American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 365 Black Strange

Although he became the most powerful magician on earth, Strange was not happy because even the Sorcerer Supreme could not resurrect Christine unless he used the time stone to return to the past.

The problem is that this is a taboo among taboos. If he is not careful, it will cause the destruction of the world. As the supreme mage who protects the world, he cannot do this.

"There are obviously ways, but they can't save Christine."

This situation filled Strange with pain and struggle every day. One lonely night, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and used the time stone to return to the past.

This time, Strange drove carefully, but the car still overturned and Christine died just like last time.

Strange was unwilling to give in and continued to travel. This time, he changed the road, but the result was still a car accident.

The next time, Strange simply did not go to the banquet. Unexpectedly, a car crashed into the cafe and took away Christine's life.

The next time, Christine is poisoned, the next time, the building where Christine is located collapses, the next time, Christine is robbed and shot...

No matter how many times Strange travels through time, he cannot change the fate of Christine's death, as if it is destined.

"Why is this happening?"

Hundreds of times later, Strange knelt at the scene of the car accident, crying in despair.

"This is an absolute point in time."

At this point in time, Ancient One appeared in front of the desperate Strange and said: "If Christine dies, you won't learn magic. If you don't learn magic, you won't be able to come back to save her. This is a time paradox." .

Strange, stop, you can't save Christine. If you continue like this, you will not only destroy yourself, but also the universe. "

"No, there must be a way to save Christine. I must save her,"

Strange has fallen into complete madness at this moment. He escaped from the ancient one and entered a strange dimension full of knowledge.

There, Strange learned a devouring magic. He summoned various monsters to forcibly devour them and enhance his strength.

As long as you have enough strength, you can break the absolute point in time and save Christine.

After the blackened Doctor Strange swallowed a huge tentacle into his mouth, Strange suddenly woke up.

"The dream just now... The Machine Demon King said that dreams are the experiences of peers in other universes. In other words, in a certain universe, I embarked on the path of magic because of Christine's death."

Strange looked at his hands and smiled: "For the first time, I feel that it is a good thing that you are injured. At least, Christine is not dead."

Immediately, Strange thought of himself in a different universe and couldn't help but shake his head. The other person obviously loved Christine more than himself, and he would even violate taboos for her.

"He is too paranoid. In Eastern terms, he has become possessed. If it were me...if it were me, he might be the same."

Strange sighed, thought for a while, got up and went to the library to read and learn magic, so as to temporarily forget about Christine.

This is Strange's trick - learning makes me happy.

It is worth mentioning that due to the deliberate control of the mastermind behind the scenes, Strange did not see the scene of Casillas and Dormammu attacking Kama Taj.

In other words, Strange has no idea what will happen next.

At the same time, in a certain universe, the blackened Doctor Strange was looking into the void with an unhappy face - he sensed that someone was peeping at him, peeping at him through his dreams.

With Hei Qiqi's current strength, it is not surprising at all to sense someone peeping in the dream. In fact, he had sensed someone peeping at him from outside the universe before.

"Everyone, what do you think I am? An orangutan in the zoo?"

Heiqi couldn't help cursing. Compared to Strange in the main universe, he has experienced more vicissitudes. At the same time, he has obvious dark circles - not Casillas's kind of dark eyes, but similar to those caused by kidney deficiency. .

In addition, Black Strange's cloak is black on the outside and purple on the inside. He snatched it from a monster, which is different from Strange in the movie universe.

Hei Qiyi shook his head and continued to summon monsters through the magic circle in front of him. After a moment, a huge fire dragon was summoned by him.

Before the fire dragon could do anything, golden light pillars appeared from Black Qi Qi's eyes and mouth. Immediately afterwards, the light pillar enveloped the fire dragon. The fire dragon quickly shrank and was swallowed by Hei Qi Qi.

Heiqi's head turned into a dragon's head, but quickly returned to normal as the magic light flashed.

Of course, only the surface returned to normal. The dark and strange shadows were composed of countless monsters and looked extremely weird.

This Doctor Strange has completely gone dark.

At this moment, Heiqi looked sharply to the right and shouted: "Who?"

"it's me."

A crimson figure appeared out of thin air, but it was the Scarlet Witch wearing a crown and a red dress. She said: "Doctor Strange, you can't save Christine if you do this."

"Many people have said this to me. Do you think I will be swayed?"

Heiqi snorted coldly and said, "Witch, who are you? Also, you were the one who spied on me before, right?"

"I am not from your universe. I am talking to you through dreamwalking."

Scarlet Witch said: "Doctor Strange, if you continue, there will only be two results. One is to be stopped by another you, and the other is to destroy the universe. Your method cannot save Christine.

The reason why you became a mage is because of her death. If this fate does not change, you will never be able to save her. "

Heiqi was stunned: "Another me?"

"Yes, you are not complete."

The Scarlet Witch smiled and said: "When the Ancient One stopped you, he cut off the timeline. There are now two timelines in your universe, one is the timeline where you are, and the other is the timeline that you did not use the time stone to travel through. , there is another you.

When you launch your plan, the other you will definitely stop you. "

"He is no match for me."

Heiqi snorted coldly and said, "I will swallow him and become whole again."

"He may not be your opponent, but he has the support of Ancient One."

Scarlet Witch said: "Besides, again, even if you succeed, you can't save Christine."

Hei Qiqi was silent. After a moment, he asked: "Why are you telling me this?"

"If you want to save Christine, there is only one way to change your destiny."

Scarlet Witch said: "This is not impossible. In another universe, Christine is not dead. The reason why you embarked on the path of magic is because your hands are disabled."

While speaking, Scarlet Witch used a light screen to show some of Strange's things.

"How lucky he is."

