American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 364 Dreamland

"very good."

Andrew was very satisfied with Coulson's statement. He said: "In the next universe, I will send Hydra. Coulson, don't be compared with them."

"Don't worry, Boss, our SHIELD will never lose to Hydra."

Although he knew that Andrew was provocative, Coulson still shouted loudly that no one could lose to those bastards of Hydra.

This is a matter of principle.

Coulson decided to work with the SHIELD agents to blast 007 and strive for the best results.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, don't worry, I won't treat you badly. When the time comes, I will resurrect you all."

"All resurrected?"

Colson's eyes widened and he followed the BOSS. He really had a bright future.

After discussing the plan with Coulson, Andrew took one step and came to the symbiote planet.

Then, while collecting the symbiote, Andrew said to Gnar: "Iron-skinned Gnar, the Gnar of my universe..."

Nall hurriedly asked: "How is it? He won't give up, right? If he really gives up, wait for me to get out and kill him immediately."

Andrew smiled and said: "No, he is not scared. Besides, he asked me to tell you that if he has a chance, he will definitely kill you."

Naer laughed loudly and said, "I'll wait for him."

At this point, the matter of the parallel universe has come to an end, and the next step is to collect souls regularly.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months have passed. During these three months, the American people have been very busy. On the one hand, the aftermath of the last disaster has not yet been resolved, and there are many things to be busy with.

For example, the people of New York have no choice but to find their homes again. New York is completely gone, and no one knows when it will be rebuilt.

In fact, it's been three months and those bastard bureaucrats haven't even finalized a reconstruction plan.

In addition, New Yorkers also have to deal with insurance, loans and other matters, which is both busy and confusing.

On the other hand, to prepare for the next wave of disasters, major cities have begun to build a large number of shelter facilities such as air raid shelters.

In fact, construction has been going on before, but the scale is far smaller than this time. The reason is very simple. This disaster has penetrated the bottom line of the people and everyone is afraid.

What, there may not be another wave of disaster?

Haha, this is even more unrealistic than the fact that the President of the United States is a good person. People are no longer so naive. The next wave of disasters will definitely happen.

Tony Stark has not been idle in the past three months. He works overtime at night to study nanotechnology and promotes his plan to arm the world during the day.

The arming the world plan, to put it simply, is to deploy robots and unmanned suits in major cities around the world. Once something goes wrong, the robots will immediately start to rescue people or prevent disasters.

Countries are very interested in this plan. After all, there are too many disasters. However, there are many problems.

For example, who controls the robot? Also, will the robot be controlled by others?

As for the public, some agree and some oppose. Both sides argue every day on the Internet and contribute a large number of posts to major forums.

In short, this plan is still in its embryonic stage. Whether it can be officially implemented in the future depends on Tony Stark's methods.

At night, in a teahouse in New Jersey, while Andrew was drinking tea, he used his consciousness to pull Wanda into a dream and taught her carefully.


Wanda made a strange gesture with her hands, and then, a ball of red light fell on the table. When the red light disappeared, there was a plate of pastries on the table.

Wanda said excitedly to Andrew: "I succeeded."

"Yes, you successfully projected things from reality into my dream, Wanda, well done."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Wanda's magic talent was really high. In just a few months, her magic skills had surpassed many mages.

Facing Andrew's compliment, Wanda was very happy. She thought of something and asked a little shyly: "I made these pastries myself. Do you want to try them?"

Perhaps worried that Andrew would misunderstand, Wanda hurriedly explained: "I just want to confirm whether the projection is successful. If it is successful, the taste should be the same as outside."

"Then let me try it."

Andrew smiled, sat down, picked up the pastry and took a bite. Then, he said to Wanda, who was full of hope: "Ninety points."


Wanda beamed with joy, and Andrew continued: "The total score is one thousand."


Wanda's face suddenly fell. How could she be so bad? Then, she secretly rolled her eyes at Andrew, and the black-robed mage teased her again.

"Take your time, I'll wait for you to improve to a thousand points."

Andrew smiled, and Wanda suddenly became happy, and she said energetically: "Don't worry, I will definitely make a thousand-point pastry."


Andrew nodded and said: "Wanda, in addition to practicing white magic, you also need to practice more dream magic.

Dreams are so special that they can even allow you to sense yourself in another universe. "

"I will work hard to practice dream magic."

Wanda nodded obediently. She was quite interested in dream magic. After all, she had been learning magic with Andrew in her dreams.


