptonian who spoke before nodded and jumped out of the spaceship to destroy the fighter plane. Upon seeing this, Colonel Hardy immediately sent out the military's ability users to stop the opponent.

"If you want to implement the plan, you must first destroy the world engine."

Colonel Hardy turned on the acoustic interference device and said on the communication channel: "With the gravity field, we can't get close to the Kryptonian spacecraft at all."

Batman's deep voice spoke: "We will destroy the world engine as quickly as possible, well, maybe not that quickly."

The reason why Batman changed his story was because he saw two Kryptonians flying quickly towards the Bat-fighter from the World Engine.

"It's okay to have two, Arthur. I'll take care of one, and you can contain the other."

Diana stood at the hatch and said, "Batman, wait until the two Kryptonians are restrained, then destroy the world engine."


Batman did not refuse. Arthur smiled and said: "This is the sea. I might be able to kill the Kryptonians faster than you."

"That's perfect. To be honest, I can't wait to go back and protect my boyfriend now."

Diana smiled, grabbed Arthur's shoulders, activated her flying boots, and quickly flew towards the two Kryptonians.

"Good women belong to others."

Batman and Arthur both lamented that Mr. Andrew Wang was really lucky to have such a woman who loved him wholeheartedly.

Soon, Diana met two Kryptonians. Without any nonsense, she directly threw Arthur in her hand towards the Kryptonian on the left.

"Ma'am, that's a little rude of you."

Arthur complained while waving the trident and hitting the Kryptonian hard. The Kryptonian grabbed the trident and threw Arthur aside with his backhand.

Arthur fell into the sea with a crash, and the Kryptonians flew straight into the sea without any hesitation, chasing Arthur.

The Kryptonians are confident and with their strength, there is no need to siege the enemy.

Soon, the Kryptonian rushed into the sea, and Arthur grinned. It was smoother than expected. The sea was his home field.

Then, Arthur activated his ability and shot at the Kryptonians like a cannonball, with a row of bubbles behind him, which was the water acceleration of the Atlanteans.

"I didn't expect there to be a woman as powerful as you among humans."

Another tall Kryptonian looked at Diana and said, "It's a pity that you met us. We Kryptonians are invincible."

"My boyfriend said that no one in this universe dares to claim to be invincible except him."

Diana wasted no time and rushed to the tall Kryptonian. The sword of Vulcan slashed at the tall Kryptonian with layers of phantoms.

The tall Kryptonian couldn't tell the difference between true and false, so he raised his hands to block quickly. Diana was merciless and slashed with her sword. The tall Kryptonian's armor was split open, and then, the sword of Vulcan sliced ​​open his skin. and muscles.

"Can her weapon hurt me?"

The tall Kryptonian was frightened and angry, and kicked Diana on the waist. Diana raised her shield to resist, and was kicked more than ten meters away.

Diana snorted, divided into five parts, and pounced on the tall Kryptonian from different directions at the same time.

The tall Kryptonian still couldn't tell the difference between real and fake. He flew quickly in the air, taking advantage of his speed to defeat them one by one.

Upon seeing this, Diana continued to divide the phantoms and besieged the tall Kryptonian densely. The tall Kryptonian hid several times and was cut by Diana again.

The tall Kryptonian was frightened and angry. He locked onto Diana and punched her hard. The air vibrated violently and turned into a shock wave that swept around.

Diana raised her shield to resist. The next second, the tall Kryptonian's fist hit the shield, but Diana disappeared like a ripple of water.

"How can this be?"

The tall Kryptonian looked in disbelief. After he was cut, he kept locking onto the opponent. Why was he still a phantom?

The reason is simple. After Diana cuts the tall Kryptonian, she immediately becomes invisible and creates a new phantom to replace herself. The two sides are seamlessly connected. This is the trump card that Andrew taught her.

Before the tall Kryptonian could figure it out, Diana appeared beside him, raising her sword and lowering her hand. The tall Kryptonian's arm was cut off by the sharp Vulcan sword on the spot and fell towards the sea below.

The tall Kryptonian screamed and hurriedly flew back. At the same time, a breath of cold air sprayed on the wound, freezing it.

"It seems that you don't know how to use heat rays."

Diana sneered and quickly rushed towards the tall Kryptonian with the Phantoms.

The tall Kryptonian opened his mouth wide and spit out cold air quickly around him, causing the surrounding area to freeze quickly. At the same time, the phantoms disappeared as soon as they touched the cold air.

Seeing this, Diana raised her hands, and the protective silver bracelets on both arms slammed together. A terrifying shock wave erupted, all the ice was destroyed, and even the tall Kryptonian was thrown away.

Diana was unyielding and rushed forward again. The tall Kryptonian cursed, turned around and ran away.

While Diana fights the tall alien, Batman rushes towards the World Engine in the Batplane.

There is also a gravity field around the World Engine. Batman did not dare to get too close. He looked carefully and found that the gravity field of the World Engine was mainly concentrated around the light pillar. The gravity field was relatively weak around the three legs.

"The gravity field is not strong. If you calculate the deviation well, you should be able to hit them."

Batman secretly thought: "Destroy the three legs, and the world engine will lose balance. If the two devices are connected across the earth, problems will arise if there is even a slight fluctuation."

Quickly, Batman calculated the gravity deviation, and then he pressed the button, and two missiles with long tails hit the two feet of the world engine.

At this moment, the cover of the world engine opened, and countless steel particles formed a silver-white tentacle. With a horizontal sweep, two missiles exploded with a bang.

This is a protective measure for the World Engine itself.

"I knew it wasn't that simple."

Batman complained, activated the machine gun and fired wildly at the tentacle, but it was of no use. The tentacle turned into a claw and quickly grabbed the bat fighter.

Batman hurriedly controlled the Bat-Fighter to avoid it. Seeing this, his tentacles split into three and grabbed the Bat-Fighter from different directions.


Batman cursed and immediately started the acceleration system to escape from the world engine. Even if he had excellent driving skills, he would not be able to avoid so many tentacles. Escape was the only option.

The steel particles have an attack range. As soon as the Bat fighter jets escaped, they immediately retracted and bared their teeth and claws around the engine, waiting for the next wave of enemy attacks.

The Bat-Fighter stopped in the distance, spraying flames. Batman thought for a moment and asked, "Alfred, can you hear me? Is there any interference around you?"

Alfred is Batman's butler, Alfred for short. He can basically do everything and is a famous butler.

"Okay, you won't enter the gravity field and there will be no interference around you."

Afu's voice came from the communicator. Batman breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You remotely control the fighter plane to attract the attention of the steel particles. I..."

"Mr. Wayne, I don't know what method you plan to use, but it must be very dangerous."

Afu said: "We have an easier way. Your teammate Wonder Woman is about to win."

Alfred has been monitoring the whole place and knows more than Batman.

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