Hei Qiqi was envious at first, then his eyes lit up: "If I change the past to this..."

"How can it be so easy to change your destiny? Your and Kristine's fate is already determined."

Scarlet Witch said: "If you want to change, you must capture you from another universe into this world and use him as a sacrifice to modify your destiny.

At that time, you will enter Karma Taj because your hands are disabled, and Christine will be safe and sound. "

"Use me from another universe to change your destiny?"

Hei Qiqi's heart skipped a beat. Compared to his original method, this method was obviously more reliable. The premise was that he could travel through the multiverse.

As for whether this would be too cruel, Hei Qiqi didn't care at all. After all, he had already turned dark.

In fact, there is more than one black Doctor Strange in the multiverse. Another black Doctor Strange, who likes to control other universes, jumped from a building and fell to his death.

The greatest danger in the multiverse comes from Doctor Strange - original words from the movie.

"What do I have to do to get that Strange?"

Black Strange asked. He couldn't travel through the multiverse. If he wanted to change his destiny, he could only make a deal with the Scarlet Witch.

"In the multiverse, there is a universe they call the main universe. The Strange you want is in that universe."

The Scarlet Witch smiled and said, "The problem is, that universe is shrouded by a mysterious force and no one else can enter."

Hei Qiqi frowned and asked, "Can't we go to other universes?"

"No, that universe is very special. Everyone's destiny is chaotic. Only Strange in that universe can help you change your destiny. Strange in other universes have a pitifully low success rate."

Scarlet Witch said: "Even if you have the time stone, you only have one chance to change your destiny. You don't want to take the risk, right?"

Hei Qiqi said: "The problem is, we can't enter that universe."

"I can't, but you can. Just now, I cast a spell to make Strange in that universe dream of you."

Scarlet Witch said: "Next, you only need to use the dream magic I taught you, and you can talk to Strange in your dreams.

You have to find a way to get Strange to summon you, so that you can come to the main universe and replace him. His strength is not worth mentioning to you.

Then, you use the altar to summon me, and I will use chaos magic to send Strange to your universe.

In this way, we can all achieve our goals. "

Black Strange's eyes lit up: "Let Strange summon me?"

"If it were any other mage, this method would definitely not work, but you and I both know that Strange is an unscrupulous mage. As long as he can reverse the situation, he will use any method."

Scarlet Witch said: "The main universe is about to be invaded by Dormammu. When the time comes, he will definitely call you for help when he is in dire straits."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I am indeed such a person."

Black Strange said: "Scarlet Witch, we have a deal. You teach me dream magic. When I come to the main universe, I will set up an altar and summon you there."

"Okay, let's sign the contract."

Scarlet Witch nodded with satisfaction, it was easy to talk to smart people.

Then, the two signed a contract, and the Scarlet Witch left the dream magic behind and left the universe.

The Scarlet Witch secretly thought: "We must enter the main universe as soon as possible. If it's too late, Wanda will be harmed by that bastard Demon King."

"This dream magic requires dream creatures as a medium. This is not a problem for me. Let me find the coordinates of the dream."

Black Strange quickly mastered the dream magic, and then he summoned a nightmare to devour it.

After doing this, Hei Qiqi began to cast dream magic. Under the light of magic, the room gradually became dreamlike.

"Next, just wait for Strange to go to sleep."

Strange put down the magic book helplessly. He had something on his mind and couldn't learn it at all. He asked the king: "Wang, have you ever been in love?"

Wang looked at a dark-skinned girl outside and smiled shyly.


Strange rolled his eyes. This damn fat guy actually has a girlfriend. He is the only one who is single.

Strange became increasingly unhappy and went out to compete with the mages. His 'popularity' was extremely high. As soon as he arrived at the training ground, a large group of mages immediately expressed their intention to compete with him.

The reason is simple, everyone wants to beat him up legitimately.

On this day, Strange was either beating people or being beaten. At night, when he lay down exhausted, he fell asleep immediately.

In a daze, Strange came to a strange castle, where a familiar figure was sitting on a chair.

"I thought someone was spying on me, but it turned out to be me from another universe."

Hearing these words, Strange suddenly woke up. He was confused at first, but then he realized what he was doing. He looked at Hei Qiqi above in astonishment and asked, "You can actually enter my dream?"

"I thought someone was trying to do me harm, but I didn't expect it was just a dream connection between multiverses."

Hei Qiqi shook his head and said: "I will send you back. In addition, I will cut off your contact with me to avoid such misunderstandings in the future."


Strange heard this and said hurriedly: "Other me, I know you are in pain, but you can't continue like this."

Heiqi looked at Strange and said slightly crazily: "Others don't understand, don't you understand? I can't live without Christine."

"I really didn't understand it before."

Strange smiled bitterly and said: "After Christine rejected me, I truly understood how much I love her."

Heiqi Qi pretended to be shocked: "Reject? The Christine of your universe is not dead?"


Strange told his story, and Hei Strange sighed: "I really envy you. Although Christine rejected you, as long as she is not married, you still have a chance."

"Unless I change my personality, I probably won't have a chance. The problem is, I don't feel like I have anything to change."

Strange shook his head, and then the two Stranges told each other their pain. This kind of thing can only be told to this kind of 'most familiar stranger'.

At the end of the conversation, Hei Qiqi said: "I will not give up saving Christine, but I will be as careful as possible to avoid any problems in the universe."

"That's best. I will try to pursue Christine again. The biggest problem now is that I don't have time. Kama Taj is facing a powerful enemy."

Strange sighed: "I can't even leave Kama Taj now."

"This is only temporary. By the way, you can summon my power if necessary."

Hei Qiqi said proudly: "I'm not bragging. With my current strength, most demon gods are no match for me."

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