"Wow, Mr. Stark, you are so handsome, aren't you?"

Louise heard Tony's voice and asked in surprise. Tony waved his hand nonchalantly, but felt quite comfortable in her heart. This was the effect she wanted.

Cheer for me, scream for me, I am the superhero, Iron Man.

Louise actually wanted to stay here and watch what happens next, but it was too dangerous here, so the pilot flew the helicopter and left quickly.

Louise knew that Iron Man was Tony, but the higher-ups and the military didn't know that. They looked stunned. Where did this robot come from?

A soldier said: "It's Mr. Tony Stark. He just clicked on his chest, and a suit suddenly appeared."

"In other words, Tony Stark developed a single-soldier exoskeleton nanosuit?"

The eyes of the top human beings lit up and they looked at the steel suit with burning eyes. This is a good thing, but I don't know if it can stop aliens?

"Human, I hope your strength is worthy of your courage."

Fiora rolled in the air and landed firmly on the ground. Then, she shattered the ground, jumped high into the air, and hit Tony hard with her fists with violent sonic booms and violent air waves.

Tony immediately raised his right hand, forming a shield of nanoparticles in front of him.

Boom, Tony's nano-shield was directly shattered, and then he flew out, smashing the house behind him, sliding on the ground, and did not stop until he knocked over a truck.

Tony's expression changed drastically. Isn't this Kryptonian too cruel? The power has caught up with those monsters in the center of the earth.

The top human beings were shocked and disappointed. The strength of the Kryptonians was more terrifying than imagined.

Fiora landed on the ground with a thud, and then, with a push of her feet, she rushed towards the place where Tony landed as if flying. The house in the middle was directly destroyed by her, and collapsed and exploded with a rumble.

As soon as Tony got up, Fiora appeared in front of him with a strong wind. However, Fiora was not in a hurry to take action. She said: "People on Earth, do you know why you lose? Because evolution always wins."

"Um, ma'am, has anyone ever told you that you're a long-winded person?"

Tony complained, and two sound wave devices popped out from his shoulders, releasing layers of sound waves towards Fiora.

Fiora stopped in place in pain, she growled, took off her steel glove, and hit Tony hard.

Boom, Tony and the truck behind flew out at the same time.

Fiora regained her freedom and immediately jumped towards Tony. Tony quickly rolled to avoid it, and then, he sprayed a large amount of cold air from his body and enveloped Fiora who fell down.

Fiora was instantly frozen into ice blocks, but before Tony could be happy, there was a bang and the ice blocks flew away.

"That's it?"

Fiora sneered, rushed in front of Tony, and kicked Tony hard with air waves.

Tony hurriedly raised the defensive shield to resist, and with a bang, he was kicked thousands of meters away.

Generally speaking, Tony is no match for Fiora, but he can barely delay it for a while.

"I finally know what Andrew was laughing at before. He was laughing at me for not overestimating my abilities. Faak, will you die if you tell me the Kryptonian's strength in detail?"

Tony cursed in his mind, feeling like he had been tricked by Andrew again. Well, to be precise, it should have been another double knock.

Iron Man's first official appearance failed.

At this time, armed helicopters rushed over to support, and several air-to-surface missiles with long tails attacked the two Kryptonians.

The two Kryptonians did not stupidly attack the missiles, they flexibly avoided them, and the missiles rumbled on the factory and the ground, setting off huge flames and air waves.

A Kryptonian snorted coldly and started running on the ground. Every step made a big pit sink into the ground. Then he jumped up suddenly and exploded the Apache helicopter gunship like a cannonball.

Another Kryptonian smashed the cars on the ground into the sky one after another. The gunship couldn't avoid it and fell down with black smoke and flames.

Soon, the entire army of armed helicopters was wiped out, and the fighter planes that came in did not get any benefits, and could not do anything to the Kryptonians.

The hearts of high-level human beings and the military are sinking. The strength of these aliens is too terrifying, right? Their elite were beaten to a pulp.

What to do now? Even if you want to surrender, they won't accept it.

"Would you like to try launching a nuclear bomb?"

A general suggested that it is obvious that the American military in this universe also has poor sales of nuclear bombs.

The president hesitated and said, "Wait a minute."

After defeating the army, the Kryptonians were about to chase Louise. At this moment, accompanied by a fierce sonic boom, a figure flew at high speed from a distance.

This figure had a golden rope tied to his wrist, and behind the rope were Andrew and Diana hugging each other.

Seeing that they had reached their destination, Diana retracted the rope, jumped to the ground with a bang while holding Andrew, while Superman was floating in the air, looking down at everyone.

At this moment, Superman is wearing a dark blue Kryptonian battle uniform, with a red cape flying behind his back. With his handsome appearance and strong body, he is simply synonymous with the God of Man.

And Diana, wearing a starlight flying crown, a metal battle armor, a short skirt, metal boots, a protective silver bracelet, a Vulcan sword hanging on her back, a divine shield, and a mantra lasso wrapped around her waist, she is really cool. no.

