American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 332 The curtain opens

"Border Queen?"

Liana was stunned. She asked suspiciously: "Mechanical Demon King, are you really not kidding me? How can I become the Queen of the Border?"

"With my help, nothing is impossible."

Andrew said: "This old guy Belasco is not too strong. With your cooperation, it will not be difficult for me to kill him.

After Belasco's death, the position of Border Lord will be vacant. You have lived in Limbo for more than ten years, and you are qualified enough to inherit the position of Lord.

The best part? The best thing is that the situation in Limbo is special and there is not much chaotic will. In other words, you can maintain yourself and not become a chaotic fool. "

"Can I really become the Queen of the Border?"

Liana was a little excited. It is worth mentioning that because the scale of Hell's Border is relatively small, the Border Lords can only have pseudo-Father level strength and cannot reach the true Heavenly Father level.

However, Belasco is a heavenly father-level existence, and his strength includes two aspects, the border lord and the black magician.

"Machine Demon King, what do I have to pay to become the Queen of the Border?"

Liana asked. She was not stupid. Although the Machine Demon King was not a bad person, he certainly would not help her become the Border Queen for no reason.

The Machine Demon is not a bad guy, and at the same time, he is not a good guy either.

"I want fifty percent of the authority in Limbo."

Andrew said: "In addition, you must be my ally and help me attack the position of the Lord of Hell."

"Fifty percent authority?"

Liana's eyes narrowed, and giving 50% of the authority to Andrew was equivalent to having an extra emperor above her head.

With the strength of the Mechanical Demon King, he could kill himself even if he didn't have 50% of the authority, let alone the authority.

Liana hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and said: "I agree, but you can't interfere in the internal affairs of Hell's Border. Of course, if something happens, I will lead the Demon Council to fight, just like the lords under the king."

"No problem, I've always been very good to my allies."

Andrew smiled, then he raised his hand, and a contract appeared in front of Liana: "Sign the contract."


She said so, but Liana was not in a hurry to sign the contract. She read it carefully three times before signing her name on the contract - the content of the contract was not complicated, 50% of the authority plus the alliance agreement .

Andrew put away the contract and said with a smile: "Although you read it very carefully, you forgot to look at the patterns around it. There are also clauses in the patterns."


Liana was dumbfounded, and she hurriedly asked: "What are the terms in the pattern?"

"You have to be my maid for thirty-one days every month... Ha, don't look like that, you're just kidding. When you sign a contract in the future, don't just read the terms, pay attention to all the details."

Andrew smiled and said: "There are many ways to sign a contract. If you have time, I will give you a special contract lesson, which you will need in the future."

Liana breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave Andrew a fierce look. This devil has such a bad character.

However, the experience he imparted was very important and useful.

Andrew clapped his hands and said: "Okay, let's get down to business. Cross-dimensional magic requires the assistance of a magic array. Do you know what kind of space magic array Belasco uses?"

"I only know part of it."

Liana said: "Although Belasco taught me black magic, it was just to make me stronger. He did not teach me the core black magic."

Andrew said; "A part of it is fine, you draw it and I'll take a look."


Liana nodded and drew an incomplete magic circle on the ground with a magic pen.

"Alice, do the math with me."

Andrew raised his hand, and the incomplete magic array flew into the air. Then, he and Alice performed high-speed calculations at the same time to repair the incomplete array.

There is a large amount of magic array information in Alice's database, and Andrew is proficient in space magic. It is not difficult for them to deduce the incomplete magic array.

Looking at the ever-changing magic circle, Liana was stunned. Isn't the Machine Demon King the new Demon King? Why is his magic attainment so high?

More than ten minutes later, the magic array was repaired. Andrew looked at the array and said: "It turns out to be a plane projection magic array, which projects the border of hell to the Kingdom of God and blocks the Kingdom of God."

This projection magic array requires someone to arrange a corresponding connection magic array on the earth. There is no doubt that Mephisto must be responsible for this. That old guy has hidden a lot of good things.

"Liana, in the past few days, you have been secretly setting up a magic circle outside the Hellbound Palace."

