American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 531 Fierce Battle

Clark took the opportunity to grab General Zod's hands and took him up into the sky. General Zod's eyes lit up red, and two heat rays shot hard at Clark.

Clark hurriedly let go of General Zod's hand to avoid it. He looked shocked. General Zod had actually learned the heat ray?

"I'm the best warrior. I've been training and fighting all my life. Mastering the abilities of Kryptonians couldn't be easier for me."

General Zod said proudly, floating in the air like Superman.

At this moment, a contemptuous voice came from below: "You are so awesome, but you can't even defeat a scientist, and you have to rely on sneak attacks to kill the opponent. In fact, you have the assassin gene, right?"

General Zod's expression froze, he lowered his head and looked at Andrew fiercely.

Louise Lane was speechless, standing next to you is safe, but you are lying, standing next to you is super dangerous, okay?

You are a billionaire, why do you want to attract hatred like this? Don’t you think you will die quickly enough?

Others laughed, the slaps coming so fast, like a tornado.

Clark was worried that General Zod would attack Andrew, so he hurriedly rushed towards him. General Zod had no intention of dealing with Andrew. He avoided Clark's attack and kicked Clark hard in the back with air waves.

Clark flew directly out and smashed through the building in front of him, causing screams and screams inside.

The disaster of the metropolis officially began at this moment.

The other four Kryptonians were not idle either. Fiora looked at Iron Man Tony and said coldly: "Human, I'm here to find you."

Tony said seriously: "Thank you for the invitation, no date."

Everyone laughed, Fiora was furious, and punched Tony hard with a sonic boom.

A magnetic force emitted from Tony's chest and pushed Fiora away. Then, he turned and quickly flew towards the warehouse on the side, where his anti-Kryptonian suit was.

Fiora didn't say anything and immediately chased after him.

The Flash held the stick and muttered to himself: "Close the Kryptonian at super high speed and stick the stick on him. You can do it, Barry Allen. You can do it."

After speaking, the Flash activated his ability, and the lightning around him flashed. In his eyes, everything around him slowed down, as if it was replayed in slow motion.

The Flash took a deep breath and rushed towards a Kryptonian with a dazzling electric light. What surprised him was that the other person's head actually rotated with his movements. In other words, the other person's reaction speed had caught up with his.

The Flash gritted his teeth and continued to rush towards the opponent, sticking his short stick towards the opponent's waist.

The Kryptonian immediately hid aside, and then he waved his fists and hit the Flash one after another. The Flash nervously dodged and was not hit.

The Flash continued to attack the Kryptonian with a short stick. The Kryptonian heard his previous mumblings and although he didn't think anything could hurt him, he still tried to avoid it as much as possible.

In this way, the two of them moved quickly while attacking and defending each other, but neither could hit the other. It looked very much like...'a fake match.'

The Flash's short stick is a prop developed by Batman to deal with Kryptonians, but even Batman himself is not sure whether it can be effective. There is no way, the time is too short.

Of course, Batman was not trying to trick the Flash. His purpose was to let the Flash hold off the Kryptonians. He never expected the Flash to successfully hit the Kryptonians.

The Flash is doing pretty well if he doesn't suddenly fall over.

"We deal with the remaining two Kryptonians, you follow my orders."

Cyborg's eyes flashed with a lot of data and he shouted loudly. Unfortunately, the ability users didn't listen to him and rushed forward on their own.

Cyborg's prestige is obviously insufficient.

Cyborg cursed and hurriedly stepped forward to help, and together with a group of ability users dealt with the remaining two Kryptonians.

The Green Arrow from Star City raised his longbow and prepared to shoot an arrow. Like Marvel's Hawkeye, his arrows were modified and had multiple attack methods.

Since then, the battle has completely broken out, with a group of superheroes fighting against five Kryptonians. Andrew and Louise stood aside to film and watch the show.

Thanks to Louise being bold enough, if it had been anyone else, she would have run away long ago - Louise's idea is very simple, she is not afraid of a billionaire, so what does she have to be afraid of?

Just then, a claw-shaped Kryptonian spaceship with three long tapered legs flew to Metropolis and parked in the center of Metropolis.

The people in the metropolis looked at the sky in shock. Except for a few people, others did not realize the danger.

In fact, when Louise appealed a few days ago, she said that Metropolis might be in danger and asked everyone to retreat as soon as possible.

It's a pity that no one listened. After all, the United States of this universe has not been severely beaten before and is not as obedient as the Marvel universe.

At the same time, the World Engine came to the sky above the Tianzhu Sea, and three big feet fell into the sea with a rumble, causing a storm in the sea.

If you look down at the Earth, you can see the Kryptonian ship and the World Engine forming a straight line at either end of the Earth.

"let's start."

The bald scientist from Krypton smiled ferociously and started the world engine. A large amount of flames and energy lightning burst out from above the engine. Then, seawater flew into the sky drop by drop, which looked very amazing.

