American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 525 War begins

Seeing that the priest could not guide him, Clark sighed in disappointment and stood up to leave.

At this moment, a voice sounded at the door: "I say, believing in the kindness of the enemy is the most stupid thing."

Clark and the priest were stunned. They turned around and saw a handsome man and a long-legged woman standing at the door.

"You are not ordinary people."

Clark said with some surprise that he didn't sense these two people at all, which was incredible. With his hearing, he could even hear the conversations of people in the Eastern Hemisphere.

"That's not important, Kal Al. I am the president of the Daily Planet. Let's watch the news first and then talk about other things."

Andrew pressed the phone to display the holographic projection, and Louise was reporting the news.

Diana couldn't help but glance at Andrew, you are the president of Daily Planet, how come I don't know? Also, we agreed to eat soft rice. I have all the rice ready?

"Krypton is a destroyed planet, and the Kryptonians who came to Earth are a group of Kryptonian criminals..."

In the light curtain, Louise introduced the alien situation in detail, and then she said: "Our sun is a young yellow sun, and the Kryptonians will become super powerful here.

In addition, this time the aliens brought the world engine, and I have every reason to suspect that the aliens are preparing to transform the earth and turn it into a new Krypton.

Once the transformation is complete, all humans will die. "


People are confused. Is the end of the world coming too suddenly? I'm still preparing lunch.

In Gotham City, the famous rich man Bruce Wayne, a middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples, immediately put on his Batman suit after reading the report and drove the Batplane to the metropolis. There was no way he could ignore such a big matter.

This is the Gotham Dark Knight, Batman, who has been a professional criminal in Gotham for twenty years and is still active on the front line.

After the camera was turned off, the military general in charge of the incident, Calvin Swanwick, frowned and asked: "Miss Lane, is what you said true or false?

Are the Kryptonians really planning to transform the Earth? Will we humans be exterminated? "

"You should ask Mr. Stark this question. He gave me the manuscript. I didn't know a lot of information before."

Louise spread her hands: "However, the Kryptonians are indeed very powerful. You must be careful in the next battle."

Everyone turned to look at Tony Stark, and Tony looked up at the sky: "God gave it."

"This is good news. At the very least, God is on our side."

Tony is a big capitalist, and it is impossible for General Calvin to force the other party to reveal the source of the intelligence. He shook his head and asked Colonel Hardy to be prepared. The Kryptonians will come at any time.

As for General Calvin, he is just a holographic projection - how can a dignified general go to the battlefield in person?

In space, in lunar orbit, General Zod and others, who have been monitoring the earth, immediately discovered Louise's report.

Adjutant Fiora asked in confusion: "How does this woman know our plans and know so much information about Krypton?"

The tall, ferocious-looking General Zod said: “Karl should have told her the information about Krypton.

Fiora, you lead people to capture her and lure Karl out. Only he knows where the Code of Life is. "

"Okay, it's time to try your current strength."

Fiora nodded, took two Kryptonians, and rushed to Earth in a turtle-shaped spaceship.


Clark shouted excitedly: "General Zod wants to transform the earth? I will never allow him to do this."

Diana took out the golden lasso of mantra, put it on Clark's left wrist, and asked: "You are also a Kryptonian, don't you want to resurrect your home planet?"

Clark didn't understand why Diana tied his left hand. He replied without any hesitation: "I want to, but not at the expense of the earth. I am not only a Kryptonian, but also an earthling."

Diana continued to ask: "So, are you willing to fight with your people for the earth?"

Clark hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly and said, "Yes, I will stop them. I will go back and change my suit immediately, go to space to find them, and end this matter."

In fact, Clark is not sure of defeating General Zod and the others, but for the sake of the earth, he must fight.

Diana withdrew the Lasso of Truth with satisfaction and said, "Kryptonians, we are comrades in arms now."

The mantra lasso can make the other party tell the truth. It is an artifact. In addition, Diana also has many other artifacts on her body, such as the protective silver bracelet, etc., which can be said to be full of magical equipment.

"Don't rush."

Andrew raised his hand and said: "The Kryptonians will go find Louise. Let's go and help her first to find out the strength of the Kryptonians."

Clark was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Are you using Louise as bait?"

"First of all, she agreed to it. Secondly, she knows your identity. This matter is destined to be avoided."

Andrew said: "Finally, are you sure you want to waste your time arguing with me about this?"

Clark stopped talking nonsense, his body suddenly disappeared, and a strong wind appeared on the spot, blowing the surrounding decorations to pieces.

Diana immediately stood in front of Andrew, and Andrew said that this bowl of soft rice was quite delicious.

