American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 533 Changes in the Battle Situation

"Really? So fast?"

Batman was overjoyed and controlled the fighter plane to turn around. He saw the Kryptonian running away in panic with a broken arm, with Diana chasing after him.

Batman secretly thought: "It seems that ordinary Kryptonians are much weaker than Superman, except of course General Zod, who has top genes after all."

"Mr. Wayne, your teammates are very reliable. I think you need to find a few more teammates to help you share the work."

Ah Fu said nonchalantly: "In this way, you can also find time to fall in love, have a child and so on.

Well, if you're not interested, you can just have children without falling in love. The Wayne family needs an heir. "

"Fred, is this the time to say this?"

Batman was speechless, maybe because he was old. Ah Fu now pressed for marriage and children whenever he had the chance, which made him depressed and helpless.

But then again, looking for teammates? This might work.

Afu said: "I said this when I should say it, but is it useful? Mr. Wayne, how about we consider scientific methods?"

Batman was too lazy to pay attention to Ah Fu, and controlled the Bat fighter to fly towards the tall Kryptonian. Then, he pressed the button, and a huge sound wave surged out from the device below, covering the tall Kryptonian, making him unable to move easily.

"Well done, Batman."

Diana was overjoyed when she saw this. She rushed forward and pierced the tall Kryptonian's body with great force, piercing his heart and piercing it from behind.

The tall Kryptonian let out a shrill scream, struggled to the death, and punched Diana away. Diana clenched the Vulcan sword and used her strength to pull it out.

The tall Kryptonian screamed again, blood pouring out from the wound. He wanted to escape, but his strength was greatly lost - Batman's sound waves were shaking his injured heart.

Kryptonians are very tenacious, but no matter how tenacious they are, they have their limits.

"Diana, you go deal with the World Engine, and I'll deal with this seriously injured Kryptonian."

Batman shouted: "Be careful, the World Engine has a device composed of steel particles that will attack you."


Diana didn't waste any time and immediately flew towards the World Engine.

The tall Kryptonian's screams alarmed the Kryptonians under the sea. He wanted to go up to rescue, but was tightly entangled by Neptune King Arthur.

In the previous battle, the Kryptonians were led to the bottom of the sea by Arthur. The pressure here was very terrifying, and the Kryptonians were very uncomfortable with it.

It's just that he's not used to it, it's not that he can't bear it. If you give the Kryptonian a few days, he can be as flexible as a fish, but now he can't.

Arthur used his flexibility to keep fighting around the Kryptonians. The Kryptonians had not yet learned heat rays and cryobreathing and could not get rid of each other.

Soon, Diana came to the location of the world engine. She glanced at the steel tentacles clawing in the air, snorted coldly, and quickly created a large number of phantoms.

"Thank you to my boyfriend for teaching me so many things, although I don't know why he, an old antique from the First World War, knows so much?"

Diana secretly complained that Andrew, as a master in mechanics, had taught Diana how to use illusions to deceive intelligent machines. In fact, this was not difficult.

Intelligent machinery senses the outside through laser radar, sensors and other devices. It only needs to be arranged accordingly for these devices.

Diana was able to hide even Superman's senses, let alone cold machinery.

Then, Diana led a large number of phantoms to rush towards the world engine. Because there was gravity around her, Diana blessed each phantom with a lot of divine power, which consumed her a lot.

As expected, the steel particles couldn't detect the truth and falsehood. It divided into a large number of tentacles and attacked all Dianas.

The real Diana accelerated violently, knocking away steel particles and rushing to the front of the world engine.

Seeing this, the steel particles hurriedly controlled all the tentacles to return to attack Diana, but it was too late.

Diana controlled the Vulcan Sword to fly in front of her. Then, against the huge gravity, she raised her hand and smashed the two protective silver bracelets together.

A huge shock wave suddenly erupted. Driven by the shock wave, the Vulcan Sword roared out like a rocket, instantly piercing the world engine.

The world engine rumbled and exploded, the light pillar quickly disappeared, and all the steel particles returned to the engine.


Diana breathed a sigh of relief and raised her hand to recall the Vulcan Sword - the Vulcan Sword itself did not have this function, it was Andrew who added a magic circle to the handle.

At this time, Alice said: "Mistress, BOSS asked you to collect those steel particles to make a good piece of equipment."

"Equipment? That's fine, he needs equipment for self-defense."