This was not over yet. The world engine was fully charged and blasted a huge beam of light towards the sea below, causing the entire sea surface to fluctuate violently.

At the same time as the world engine attacked, the Kryptonian spacecraft also released energy beams downwards, causing the surroundings to vibrate.

Then, a large number of cars and various debris flew into the sky, and then crashed down, kicking up a huge amount of dust. The people around them panicked and ran away frantically.

"Batman, Colonel Hardy, take care of the World Engine and the Kryptonian ship as quickly as possible."

General Calvin said with an ugly face: "They are using gravity weapons to modify the earth's gravity and affect the atmosphere from the molecular level. Once they succeed, mankind will become extinct."

"As Louise reported before, we will destroy the world engine as soon as possible."

Batman said, almost reaching his destination.

"The fighter fleet has set off, and we will destroy the Kryptonian spaceship at all costs."

Colonel Hardy said that because a lot of preparations had been made in the early stage, the number of fighter planes dispatched this time was very large, which was truly spectacular.

Over the metropolis, Superman Clark and General Zod were fighting fiercely. Because the power was too strong, the two were beaten flying around. At the same time, shock waves roared out one after another, shattering countless windows around them.

Seeing the spacecraft in place, General Zod shouted loudly: "Clark, you chose the wrong side. Soon, the earth will be transformed into Krypton."

"I will never allow you to destroy the earth."

Clark roared angrily, his eyes turned red, and then, two heat rays hit General Zod fiercely.

General Zod also fired back with heat rays. Four heat rays collided fiercely in the air, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

In the end, Clark's heat ray was stronger. General Zod saw this and avoided it in time. Then, he rushed in front of Clark and hit Clark hard with a punch carrying air waves.

Clark immediately counterattacked, and the intensity of the battle between the two skyrocketed.

Division of Stark Group.

Fiora has also learned to fly. She chased after Tony and shouted: "It's useless, Earthling, wherever you escape today, you will be dead."

"Wow, aren't you a professional warrior? Why are you talking so much? You are not professional at all."

Tony complained, and at the same time, the door to the warehouse ahead opened, and then, a large suit with a height of ten meters rushed out under the control of Jarvis.

The chest of the large suit was opened, and Tony flew in and connected with the large suit.

"Ma'am, this is my anti-Kryptonian suit, please appreciate it."

As Tony spoke, he controlled the anti-Kryptonian suit to raise his hands. Then, two large sound waves were released from the palms of the suit and enveloped Fiora.

Fiora had to stop in the air. She roared, her eyes lit up red, and two heat rays hit Tony's chest hard.

Tony immediately controlled the nanoparticles to form a shield in front of him. Then, the shield struggled to absorb the energy of the heat ray and kept turning red.

Fiora continues to attack, let me see how much you can absorb?

When the shield turned red, a muzzle suddenly protruded from the bottom of the shield. Then, a laser cannon as thick as a bowl roared out and hit Fiora hard. Even Fiora was blown away. The ground kept sliding.

"Thank you for your energy, ma'am."

Tony chuckled, and two huge tentacles appeared from behind, grabbing Fiora.

Fiora was furious. She got up and waved her fists and tentacles to hit her hard. The two tentacles collided with Fiora several times and transformed directly.

"Although her strength is not as strong as Superman, she is stronger than the anti-Kryptonian suit."

Tony knew it, and the two tentacles quickly turned into two strange devices.

Then, the device on the left emits a gravitational force, sucking Fiora upwards to the device, while the device on the right emits a repulsive force, pushing Fiora outward.

The two forces were superimposed, and Fiora felt like she was about to be torn apart. She roared, broke away from the two force fields, and rushed into the sky.

Then, Fiora opened her mouth and sprayed a large amount of cold air towards the anti-Kryptonian suit, but it was freezing breath.

Tony activated the high-temperature mode of the suit to resist the cold air. Then, he escaped from the cold air, and a large number of red energy beams were densely shot towards Fiora.

"Kal-El told humanity all about the Kryptonians' capabilities, so he designed a suit specifically for me, the damn traitor."

Fiora cursed, while dealing with Tony, she was thinking about how to break the situation.

All in all, Tony had a back-and-forth fight with Fiora this time, while the Flash was still playing a "fake match" with the Kryptonians. He performed well this time and didn't lose his chain. However, no one knew he could last. how long.

As for Cyborg and the others, they suffered heavy losses at the moment. Kryptonians were not vegetarians, and many ability users were directly killed by them with one punch, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

After suffering a loss, the ability users and superheroes finally began to obey the command. Cyborg's eyes kept flashing with data, and he commanded the superheroes to surround the two Kryptonians. At the same time, he himself joined the attack.

Under the command of Cyborg, the superheroes' casualties were greatly reduced, but that was all. There was no sign of defeating the two Kryptonians.

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