Andrew was very satisfied. Dreams are mutual. Scarlet Witch can sense everything about Wanda through dreams, and Wanda can also sense Scarlet Witch through dreams.

Andrew is not someone who just takes a beating without fighting back. Once he knows the universe where Scarlet Witch is located, it will be his turn to fight back.

In addition, the stronger Wanda is, the more she can thwart the Scarlet Witch's conspiracy. Although Andrew doesn't know what the Scarlet Witch's goal is, it is definitely related to Wanda.

In the teahouse, Andrew ended his dream. He drank the tea in the cup and was about to get up and leave. At this moment, he saw Strange walking into the teahouse with 'Midnight Nurse' Christine.

Christine asked in confusion: "Strange, when did you like drinking tea? Didn't you always drink coffee before?"

"The masters of Kama Taj all like to drink tea, so I do as the Romans do. In addition, Kama Taj has many spiritual teas that improve meditation efficiency, and I am used to drinking them."

Strange smiled and said, at this time, he was a little surprised to see Andrew. Then, he walked over with Christine and said hello: "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect to see you here."

"I like drinking tea outside, it's more lively."

Andrew smiled and said, "It's you, Master Strange. You shouldn't be in New Jersey at this time."

Christine blinked and asked Strange: "He knows you are a mage?"

Strange hesitated, not knowing how to introduce Andrew's identity.

Andrew stood up, shook hands with Christine, and said, "I am the network provider of Karma Taj, and I am responsible for the network of Karma Taj."

Kristine was very surprised: "Kama Taj has the Internet?"

“Not only is there an Internet connection, but the Internet speed is also very fast, and I never get stuck when watching TikTok.”

Strange shrugged, and Christine became more and more surprised. A group of ancient mages could actually watch Kuaishou?

Is this painting style a bit biased?

Andrew smiled and said: "Since we are destined to meet each other, let's sit down and have a cup of tea together."

"Then I won't be polite."

Strange smiled and said that it would be a good thing for Christine to get to know the Demon King - if anything happens, the Demon King might help her.

Kristine didn't refuse. The three chatted for a while, and Kristine got up and went to the bathroom.

Andrew asked Strange: "Strange, you haven't answered my previous question?"

"The reason why I left Kama Taj was to help the electric stone people return to normal. After a long period of research, I finally found a way to unlock the witchcraft on them."

Strange explained: "I will go back to Karma Taj tomorrow. The same goes for Casillas. He has not attacked us all the time, which makes us fearful every day."

"Don't be careless, this time it's Kama Taj's disaster."

Andrew thought for a while and said: "Strange, I know how you feel about Christine, but I advise you not to have too high expectations about this matter."

Strange was stunned: "Don't have high expectations? Demon King, you mean..."

"I don't mean anything."

Andrew stood up, patted Strange on the shoulder, and said, "Strange, just ask her directly if she wants to be your girlfriend?"

After saying that, Andrew turned and left the teahouse. In all the world, no Strange could be with Christine. Andrew said these two words because he didn't want Strange to sink too deep.

Strange can not only protect the universe, but also destroy it - in the movie, several universes were destroyed because of him.

Andrew's words made Strange frown. The Machine Demon would not be so bored playing tricks on him. In other words, it was unlikely that he and Christine would get together.

At this time, Christine came back, and she asked in surprise: "Is Mr. Wang gone? Stephen, your friend is really knowledgeable. There is nothing he doesn't know."

"Maybe he used artificial intelligence to cheat."

Strange smiled, then he hesitated and asked, "Christine, you should know what I mean."

Christine turned her head and looked at Strange after hearing this, and then she said seriously: "Stephen, I never planned to be with you, because you always want to control everything, and we are not suitable."

Strange suddenly felt extremely bitter. The Demon King was right. There was no possibility for him and Christine. He smiled bitterly and said, "Have you endured this for a long time?"

Kristine said: "It's okay. I've wanted to say this since the third day I met you."


Strange was speechless, am I such a bad character?

Although he was disappointed and bitter, Strange was not the kind of person who stalked her. After sending Christine home, he returned to Karma Taj early.

"I don't know whether to thank the Machine Demon King or to curse the Machine Demon King."

Strange sighed, closed his eyes, and began to sleep.

That night, Strange had a dream.

In the dream, he drove Christine to the banquet. As a result, the car overturned on the road. His hands were fine, but Christine died unfortunately.

In order to save Christine, Strange embarked on the path of finding a miracle. Eventually, he became a powerful magician, repelled the enemy's attack, and became the Supreme Mage.

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