Diana nodded and flew towards the exploding world engine. At the same time, she asked: "By the way, what's going on with Andrew?"

"The BOSS continued to provoke the Kryptonians, and even stood in the middle of the battlefield to film and gossip..."

Alice replied, and Diana's heart suddenly tightened. Why is this guy so intent on death?

"But the Kryptonians completely treat him like he doesn't exist."

Alice continued: "This phenomenon is incredible and unscientific."

"It's not scientific, is it some kind of magic method?"

Diana couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Before the world engine was completely destroyed, she dismantled the steel particle device and prepared to go back and hand it to Andrew.

Then, Diana turned around and saw that the severely injured Kryptonian was dead, and Batman was putting his body into the fighter plane - Batman had been trapping him with sound waves.

And Arthur is struggling to stop the angry Kryptonian.

Diana didn't waste any time and immediately rushed into the sea to help Arthur. Diana was no stranger to naval battles. The Amazons had fought with the Atlanteans before.

The World Engine is basically a sure winner here, so let’s turn our attention back to Metropolis.

In the center of the metropolis, as the world engine was destroyed, the gravity field suddenly disappeared. The bald scientist was shocked and angry. Something happened to the world engine?

The bald scientist did not dare to neglect, and immediately relayed the news to General Zod, who was fighting fiercely with Clark in the sky, and the surrounding buildings were riddled with holes.

"Then destroy all enemies and rebuild the world engine."

General Zod looked very ugly, and he said: "Destroy the enemies over there as soon as possible, come over and join us, and defeat these superheroes."

"Understood." The bald scientist nodded.

Compared to the Kryptonians, Colonel Hardy was overjoyed. He hurriedly shouted: "Start the attack according to the previously discussed tactics."

"Yes, Colonel."

The pilots' faces were full of determination, and they kept firing missiles while flying towards the Kryptonian spacecraft.

Upon seeing this, the bald scientist immediately activated the defense system of the spacecraft. A defensive cover appeared outside the spacecraft. Then, a large number of cannon muzzles were raised and fired energy cannons at fighter planes and missiles.

Boom boom boom, explosions continued to occur in the sky, some were missiles, and some were destroyed fighter planes.

The fighter jets did not retreat and were still attacking. Some even passed by the Kryptonian spacecraft, and the machine guns above fired violently.

"Ever since I saw these planes, I have had a question: Why do they put lead layers in the planes? What are they afraid of?"

The bald scientist looked at these planes and asked: "Or, what are they hiding?

Also, these fighter planes are a little too close to us. What are they hiding? "

The Kryptonian responsible for protecting the bald scientist blinked and said, "I don't understand. If you have any conclusions, just tell me."

The bald scientist is a little speechless. It’s okay if you don’t understand. You can use your brain to think about it.

"The conclusion is that there is something wrong with these aircraft."

The bald scientist controlled the sandbox-like instrument in front of him, and the steel particles assembled a C17 aircraft in the air. Then, he said: "According to my analysis, this aircraft should be their trump card.

You go out, destroy this plane, and let's see, what are they trying to do? "

"I wish I had said no earlier. It's a waste of time."

The Kryptonian muttered, left the spaceship, and flew quickly towards the large plane where Colonel Hardy was.

The bald scientist rolled his eyes and asked, "How do you know I'm so powerful?"

On the C17 plane, the pilot was controlling the plane to fly quickly towards the Kryptonian spacecraft.

At the same time, in the cabin behind, a scientist put Superman's key into the keyhole of the small spacecraft. As long as he patted it, the small spacecraft would activate the ghost device.

"May God bless us."

The scientist prayed, and just then, the observing soldier shouted: "There are Kryptonians flying towards us."

"Have you discovered us? You start at full speed and hit the Kryptonian spaceship. I will go out and stop him."

Colonel Hardy was startled, and immediately activated his steel suit and flew out of the hatch. Then, six micro-missiles popped out from behind him and exploded towards the Kryptonians.

The steel suit worn by Colonel Hardy is the most primitive version, similar to the original war machine.

When the Kryptonians saw the micro-bombs, they didn't even want to dodge. They accelerated directly and hit them. Boom-boom-boom, the micro-missiles exploded in the air one after another. However, the Kryptonians were not harmed at all and rushed out of the flames with great ferocity.


Colonel Hardy cursed and raised the energy gun developed by the military and fired at the Kryptonians one after another.