When the strong wind subsided, Andrew smiled at Diana and said, "Aren't you a little disappointed that your plan to abandon me failed?"

Diana smiled awkwardly. She originally planned to leave with Clark, but she didn't expect him to be so fast and disappear in an instant.

"If all Kryptonians were as powerful as him, the Earth would be in trouble this time."

Diana changed the topic, and Andrew said: "Just go and take a look. He should go back and change his uniform. Let's catch up with him and let him fly us over."


Diana nodded and quickly left the church with Andrew in her arms.

The priest, who had always been a little confused, looked at the messy church and felt like crying. I just finished cleaning it, okay?

At this moment, the priest found a stack of banknotes next to where Andrew was standing before, and he was overjoyed: "Praise the Father."

The live broadcast room was arranged by the military in an uninhabited factory area on the outskirts of the city. Louise stood next to the helicopter, ready to evacuate at any time.

At the same time, a group of elite soldiers and various heavy weapons were hidden inside the factory and underground. There were armed helicopters preparing around them, and even fighter planes were on standby at the distant airport.

Louise asked curiously: "Mr. Stark, I stay here because I want to be a bait. Why are you taking risks here too?"

"Adventure? I'm not here to take risks."

Tony said confidently: "Don't be too shocked for a moment, you are about to see the highest masterpiece of human technology."

Louise was a little shocked, then reacted and asked: "You want to test your new weapon?"

"It can be said like this."

Tony didn't say much, he wanted people in this universe to see his Iron Man style.

He, Tony Stark, is here, and the Earth is safe.

They're just aliens, and it's not like they haven't been fought before. Even in the universe, the steel suit is considered high-tech.

Soon, a turtle-shaped spaceship fell from the sky with flames spraying out. Then, three Kryptonians walked out of the spacecraft, led by Fiora.

Fiora is wearing a Kryptonian armor and a black cape, looking quite majestic.

At the same time, the three Fiora wear transparent protective covers on their heads, which can reduce surrounding sounds, interference, and isolate the air on the earth.

Although Fiora has not awakened her powers such as clairvoyance, she is not stupid. When she saw the surrounding environment and Louise's situation, she immediately snorted: "Earthlings, how dare you to ambush us?"

Colonel Hardy asked for instructions: "General, do you want to act immediately?"

"Wait a minute."

General Calvin's holographic projection appeared in front of Fiora and asked: "Kryptonians, I just want to ask, are you really going to turn the earth into Krypton?"

"Yes, this planet already belongs to us. We can kindly let your spaceship leave, if you have a spaceship."

Fiora did not deny it. The proud Kryptonian did not bother to deny it.

Calvin and the high-level human beings who were paying attention to this battle looked ugly at the same time. Calvin asked: "Is there any room for relaxation?"

Fiora sneered: "When you humans hunt animals, do you care whether they want to be hunted?"

Even though General Calvin was Martian Manhunter in disguise, he was offended by the Kryptonian's attitude, and he immediately ordered: "Colonel, move."

"Yes, General."

Colonel Hardy immediately agreed, and then, a large number of automatic machine gun groups appeared on the ground. At the same time, the windows and doors of the surrounding factories opened, and the soldiers controlled the Vulcan cannon machine guns to aim at the Kryptonians.


A large number of bullets turned into a metal storm and shot at Fiora and the three people densely, and the entire factory area was covered by the sound of bullets.

At the same time, fighter jets and armed helicopters started immediately and rushed over as quickly as possible. Louise also quickly climbed onto the helicopter.

Fiora used her feet hard and jumped high to avoid the bullet. A big crater sank directly into the place where she was standing.

Then, Fiora fell from the sky and smashed a machine gun together with its base with a bang.

It wasn't over yet. Fiora kicked hard, and the machine gun barrel destroyed all the machine guns in the back row with a violent whistling sound.

The other two Kryptonians were not idle either. They each jumped into the surrounding factories with a big jump. Then, the soldiers screamed one after another.

The soldiers are no match for the Kryptonians. It can even be said that they are cut into pieces.

"Shet, damn alien."

His soldiers died tragically, and Colonel Hardy was furious. While leading the attack, he said, "These Kryptonians are very powerful. Missiles must be dispatched. When can fighter jets and armed helicopters come?"

The pilots replied: "Get right over here."

After Fiora finished disposing of the machine gun, when she saw Louise preparing to escape, she snorted and jumped towards the helicopter.

Louise was shocked. At the critical moment, a golden-red figure rushed over with flames spraying out, knocking Fiora away with a bang.

"Ma'am, civilians should not be involved in war."

This figure was undoubtedly Tony, who made a high-profile appearance. He flew in the sky and spoke majestically.

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