American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 523 Official arrival

Soon, the fighter plane in the sky fell into the sea and sank all the way. Seeing this, Diana quickly jumped into the sea and rescued a creature who should be a man from the fighter plane.

On the beach, Diana looked at the unconscious man curiously. He looked a bit strange, but he was very handsome.

The first time she met a man, Diana couldn't help but touch his face a few times. At this time, the man woke up and spit out several mouthfuls of seawater.

Soon, the man recovered. He noticed Diana and was immediately amazed. Even the stars on the stage could not compare to the beauty in front of him.

"Hello, thank you for saving me. My name is, uh, I think it's Andrew Wang."

The man sat up and said, and Diana smiled: "You don't even remember your name?"

"The memory is a bit messy, maybe because I just touched my head. Uh, is this paradise? I think only angels can be as beautiful as you."

The man smiled, and Diana blinked, completely unable to understand what the other person was saying. At this time, the enemy chased after her.

Next, it was the Amazons versus the invaders. Andrew looked away. He just replaced the original one with himself and had no intention of changing the plot.

After all, the bet hasn't started yet.

In the end, just like in the movie, Princess Diana defeated the God of War, but her beloved man died fighting to save the world, leaving no body behind.

This plot ended quickly, and then the time came to 1984. This year, the plot of "Wonder Woman 2" was supposed to happen, but due to an accident, the plot was aborted.

Diana clutched the wishing stone, thinking about resurrecting King Andrew, and then, the wishing stone cracked.

That's right, the wishing stone cracked. Are you kidding me? Just a wishing stone wants to summon the soul of the Creator God?

"It's indeed false. What's wrong with me that I believe such nonsense?"

Diana sighed. She just missed Andrew too much. The flashy American life did not turn her into a random American. She had her own persistence and persistence.

Although the wishing stone was cracked, it was not damaged because of Andrew's restraint. Give it a certain amount of time, it will recover and regain its ability.

The cosmic consciousness did not interfere with this matter. After all, one more trouble was a good thing for it.

It was also in this year that Andrew cast Tony's soul to the earth. With his intelligence, he would soon become a rich man in the United States.

In addition, Tony Stark will not regain his original memories before Andrew arrives.

Soon, the time came to 2013, and Andrew said to the cosmic consciousness: "Then it begins."

The consciousness of the universe nodded and said: "Let's get started."

Since then, the bet has officially begun, and Andrew has officially come to Earth.

The America of the new universe has many cities that are not found in the main universe, such as Gotham City, which is shrouded in darkness all year round, and the sunny Metropolis.

In fact, Metropolis and Gotham are only separated by a bay, but the atmosphere on both sides is completely different. One is bright, while the other is full of darkness.

In the metropolis, there is a newspaper group called "Daily Planet", which is very famous in the United States.

Louise Lane is a reporter for the Daily Planet. She once won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism. Today, she returned to the group excitedly from outside and was about to find the editor-in-chief to publish an article, but she found that her colleagues were a little nervous.

Louise asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

A colleague named Jenny whispered: "You don't know yet? Our Daily Planet was acquired by the Stark Group, and today the new BOSS is inspecting the group."

"Tony Stark? The self-made genius scientist and America's top arms dealer?"

Louise was stunned: "He actually bought our Planet Daily?"

"Yes, that's it. He is more charming in real life than on TV. Unfortunately, he is gay."

Jenny gossiped: "Well, I'm not discriminating against him, I just think it's too wasteful. If I could marry him, wouldn't it be soaring to the sky?"

"Are you a little too confident?"

Louise secretly complained. At this time, the editor-in-chief's secretary shouted: "Louise, are you back? Come in, the new boss wants to see you."

"see me?"

Louise was stunned, then took out a manuscript from her bag and followed her secretary into the editor-in-chief's office.

There are three people in the office, two standing and one sitting. The one standing on the left is a middle-aged black fat man. He is Perry White, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet.

Standing on the right is a charming man with a mustache, none other than the super-rich Tony Stark.

As for the person sitting there, he was a young Asian man. He was very handsome and had a unique temperament that made people want to take a closer look.

"Who is this man that has Tony Stark standing by?"

Louise was a little surprised. At this time, Perry introduced: "Louise, you came just in time, this is Mr. Tony Stark, our new BOSS.

This person is Mr. Andrew Wang, a shareholder of Stark Group and the new president of our Daily Planet. "

Louise was even more surprised. The shareholders were sitting and the chairman was standing?

Tony glanced at Andrew unhappily, and his meaning was very clear: "I told you that I should sit down."

"Let the Lord of Hell stand while you sit? Aren't you afraid of shortening your life?"