The Kryptonian evaded flexibly, and then, as if teleporting, he appeared in front of Colonel Hardy, smashed the energy gun with one punch, and knocked Colonel Hardy away.

After taking care of Colonel Hardy, the Kryptonian turned to look at the big plane. Because the hatch was open, he could clearly see the small spaceship above.

"It's Kal-El's ship."

The bald scientist saw the small spacecraft through the Kryptonian's instruments and instantly understood what the Earthlings were thinking. He was not surprised but overjoyed. He shouted:

"Raymond, stop them from starting the small spacecraft and bring the small spacecraft back to me intact."

According to General Zod's judgment, the Code of Life was inside the small spacecraft. In fact, they had been looking for the small spacecraft, but they did not expect that the small spacecraft actually arrived at their door.

In fact, the Code of Life is inside Clark, but neither the Kryptonians nor Clark himself know it.

The Kryptonian didn't talk nonsense and immediately rushed towards the plane. Seeing this, the scientist wanted to slap the key down. At this moment, a piece of steel fragment roared out and beat his arm into a pulp.

Then, the Kryptonians entered the spaceship, and the soldiers hurriedly stopped them, but they were smashed away one after another like a mantis using its arms as a cart.

Soon, the Kryptonians carried the small spaceship back to the Kryptonian spaceship. Colonel Hardy, who was flying into the sky again, saw this scene and shouted unwillingly: "The plan failed. The small spaceship was snatched away. Do we need to retreat?"

General Calvin hesitated and said: "Continue to fight and delay them. If you retreat, the Kryptonian spacecraft and Kryptonians will go to the Stark Group. By then, the situation will completely collapse."


Colonel Hardy agreed immediately without hesitation.

General Calvin said on the communication channel: "The plan to destroy the Kryptonian spacecraft failed. You must deal with the enemy immediately. The military cannot last long."


Diana, Tony, and Clark all nodded and speeded up the attack on the Kryptonians, but the other superheroes smiled bitterly and wanted to solve it as soon as possible? It would be nice not to be solved by the other party as soon as possible.

"Those bastards in the military are proposing to release nuclear bombs again."

When Andrew heard Alice's report, he couldn't help but shake his head. Louise was stunned: "No way? How many millions of people are there in Metropolis? And everyone is still fighting."

"How can we release a nuclear bomb without trapping the Kryptonians while everyone is there?"

Andrew said that he didn't say much because it was unnecessary. Tony had already invaded the military system and the nuclear bomb could not be released.

Both Andrew and Tony are very clear about the moral character of the military. Those guys will do anything to sell "unsaleable" nuclear bombs.

At this time, the Flash, who was having a "fake match" with the Kryptonian, made a mistake and was swept by the Kryptonian's arm. He flew out and hit the wall, making a big hole in the wall.

This result is not surprising. In fact, it is very rare that The Flash has not had problems until now.

"Barry, provoke the Kryptonian and lure him to Batman."

Andrew commanded, using a special communicator that only the Flash could hear.

Diana, Aquaman, and Batman have already severely injured the remaining Kryptonians. It's no problem to lure another one over at this time.

Barry was stunned, provocation? How to provoke? No one taught me?

"Damn fly, I finally caught you."

The Kryptonian jumped towards the Flash with great force. The Flash dodged awkwardly, and the Kryptonian landed next to him with a boom, making a deep pit in the ground.

The Kryptonians were about to continue the attack, but Barry reached his heart and smashed the short stick at the Kryptonians.

The Kryptonians had always been wary of the short stick and immediately ducked away. Barry took the opportunity to get up and shouted: "Idiot, that stick is actually useless."

After saying that, Barry activated the Speed ​​Force and quickly disappeared in the lightning.

"It's useless? Are you kidding me?"

The Kryptonian was stunned for a moment, then became furious and immediately flew into the sky, chasing Barry in the direction of his escape.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at the battlefield of Tony and Fiora. Over there, it was almost over.

The battle between Tony and Fiora has been fierce. Fiora has launched several attacks on Tony, but Tony has resolved them every time. There is no way, Tony has made a lot of preparations in advance.

Tony shouted: "Ma'am, you see, none of us can win against the other, why don't we call a truce and go on a real date? I'm a famous diamond bachelor."

"you wanna die."

Fiora was completely enraged and kicked the cars next to her at extremely fast speeds towards Tony's anti-Kryptonian suit.

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