"This is my girlfriend."

Andrew was very satisfied. As for his outfit, well, it was still a T-shirt and jeans. You could tell at a glance that he was a pure-blooded Earthling. He wasn't going to fight anyway.

"Kal-El, you finally showed up."

Fiora jumped out from the side, looked at Superman excitedly, and said, "Go back with me to meet General Zod."

After Fiora jumped out, Tony also flew out. Because the nanoparticles were consumed too much, his suit was in tatters, and he looked miserable as if he had been ravaged by the female devil.

Tony looked at Andrew resentfully, and Andrew laughed, letting you want to be in the limelight, this is the price.

At this time, Tony noticed that Diana, even though he was well-informed, felt a little amazing. Then, he curled his lips in displeasure. Andrew was accompanied by beautiful women everywhere, and she was still such a high-quality beauty.

Tony secretly complained: "Needless to say, he must be a superhero again. Who doesn't know the hobbies of the Lord of Hell?"

"Kryptonians, do you really want to destroy the earth?"

Superman asked coldly. In fact, he heard what Fiora said before, but he still wanted to confirm it again.

Superman's indifference made Fiora a little unhappy. She said: "Kal Al, don't forget your identity. You are also a Kryptonian. You have an obligation to help rebuild Krypton."

"I am indeed a Kryptonian, but I am also an Earthling. I will never allow you to destroy the Earth."

Superman roared angrily, swooped down with a sonic boom, knocked Fiora away, and smashed through the buildings behind him.

Superman then chased after Fiora, preparing to capture Fiora and force General Zod to abandon his plan.

Fiora was furious, got up and fought fiercely with Superman. The surrounding buildings rumbled and collapsed one after another. It must be said that the destructive power of the Kryptonians was really terrifying.

The two Kryptonians wanted to go over to help, but Tony and Diana stood in front of them.

"You are very strong, but don't underestimate Earthlings."

Diana shouted, raised her divine shield, used both feet to slam into the Kryptonian.

The Kryptonian was knocked back more than ten meters, leaving two deep marks on the ground. He roared and rushed towards Diana with all his strength.

Diana evaded flexibly, and then she wielded the Vulcan Sword to slash at the opponent. The Kryptonian raised his right hand to block, but was cut open by the Vulcan Sword.

The Kryptonian was shocked, the opponent's weapon was actually so powerful? Can even his current body be cut open?

Not only can it cut, in the movie, Diana even cuts off Doomsday's arm with the sword of Vulcan.

"Let's have some fun."

Diana said excitedly that she had not encountered such a strong opponent for a long time. The blood of the she-wolves was full of fighting spirit.

At this time, music suddenly sounded next to him, but it was Andrew carrying the speaker playing "Is she with you?" ", which is Wonder Woman's exclusive BGM.

Andrew smiled and said: "Your Royal Highness, this is a war song specially prepared for you."

"I like this song."

Diana laughed and slashed hard at the Kryptonian.

At the same time, Tony also started a war with the Kryptonians. It was still the same as before. He could only delay the opponent and the fight was very difficult.

The injured Colonel Hardy walked up to Andrew and asked: "Who are you? Who is that woman, and who is the red cloak?"

"Soldier, respect me. I am your senior."

Andrew said in an old-fashioned way: "That woman, you can call her Wonder Woman. As for the red cloak, she is a fellow Kryptonian, Kal-El."

"He's also a Kryptonian?"

Colonel Hardy frowned, and Andrew looked at him and said, "If you are smart, you should know how to treat him."

Andrew's words were addressed to the higher-ups of humanity. The higher-ups of humanity understand what he means and cannot push their own people away, at least not now.

Colonel Hardy asked again: "You haven't told me yet, who are you?"

"Me? I'm a member of Wonder Woman's family."

Andrew said, Colonel Hardy looked confused, family members? Are you sure you are serious?

Andrew didn't say much. He looked up at the sky, where there was a stealth Bat-fighter, and a scruffy-bearded Batman was sitting on it, carefully recording the data of the Kryptonians.

Batman frowned deeply. These Kryptonians are too powerful. If there is no way to restrain them, they will pose a great threat to the earth.

At this time, Tony was thrown from the sky by the Kryptonian and hit the ground with a bang, kicking up a lot of dust.

Andrew was speechless. He complained: "Tony, could you please use your brain? You are a super genius who fights with your brain, Tony Stark."

"Use your brain?"

Tony was stunned. Andrew said this, which meant that there was a way to defeat those Kryptonians.

After all, Tony is a super genius, and he quickly discovered something was wrong with the Kryptonians - they have such strong defenses, why do they wear a defensive shield on their heads?

"Not adapted to the earth's air, or what? In short, the defensive shield is their weakness."

Tony knew what he was doing, and his confidence suddenly increased.

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