Andrew looked contemptuous, then he stood up, shook hands with Louise, and said: "Miss Lane, I have read many reports about you.

You are a truly good reporter and it was a pleasure working with you. "

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Wang."

Louise smiled and said, after being polite, Louise couldn't wait to take out the manuscript and said to Perry: "Perry, the military discovered an 18,000-year-old alien spacecraft in the North Pole. In addition, I also found an alien spacecraft. alien……"


Tony couldn't help but look at Andrew after hearing this. He finally knew the reason why Andrew asked him to buy the Daily Planet. This Louise was a key figure.

Andrew smiled slightly: "Superman has been born, can war be far behind?"

After reading Louise's manuscript, Perry shook his head and said, "No, there is insufficient evidence. Many of them are your imagination. This article cannot be published."

Louise was about to retort, when Andrew said: "Perry, I am new in office today, please publish Louise's article for good luck."

"Okay, but Mr. Wang, this manuscript may cause some trouble."

Perry hesitated and said, and Andrew smiled and said: "It's a small matter, by the way, Perry, send someone to the insurance company to ask if there is any insurance like alien invasion insurance?"


Perry and Louise were shocked at the same time. When you discover aliens, your first reaction is to buy insurance?

"The Stark Group also needs to buy insurance as soon as possible. Aliens especially like Manhattan."

Tony shook his head. In the main universe, his Stark Tower was destroyed several times by aliens.

"Mr. Wang, the alien I discovered is a good person and will not invade us."

Louise said hurriedly, and Andrew said: "There are good aliens, and of course there are bad aliens. Perry, send someone to buy insurance. Okay, Mr. Stark and I will go back to New York first and come back in a few days." "

"Okay, Mr. Wang, Mr. Stark."

Perry and Louise saw Andrew and Tony off, and then Perry said: "Louise, this article can be published, but it must be revised."

"You can't change it, everything I said is true."

Louise immediately retorted, and then the two naturally quarreled.

"When will the aliens invade?"

In the elevator, Tony asked impatiently, and Andrew smiled: "Is your suit ready?"

"It's almost time. As soon as I regain my memory, I'll have Jarvis build the nanosuit. It will be completed in a few days."

Tony said excitedly: "I can't wait to let the people of this universe see the style of Iron Man."

Tony had no memory of the main universe at first. It was not until Andrew appeared next to him five days ago that he remembered that he was the most charming Iron Man.

At the same time, I also think of various high technologies, which can even be said to be black technologies.

"See the style of Iron Man?"

Andrew laughed. He looked at Tony with pity and said, "Remember to stack a few more layers of armor to avoid being beaten to death."

Tony was stunned: "Is the enemy very powerful?"

"Is it great?"

Andrew's smile was even bigger. Not only was he awesome, they were a group of Kryptonian supermen.

"This guy is showing off again."

Tony rolled his eyes in displeasure, but there was nothing he could do about Andrew, after all, he was the real BOSS.

Then, the two came to the helipad on the roof. Andrew stepped onto the helicopter and said, "Jarvis, send me to Washington. Tony, you must complete the suit as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Wang."

Jarvis immediately started the drone helicopter, and when the helicopter took to the sky, Tony asked: "You won't come back to Stark Tower with me?"

"Why are we going back with you? I'm going to the Washington Museum to find my girlfriend. Don't call me if you have nothing to do these days. I'm not free."

Andrew said, and Tony was shocked: "Wait, didn't you just come to earth? Where did you get your girlfriend?

Also, you made me stay single for thirty years, and then I got a girlfriend as soon as I appeared on the scene. Do you think you went too far? "

Speaking of this, Tony was full of resentment. The reason why he had never found a woman was because Andrew had manipulated his soul to let him focus on developing his career.

The dignified playboy was actually rumored to be gay. If he couldn't beat Andrew, he would definitely make him look good.

"I'm protecting you from being beaten to death by Pepper."

Andrew said righteously: "Tony, don't be a scumbag. You have to remember that you not only have a wife, but also an unborn child. Don't let me despise you."

Hearing Pepper's name, Tony's momentum immediately dropped by three points. Then he rolled his eyes and complained:

"You actually have the nerve to tell me not to be a scumbag? You have five girlfriends, okay? No, there are six now."

Andrew said confidently: "I won't give up anything, how can I be called a scumbag? I obviously have a sense of responsibility? You are the one who just dumps me after playing with me, so you are called a scumbag."

"Do you have any misunderstanding about the definition of a scumbag?"

"Really? It's simple. I'll modify the universe's memory of the scumbag."

"..., Fake, I can't talk anymore."

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