American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 366 Narr Arrives

"Thank you for your kindness, but you probably won't need it."

Strange smiled and said, with Ancient One and the Mechanical Demon King teaming up, why would a newbie like him need to work hard?

"Anyway, I'll give you a method. You should have an extra trump card. I don't want Christine from another universe to be a widow."

Black Strange branded a rune on Strange's body, and then waved Strange away.

In the castle, Black Strange slowly opened his eyes, looking very satisfied. The seed had been planted, and now he just waited for Strange to be in danger.

With Strange's character, he would use any method in a life or death situation.

"Continue to devour other monsters. Although there are new methods, the original method cannot be abandoned. No one knows whether the new method will succeed."

Hei Qiqi thought extremely paranoidly: "No matter what, I must save Christine."

In the abandoned church, Casillas is communicating with Nar: "God of Darkness, my Lord has arranged everything, you can start taking action."

"Okay, I will contain the Machine Demon King as promised. As for other things, I don't care."

Gnar nodded in agreement, and then he led tens of thousands of symbionts to the nearby meteorite belt. Then, driven by his divine power, a large number of meteorites quickly flew towards the earth.

These tens of thousands of symbiotes are symbiotes that Gnar has transformed with dark magic. They are far more powerful than before and are more than enough to deal with superheroes.

"This matter is over, there are still twenty-four more. Farke, don't let me touch that Nall, otherwise I will kill him."

Nal looked unhappy. Twenty-four things can only be completed in the Year of the Monkey?

At the same time, Casillas shut down the communication and said to all the traitors: "In three days, Nar will arrive on Earth. At that time, we will attack the three major temples, completely destroy the Earth's defense network, and welcome the arrival of our Lord."

"My Lord is supreme."

All the black-eyed traitors shouted excitedly, they couldn't wait.

Three days later, the Defense Bureau suddenly issued an alarm and summoned the superheroes and the five directors.

"According to detection, a wave of meteorites is flying towards the earth and is expected to arrive at the earth in two hours."

Carter pointed to the group of meteorites on the holographic projection and said, "There is something wrong with this wave of meteorites. The Defense Bureau suspects that it may be related to aliens."

One of the trustees asked, “What’s the problem?”

Tony frowned and said, "There are so many meteorites, why are they only discovered now?"

"That's the problem, we didn't find anything until they entered the solar system."

Carter said: "It should be an alien stealth technology."

Dr. Banner asked: "Why a meteorite? Shouldn't it be an alien fleet?"

"I don't know about this issue. There may be something fishy inside this wave of meteorites."

Carter said: "In short, we cannot let them enter the earth, otherwise, disaster may come again."

"Shet, come again?"

Everyone cursed secretly, and then everyone began to discuss how to stop the meteorite.

In the end, everyone decided that Wakanda's fighter planes would carry nuclear weapons into space to destroy these meteorites.

"No problem. If you transport the nuclear bomb to New York, Wakanda's fighter planes can take off and enter space at any time."

Black Panther T'Challa agreed very happily. Wakanda is building a defensive shield in New York. To ensure safety, many fighter planes are staying there.

Su Rui had no objection. Anyway, she had developed unmanned fighter technology, and even if something went wrong, there would be no casualties.

Of course, Shuri's drone technology is not as powerful as Sovereign and can only be used near the Earth.

Carter handed a note to Scarlett and said, "Scarlett, go to this address and the American military will hand over the nuclear bomb to you."

"Understood, I'm going to New York with a nuclear bomb."

Scarlett nodded and went to the military base to transfer the nuclear bomb. The president had signed this matter, so there was no problem with the procedure.

By the way, President Ellis was already drinking in the bunker.

Defense Bureau, Tony thought of something and asked Carter: "Aunt Carter, is Black Bolt willing to help?"

"If you don't want to, they don't get involved with anything other than foreigners."

Director Carter shook her head. To be honest, she felt very sorry. If the aliens and mutants could help the earth with all their strength, the earth would never be so miserable.

It's a pity that the previous decision-makers were too stupid and drove away all the powerful help.

"It's normal. In the current situation of the earth, people can't even hide in time. How can they take the initiative to jump into the pit?"

Natasha said, and everyone sighed, the current earth is definitely a huge pit.

Steve said: "Director Carter, I recommend issuing a global alert to ask everyone to stay at home as much as possible, or enter a bomb shelter.

No one knows what will happen next. "

No one objected to Steve's proposal, not even the picky directors. With how unlucky the earth was, it was definitely right to be more prepared.

Then, the global alarm was activated, and people hurried to their homes and air-raid shelters while yelling and cursing. It has only been a few months, here again?

"We hope this is just a false alarm and we will never file a complaint against the Defense Agency."

The people secretly prayed that a false alarm would only delay the situation, but if a disaster really came, it would kill people and destroy the city.

