American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 524 Kryptonian

At the Washington Historical Museum, Andrew, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, asked the receptionist: "Hello, is Miss Diana Prince here?"

"Coming to see Diana again."

The receptionist sighed. Diana was not only a great beauty, but also had an extraordinary temperament. Men wanted to pursue her every day, but none of them succeeded.

Because they received so many flowers, their museum even started a recycling business with a flower shop.

"Not only are they dressed simply, they don't even have any flowers. This is probably the most insincere one."

The front desk lady looked at Andrew and complained secretly, then she said in a very formulaic manner: "Sir, I'm sorry, Miss Prince is not available now.

If you have anything, you can leave your phone number or write a message.

When she is free, I will give her my phone number and message note. "

Andrew smiled and said, "If I say that I am her boyfriend, will you laugh on the spot?"

"Yes, sir, paranoia is a disease and must be treated as soon as possible."

The lady at the front desk laughed, but Andrew didn't take it seriously. This little girl was quite interesting.

At this time, accompanied by the stamping of high heels, the elegant and noble Diana, wearing a long skirt, walked out. When she saw Andrew, she opened her mouth wide with a look of disbelief.

The reason why Diana came out was because she heard a familiar voice and came out specifically to take a look - as a demigod, her hearing is relatively powerful.

But Diana didn't expect that the man outside was actually Andrew. Either he looked similar, or he was Andrew. She was sure of it.

Compared with her youthfulness a few decades ago, Diana is now completely mature. Andrew opened his hand and said with a smile: "Diana, long time no see, why don't you give me a hug?"

Upon seeing this, the front desk lady was about to call security. At this moment, the elegant and luxurious Miss Prince walked quickly towards Andrew and asked angrily: "Why didn't you come to me earlier?"

After questioning, Diana hugged Andrew excitedly. She was so strong that she almost shed tears at this moment.

Andrew hugged Diana with his backhand, patted her twice, and solemnly promised, "Don't worry, I'm back and I will never leave you again."

Diana hugged him tighter after hearing this, as if she was worried that Andrew would disappear in the next second. Fortunately, Andrew was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would probably have to call the emergency call.

The lady at the front desk was a little dumbfounded. This guy was actually Miss Diana's boyfriend? No, Miss Diana actually has a boyfriend?

Why does the front desk lady dislike Andrew? In her heart, Diana is perfect, and Andrew is not worthy of her at all - this guy doesn't even have flowers, okay?

Andrew said: "Okay, don't let others watch. I know you have a lot of questions. Go back to your home first and we will talk slowly."


Diana nodded, let go of Andrew, held the other person's hand, and couldn't wait to leave the museum. She had too many questions to ask and too many thoughts to vent.

In Diana's private mansion.

Andrew was lying on the sofa with Diana in his arms, covered with a thin blanket. Diana asked, "Why are you resurrected?"

Andrew smiled: "You should have asked this question more than an hour ago."

Diana hammered Andrew, but the guy was still as bad as before.

"I am not resurrected, but time traveled."

Andrew said seriously: "Back then, when the plane exploded, a wormhole opened next to me. I fell into the wormhole and traveled to 2013."

"Do I look that stupid?"

Diana looked at Andrew speechlessly, and Andrew sighed: "Diana, you have changed. You believed everything I said before."

"You still have the nerve to say that you used to lie to me every day and even trick me into eating chili peppers."

Diana hit Andrew again angrily and said, "Tell the truth quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Andrew smiled and said, "The truth is even more outrageous than the reason just mentioned. Are you sure you want to listen?"

Diana nodded firmly: "Of course."

"I am the creator god of this universe. Decades ago..., Hey, don't summon your divine sword. What I said is true."

Andrew said, but Diana didn't believe it at all. She threw away the summoned Vulcan Sword, lay back on Andrew, and said: "Forget it, you don't want to say that I won't force you, but you are not allowed to leave me again.

I can’t go back to Paradise Island without you, it’s so lonely. "

"I will never leave you again."