Andrew raised his hand, and a jar of green sand appeared in his hand.

Then, Andrew threw the sand to Liana and said, "Use Nishandi's sand to arrange it. I will pass the formation diagram to you in a moment."

Nishandi Sand, from the zombie universe Kama Taj, can isolate magic and is generally used to set up formations, create magic poisons, and magic handcuffs, etc.

Karma Taj in the zombie universe has become Andrew's property, and all the treasures in it, including the levitation cloak, library, etc., belong to him.

Yes, the library also belongs to Andrew. From now on, he will no longer have to go to Kamal Taj to read books.

In addition, the levitation cloak was willing to accept Andrew as the master, but Andrew didn't ask for it because he didn't want to wear the same cloak as Strange, and it would be easy for people to misunderstand him as a couple. Besides, what's the use of his flying ability?

"Sands of Nishandi?"

Liana obviously knew the function of Nishandi Sand and put it away excitedly.

After that, Andrew took out a bloody skull and said: "This is a treasure I made from the corpse of the Blood Demon God. You can take it with you and use it at critical times."


Liana became more and more excited. With so many preparations, Belasco was dead this time.

The nightmare that has lasted for more than ten years is finally over.

Andrew raised his head and looked into the void, smiling slightly: "Belasco, Mephisto, and the panther god Buster, let's have a good time this time."

Time soon came to the day of the King's Challenge. In the pool in the middle of the Wakanda Falls, the people of Wakanda were dressed in national costumes, singing and dancing. This was the ceremony of the King's Challenge.

The queen wearing a white high hat said hatefully to the shirtless T'Challa: "Son, you must win, and then publicly execute that bastard."

"Mom, I will win."

T'Challa solemnly promised that it is worth mentioning that Shu Rui is not here and she is preparing various things.

On the other side, M'Baku of the Jabari tribe is warming up. He completely looks down on T'Challa and Eric. The new king of Wakanda will only be him.

Eric was also preparing, with Wakabi standing next to him, and the relationship between the two became very good during this time.

Wakabi's fiancée Okoye was a little dissatisfied with this. She looked at T'Challa and secretly prayed in her heart that T'Challa could defeat Eric. Otherwise, she could only be loyal to the new king.

The Dora Guard is loyal only to the throne.

"Everything starts from today."

Eric breathed out, and then he whispered a few words to Wakabi. Wakabi was very shocked. After confirming again and again, the people leading him hurriedly turned around and left.

Marduk and Mephisto, who were hiding, thought excitedly at the same time: "Mechanical Demon King, we will return soon, and the expression on your face will be very beautiful then."

In the limbo of hell, Belasco is floating on a large magic circle, waiting to be activated.

Liana stood outside the palace, the formation under her feet was completely hidden, she secretly clenched her fists, Velasco, today is the day you die.

Not far from Wakanda Falls, there is a very secret stone mountain, where General Ross lurks with nine huge, heavily armed abominations.

"Do you think it's funny that the country with the most advanced technology in the world actually uses a primitive method like a competition to decide who will be the king?"

General Ross sneered: "They are just primitive tribes masquerading as a technological nation."

The haters also sneered. Americans have always looked down upon other countries.

"When they decide to produce a king, we will kill them and control everyone."

General Ross exhaled, then he raised his military communicator and asked, "Ulysses, how are you doing over there?"

"We have arrived underground in Wakanda. Most people went to watch the King's Challenge today. The defense is very lax."

Ulysses said that he and a group of people went underground in Wakanda with a nuclear bomb. Once the nuclear bomb explodes, Wakanda will become history.

Of course, the main function of this nuclear bomb is to intimidate and force the Wakandans to surrender. He will not detonate it unless it is a last resort.

"Very good, success or failure depends on this one."

General Ross nodded, Ulysses did not disappoint him, not only took him to sneak into Wakanda, but also successfully deployed the nuclear bomb.

"Yeah, just look at this."

Ulysses nodded fiercely like a gambler. It is worth mentioning that the reason why he was able to enter Wakanda was because of Eric's help. Everything was arranged by Eric.