At this moment, Bugle TV began to broadcast the incident live, and the camera was directly focused on the internal meeting of the Defense Bureau.


The guards and the people all rolled their eyes. Now, there is no need to pray anymore, because it is definitely a disaster or a catastrophe, otherwise the Clarion TV station will not broadcast it live.

Putting aside the reaction of the people, Su Rui controlled more than a dozen drones to fly into space, preparing to intercept the meteorite swarm.

Soon, a swarm of meteorites appeared on the screen, and Carter decisively ordered: "Suri, launch a nuclear bomb at the swarm of meteorites."


Su Rui bit the lollipop and clicked his fingers, and more than a dozen nuclear bombs attacked the meteorite group.

Everyone stared at the screen intently. Just when the nuclear bomb was about to hit the meteorite group, a black abyss appeared out of thin air and swallowed all the nuclear bombs.

Immediately afterwards, a dark hand stretched out from the meteorites, grabbed more than a dozen unmanned combat aircraft and squeezed them hard, and the screen turned into snowflakes.


There were curses in the command room, and Scarlett said with a headache: "They are magic aliens. No wonder they came not with a fleet, but with meteorites. If you guessed correctly, these meteorites are controlled by magic."

"Magical alien?"

Everyone was shocked and had a headache. The aliens were already troublesome enough, but there were also magical aliens, how could they not let people live?

Human Torch clapped his hands and said, "This is a good thing. Karma Taj will take care of the magic side of things."


Everyone's eyes lit up, and the stone man shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. A few days ago, Strange mentioned casually when he was helping me remove the witchcraft. There is a big problem with Kama Taj. He is on tight defense and has no time to pay attention to other things. .”

"Something big wrong with Karma Taj?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Kama Taj has been guarding the earth for hundreds of years. If they have a big problem, it will be terrible, and there will be another world-destroying disaster in minutes.

“We’ll talk about Kama Taj later.”

Carter said: "Tony, use Jarvis to calculate the landing point of the meteorite swarms, and work with other countries to intercept them as much as possible.

In addition, you should be prepared for battle. The opponent this time may be unusual. "


Everyone nodded and started to prepare. Soon, a swarm of meteorites came over the earth. Tony's satellite defense system was destroyed by Gnar as soon as it launched an attack. It basically had no effect except for adding some space junk.

As for the subsequent interception, it also had no effect. The meteorites rubbed the air, carrying flames and tails, and thundered down on major cities in America and Europe one after another.

Fortunately, the people evacuated early and were not hit by the meteorite. However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a large number of symbiotes crawled out of the meteorite and rushed towards the nearby crowd.


People nearby immediately started running away like crazy. These monsters really like to eat people's heads.

"A symbiote again?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, but Tony laughed excitedly: "I was worried for a long time, but it turned out to be just a symbiote. Huh, I wasn't prepared last time. It will be different next time.

Jarvis, activate the super sonic devices in each branch of the Defense Agency to eliminate all symbiotes.

Ha, my sonic instrument is more powerful than the Peace Knights'. "

"Yes, Mr. Stark."

Jarvis immediately complied, and then, the roofs of each branch of the Defense Bureau opened, and huge special sonic instruments flew into the sky, spraying flames.

Everyone asked in surprise: "Do all branches have sonic instruments?"

"Most branches in Europe and the United States are present. During this period, we did not do anything."

Carter smiled and said that the audience was overjoyed when they heard this. The Defense Agency is more reliable than SHIELD.

Soon, the sonic device was activated, covering the symbiotes in the city. According to previous experience, the symbiotes would roll on the ground in discomfort, then explode and die tragically on the spot.

"I said you can't use the same move on me a second time. The symbiote is out of date."

Tony said arrogantly, Hawkeye and the others looked at him with headaches, can't you just stop talking? Don’t you know what your own virtue is?

In the expectant eyes of everyone, the symbiotes... well, nothing changed. They jumped on the citizens and instantly turned into monsters.

Last time, the symbiote monsters were only two or three meters tall. This time, they were generally four or five meters tall. Their speed and strength increased significantly, and the citizens screamed one after another.

Disaster officially breaks out.

"how so?"

Everyone was stunned, and Dr. Banner shouted: "Tony, your instruments won't expire again, right?"

"It was just made last month. It's expired. No, what is the expiration date of the instrument? You're so angry."

Tony couldn't help but curse, and Steve said: "Obviously, these symbiotes have been upgraded. We will set out immediately to deal with these symbiotes, and the Defense Bureau will assist us."


Everyone nodded, and at this moment, a huge white-haired figure appeared in the sky, overlooking half the earth, and people from half the world could clearly see his figure.

What's even more astonishing is that everyone who sees this figure feels heavy in their hearts, as if boundless darkness is shrouding them.

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