Andrew kissed Diana on the forehead and said: "I will always be with you, no one can let us separate, I promise you."

"I will never let you leave me again."

Diana hugged Andrew and said extremely firmly. Then, the two looked at each other and hid under the quilt.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed. This morning, Andrew was listening to Alice's holographic projection reporting the situation:

"Krypton is a destroyed planet. They were very powerful at first and had territories all over the universe. But later, due to the way they reproduce, their classes solidified and went into decline..."

"Very well, Alice. I can compile the Kryptonian information into a manuscript. It will be useful to me."

Andrew said that Alice is an intelligent program he coded these days. It is more powerful than Jarvis, but it is not an intelligent life.

Yesterday, Andrew asked Alice to find the spaceship hidden by Superman, copy a large amount of Kryptonian data from it - the memory of Superman's father, and leave a large amount of data in the spacecraft's database as an archive.

Some people may wonder, why does Andrew go to so much trouble? Didn’t he already know the information about Krypton?

The reason for "unnecessary action" is to make everything reasonable so that the consciousness of the universe will not doubt that he knows the future. In addition, he wants the technology of Krypton.

As for previous contact with Louise Lane, it would not cause any problems. As a creator god, it is normal to see that Louise is a key figure.

"Yes, BOSS."

Alice nodded, the holographic projection retracted her phone, and quickly processed the information on Krypton.

"Are there really aliens on earth?"

Diana, wearing a shirt, walked over with long legs and asked in surprise. In the past few days, she had not let Andrew leave the house. She was very cruel.

Andrew said: "There are even gods, why can't there be aliens?"

"Andrew, what are you doing collecting alien intelligence?"

Diana asked in confusion: "Also, how come you, a person from decades ago, can code artificial intelligence? And you still have such a high-tech mobile phone?"

"Because I am the God of Creation."

Andrew reached out and hugged Diana and said, "I will protect the earth for seven years. If nothing else happens, the first disaster is about to come."

"Yes, you are the God of Creation, and your enemy is the consciousness of the universe. You are betting on whether mankind will perish before 2020."

Diana said angrily: "Andrew, do you know? If you write a novel, you will definitely go bankrupt."

"It's okay. I'm bankrupt. You raised me, so I can try out what it's like to eat soft food but forcefully eat it."

Andrew smiled, then, with a straight face, he asked, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Diana giggled. These days, she laughed more often than in the past year. She looked at Andrew and said with watery eyes: "Andrew, we..."

Andrew was speechless, thanks to me being the God of Creation, otherwise his waist would have been ruined.

At this moment, the TV in front of the two people suddenly turned into snowflakes, and then a line of text appeared in the snowflakes: "You are not the only one."


Alice reminded: "The Kryptonians are invading the Earth's television network and broadcasting information to the entire earth. In addition, the space agency has photographed the Kryptonian spacecraft.

There seems to be a Kryptonian world engine on it, which can be used to transform the world. "

Diana was stunned: "The Kryptonians are really coming?"

"The curtain has risen."

Andrew looked at the TV, and soon, the voice of General Zod was heard. He asked the people on earth to hand over their tribe member Kal-El within twenty-four hours, otherwise, they would declare war on the earth.

Kal-El is Superman Clark Kent. His biological parents sent him to Earth in a spaceship before the destruction of Krypton, and he was adopted by a farmer couple.

This couple is a good person, and they teach Clark to be a real hero. He is the alien that Louise mentioned before.

Diana thought for a while, straightened up, and said to Andrew: "Andrew, can you ask Alice to tell you the information about Krypton again, especially the world engine?"

Diana is indeed a little disappointed with humans, but she cannot ignore humans, and Amazons also live on earth.

Andrew smiled, this was the real Diana. He tied a bracelet on Diana's wrist and said: "You can call Alice through this bracelet. I have set the permissions for you, the same as mine." Permissions.”

"It's so kind of you."

Diana kissed Andrew and summoned Alice to ask for information carefully.