In the forest outside Wakanda's defense shield, Steve said to Shu Rui's holographic projection: "Miss Shu Rui, we have made arrangements and are ready to meet Tony and the others at any time."

"Okay, if something unexpected happens, I will send Tony and Barton out."

Shuri said she didn't say much about Eric because she and T'Challa were concerned that the Defense Agency would overreact.

The outside world has always been eyeing Wakanda.

"Okay, I hope this time it's just a trip at public expense."

Steve smiled and closed the communication, and Natasha complained: "Who travels to this place? There are so many mosquitoes."

Human Torch said frivolously: "There are no mosquitoes around me. You can stay closer to me."

"Okay, how close do you want it?"

Natasha asked with a smile on her face. Human Torch shrank his neck and didn't dare to talk anymore. Natasha was not only stinging, but also poisonous. He didn't dare to do anything.

Susan asked the electro-optical man: "Ben, haven't you and the electro-optical man separated yet?"

"No, that half-baked mage treats us as experimental subjects. He experiments with new spells every day, but none of them are useful."

The stone man said irritably that he finally succeeded in proposing, but he ran into this mess.

Human Torch smiled and said: "Ben, don't be depressed, think about Tony Stark. He also proposed, and as a result, he is now in jail."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Steve sighed: "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that I am also about to get married. Both me and Carter have so many things to do that we have no time to prepare for the wedding."

"Sounds miserable."

Falcon complained, it’s a good thing he doesn’t have a girlfriend, eh, this seems more tragic?

"The actors are all in place and the curtain is about to rise."

Located on the Zombie Island in the Pacific, Andrew drank ice tea from the Frost Giant Kingdom and prepared to watch the show.

Behind Andrew, a quantum portal kept sending zombies out. As soon as the poor zombies stepped out of the defensive cover, they were immediately sucked into the artificial sun and burned to ashes, leaving no residue behind.

As for their souls, they were naturally taken away by the formation.

After Doctor Octopus entered hell, he did not stop researching the artificial sun. Although it has not been successful so far, it has made a lot of progress compared to before.

For example, the one used by Andrew has many problems, but as long as it is not used continuously for a long time, it will not explode.

Andrew slightly modified it and turned it into a great weapon for killing zombies. It is also environmentally friendly, with zero labor and no pollution.

"This is how technology changes life."

Andrew smiled and said, it is worth mentioning that this time, he did not use consciousness to scan the battle, but watched through the nano camera - consciousness may be detected by Mephisto.

The old guy Mephisto finally emerged from the turtle shell, so he couldn't be given a chance to escape.

In Wakanda, the King's Challenge officially began. As the son of the previous king, T'Challa stood in the middle of the pool to accept the challenge.

The first challenger was the tall M'Baku. He was quite strong, but T'Challa was stronger and quickly defeated him and spared his life.

M'Baku nodded to T'Challa to acknowledge him, and then he retreated to the back, waiting for the outcome of another battle.

Looking at Eric, who was walking over with scars all over his body, T'Challa sighed: "Actually, I have always wanted to have a brother, but Eric, you really did something wrong."

"You have been living in Wakanda and have no idea what kind of life we ​​live in the United States."

Eric said coldly: "Techalla, everything I did was not because of personal grudges, I had to do it because this is the responsibility that Wakanda should bear.

Wakanda has been wrong for thousands of years and cannot continue to be wrong. As those superheroes say, with great power comes great responsibility. "


In the prison, Tony, who was watching the battle through a holographic projection, couldn't help but complain, you, a villain, have the nerve to say Spider-Man's famous quotes? Do you believe Spider-Man is suing you?

"What the villains say is more noble-sounding than the last, but what they do is more disgusting than the last."

Tony snorted, hoping that T'Challa could win, otherwise, he would be in trouble this time.

T'Challa said to Eric: "Wakanda should not be closed off, but Eric, you have gone too far. You should take it step by step."

Eric held two short spears, put up a posture, and said: "Take it slowly step by step? Sorry, they and I can't wait."

"Eric, I will not let you endanger Wakanda."

T'Challa shouted loudly with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Then, the two cousins ​​stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards each other.

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