At this time, Andrew's cell phone rang, but it was Tony calling. He asked excitedly: "The aliens are coming to invade. Where should we fight?"

Tony is very excited, he wants to perform well in this world - this world, Andrew will not take action, no one can stop him from becoming the most dazzling superhero.

"Don't worry, you go find Louise Lane now, protect her, don't let the FBI take her away."

Andrew said: “Then, you ask her, is she willing to risk telling the whole truth?

If you are willing, you can give Louise the manuscript I sent you and ask her to go on TV and tell the details about the Kryptonians.

If she doesn't want to, go ahead in person. The Kryptonians will attack you when they hear the news. You and the military should be prepared to have a small-scale battle with the Kryptonians to confirm their strength.

I will find that Kal-El as quickly as possible and go over to help you. "

Tony said: "Good idea, leave it to me, let me see how strong the Kryptonians are?"

"By the way, don't broadcast live on Daily Planet. Although I bought insurance, I don't want to change my office location just a few days after taking office."

Andrew said: "In addition, choose a place where no one will fight."

"Do you even need to say that? Don't forget, I am also a superhero."

Tony hung up the phone angrily, and Diana turned her head and asked in surprise: "Andrew, who are you talking to on the phone, and you actually arranged a fight?"

"Tony Stark, a guy who wants to be in the limelight."

Andrew smiled, and Diana thought for a moment and asked: "That famous gay arms dealer? You actually know him?"

"Tony is going to be furious when he hears that."

Andrew smiled and said: "Diana, I'm going to find Kal Al, do you want to come with me?

Let’s make it clear first that if you come, it means you are ready to join this alien war. "

"It goes without saying that I will definitely join the war."

Diana said worriedly: "The problem is you, Andrew, not that I underestimate you, but the alien war is too dangerous for you, a mortal.

Whatever you have to do, let me do it. You are directing it behind the scenes. I can't bear to lose you again. "

"Well, although I don't mind eating your food, it tastes good after all, but you really don't have to worry about me. I won't die even if the universe collapses."

Andrew shrugged and said, "Let's go and find Kal Al quickly. If it's too late, he might just surrender."

Andrew doesn't plan to go through the plot, because in the plot Superman will lose his power, and unless the consciousness of the universe has a cerebral thrombosis for hundreds of millions of years, it will definitely take this opportunity to kill Superman.


Diana sighed helplessly and asked, "Okay, how do we get there?"

"There is a Stark Group helicopter outside. Make do with it for now. In a few days, I will get a flying skateboard for you."

Andrew said, at this moment, he thought of something and asked: "By the way, have you ever learned to fly around clouds with a mantra lasso?"

Diana obviously didn't know how to do it, so she asked: "The mantra lasso wraps around the clouds? Isn't this unscientific?"

"You are a demigod, what kind of science are you talking about? I will teach you in a while, and then we will fly in the sky together."

Andrew said that the plot of Wonder Woman 2 is gone and it is normal for Diana not to be able to fly.

Without further ado, the two changed their clothes and immediately took off in a helicopter to a farm in Kansas.

An hour later, the FBI found Louise Lane because of the alien article and asked her to reveal the identity of the alien.

Louise flatly refused, and when the two sides were about to conflict, Tony arrived.

After some complicated discussions, the military agreed to Tony's plan and planned to test the Kryptonian's level first before deciding whether to surrender or fight. After all, the United States is not France.

At the same time, Louise also agreed to go on TV to announce the details of the Kryptonians. She flipped through the manuscript and asked curiously: "Mr. Stark, this information is too detailed. Where did you get it?"

Tony thought for a while and said seriously: "God gave it."


Everyone looked at Tony speechlessly, I believe you.

Church near Kent Farm, Kansas.

The confused Clark Kent found the priest and asked: "I am the person you are looking for on TV. I am willing to surrender to protect the earth, but I am worried that General Zod will harm the earth. Father, what do you think I should do?"

The priest looked confused, I was just sweeping the floor, why would it be involved in such a big matter of the life and death of the earth?

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